Chapter 311 The Rebellion
Jiaming County, Shu County.

This place is located at the junction of Shu County, Ba County and Hanzhong County. The Baishui originating from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau flows through the south of the county, pours into Jialing Water, flows into the river, and finally flows into the sea.

Early in the morning on the day of welcoming autumn, there was a light rain here, and the rainwater merged into puddles in the low-lying areas, and the raindrops splashed up, splashing flowers.

Beside the water flowers, Chang Ying (è), the governor of Shu County, is wearing a coir raincoat, standing facing the distant mountains shrouded in drizzle.

Beside him stood dozens of soldiers who remained motionless even though their cheeks were wet by the rain.

A few days ago, they received a message that the Yueqi Battalion, which went into the mountain to chase down the rebel Ba people, had won a complete victory, and was escorting the prisoners of war and the spoils out of the mountain.

Therefore, under the shed about seven or eight feet away from Changying, there are still small officials from the Shaofu and slave traders who have heard the news from Chengdu County.

It was precisely because Chang Ying was too lazy to deal with these guys who smelled like copper and had blood on their hands that he chose to stand in the rain wearing a coir raincoat.

When it was close to noon, the sky seemed to be dark for a while, but it returned to normal after a while, so everyone didn't care.

After all, there are many cloudy and rainy days in central Sichuan, and sunny days are rare, so there is the saying "Shu dog barks day".

Well, in fact, such things as regional blackness have existed for a long time.

For example, people in Zheng buy shoes, buy bamboo to return pearls, divination for wives to be hakamas, plucking seedlings to encourage growth, waiting for rabbits, intellectuals suspicious of neighbors, savages exposing, shaming, disemboweling pearls, carving boats for swords, self-contradictory, superfluous, Ye Gong likes dragons, learning to walk in Handan, worrying about others, facing Qin Muchu, Chu Cai, Jin Yong, etc., please invite people from all over the motherland to take their seats according to their regions...

When the light rain gradually subsided, on the foggy mountain road, a large Qin character flag could be vaguely seen, with two decorative leopard tails and ribbons hanging on both sides of the flag.

"Sheriff, they're back!"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Chang Ying took off his bamboo hat, put on his hat, and strode forward.

Under the shed, the servants of the Shaofu and those slave traders who either had an official background or were supported by the local rich family gave in to each other, and walked slowly towards Chang Ying.

It's just that, unlike those slave traders, the young official of the Shaofu seems to be a little leisurely. After all, he represents the authority of the emperor, and he can give priority to registering those strong and obedient prisoners of war and sending them to plantations and paper mills.

On the slightly muddy dirt road in the distance, Li Shang had a ring-sword slung across his waist, surrounded by smiling soldiers from the Yueqi Battalion.

It can be seen from their smiles that after this battle, not only can the money owed to the Xialing County government be written off, but also a lot of money will be left!

The soldiers of the Yueqi Battalion who were on the muddy ground were even considering buying a four-wheeled carriage to show off to their neighbors.

"Meet the Sheriff!"

Li Shang quickened his pace and clasped his fists in salute.

Chang Ying rushed forward and took a step forward, resting his hands on Li Shang's elbows: "It's really scary to be a younger generation!"

Li Shang smiled and shook his head, and said modestly: "The main thing is that the soldiers use their lives..."

He and Chang Ying stood aside, watching Qin Bing with his head upright, and Ba Ren, who was downcast with obvious bruises on his face and head, passing by.

Li Shang nodded slightly. If he fought on the plains, with long halberds and crossbows, and the two sides lined up to fight, his Yueqi battalion of more than 1 people could deal with at most [-] original troops. Ten to one!

But if it was switched to fighting in the jungle, his 1 people would be able to kill at least 2 of the Nine Plains Army!

Without him, only at home!
In the jungles of Berkshire, the Qin soldiers who settled in Guanzhong were naturally unable to defeat the Ba people who were familiar with the mountains.

But after replacing it with Yueren, who is also good at climbing forward, it showed a crushing situation.

The bronze weapons in the Ba people's hands, which have been passed down for an unknown number of years, can't penetrate the armor on the cavalry camp at all. If it weren't for capturing prisoners of war alive in exchange for rewards, the battle between the two sides would basically be a one-sided massacre.

Chang Ying stood by the roadside, chatting with Li Shang, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The length of the team in front of him exceeded his expectations.

According to what he had witnessed before, the Yueqi battalion led by Li Shang had no more than 4000 people stationed in Shu County, and when the other side pulled out the battalion, the amount of food and grass distributed was also allocated according to this amount.

And those Ba people who rebelled, together with their small family and the total number of other villages they coerced, totaled no more than 5000 people.

But now?

There were only a few thousand soldiers from the Yueqi Battalion walking in front of him, but there were at least three or four thousand Ba people held hostage by them in the queue!
Chang Ying looked at the mountain road shrouded in mist, and there was a queue that could not be seen at a glance!

Chang Ying frowned tightly, looked at Li Shang beside him and asked, "Are these all rebels?"

Li Shang didn't answer him directly, but said to the flag officer at the side: "Take our flag away, it's the glory of the Yueqi camp, it must not be sloppy!"

Hehe, you were the one who said to show off, and you were the one who said not to break it. You are right anyway... The flag officer rolled his eyes, silently put down the flagpole, and put away the military flag.

After Li Shang finished speaking, he turned around suddenly as if he had just heard Chang Ying's question, and asked with some doubts: "Ah? What? Is the sheriff talking to me?"

If you were my subordinate, you would have been pushed out to have your head beheaded by now... Chang Ying nodded and asked again: "These Ba people are all rebels?"

Li Shang pondered for a moment: "Uh... part of it..."

Chang Ying frowned: "What is a part?"

Li Shang sighed, grinned and said, "Your Majesty once said that for every successful rebellion, there must be 29 unsuccessful rebellions behind it, and [-] rebellions in the making!"

Chang Ying's face was full of doubts: "What does Your Majesty mean by saying this?"

Li Shang wiped the rain off his face and said, "I don't know why Your Majesty said that, but I understand it this way."

"For example, this time when the Ba people rebelled, I asked the culprit when I caught him. He was only arguing with the people, but he was sentenced to be cut off (feet or toes)! So with the assistance of his wife, brother and others, he rushed out. In the county seat, flee back to the stockade, and do the opposite without end!"

"And during this period, as long as the judges in the county judged the case fairly, or the county guards were brave, or the chiefs of the pavilions and pavilions along the way questioned more, there would not be such a large-scale rebellion."

"But the reason is that Daqin was too lenient towards these naturalized people."

Li Shang spread his hands and said lightly, "In order to prevent such things from happening again, the Ba tribe between the two counties no longer exists..."

Chang Ying glanced at the cheerful slave trader in the distance, with a look of surprise on his face.

 ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Book Friends 2017...9351', 'Book Friends 1509...9000', 'Xiong Da Da'!

  ps1: I was planning to take the nurse lady out to play by bullet train, but I didn’t expect it... I can only go to the local Home Inn, saving thousands of tears...

(End of this chapter)

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