Chapter 316 Chen Country
Hou Feng listened to Meng Ben's words, nodded slightly, thinking about his own affairs in his heart.

At this moment, an embroidered clothes man came on horseback from outside the port.

"Report to You Cheng that General Hu Zhonglang, Guard of the East, Governor of Yuyang County, Liaodong and Liaoxi County Lieutenant Yan Zhan have arrived."

So many people... Meng Ben slandered in his heart, but his face remained the same.

It came so fast... Hou Feng walked out quickly, turned around and said: "The general will follow me to meet Yan Jun, and there is a secret order from His Majesty to discuss it!"

A moment later, in a secluded house in the port, Hou Feng, who represented the emperor, sat at the head, Yan Zhan and Meng Ben sat facing each other, and three feet away from the house, there were soldiers holding ring swords.

Meng Ben looked at Hou Feng and then at Yan Zhan, his face full of doubts.

Hou Feng also looked at the two of them and said: "According to His Majesty's secret order, let us choose the right time to sail to the east, capture Xu Fu and return to Xianyang for punishment..."

Meng Ben frowned, raised his hand and said, "What is Xu Fu guilty of? Everything he did was ordered by the late emperor."

Hou Feng said solemnly: "Xu Fu, a native of Qi, spent a huge amount of money to deceive the former emperor with evil words, but he never obtained the elixir. This is one of his crimes!"

"Twice in succession, this dormitory took me, a boy and girl from Qin, to a foreign land, the second crime!"

"With these two crimes, it is not an exaggeration for the family to punish this thief!"

"Could it be that Captain Lou Chuan wants to cover this person? You must know that the law of Qin is clear, and the punishment for covering a traitor is the same as that of surrendering to the enemy!"

Meng Ben's eyes widened instantly, his face full of shock and anger.

He couldn't believe it. At this time, this aggressive man with a jackal face was actually the same person as the gentle and polite man just now.

For a moment, Meng Ben remembered the opponent's right to cut first and play later, and a fine layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Yan Zhan looked at Meng Ben, who was profusely sweating, and sighed in his heart, but decided to give him a hand for the sake of being the same Qin family.

He smoothed things over with a smile all over his face: "Ting Wei and You Cheng are paranoid. Captain Lou Chuan will definitely not cover up traitors. Let's talk about how to go to sea to capture Xu Fu!"

Hou Feng took advantage of the situation to put away his gloomy look, and put on an honest smile on his face again: "According to what His Majesty said, we need to build a base in the East China Sea first."

"After all, Xu Fu sailed eastward, and no one knows where he went."

"Besides, there are Lu Sheng, Han Zhong, Hou Sheng, Shi Sheng and others who went to sea together, so this is not something that can be achieved by going to sea once or twice."

Meng Ben wiped the sweat from his forehead, and echoed, "What You Cheng said is true, the sea is so vast, it's really not easy to find Xu Fu and others!"

Yan Zhan also said with a smile: "I think it's better to put the base for sailing eastward in Chen Country."

Hou Feng was slightly taken aback: "Chen Kingdom? Where is that?"

Yan Zhan explained: "Just south of the country of Jizi, there are 78 kingdoms in total. There are many people but weak soldiers. They know how to farm and are good at copper smelting. The men are noisy, but the women are very docile... er, pass For a few days, I will send my second and third sons and concubines of the Chen Kingdom, enjoy them..."

Since he was appointed General Hu Zhonglang, Hudong, he consciously sent his wife and children back to his hometown in Shu County, leaving only two concubines by his side who had been with him for many years.

People who practice martial arts are physically strong, and their desires are stronger than ordinary people. Moreover, people like him who come from aristocratic backgrounds are not immune to women, so they have recruited many foreign women.

Hearing Yan Zhan's words, Meng Ben thanked Yan Zhan, but Hou Feng shook his head and rejected Yan Zhan's kindness.

Woman, does Qin Lu look good?

He looked at Yan Zhan and said: "What the county guard said, I also remembered that His Majesty once said that let me wait for the opportunity to find cold-resistant rice seeds from the country of Jizi and introduce them to Liaodong."

"This time the troops are dispatched, just to complete this task!"

Looking at Yan Zhan's map, Meng Ben nodded and said, "If you can conquer Kingdom Chen and make it our Great Qin's barrier, then you don't have to worry about supplies when sailing east!"

He raised his head and asked with some doubts: "But, how should we do it?"

Hou Feng smiled and shook his head: "I was born as a law official. Although I have served in the Longxi Army, I have no talent for commanding operations. This matter depends on the decision of the two of you. I will try my best to cooperate."

Meng Ben also shook his head and said: "Although I was born in Guanzhong, I have completely forgotten how to organize land operations after many years of naval service, so..."

Yan Zhan nodded and said, "Since that's the case, then XX will do his part!"

Hearing what Yan Zhan said, Hou Feng and Meng Ben both smiled and agreed.

Yan Zhan was adjusting the direction of the map, and beckoned the two of them to come over: "This time I send troops to surrender the Kingdom of Chen, my plan is to go north and south."

"The specific method is to mobilize soldiers from the three counties of Yuyang, Liaodong, and Liaoxi, and then dispatch tribal troops from Donghu, and then attack the Kingdom of Chen through the Kingdom of Jizi."

"This is the way to march on the North Route. As for the South Route, the Langya Navy only needs to leave the port and go east, bypass the Jiaodong Peninsula, and block the Chen Kingdom fleet so that they cannot harass the North Route Army's supply fleet."

"When the North Route Army arrives at the capital of Chen Kingdom, the Langya Navy will go up the river and transport the siege equipment!"

The siege equipment he mentioned refers to the gravity trebuchet that was used against the Qiang people that day. If the infantry were to carry such a large siege weapon across the northern part of the peninsula, they would not know how many years and months it would take!

Hou Feng nodded. Although Yan Zhan's plan seemed unremarkable, the dominant side didn't need to engage in a lot of fancy operations, just push it all the way across.

On the other hand, Meng Ben was full of doubts: "Your Majesty issued an edict before, saying that he would stop the collection of corvees and recruit soldiers. If the governor of Yan County does this, will he be impeached by the imperial censor?"

Yan Zhan smiled and shook his head: "There is no need to recruit soldiers. According to my understanding of Chen Kingdom, the three counties dispatched a total of [-] county soldiers, and then dropped [-] tribal cavalry from Donghu, plus the three counties. The division has more than enough troops, and it will not cause any burden to the local area at all."

"And before coming here, I have already met with the lord of Jizi Kingdom, and he promised our army to bear half of our army's supplies when passing through their territory."

He looked at Meng Ben's eyes that widened suddenly, and continued to smile and said, "Besides, these few months are the harvest season for the rice fields of Chen Country. The second and third sons may not know that although Chen Country is mountainous, there are good fields all over the valley." .”

"If our army attacks at this time, his Chen Kingdom's granary will be overflowing, and our army will be fed by the enemy!"

Hou Feng pointed to the map and said: "In this battle, there is no need for our army to make more killings. It should be mainly to take over the people. The ministers will be incorporated into the army to serve, and the concubines will be sent to the soldiers as wives..."

(End of this chapter)

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