Volume 319

On the east side of Lin Guang Palace, there is a covered bridge connecting pavilions, waterside pavilions and the East Hall.

Fusu strode hurriedly, followed by more than a dozen servants trotting all the way behind him.

Damn it, the pre-Qin architectural style is really anti-human... Fusu cursed in his heart as he walked into the East Hall.

He just wanted to lift the curtain and walk into the side hall, but stopped immediately. It wasn't because some shit would cause bloodshed when he entered the delivery room, but because he must have carried a lot of dust and bacteria with him along the way.

At this time, a painful but full of anger came from the side hall.

"Where is your Majesty, is he here? Let me pinch him, just one bite..."

Tian Ji was lying on the bed, sweating profusely, yelling all kinds of rebellious words.

Before giving birth, she gently stroked her belly from time to time, imagining what the child would look like when it was born, and when she thought about it, she felt an indescribable satisfaction and joy in her heart.

But at this moment, couldn't this worry-free little thing just pop out like in the story?

Ah, neuropathy... Fusu looked at Han Rang who was standing by the door with a speechless expression on his face: "Have all the doctors arrived? Have the instruments to be used been sterilized..."

Han Rang bent down and saluted and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the doctor and midwife have been waiting in Lin Guang Palace in advance. According to His Majesty's instructions, they are quarantined for seven plus fourteen days, bathed every day, and their clothes are boiled and disinfected every day... ..."

"Under the guidance of the Imperial Physician Order, they repeatedly analyzed the medical cases submitted from various places, and also made various emergency plans..."

He pointed to the fire stove in a corner outside the East Hall: "All the needed linen, hot water, etc. are also ready!"

Just as Fusu was about to ask a few more questions, Zhao Ji walked from the hall with one hand on his waist, and gently took his arm: "Your Majesty, you should sit in the hall and wait, you will make everyone very nervous!"

Fusu sighed secretly, and let her drag him towards the hall.

Huh?Why are you pinching me...Fu Su felt a pain in his arm, frowned slightly and looked down.

Zhao Ji covered her mouth with a smile, and raised her almond eyes slightly: "This is Tian Ji's order. After she lets the concubine see His Majesty, pinch His Majesty to vent her anger for her!"

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her little hand and gently stroked the place where she pinched just now. Although she didn't say a word, it was nothing more than 'unlike me, I only feel sorry for giegie'...

Chacha, is that you... Fusu sat on the stool without saying a word, but after Zhao Ji interrupted him, his uneasiness eased a little.

But the shouts from the side hall, and the hurried doctor in a white robe, still kept stirring the tight string in his heart.

So he began to recall the secret reports he had seen before, trying to distract himself.

'The jurisdiction of Jiaodong County is roughly the Jiaodong Peninsula in later generations, that is, Weihai, Yantai, and part of Qingdao and Weifang in later generations. '

'In such a large area, the population does not exceed 200 million, is that much?Not much at all!The city of beer in the world and the capital of sailing in the world in later generations are now only a fishing village in Qingdao, with a total population of nearly [-] million! '

'Although it is a hooligan thing to compare the information age with the agricultural age in BC, but...'

"We should spare no effort to move people from Qi to Liao!" '

"Without him, when nearly half of the head of Guizhou in a place is landless or mediocre with very little land, once any natural or man-made disaster occurs, this place will be the powder keg that blows up the entire empire!" '

'Anyway, the government is required to pay for the organization of wasteland reclamation, so why should they stay in their hometown instead of the more 'free' 'New World', Liaodong! '

If the government pays to help the head of Guizhou in Jiaodong County open up wasteland, I can guarantee that within three years, these well-cultivated and fertile land will be acquired by the local wealthy and powerful households by various means... Fu Su recalled Hou Feng I feel that Qidi can only be described in four words.


For more than ten years, the officials sent by the Qin court colluded with the local wealthy families, quickly degenerated and corrupted, and used their hands to exploit the common people.

But the most ironic thing is that when Daze Township uttered that earth-shattering roar, and the tyrants from all over the country mobilized the unbearable leaders of Guizhou to respond, the first thing they did was to draw a clear line with Qin officials, and then use their heads to use them!
Heh, the organ is too clever to calculate, and it calculated Qingqing's life...

So Han Feizi said that it is good to rule the country first by governing officials.

Knock down the umbrella, win over the Guisou at the bottom, and the wealthy families at the top who are willing to kneel and lick, and then force the small manor owners in the middle of society to spit out the excess population, and then pack it up and send it to Liaodong!

When the landless people have almost migrated, no matter whether they are big or small manor owners, they will no longer be able to use the head of the landless Guizhou at the cost of two meals, just like using cattle and horses!

At that time, there will be no need for appeasement and compromise as it is now.

Well, the reason why later generations in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty were able to easily resolve the Qidi Zhutian and the noble surnames of the Chu State was that they were all moved into Guanzhong with one edict, creating the first, second, and eighth minorities. His surname is due to years of wars, which not only wiped out the wealth of the society, but also wiped out the landless heads of Guizhou.

In this case, even if they were as strong as Han Xin and Yingbo, they were suppressed without even a splash.

As for entering Liao with the people of Qi and Zhao, it is even more imminent.

Not just for the so-called 'Anshan Iron and Steel' and the black land, but for the diffusion of technology.

The reason why the Qin State crushes the surrounding barbarians today lies in the application of iron tools, which has made a qualitative leap compared with bronze and stone tools; the second lies in advanced agricultural production technologies such as ox plowing.

And if you can smelt copper, you can smelt iron, but the quality of the iron is slightly worse.

This is the monster room in East Asia. The word "volume" has been imprinted into the souls of all nations since the Stone Age for thousands of years.

If the people in the country of Jizi can't master the iron smelting and cattle farming, and then control their counties and counties, even if they are as strong as the Han and Tang Dynasties, they will retreat in the endless rebellion.

As for the confinement, and then slowly merged and annexed, it is a waste of time and money.

Any mistakes or omissions before the annexation will lead to the direct independence of Jijidi!

In this era, if you want to stabilize the frontiers of the empire, there is no other way but to change!
As for the lack of population...

Well, in the farms opened up by Europeans in the New World, each immigrant family owns more than six hundred acres of land!
Of course, not only the immigrant family lived in this farm, but also many serfs of different colors.

So, in the state of Qin in 200 BC, serfdom and the feudal system with great Qin characteristics coexisted, isn't it a normal thing?

(End of this chapter)

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