Chapter 313 A traitor among us?
Jiuyuan County, at the foot of Yin Mountain.

Except for sporadic settlements, this place is completely a sea of ​​grass.

It's just that when the city of Guan was opened, the green ocean was soon covered with white clouds.

Well, it's sheep.

The beginning of autumn has passed, and the herdsmen in the northern grasslands are beginning to prepare for the winter.

Especially on the Mongolian Plateau to the north of the desert, weeds have already begun to set seeds, and the first snow will surely arrive in a month or so.

In order to prevent the Huns from going south to plunder according to the custom, the herds are scattered in the north of the Yinshan Mountains, and the herds in the south of the desert will gradually cross the Great Wall, put on autumn fat in the safer and warmer Hetao Grassland, and cross the long winter.

When the last shepherd drove the ox cart into Guancheng, the city gate was closed immediately, and the Qin soldiers who guarded the gate got on their horses and began to help the shepherd gather the sheep.

Well, in fact, they were looking for the livestock that belonged to their fortress, that is, the cattle and sheep they plundered from the Xiongnu tribe before they went out to fight in the fortress.

According to the agreement between the Jiuyuan Army and the Shaofu, the livestock will be grazed by the slaves under the jurisdiction of the Shaofu.

After all, the Nine Plains Army was either training combat skills in the barracks, or guarding the Great Wall Fortress. They didn't have so many manpower, and it was impossible to grazing their herds.

As for the remuneration, the wool belongs to the Shaofu, and the calving of the flock is divided equally between the Jiuyuan army and the slaves.

After a while, the Qin army in Guancheng picked out a dozen of the fattest and strongest sheep, marked them, waited for shearing and pasting autumn fat, and slaughtered them one after another to improve food.

Most of the soldiers here are from Guanzhong. They are away from home and went to the north to defend the frontier. They don't see a few living people in a year. It is really unreasonable not to let them eat some meat.

After the two parties confirmed, the shepherd drove the flock to the river bend, and then pressed the sheep to the ground to start shearing.

Although the wool in summer is not as good as the wool in winter, it does not have to be cut for whiteness. Anyway, autumn is when the grass bears seeds, which is rich in nutrients and the wool grows fast.

Gradually, the bare sheep that had been sheared ran away with a 'baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', turning grief and indignation into appetite and desperately gnawing grass, while its fellow sheep who were watching the fun were also pushed to the ground, with their feet in the air. 'Daba' get up.


To the north of Yinshan Mountain, thousands of cavalry are galloping along the unilaterally demarcated border.

Under the fluttering Qin character battle flag, the leader of the Qin general is none other than Meng Tian.

And by his side, followed by Ding Fu, who was successful in the last battle and replaced Wang Li as the general of the Nine Plains Army, and Guan Ying, who continued to be ordered to expand the Huqi Battalion, and who had just been sent to the Nine Plains Army Zhong Limei, the marching Sima.

The sun was high and the grassland became extremely hot.

Under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​thousands of cavalry stationed beside a gurgling stream, pitched tents, unsaddled their saddles, buried pots and cooked food, and got busy drinking and brushing horses.

After lunch, Meng Tian sat on a ponytail, closed his eyes and said nothing.

He had a hunch in his heart that it would not be long before the edict to return him to Xianyang City would arrive.

According to the news he had received before, following Feng Quji's resignation, the struggle above the court suddenly became fierce.

After all, Feng Jie is still one of the three lords, the imperial censor, an extremely personable minister, and he is the mainstay of Feng Quji's party.

Under his leadership, although Feng Dang lost a lot of benefits, some important positions are still firmly held in the palm of his hand.

Huh, it's a good thing that His Majesty sent the censors to the counties early, otherwise the struggle in the court would inevitably spread to other places...Meng Tian raised his head slightly, looked at Zhong Limei who was standing in front of him with a somewhat childish and reserved face, and said asked:
"These days of continuous marching, is the body still able to bear it?"

Zhong Limei bent down and cupped his fists and said: "The general can eat and sleep, even if he marches for a hundred days, he will be fine!"

Ding Fu on the side suddenly chuckled, and immediately returned to a serious expression under Meng Tian's suddenly sharp eyes, but the gradually flushed neck revealed his true thoughts.

Well, he won't admit that Zhong Limei's scrutiny is being led astray by him now...

Meng Tian said with a smile: "This place is not a big camp in the army, so don't be cautious and sit down."

He then added: "Except for the general Ding Fu!"

After finishing speaking, Meng Tian closed his eyes and rested his mind, thinking about the next cruise route and what to do after returning to Xianyang City.

To be honest, when he was in charge of the Jiuyuan Army, he often thought about returning to Xianyang as soon as possible, but when it came time for him to return to Xianyang City, he was reluctant...

Ding Fu saw that Meng Tian closed his eyes and said nothing, relying on his status as the opponent's confidant, he squatted down, approached Zhong Limei and asked in a low voice:
"Has Xianyang City changed a lot?"

Zhong Limei shook his head: "I only stayed in Xianyang City for less than a year, and spent most of my time in the Caishi Pavilion, so I don't know what change is."

He added: "If you're talking about food, that's a big change!"

After speaking, he licked his lips with a longing look on his face.

During the marches these days, even though he was an officer, he mainly ate bacon and rice every day. Except for the fact that there was meat, it was not even as good as the cafeteria of the Caishiguan that he had complained about for a long time!
Ding Fu's eyes lit up, and he moved closer: "Tell me, what are the delicious foods?"

Seeing that Zhong Limei was a little puzzled, Guan Ying said with a smile: "The Sima of the Marching Army doesn't know anything. General Ding was born as a cook. In the past, his favorite thing was to study all kinds of food. He was the first to make the mutton soup pancake that was passed down in Xianyang City. of!"

What a hero, don't ask about his background... Zhong Limei opened his eyes wide, then frowned and asked, "But I heard that it was created by a chef..."

Ding Fu pointed to himself and said, "It's me, it's me! At that time, I didn't want to go to Jiuyuan County to be a county magistrate, so I was punished by the general to go back to my old job!"

When Zhong Limei nodded suddenly, and talked about fried chicken, deep-fried dough sticks, noodles with fried sauce, golden silk egg rolls and other famous snacks in Nanshi Food and Beverage Street like a few treasures, Meng Tian coughed lightly twice and interrupted a piece of saliva the sound of.

He ordered someone to bring a map with a large scale, put it in front of him, and invited everyone to say: "The mission of the Jiuyuan Army this year and next year is to strictly control the Monan Grassland so that the Huns cannot go south! "

"Wait until the next year, when the cement road is paved from Xianyang City to Jiuyuan City, we will recruit civilians to enclose the entire Monan Grassland with the Great Wall along the line drawn by His Majesty!"

Ding Fu frowned slightly: "Why bother, wait until next spring, when the army marches northward, directly attacking Shanyu Wangting, it will be enough to decide the outcome in one battle! After shrinking the Great Wall, it's not what a man did!"

Meng Tian smiled, looked at Ding Fu and the others and asked, "Do you think the Great Wall is for defense?"

Ding Fu nodded, Guan Ying hesitated for a moment, and then nodded, only Zhong Limei shook his head lightly, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Meng Tian sighed silently, his confidant and beloved general was loyal to his duties, good at riding and shooting, brave in battle, but he could only be a general, not a commander;
Hu Qi Xiaowei Guan Ying is a man who is brave in battle and fearless of death, but he is tactful and has little strategy. He can be a defensive general, but not an aggressive commander;

Only this young Zhong Limei, although inexperienced in many things, is very talented, and in time he will definitely be able to stand on his own!
First there was Han Xin and Li Shang, and then there was this Zhong Limei. Where did His Majesty find so many talents... Meng Tian frowned slightly. He thought of Xiao He who always dominated his boss, Zheng Guo, and felt that this person should not be underestimated!

He looked at Zhong Limei and decided to train him more, so he asked, "Tell me your opinion."

"Me?" Zhong Limei pointed at himself, a little in disbelief.

At the same time, Ding Fu, Guan Ying and some junior military academies also looked at him, which made Zhong Limei even more nervous.

Meng Tian nodded and said with a gentle smile, "It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong, I just want to hear your thoughts."

Zhong Limei lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then raised his head and stammered slightly: "When I was in Xianyang City, I heard from my colleague Chen Ying that His Majesty once said that the Great Wall is not only the front line of defense in the north of the Great Qin Dynasty, but also a defense line against the Xiongnu, Donghu and others. The advancing bastion from which the herders launched their counterattack..."

"Uh, let's take the Monan Grassland as an example. If we repair the Great Wall along the border of the grassland, we only need a few beacons and a patrol team of [-] people to prevent the entire Monan Grassland from being attacked by the Huns!"

"There is no need to maintain cavalry of thousands of people all the time, patrolling the border..."

He looked at Ding Fu who was frowning, and then said: "Only counting the economic accounts, according to my calculations these days, if the thousands of people eat horse chews and save money, the accumulated expenses can at least be used in the spring. Time to support [-] cavalry and go deep into Mobei to fight!"

Ding Fu gave a thumbs up, and said with surprise on his face: "You actually know how to count as food for the army? It's amazing, it's amazing!"

Uh, you frowned for a long time, did you just want to say this... Guan Ying was a little speechless, and explained: "The scholars in the Caishi Hall mainly study, except Qin Law, which is the mathematics that His Majesty said..."

He sighed and said, "Fortunately, I left Xianyang City a long time ago. When I was dreaming in the middle of the night, I was lying on the table and solving linear equations in binary... hey!"

Zhong Limei glanced at him, feeling the same emotion in his heart.

"You can do everything in a hurry, except math problems!" He murmured a joke about Caishiguan.

"Life may deceive you, but you can't do math, and if you don't, you won't!" Guan Ying replied with the same joke, and the two got closer and closer, and there was no barrier between them in an instant.

Ding Fu narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that he was an outsider at the moment.

Meng Tian smiled and said nothing, he was not worried that he would be excluded, Meng Ying was destined to marry the emperor's younger sister, and he had the merit of being a dragon.

It can be said that at this moment, the Meng family is truly tied to the same chariot as the emperor!

He knew in his heart that as long as the Meng family did not do anything against the emperor's will, the Meng family would enjoy wealth and honor within three generations, just like the Wang family. As for the future...

Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren.

However, if Princess Yunyang can give birth to a daughter, maybe the Meng family may have a chance to marry the emperor... Thinking of this, Meng Tian decided to end his patrol in Mobei as soon as possible and return to Xianyang.

Heh, the emperor often summoned 15-year-old Qi Meiren, and when it was his younger sister's turn, he had to wait until eighteen to marry?
Double standard is not such a double standard method!
Thinking of this, Meng Tian stood up all of a sudden, and ordered the army to move out immediately, trying to reach the next campsite before sunset!


Xianyang City is heaven and earth, bypassing the hot water boiler room, passing through a lush bamboo, and seeing an independent staff dormitory in the backyard.

Zhang Liang hadn't gone out for two whole days. He was lying on the bed with an unshaven beard, maintaining a posture of looking up at the sky, and couldn't help sighing heavily.

Ever since the day when "The Mandate of Heaven is in Qin" and the one-year oral tax was reduced for the common people in the world to celebrate together, Zhang Liangru turned back to the dormitory without saying a word, accompanied by the shouts from the head of Xianyang City.

"Where is the problem?"

"The development of things is different from what I imagined!"

"The dog emperor's series of actions seems to have been prepared a long time ago!"

"Could it be that there is a traitor among us?"

He sat up suddenly, recalling an action a few days ago.

It is said that Lantian County Glass Workshop has developed a new method of making glass, which not only has higher transparency, but also can get a very flat glass without too many operations.

You know, even though the price of glass windows in the market in Xianyang City has dropped from [-] yuan to [-] yuan a piece, the current grain price is only [-] pieces for the high-quality corn produced in Yunzhong County, Taiyuan County. Five baht for one stone!
In other words, the price of a glass window is worth three shi of corn, and if it is replaced by wheat or rice, it is more than four shi!
Such a secret recipe, whether it is Korean or Chu Mo, must have it!
So when the night was dark and the wind was high, seventeen rangers from Chumo, who were capable of fighting tigers and leopards, quietly sneaked into the after workshop, and what greeted them was a dense, raindrop-like shot from crossbows!

No life left!

That is to say, every move of Chu Mo and others is under the monitoring of the people of Qin!
Otherwise, it is impossible to explain that there will be hundreds of Zhang Shi waiting at the place where Chu Mo climbed over the wall!
And the Chumo ranger who was in charge of responding on the outside was also captured and killed by a strong man with a Qilu accent who suddenly rushed out from Lifang!

"Hey, who is this traitor?"

Zhang Liang sighed deeply, lay back down heavily, listening to the grunting sound in his abdomen, he remained motionless.

When he didn't figure out who the traitor was, or why the people of Qin knew their plan, he kept his current state, didn't communicate with anyone, and didn't issue any orders, so he and the few A wise move by Chu Mo Ranger.

"Therefore, when heaven will send a great mission to man, he must first suffer from his will, exhaust his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, empty his body, and disturb his actions. Therefore, he has moved his heart and tolerance, and once benefited what he could not..."

Zhang Liang recited the words of Mencius, recalling his wasted half of his life, with a bit of crying in his tone.

"I'm so hard..."

"Bo Langsha assassinated Qin, but failed..."

"Lanchi Palace's assassination of Qin, still failed..."

"The Initiation Ceremony to Assassinate Qin Dynasty, still without success..."


"I'm so hungry, I really want to eat..."

 ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Ye_Sakura', 'Breaking Dawn 01', 'Climbing & Mountain', 'Electroplating, Oxidation, Lease of Circuit Board Factory'!

(End of this chapter)

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