Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 318 is about to give birth!

Chapter 318 is about to give birth!
August of the first year of II.

Yunyang County, Lin Guang Palace, in a cold hall with six or seven ice tripods.

Fusu sat in the middle, holding a bamboo paper full of words in one hand, and with the other hand, he used a spoon to dig a little melon-flavored smoothie into his mouth from time to time.

Sitting in front of him were Chen Ying, Kong Yu, Fu Sheng, and a dozen or so Confucian doctors whose names he couldn't name.

Kong Yu brought people from Xianyang City to Linguang Palace today, in order to send the re-transcribed books to Fusu for reading.

Well, it's okay, I didn't do too much... Fusu put down the bamboo paper in his hand and picked up another one.

Among the new books sent by Kong Yu today, less than one-third of the classics related to Confucianism are less than one-third, which is much less than Fusu expected.

He nodded secretly in his heart, Kong Yu was quite knowledgeable.

According to previous statistics, in the collection of books in the Xianyang treasury, except for the official history books of the Shandong countries that occupy half of the country, Confucianism accounts for about half of the remaining half of the books, and the rest are works such as Yin Yang School and Taoism. .

As for the classics of the Mohist school... Well, most of them are hidden in Qin Mo's house!
After all, they were deeply integrated with the state of Qin, and before the order to carry the books was officially issued, they had already gotten word that they had collected their own books.

In fact, according to Fusu's idea, even the official history books of Qi Chu and other six countries must not change a single word.

But under the persuasion of a group of nobles from the public family, he had no choice but to give up his original idea and do the history reforming party that he least wanted to do.

Of course, in fact, mainly in the history books of the Six Kingdoms, I saw many inexplicable and full of mistakes and omissions...

If you don't take advantage of the fact that many old people who have experienced this period of history are still alive, and sort it out into a relatively credible record, it will be really difficult for future generations to pursue the truth of history.

Well, especially a lot of materials, because of problems such as insects and other problems, there are missing characters, so the history writers are lazy, simply don't write or make up, and many eternal puzzles are born...

After a while, the second approval was completed, and Fu Su looked at Fu Sheng, who was sitting upright, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

He was still wearing the summer clothes made of Gebu, but he had a Confucian Doctor's Juebian on his head, and he pushed the iced drink in front of him to Kong Yu.

What about playing Yan Hui?A scoop of food and a scoop of drink?However, it cannot be ruled out that some people really don't care about eating, drinking and other enjoyment... Fu Su put down the bamboo paper and asked, "What does Fu Zi want to teach me?"

Fu Sheng opened his eyes, smiled and shook his head: "'Teaching' is not a word, but I and Tai Bu and others have completed the preliminary revision of the calendar, and please Your Majesty to order."

Fusu took it, looked it over a few times, and found that it was a yin-yang calendar that was completed according to his instructions.

Well, it is roughly equivalent to the 'Old Yellow Calendar' of later generations.

It's just that when he looked down, he found the same thing as the old almanac, a good and bad prediction written according to the Japanese book...

Oh, feudal superstition kills people!

Fusu continued to turn two pages, and found that the 24 solar terms in this period were also different from those of later generations under the calibration of Lou Jing and several other peasant scholars.

For example, in the 24 solar terms of later generations, 'Awakening of Insects' came after 'Rain,' and 'Grain Rain' came after 'Qingming'. In the Qin Dynasty, these were all reversed.

In an agricultural society, this is an extremely important reference.

The so-called "farming way" is summarized in "Lushi Chunqiu·Shenshi", and it is repeatedly emphasized that farming must be timely.

For example, "the harvest of the time is prosperous, and the harvest of the time is lost", "the one who gets the time is heavy", "the one who gets the time is more rice"...

Fusu nodded, put the new calendar aside, looked at Fu Sheng and said, "Order the craftsmen in the printing workshop to engrave blocks immediately, and strive to promote the new calendar to all counties and counties in the world before the end of the year!"

Well, the almanac is no different than others. If each family has one copy, the printing volume is close to ten million, and each copy is ten yuan, which is close to one hundred million yuan!

Monopoly industry is to make money!

Hehe, Xiaoqianqian... Fusu thought about it for a while, as for how to calculate the cost, it's not important!
He reopened the almanac and said: "Since the beginning of autumn is 'rebirth', let's just change the yuan! From now on, every January will be the beginning of the year, and January [-]st will be the first day of the new year!"

This is to commemorate the world that can never go back...

After he finished speaking, Kong Yu and Fu Sheng were stunned. After a brief pause for a second, Chen Ying began to write down the imperial edict.

Fusu looked at him and continued: "Well, the plan is still the same in October every year. If you do well in the exam, you will have a good year. If you don't do well in the exam, you will go home and farm!"

"Well, as for the New Year's holiday, from the first day to the fifteenth day of the new year, there will be fifteen days in a row!"

After he finished speaking, Chen Ying had a look of joy on his face. After all, things like holidays were originally prepared for officials.

As for Qianshou, well, please consciously serve as a good background board.

Fusu then turned his head to look at Fu Sheng and said, "The state of Qin takes a bath every four days, so let's simply make five days a week, Monday, Tuesday to Friday, and repeat the cycle."

"Well, by the way, some persuasive words should be added to the new calendar, such as 'wash your hands before and after meals', 'don't drink dirty water', 'don't let children go swimming by the river in summer and autumn' and some allusions something like that."

Fu Sheng smiled suddenly, looked up at Fu Su and asked, "Did Your Majesty seem a little hasty in doing this? After all, this calendar, oh, according to Your Majesty, is only a version 1.0 calendar, and there must still be some problems in it." Fewer bugs and bugs..."

Fu Su waved his hand and said, "It's okay, anyway, a new calendar will be promulgated next year, so it's good to continue to make amendments then!"

In fact, the successive dynasties of later generations have made a lot of money every year by publishing calendars!
For example, Dameng, any almanac that is not stamped with the seal of Qin Tianjian will be regarded as a private calendar. If the pirate is caught, he will be sentenced to severe punishment by beheading, and the whistleblower will be rewarded with 50 taels of silver!

However, when they came to the Qing Dynasty, they allowed private publication of the almanac... Maybe it was because they didn't lack this little money...

Anyway, monopolies are all about making money!

As long as the good and bad fortunes of the year are printed, a wave of leeks can be harvested every year. The feudal superstition favorite... Fu Su thought about it for a while, and suddenly heard the sound of the palace door opening.

"Your Majesty, Tingwei Youcheng and Hudong Hu Zhonglang will jointly report!"

Fusu took the bamboo tube from Han Rang and pulled out a stack of bamboo paper.

"Well, they are going to attack the residents of the peninsula!"

"The iron ore and iron ore in Liaodong County have also been found! Anshan Iron and Steel will appear more than 2000 years earlier! Well, it should be called Liaogang now..."

"Alright, the situation in Qidi has initially stabilized..."

Just as Fusu continued to browse, an inner servant stumbled in from outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, Mrs. Tian Ji... Mrs. Tian Ji is about to give birth!"

(End of this chapter)

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