Chapter 323 Wishes
At the foot of Qilian Mountains, Hexi Grassland.

After an autumn rain, the sky is clear and the ground is green and the air is fresh.

A gorgeous rainbow hangs in the sky, just like a colorful bridge. The endless grassland is dotted with various unknown wild flowers, and the dotted rugs are like mushrooms scattered on the grassland.

Accompanied by brisk hoofbeats, the shepherdess wearing felt gallops slowly under the blue sky, and in front of her, a flock of sheep flows like a cloud on the grassland.

"In that far away place, there is a good girl..."

The shepherdess with pigtails sang a song she learned from You Jia from Qin Dynasty, but the tenderness in the song was like water, and it turned into sadness.

Not long ago, the man who said 'I'd like to abandon my property and go herd sheep with her' died under the scimitar of the Yuezhi King tribe.

The livestock and tents in her house also belonged to the villain who killed her man, and even she herself became his slave girl, grazing cattle and sheep during the day and bearing children at night.

Standing on a high slope, the shepherdess looked towards the prairie. A bright silver river meandered across the prairie like a jade belt.

On the other side of the river, under the hillside with birch forests, that gigantic felt bag, which is as large as twelve hanas, is where her enemy, King Yuezhi lived!
The shepherdess held Urduo (the rope used for throwing stones) tightly in her hand, stared fiercely at Wang Zhang twice, then turned her horse's head and went after the sheep.

As a girl in the grassland, she naturally understands the rules of the grassland, but... she must use Urduo to smash the dog's head of King Yuezhi!

In the king's tent, King Yueshi put down the silver cup in his hand.

What is in the cup is a tribute offered by a Hu merchant under the 'scimitar'.

He shook the oak barrel on the ground, simply poured the last bit of blood-red liquid into the cup, and immediately drank it down.

He threw away the silver cup, his cheeks flushed, his eyes blurred.

He had already heard the news that the four Xihous had gathered secretly to try to fight him to the death, but so what!

Four dogs together can't beat a wolf!

What's more, behind him is the Qin people, as well as the Wusun people who are trying to return to their homeland.

The system of one king and five lords is just a product of the Wusun, Qiang, Rong and Di parties who had to hold together for warmth under the pressure of the three parties.

After the Wusun people were expelled and the Qiang and Rongdi people were gradually beaten and maimed by the rising Qin people, this system gradually became untenable.

Without him, after the Wusun people's pastures and large population were seized by the five Xihous, their combined forces could faintly compete with the Yuezhi King!
and so……

It was also planned by King Yueshi that Wang Nu Muya was robbed of her marriage by Hou Mi Xihou.

Under the deliberate arrangement of King Yuezhi, the tribesmen belonging to Muya were scattered on the vast grassland, which gave the people who robbed marriages a chance.

Although she is reluctant to part with her daughter, she cannot sit on the throne.

But after all, this is his only heir, so when the tribesmen who guarded the princess were slaughtered and Hou Mixi cheered and drank to prepare for the bridal chamber, King Yueshi led the army, killed his leader, occupied his tribe, and remarried his daughter. snatched it back.

"Right now, I have the advantage!"

King Yuezhi hiccupped again, and immediately fell into a deep sleep.


Kuaiji County, Zhenze.

In the vast expanse of the lake, the grass is in autumn, the fish are flying in the shallow bottom, and the waterfowl are flying.

All of a sudden, a kind of emotion of "autumn water is as long as the sky is the same color" was born from this.

And amidst the mist, on an island in the center of the lake hidden among the reeds, squatted a young man with a hulking back and a waist.

The young man was full of anger, and stared at the crooked queue in front of him with double pupil eyes.

The young man was Xiang Ji, and those crooked formations were the 'Jiangdong children' who had returned to Huxin Island to train the army after the autumn broadcast.

It's just that they haven't been trained for a long time, and they seem to have forgotten how to form an formation and fight in the heavy labor.

"Really, at this time, we should follow the example of Sun Wu. If you can't form an array after repeated orders, kill them all!"

Xiang Ji muttered a few words, spat out the reed in his mouth, and looked at Huan Chu murderously.

Huan Chu, who had his back to Xiang Ji, felt that his back was like a light, not only the commands in his mouth were messed up, but even his walking posture became smoother.

As a major general, he is good at everything, but he is too murderous. Whenever he asks how to restore the affairs of Chu, he always says that if he is given three thousand elite soldiers, he will surely pass the test, enter Xianyang, and kill the emperor...

Well, but it's true, anyone who has the ability to carry a tripod will have this kind of thinking.

Let Erqian come all the way, I just go all the way...

Vigorously, a miracle is bound to happen!

Not only Huan Chu felt the murderous aura emanating from Xiang Ji, but even those Jiangdong disciples who were all thinking about how to expand the tea garden and raise tea ducks together also felt it.

So they were frightened for a while, and the skills in their minds were quickly awakened. Almost in the blink of an eye, they changed from loose and loose to neat and tight.

Even the voice of shouting to kill was swept away from depression and became full of spirit.

Although opening tea gardens makes money, you have a life to earn money, but you also have a life to spend money!

How Zhong Huai's family died, no one here knows, no one knows?

It's just that it's easy to get on the boat, but it's hard to get off the boat!

In fact, since the change of Emperor Qin, especially the head of the county next door, Qianqian, has gradually become rich.

They also understand in their hearts what is the cause of their difficult life. The looseness before is just that the resentment in their hearts has nowhere to vent.

Especially when Qin Ting sent the censor to Kuaiji County to make books and smelt all the weapons and copper coins in the treasury into copper ingots, and after transporting them to Xianyang, in order to accumulate the weapons and battles for the restoration of Chu, they need to hand over half of their income this year. !

If Xiang Liang didn't know that Xiang Liang would never use the money for other purposes, hehe...

As for the ten-fold repayment after the recovery of Chu, they didn't take it to heart at all.

After all... right.

The only fortunate thing is that the emperor exempted another year of oral taxation.

Although not many, families with a small population cost tens of dollars, while those with a large population cost more than a hundred dollars. In addition, Chudi has been exempted from the oral tax before, and the exempted oral tax now should be from the next year...

But after all, a sum of money that was destined to be paid was exempted, which is a very good thing.

Emperor Qin, who has the blood of the Chu people, really has his heart for the Chu people!
Therefore, these Jiangdong disciples were practicing how to kill the Qin soldiers and restore the state of Chu, while hoping in their minds that the emperor gave birth to a son, so if this prince who has at least a quarter of the blood of the Chu people is registered as After the crown prince, can Chu Di be exempted from the Oral Fu for one more year?

Well, I heard that the one who gave birth to the prince was a daughter of Qi, so at worst, Qi Di will be exempted from the one-year stipend...

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of 'Slowly Slowly That's My Way'! (^-^)V
(End of this chapter)

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