Chapter 315
When the first emperor traveled the world for the last time, he left Wuguan and went south, arrived at Yunmengze, and then arrived at Jiuyi Mountain (now Jiuyi Mountain in Hunan Province) to worship Yu Shun;
Then take a boat down the Yangtze River, pass Danyang (northeast of Dangtu County, Anhui today) and go south to Qiantang (near Hangzhou, Zhejiang), cross the Qiantang River, and climb Kuaiji Mountain (near Shaoxing City, Zhejiang) to worship Dayu;

From Kuaiji Mountain to the north, passing through Wu County (the prefecture of Kuaiji County, today’s Suzhou, Jiangsu), well, it was here that Xiang Ji uttered the ancient saying that “one can be replaced by another”.

It's just that the first emperor didn't hear the heroic words of the young man kneeling on the left side of the road. His fleet crossed the Yangtze River from Jiangcheng (now Jurong, Jiangsu) to the north, went north to the Shandong Peninsula along the coast, and arrived in Langya, Rongcheng, and Zhifu successively. then back west;

When he arrived in Pingyuanjin (southwest of today's Shandong Plain), he suddenly fell ill and died of illness in Shadu (near Guangzong County, Hebei Province) not long after.

A small part of those big ships built with a huge amount of wealth were taken away by Xu Fu and went to the East China Sea to search for immortals, while most of them stayed in the port of Langya County.

Well, it was in this sea area that the first naval battle in Chinese history broke out.

The offensive side is the Wu State Navy led by Wu Wang Fucha, and the defender is the Qi State Navy.

The final result is the victory of Wu Guo...

After Hou Feng paid homage to the Langya stone carvings, he looked at the blue ocean from a distance, lamenting the impermanence of fate and the shortness of life.

Guan Gao greeted him from under the Langya Terrace, clasped his fists and asked, "Report to You Cheng, Captain Lou Chuan has arrived, do you want him to come?"

Hou Feng nodded slightly. At this moment, he was offering sacrifices to the Langya stone carvings on behalf of the emperor, so even though Lou Chuan Xiaowei was a high-ranking official with a rank of two thousand stones, he still had to wait aside.

In a short time, a young man who was nearly ten feet tall and looked extremely sturdy walked quickly.

"Meng Ben, General of the Louchuan, see You Cheng!"

No wonder His Majesty said that the general in Guanzhong... Hou Feng was amazed in his heart, remembering the rumor that the other party had once fought a sea monster in the sea, he immediately stepped forward, raised his head and said:

"As expected of a mighty general who fights against sea monsters, he was named Ben by the former emperor! Seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation!"

Meng Ben shook his head slightly, and said modestly: "It's not called a sea monster, it's just a giant shark that eats people..."

He asked with some doubts: "I don't know if the last general of You Cheng Chuan came, what is the so-called?"

Hou Feng said with a slight smile: "The general speaks quickly, so I'll just say it straight. I asked the general to come here because of His Majesty's order, and asked the general to take me to inspect the naval warships."

Meng Ben clasped his fists and said, "Since that's the case, I would like to ask You Cheng to go to Langya Port with the last general!"


After noon, Hou Feng got off the carriage and immediately looked around.

Not far from him, countless "building boats" wearing yellow caps lined up neatly.

Well, this is mainly because of the theory of yin and yang and five elements, and soil restrains water, so the uniform color of sailors is very different from that of infantry and cavalry.

Hou Feng looked at the distant port, only to see a large ship more than ten feet high floating on the water, like a huge water fortress, majestic and majestic.

He couldn't help murmuring softly: "Is this the imperial boat of the previous emperor? It's really extraordinary."

"Youcheng is wrong." Meng Ben shook his head with a smile, and explained softly: "This is the ship of the last general, it is used to observe the enemy's situation and command the battle."

He pointed to the other side of the other pier, a three-story boat about fifteen feet long and four feet wide, and said: "That is the royal boat dedicated to His Majesty."

Hou Feng turned his head, looked at the large ship with carved beams and painted buildings, and the ship's side was mostly decorated with gold. He kept nodding in praise, but thought in his heart, I thought the emperor had changed his temper and started to be frugal in his later years. It turned out that I was wrong!

He immediately asked with some doubts: "Why is the general's ship bigger than His Majesty's?"

After all, Shi Huangdi is a strange man who likes big things...

Meng Ben explained with a smile: "You Cheng doesn't know something. All warships are divided into big wings, middle wings, and small wings. In addition, there are building boats, protruding stomachs, and bridge boats."

"If you follow what Wu Zixu said back then, and compare the navy to the mausoleum (land) army, the big wings are like a four-horse chariot, the small wings are like a light cart with two horses, the bridge boat is like a light cavalry, and the stomach is like a chariot attacking a city. A boat is like a car."

Hou Feng nodded. He understood the purpose of various ships, but he still didn't understand why Shi Huang's imperial ship was not as big as Meng Ben's command ship.

Meng Ben went on to say: "The building ship is too high, not only the speed is too slow, but also easy to capsize if encountering strong winds and waves. But water warfare is not like land warfare. Everyone is fighting on the same plane, and the building ship is higher than all battles." The ship is convenient for commanding operations.”

"The most important thing is that they are big enough and look spectacular, so the generals of the navy are named after General Lou Chuan and Captain Lou Chuan. Well, they are similar to generals of chariots and generals of infantry."

Hou Feng suddenly nodded. In fact, he still didn't quite understand why it was said that buildings and boats were easy to capsize, but it would be too embarrassing to ask any further.

So he changed the subject and asked, "How is the navy's sail renovation going?"

Meng Ben called the engineer in the army and asked him to report to Hou Feng in detail.

The engineer thought for a moment, then said in a calm tone:
"Our navy has a total of 26 big-wing ships, each of which can accommodate 50 short soldiers, 91 oarsmen (rowers), three boatmen, and four each with long hooks, spears, and axes, a total of [-] people. A total of [-] ships have been refitted, and the rest will be completed within this month..."

Hou Feng kept nodding, expressing his satisfaction with the efficiency of Langya Navy.

It's just that he complained in his heart that the big wing is 12 feet long and 1 foot and 6 feet wide. He never expected to be able to carry less than a hundred people. In comparison, the new sailboat built by His Majesty in Changchi is about the same length as the big wing and also has a crew Hundreds of people, but in addition, it can carry thousands of stones...

It's true that people are more deadly than others, and they should be thrown away if they compare goods!
After a while, Hou Feng asked: "If we wait until all the warships are remodeled, how long will it take?"

The engineer made some calculations in his mind: "One month at most, all the renovations will be completed!"

Hou Feng wondered: "So fast? You must know that there are no jokes in the army!"

Meng Ben explained with a smile: "It's not difficult to modify the sails. It's nothing more than changing the front sails to triangular sails. As for the rear sails, not many ships have rear sails..."

"The most difficult thing is to let the sailors learn to sail against the wind. Although there are tutorials drawn by His Majesty, it is completely different from the previous sailing methods, so it will take time to adapt to the new combat skills."

He seemed to have thought of something, and said with a dumbfounded smile: "Well, although my navy has not fully mastered the triangle sail drawn by Your Majesty, the fishermen in Langya County have already mastered it, and they will apply it to the fishing boats going out to sea before the navy. Go up... in a serpentine shape, and the speed of the ship will at least double!"

 ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'The Lonely Lonely Wolf', 'Slowly and Slowly Is My Way', 'Qin Yingfengyun', 'Wu Tianhaosheng'!Today is Laba Festival, remember to drink Laba porridge at night~
(End of this chapter)

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