Chapter 314 Just, Very Moist... (Add more on weekends)

Linguang Palace in Yunyang County is surrounded by green trees and a lakeside pavilion with jagged rocks.

It was late at night, and Fusu was lying on the big bed, tossing and turning, still unable to fall asleep.

It's not hot, on the contrary, there was a light rain this morning, and it didn't gradually clear up until the afternoon.

At this moment, there are few stars in the night and the breeze is blowing. Although there are occasional frogs, it is an extremely beautiful night.

Counting the days, Tian Ji is about to give birth, but the medical methods of this era are really worrying... Fu Su turned over again, thinking about what else he could do.

I can't deliver the baby, so it's okay to provide a clean delivery room... Fusu turned over again, muttering something about sterilization and dust removal.

On his side, the tossing and turning could not sleep at night, which made Qi Ruier lying beside him suffer.

Qi Ruier learned that Fusu had nothing to approve today, so she deliberately dismissed Ying Yinman, took a flower petal bath, cleaned herself from the inside out, and then wrapped herself up like an old Beijing chicken roll and delivered it to the door .

But what greeted her was Fusu's casual good night...

Good night is good night, it is also a very wonderful thing to have a good night's sleep in the cool palace that belongs exclusively to the emperor.

After all, it was at least twice cooler than the side hall where they lived!

But, tossing and turning, muttering, it's not over, I really want to hit someone... Qi Ruier roared in her heart, but she didn't dare to make any sound, she just moved silently to the side of the bed, turned her back to Fusu and huddled into a huddle group.

At this moment, Fusu turned over again, facing Qi Ruier's direction and froze.

At this moment, the moonlight poured in from the window like water, the curtains were lowered, and the moonlight shining on the bed was much softer.

In the moonlight, Qi Rui'er, who was huddled up with her back facing him, glowed with a moist halo.

The white and lustrous neck, the delicate and tender skin penetrating into the muscles and bones, is like transparent skin, carved like watery suet jade.

Just, very moisturizing... Fusu's heart beat violently, and his mind went blank.

Huddled into a ball, Qi Rui'er, who was about to save her beauty sleep by breathing evenly, suddenly became stiff, and a big warm hand suddenly placed on her slender waist.

But in the next second, she became soft, her body was as soft as if she had no bones.

The green hills are faintly covered with water, and the grasses in the south of the Yangtze River are not withered in autumn.


In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shines through the window.

Qi Rui'er still kept her sleeping position huddled up, but she didn't know if it was because the early autumn sun was too hot, and her cheeks that could be easily broken were blushed.

Although it is in a deep sleep, it looks like a crabapple in full bloom, extraordinarily delicate and beautiful.

Fusu opened his eyes following his own biological clock, sat up on the bed, stretched himself, and let out a comfortable low growl.

As if she was disturbed by him, Qi Ruier moved her neat and thin eyelashes a few times, and slowly opened her eyes. The sleepiness has not completely disappeared, and her pair of bright eyes seemed a little dazed.

But when she saw the standing figure, she had a look of disappointment and satisfaction on her face.

In the next second, she sat up extremely docilely, and knelt on the ground like a slave girl, arranging Fusu's somewhat messy underwear.

What's wrong with this, the ones on my stall are all top quality!A big sister who seems to be pure desire for both men and women, a tea-like girl who likes to play with uniforms and temptations, and a 100% shaking M...Fu Su lamented in his heart, my life is really hard!
He took two steps outside, and said in a commanding tone: "Clean up and come have breakfast with me!"

After a while, millet porridge, mutton buns, tea eggs and several cold dishes were placed on a small round table in the corner of the cool hall.

Fusu barefooted, sat at the round table and began to eat by himself.

Suddenly, Qi Rui'er put on a pink palace dress and walked slowly, her long and slender figure was like a lotus flower floating in the waves, she was extremely graceful, her gaze was gorgeous and natural, with a bit of condescending nobility.

Well, with this appearance, who would have thought that she would be a shivering M...Fu Su raised his head and glanced, motioning for her to sit beside him with his chin.

Qi Rui'er glanced at it, and found that the chair that Fusu pointed to her was covered with a thick cushion, so she smiled sweetly, charming herself.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Eat without words."

Qi Rui'er bit her lip silently, with a satisfied look on her face, she sat down immediately, looked at the tea eggs in front of her, and frowned slightly.

She stretched out her slender fingers, gently picked up one, knocked it on the table, peeled off the shell and handed it to Fusu.

Well, I always feel that something is wrong... Fusu gave her a slight sideways glance, and ate the egg white with her hand.

Then, the sound of tea eggs hitting the table sounded again.

In a short while, half of a completely stripped egg white was handed over.

"I don't like to eat egg whites either. Who did you learn from and treat me like a trash can?" Fusu finally couldn't bear it anymore, and a woman with big breasts and no brains appeared in his mind.


The East Hall of Lin Guang Palace.

This is a palace closest to the outer edge of Linguang Palace, connected by a long covered bridge with pavilions and waterside pavilions in the distance.

Just after eating time (7:00-8:59), Xia Wuqi came from a distance, accompanied by the previous generation Bian Que and Qi Heng.

Behind them, there were many men and women in white robes, as well as Han Rang and several servants.

"Well, is this the delivery room His Majesty mentioned?"

Xia Wuqie turned to look at Han Rang, who nodded to him affirmatively.

Xia Wuqie asked again: "Why did you choose here instead of the side hall where Mrs. Tian Ji lived?"

"Of course it's for disinfection!" A dignified voice came from behind him.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

"Get up."

Isn't it just kicking your granddaughter, as for?Hehe, you wait... Fusu looked at Qi Heng, who was always "disgusted of the house and the crow", and inadvertently fiddled with the bronze human head and bird body pendant on his waist with the hand hanging by his side.

Reluctantly, the old man put his hands together again, bent down and bowed down: "I've seen Bian Que."

Fu Su nodded, looked at Xia Wuqi with a narrow face, and said seriously: "I asked you to come here not just to deliver Tian Ji, but to give you a sample. From now on, the delivery room of Changyang Street Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital will be Treat accordingly."

He led a group of people in 'white coats' to the 'delivery room'.


Langya County, Langya County.

Before dawn, Hou Feng, accompanied by a group of officials from Langya County and a famous local surname Tian Haoqiang, went up to Langya Terrace and respectfully worshiped the Langya stone carvings left by the first emperor.

He came here today not only to visit Langya Terrace and worship the stone carvings, but another very important purpose is to inspect the naval warships stored here.

(End of this chapter)

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