Chapter 322
"Well, that's exactly what it should be!"

Hearing Gong Shugui's explanation, Gong Ziyan nodded in satisfaction.

Meng Tian at the side also showed a natural expression.

After all, it was the normal state of feudal dynasties to write the inequality between people into all plain texts and laws.

Any reforms that attempt to shake this norm will only create one situation.

This emperor is crazy, let's choose one of his sons to continue to be emperor!
They chatted for a while, Meng Tian suddenly asked: "Have you prepared all the gifts for Gongzixiu to celebrate the full moon?"

Gong Shugui said with a smile: "I'm going to take a set of Luban locks left by my ancestors as a congratulatory gift..."

When his voice fell, not only Meng Tian quietly rolled his eyes, but even Young Master Yan who was beside him also showed disdain.

A pile of rotten wood, you said it was left by Lu Ban, is it really left by Lu Ban?
How fucking petty!
Hehe, wait for the emperor to give you small shoes!


Jincheng County, by the blue Qinghai Lake.

Looking at the endless lake, Zhang Han was thinking about the same problem as Meng Tian.

What should I give for Gong Zixiu's full moon gift and hundred-day gift?
Since the day when Gong Zixiu was born, hundreds of Hongling messengers and countless carrier pigeons have spread the news to every corner of Qin.

After all, whether it was Xianyang City or many places in Daqin, rumors about the emperor's lack of heirs never stopped.

In this era, the greatest insult to a man is that he cannot bear a son.

Especially the one who really has the throne to inherit.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in the later generations was an example. At the beginning, he could not give birth to a son, so the princes of the world, especially those with the surname Liu, began to move around. Among them, the most joyful dance was the inventor of tofu·Black Qin Pioneer·[-] Gongshan maze scares the individual Huainan Wang Liu An.

After all, it is natural for a son to inherit Lao Tzu's throne, and everyone has nothing to say. If you don't have a son, why can't this throne belong to your brother or uncle?

Not only the royal family would think so, but the ministers would also be shaken. When Zhou Bo and Chen Ping supported Liu Heng as the acting king, one of the reasons was that 'the young emperor is not the son of Emperor Hui Liu Ying'.

The number of days has changed, and the artifacts are naturally easier.

Even Tian Fu, Han Wu's uncle, hooked up with the most popular king of Huainan back then, trying to step on two boats, and became a hero in supporting the new emperor!

Not having a son is a political shortcoming of the emperor. Anyone who has played the Crusader Kings series knows that the game ends without an heir...

It's just that Fusu's showing off after having a son is not only for the stability of the country, but also for the throbbing of flesh and blood and family affection.

After all, people often say that only when a man has his first child can he complete the transformation from a boy to a man. Not only does he see the continuation of life, but he also gives newborns different expectations.

As a result, the ministers all over the world couldn't sleep at night, tossing and turning.

The gift is worth a lot...

Well, showing off your wealth in front of the emperor will definitely not end well!

If the value of the gift given is low...

Well, are you looking down on the emperor?Qin Fa is clear, any one of them can kill the whole family!
Zhang Han came for a walk by the lake today, just to relax, let himself go, and think of a suitable gift to send.

He is different from many ministers with deep roots. He is a typical grassroots counterattack, beheading people to accumulate meritorious service, flattering his boss all the way up, and finally being valued by the emperor and becoming the uncrowned king of Jincheng County.

So he read every word in the emperor's edict over and over again no less than ten times!

At this moment, a horse riding in the distance came like flying.

Zhang Han looked intently, and saw that the person who came was Lu Ze, who had been promoted to the prime minister of Jincheng County because of his meritorious service in donating gold mines.

"Secret report from Captain Li Qian of Huyue Clan!"

Zhang Han opened the bamboo tube, browsed through it hastily, and felt that he had a full moon gift for Gong Zixiu!

Famous swords and BMWs, rare treasures are nothing!
What he will dedicate to Gong Zixiu is a population of more than 10, or even several [-], cattle and sheep as numerous as the stars in the sky, and a vast land that can't be traveled to the edge in half a month on horseback!

Seeing Zhang Han's ecstatic expression, Lu Ze looked sideways and asked curiously, "Why is the general so happy?"

Zhang Han said with a smile: "there was a leader of the Yueshi, named Marquis Xiumi. Because he failed to show love to the princess of the Yueshi, he decided to rob marriage, but he failed, so he was shot to death by the Yueshi king. It's..."

Ah... Lu Ze asked with some doubts: "The nomadic people have always acted barbarously, without respect for etiquette, even the local Qiang people are like this, so such things as snatching relatives..."

Zhang Han went on to say: "Whether they rob or not has nothing to do with us, the main thing is that after King Yueshi killed Hou Mixi, he forcibly occupied his tribe and population!"

"So the remaining four Marquis Xi felt that their lips were dead and their teeth were cold, and they put aside their previous suspicions and joined forces to fight against King Yueshi!"

There was a mysterious smile on his face: "The secret report also said that under the persuasion of some Qin Youjia, the four princes are preparing their troops and horses, and are preparing to fight to the death with King Yueshi!"

"Well, Li Qian also wrote that behind the rebellion, it seems that the Huns also fueled the flames..."

Seeing that Lu Ze was still a little puzzled, Zhang Han smiled slightly. After all, the other party is the county magistrate, and he has been busy with internal affairs, so he doesn't understand many things.

He smiled and said, "Have you heard the story of Bian Zhuang's thorn tiger?"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, and said in a low voice: "You mean to wait until King Yueshi fights with the rebels, and we will send troops again..."

He paused for a moment, and then said: "Resolve the fight between the two families! After all, they are all vassals of my Daqin, and it is always bad to have too many casualties!"

Zhang Han pointed at Lu Ze and smiled: "Not bad, talented!"

He immediately said seriously: "Go and send an order to let the [-] Rongdi cavalry who are grazing in Jincheng County gradually gather at Zhaowu City! At the same time, let Jincheng County soldiers prepare their own rations and gather at Linqiang County!"

Lu Ze clasped his fists to promise, got on his horse and left, just muttering in his heart: Rongdi cavalry?Is it the army that followed Li Xin back then?When did they arrive in Jincheng County?

Zhang Han stood where he was, twirling his beard and thinking about how to march.

"[-] Rongdi cavalry, plus [-] Jincheng County cavalry, plus the Hu cavalry recruited by Li Qian and the Zhaowu City garrison, the total force has exceeded [-]..."

"Enough, just doing this, Jincheng County's troops are empty... Well, those gold diggers were recruited into the army to monitor the Qiang people and defend against sand bandits. Anyway, the gold sand in the shallow layer is almost gone..."

"It's just that, when Young Master Xiu had a full moon banquet, the battle was not over yet..."

"It doesn't matter, the late gift, isn't it a great gift?"

(End of this chapter)

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