Chapter 312 Inheriting Jue Xue (4k chapters, more updates will be added on weekends)

Xianyang City.

Seven miles to the northwest of Xianyang Palace, there stands a palace whose style is completely different from Xianyang Palace.

This is exactly a palace built after the Qin Dynasty destroyed the Zhao Kingdom, imitating the Zhao King's Palace.

Before Fusu succeeded to the throne, there lived many wives and concubines who were originally the king of Zhao and other dignitaries of Zhao, waiting for the first emperor to come.

Of course, they all moved to Xianyang Palace now.

In the early morning of this day, a large number of soldiers rushed in and searched the palace inside and out.

After three poles in the sun, Fusu drove along a concrete road into the Li Palace.

He also came with Zuo Zhonghou Zhang Ping, who was in charge of the construction of the palace, a large group of Confucian doctors, and Fu Sheng, who was appointed as a counselor.

Fu Sheng looked at the towering and majestic palace through the car window, and sighed in his heart: "It's so sad to take the silver baht and use it for the silt!"

He couldn't help thinking of the poor livelihood of the people he saw in the past, especially in the land of Qi, where complaints were rife and the people were very miserable, but Xianyang City was peaceful with singing and dancing, and luxuriously decorated pavilions and pavilions could be seen everywhere.

Kong Yu hurriedly poked him with his elbow, and reprimanded him in a low voice: "Fuzi must never say such a thing again in the future!"

Fu Sheng let out a long sigh and remained silent for a long time.

Kong Yu frowned and said, "Could it be that Fuzi thinks I'm doing it for personal honor?"

Fu Sheng raised his eyes, the expression on his face revealing what he was thinking.

Kong Yu shook his head, and said with anger on his face: "Fuzi underestimated me! Could it be that Fuzi has seen the past few days, but didn't see that the current majesty is completely different from the previous emperor?"

Fu Sheng said solemnly: "I just saw it, so I have to say it! The suffering of the people is unspeakable, and the danger of the Qin State is in danger. Is it possible that the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty did not see it? Since Your Majesty asked me to be this advising doctor... ..."

This bookworm... Kong Yu interrupted Fu Sheng, waved his hand and said, "But admonition is not such a method of admonition!"

"For example, the Li Palace in front of you, it has already been built, maybe a lot of people's fat and people's anointing was consumed during the construction, but if it is demolished, what is the benefit to the current situation?"

People's fat, people's cream, that's a good word...Fu Sheng said angrily:
"Okay, let's not mention these palaces for the time being! But as soon as I entered Guanzhong, I heard that His Majesty planned to build Guangtong Canal, Longshou Canal, Bashui Bridge... What's more, what kind of nest will be built in the south of the Weishui River? !"

"So many projects will inevitably call for countless corvées! Should I, an advising doctor, keep silent about things that are harmful to the country?"

Seeing Fu Sheng's flushed face, Kong Yu felt more and more funny. He looked at the convoy that was gradually stopping, turned his head and said with a smile:

"Guanzhong is different from Guandong. Your Majesty's move has a deep meaning. You will understand it after waiting a little longer. But before that, please listen more and read less!"

Fu Sheng nodded slightly and cupped his hands and said, "My master said, I started with people, listening to their words and believing in their deeds; now I am among people, listening to their words and watching their deeds."

Kong Yu said with a smile: "Of course! But please get off the carriage first."


The style of the pre-Qin palace is really anti-human... Fusu raised his head and looked at the steps as high as five or six floors. Only two words came to his mind, move!

He is going to wait until the time is right to build Luoyang City, and build the imperial palace there in the style of the Forbidden City, so that he doesn't have to climb up and down every day, which is annoying to death!
The main purpose of his coming today is to study here.

Well, it is the Great Qin Edition Encyclopedia.

The collection of books in Xianyang Palace, as well as the inscriptions of the orphans handed down from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties all over the world are all included in it.

Although it burns money, it is a feat that can effectively win the support of the scholar-official class.

Or maintain stability.

After all, the great struggle that has lasted for hundreds of years has come to an end in just a few decades, and all the scholars in the world have been laid off and unemployed, so they have to work hard to find another job.

So maintaining stability is aimed at groups rather than individuals... Fu Su looked at a group of Confucian scholars who got off the carriage and looked around.

In fact, according to his original plan, he wanted to wait until he had money to start this matter after selling the cane sugar shipped from the south.

But when he took a closer look at the accounts reported by Captain Shuiheng, he suddenly felt confident.

Although the mint in Shanglinyuan is not comparable to the nuclear-powered money printing machine of the beautiful country of later generations, but...

Well, when casting five baht coins, after deducting costs such as freight, fuel, labor, etc., for every one hundred five baht coins minted, a profit of seven five baht coins can be generated!

This is still the raw material for making coins at this stage, and it is the copper ingot obtained by melting half of two coins.

If it is replaced with copper ore, the profit per hundred coins can reach as much as 27 coins!
Of course, this is mainly due to the large scale, so the cost is diluted.

At that moment, Fusu understood the reason why Han Wu was so militaristic and the national power was thriving instead.

The Yantie official camp guarantees the purchasing power of the currency issued by the imperial court, and then continuously melts and mints new money. Just collecting seigniorage can make a lot of money!

Of course, the "domestic wastage and household registration halved" during the Hanwu period was made by himself in the later period of his administration...

After all, according to Liu Xiaozhu's thinking, his father died at the age of 48, and he became emperor at the age of 16; now the crown prince is also [-], and he himself has reached an age where there will be no tomorrow.

After working hard for half a lifetime, still can't enjoy the blessings?
Unexpectedly, there is no prince in the world for 30 years!
Fusu smiled and shook his head amidst everyone's astonishment, and stopped under the platform in front of the palace.

He pointed to the endless palaces and said: "From today onwards, this place will be renamed Wenhua Palace, so you can concentrate on studying here!"

He turned to look at the doctor of Confucianism who was surprised and delighted, pointed at Kong Yu and said, "You will be the chief editor, and send the original and revised editions to Shang Shuling every ten days. Remember, what I want is one word." to not fix!"

Kong Yu took a moment of ecstasy, bowed his hands and bowed: "I will do my best to live up to your majesty's trust!"

Fusu nodded with a smile, looked at Li Cheng beside him and said: "Chuan Zhao, from today onwards, the order of holding books will be abolished, no matter the scholars or ordinary people in the world, whoever offers books to the government will be rewarded!"

Fu Sheng opened his eyes wide and froze on the spot.

The main purpose of his coming to Xianyang City is for this order to hold the book!

But now, the emperor in front of him just said something lightly, and a mountain that was pressing on the heads of the scholars in the world fell to the ground in an instant!

Fu Sheng instantly understood what Kong Yu said in the letter, is this the authority of the emperor?

While Fu Sheng and all the doctors of Confucianism were stunned, Fusu pointed to a water pavilion beside a stream in the distance, turned his head and said to Zhang Ping:
"Tear it down and construct it according to the drawings I drew. This is Daqin's first astronomical observatory!"

Although he doesn't know astronomy, this instrument is mainly used to calibrate the time. Only with accurate time can a marine clock with precise timing be born.

The latter is the guarantee for crossing the ocean and exploring unknown places.

Well, it is mainly based on the Daqin standard time represented by the prime meridian passing through the emperor seat of Xianyang Palace, and then by measuring the location, the longitude of the location is known.

The fleet sailed eastward to pick up the brown-skinned survivors of the 'Yin Shang' who were said to have crossed the Pacific Ocean eastward.

After all, sailing eastward is different from sailing to Southeast Asia. The latter can travel all the way along the coastline, and there is no possibility of getting lost except for the possibility of typhoons.

While sailing eastward, you can ride the Kuroshio Current and touch the islands in the Pacific Ocean.

But the main premise is that you need to know your exact position and the location of the island, otherwise...

It is very likely that, just like when the book was really going to the east, a gust of wind and waves blew by, and when the fleet landed again, they found themselves in Vietnam/Thailand...

And in accordance with the principle of the king's land in the whole world, and the king's ministers on the shore of the land.

The ancestors of Qin were survivors of the Shang Dynasty, and the people of the New World were also survivors of the Shang Dynasty.

In addition, you can't write two Shang characters in one stroke.

Since the people of Qin established the Central Plains and became the masters of the world, the New World has been an inseparable part of China since the Yin and Shang Dynasties!

So the black ships are coming west, not to invade, but to bring them home!
Fusu explained a few words to Zhang Ping who was standing aside, and then promised Kong Yu [-] doctorate places for book repairs, and Fu Sheng [-] calibrated hours and new calendar bachelor places.

Immediately afterwards, he admonished and encouraged Kong Yu and others, and strode away with his sleeves swung.

I'm so busy, I'm so busy... Fusu boarded the carriage and headed west under the guard of thousands of elite cavalry.

He still has another thing to do today, which is to 'cut the ribbon' for the newly established Daqin Higher Vocational Training College...

After all, Fusu is the principal, and this is a link he must participate in.

Well, to appease the bureaucratic class and military nobles, he allocated the eastern half of the new college to the Xianyang School.

Afterwards, some 'leaders' were called into the palace, beaten and appeased, and assured them that everything was as usual for the disciples in the school.

After passing the physical fitness test such as archery and driving, as well as the assessment of the provisions of the Qin Law, one can become a "public official" of the Qin State and live a life supported by taxpayers.

A moment later, a palace was built in the period of King Huiwen.

Zongzheng's son Dagon and General Zuo Shaofu's public transportation led more than 100 school officials in black clothes, lined up neatly, and bowed to salute.

"See Your Majesty!"

Fusu stepped down from the carriage, staring at the words 'Daqin Higher Vocational Training College' inscribed in his own handwriting hanging on the wall.

I always feel that something is missing... Fusu waved his hand to signal them to flatten, muttering in his heart, what is missing?

Oh, by the way, there are no couplets on both sides!

Well, what to write?

Get promoted and get rich, don't enter the door...

It's not right, it's too unlucky, well, it's not that the school is unlucky, but the principal... Forget it, the crabs in the sky are eyeing us, just waiting to clean us up!

Fusu shook his head, walked towards the school gate with his head held high.

"In the academy, just call me the principal."

Hearing Fusu's words, Young Master Dagon rolled his eyes in his heart. Is there a principal who calls himself 'Zhen'?

But he still trotted two steps and followed behind Fusu: "Yes, principal!"

Fu Su asked without looking back, "Where are the students?"

Young Master Dagon pointed at a phalanx on the square with some embarrassment: "It's all there!"

Fusu took a closer look and found that the total number of people there did not exceed 200, which was basically the same as the number of teachers he had set...

The only thing that makes him pleasing to the eye is the political system that has been prevalent in the Qin state for many years, um, the farming and warfare system. Most of the fathers and brothers of these students have received military training, so they stand neatly under the influence of their ears and eyes.


Fusu gasped, making everyone present feel the power of Qiuhu for an instant.

"We only recruited so few people, do you think..." He forced himself to ask calmly:
"Can you tell the principal what you think?"

Hearing Fusu's question, Young Master Gun immediately began to complain.

"This is according to His Majesty's order to conduct a pre-school test for those who enter the school. There are only so many people who pass the test, and there is nothing I can do!"

Fusu was silent for a while, then let out a long sigh and remained silent for a long time.

Although there is no tuition fee for enrolled students and subsidies are provided, this is Xianyang City, the capital of Qin State.

Anyone who can pass the entrance examination must have a certain level of education.

So for these people, as long as they have a relationship at home, it is easy to find a place in the school in the counties and counties around Xianyang City, and they will have an 'iron rice bowl' directly after graduation.

Now, most of the people who appeared in front of Fusu were the "urban middle class" with little connections.

Well, mainly those rich households from the six countries who were forcibly moved into Guanzhong by the first emperor.

That's okay, anyway, this vocational training college does not train 'superior people'... Fu Su turned his head slightly, looked at Gong Shugui and said, "I'm going to expand the enrollment a second time!"

Gong Shugui clasped his fists and asked, "I wonder what your majesty and the principal are going to do to expand the enrollment?"

Fusu pondered for a while and said: "Relax the requirements for writing, recruit good families around Xianyang City to enroll, and then give the professional technical level above the third level the right to promote!"

"One quota per person, whether it's their nephew or younger brother, as long as they are underage, um, uncrowned, it's fine!"

Fusu glanced at the hundreds of teachers in front of him, and then said: "The first class will start with 50 classes, with [-] students in each class!"

Hearing Fusu's words, not only Gong Shugui was dumbfounded, but even the teacher beside him was dumbfounded.

The reason why the public transporter is so stupid is that whether it is other public losers or other talented people, when teaching apprentices, most of them are one-to-one oral teaching. There are fifty students in this class, God!
The reason why the teachers on the side were stupid was that most of them were preparing to get acquainted in front of the emperor, and then strive to enter the official career from the academy.

Now they are really asked to be teachers for others, not to say that they cannot be teachers, but this is completely different from their original intention!

Young Master Dagon stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, please think again!"

Fu Su walked out, and said in a firm tone: "Whatever I decide, you just do it!"

He paused for a moment, and then said: "If you don't have enough money, go to the Shaofu to get it! Now there is still some time before the year-end evaluation. The teacher's evaluation will be scored by both the college and the students. The top ten with the highest scores will be awarded one super title!"

"Well, if the results of the evaluation are false, all those who have handled it will go to the county to herd sheep!"

(End of this chapter)

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