Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 320 Yingxiu: I'm Out of Warehouse, I Feel Good!

Chapter 320 Yingxiu: I'm Out of Warehouse, I Feel Good!

Thinking of this, Fusu stretched out his hand subconsciously, wanting to take the pen and paper from Han Rang and write down his thoughts.

But he got nothing but a handful of air.

At this moment, the heart-piercing shouts from the side hall pulled him back to reality.

Fusu lowered his head and remained silent.

He forced himself to keep emptying his mind and escaping from reality, but he couldn't do it.

So the brain started to think wildly. After a while, Tian Ji was followed by a few fans who looked exactly like him and ran past him. After a while, a doctor in a white robe came and asked him whether to protect the older one or the younger one...

All kinds of voices reverberated in his head, the voice of his friend asking him to cheat, the voice of a girl telling him that you are a good person, the voice of countless people bowing their heads and calling your majesty... and the voice that made him fall from sleep countless times. The sound of waking up.

Da Chuxing, King Chen Sheng!
"Shut the fuck up!"

Fusu roared and slapped the table angrily.


Except for Zhao Ji who was sitting next to him, and Ying Yinman and Qi Ruier who were shivering and holding hands in the corner, all the servants and maids present all knelt down on the ground with their heads on the ground, at a loss, their hearts full of apprehension.

"How long has your majesty been insomnia?"

The previous generation Bian Que Qi Heng walked by, tilted his head, glanced at Fusu's bloodshot eyes, and shifted his gaze to Zhao Ji who was at the side.

Zhao Ji stretched out her finger and pointed at herself: "Huh? Are you asking me?"

You are the emperor's woman, no matter who you ask... Qi Heng nodded vigorously.

Zhao Ji shook her head: "Your Majesty spends most of his time in my palace during the day these days and rarely stays overnight. It turns out that he is afraid that his insomnia will disturb me! I thought..."

She looked at Fusu, smiled sweetly, then turned to look up at Qi Heng and said, "The one who attends the bed most frequently these days is Qi Mei who is huddled in the corner... Man, I always see newcomers smiling... ..."

And in the corner, Qi Ruier looked at Ying Yinman who suddenly opened her eyes wide: "Yunyang, it's not what you think, I'll let you go, let you go..."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, gradually disappearing into the palm covering her cheek.

"The pressure in the past two months has been relatively high, so my sleep is always intermittent..."

Fu Su raised his eyes to look at Qi Heng, and said something to save his image of wantonness in the other party's heart.

But prejudice, once buried, is almost impossible to dissipate.

In Qi Heng's heart, like a father, like a son, could the more than 20 surviving heirs of the First Emperor be the product of diligent state affairs?
He glanced at his granddaughter who was huddled in the corner like a willow in the wind, and decided to beat Qi Ji to vent his anger when he went back!

What broke everyone's silence was the cry of a newborn baby.

In the distance, twelve unhurried bells sounded from the bell tower erected in Lin Guang Palace.

At twelve noon, the sun is rising!

In the east hall, a middle-aged woman in a white robe ran out from the side hall and knelt down in front of Fusu.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, boy!"

Boy, how did you learn such words... Fusu complained in his heart, and immediately asked, "How is Tian Ji?"

A bit of embarrassment appeared on the middle-aged woman's face: "Ma'am, everything is fine, it's just that there are outrageous words in her mouth..."

If he has the strength to scold me, it should be fine... Fusu heaved a sigh of relief, stood up, put on a clean dress, pushed back the doctor who was trying to stop him with his eyes, and walked straight into the side hall.

Tian Ji lay on a big soft bed. At the moment, several maids who had also changed into clean clothes were cleaning up the blood on the bed, and put another set of clean bedding for her.

Tian Ji lay flat on the bed, her rosy cheeks in the past turned pale and haggard, but they had been wiped clean, so there was no sweat-stained face as Fusu imagined.

"Your Majesty..." She opened her bloodless lips and said weakly, but she couldn't hide her eyes that wanted to kill someone.

"I canonized you as a queen, can you forgive me?" Fusu squatted halfway beside her bed, and very consciously replaced 'I' with 'I'.

Tian Ji blinked: "Concubine, let me think about it..."

She said with lingering fear: "I don't want to have any more children... and I don't want to sleep with you anymore..."

Fusu nodded: "Okay, it's all up to you."

Tian Ji grinned: "Your Majesty is really a good person..."

Ha ha... Fu Su smiled and nodded, not wanting to say a word.

Tian Ji tilted her head, looked around, and suddenly said nervously, "My concubine's child! Where is my concubine's child?"

"You finally remembered that you gave birth to a child?" Zhao Ji's voice sounded behind Fusu: "The child needs to be washed and cleaned, so I took it out for the time being."

She looked at Fusu and said softly: "Han Rang and the general, the Queen's Guard, and the people from the Queen's Shaofu are all watching, nothing unexpected will happen."

Fu Su nodded slightly. Since he was ready to appoint Tian Ji as the queen, then the "General" who is in charge of the queen's etiquette, the "Queen's Guard" who is in charge of the queen's guard, the queen's young mansion who is in charge of the emperor, and the queen's young servant who is in charge of chariots Waiting for the officials to take office already.

As for staring at the child, it is to prevent being replaced.

In fact, most of the emperor's heirs will be raised in the palace until they are fourteen or five years old, and then they will leave the palace to live independently.

It is because children grow up fast, if they are placed outside the palace, they can easily be replaced by their own children. After all, this child grows up and will be crowned king.

In the age when there was no paternity test, identifying relatives based on physical characteristics... well, the beholder sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

Tian Ji didn't seem to hear their words at all, her bright eyes stared at the exit separated by the curtain.

The pain gradually subsided, and motherhood prevailed in an instant.

After a while, several court ladies who had experience in taking care of babies walked in with the baby in their arms, and carefully placed it beside Tian Ji.

"Emperor, my emperor!"

Tian Ji put her face on the child's forehead and murmured softly, but the child didn't appreciate it. He clasped his little hands, closed his eyes and cried loudly.

"Hey, I'm your mother! Why didn't you cry just now, and now I'm crying, I order you to shut up..."

Heh, it is said that she was pregnant for three years and she should be a sand sculpture... Fusu rubbed her temples with her hands, regretting her decision to become a queen for a while.

"Maybe I'm hungry..." Zhao Ji said a little uncertainly, then looked at the child and asked, "Did Your Majesty give him a name?"

Tian Ji looked at the child being picked up by the nanny, and said without turning her head: "Single name is one name, Yingxiu!"

She suddenly asked curiously: "Where's yours? Has His Majesty named it?"

Zhao Ji's face was dull: "Two words, cute, cute Ying... regardless of gender..."

Well, I still have state affairs to deal with... Fusu stood up and walked out without looking back.

 This cute Ying is the inspiration I got when I was reading the history books of the Ming Dynasty. I just forgot whether it was Wang Cute or Zhao Cute.

(End of this chapter)

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