Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 325 You Can't Eat Noodles Without Garlic!

Chapter 325 You Can't Eat Noodles Without Garlic! (3k chapters)
Shangjun Grassland, Yanchi.

The pond is surrounded by green grass and wild flowers, and the surface of the pond is like a mirror, reflecting the color of the sky, like a mirror of the sky lost on the grassland.

Under the sunshine in the morning, the algae and minerals in the salt pond quietly undergo some mysterious changes, making the salt pond colorful, yellow, orange, red, pink, white... gorgeous and beautiful.

But south of Yanchi, the salt workers of Baixi County, who came here for salt mining, did not have the heart to appreciate this rare beauty in the world.

After all, seeing each other every day makes me sick...

They took the hard dough bread and ate it while walking with the clear water in the water bag, which was a bit like the social animals of later generations.

During the walk, they slowly gathered together according to the differences of their respective teams, listening to the team leader's assignment of today's work, and occasionally expressing their thoughts.

According to the assessment system formulated by the imperial court, if the salt mining task of each salt mining team in the current month exceeds one-tenth of the rated quota, it will be rewarded with a sheep.

And if the group is ranked among the top three at the end of the year, each team member will receive a reward of the first level of the Duke, and the team leader and squad leader will receive [-] and [-] coins respectively on this basis.

The embodiment of the new evaluation system is that even though it has been transported away continuously, the salt is still piled up like a snow mountain.

And this is also Fusu's confidence to boldly carry out currency reform.

In this day and age, whoever controls the salt controls everyone.

When the government only charged five baht for selling salt, the circulation of half a tael was greatly reduced.

And when the government unifies the monetary value of half two coins and five baht coins.

Even though the half tael is heavier, but it is also treated as one coin, no matter who is not stupid, he will exchange the half tael into five baht as soon as possible.

After all, if one and a half taels melted, at least two or three five baht coins could be obtained.

This is also the reason why Fusu hurriedly used the ultra-low salt price to destroy the private salt in Qidi before the five baht coins were in circulation all over the world.

While cracking down on private salt dealers, it is also grabbing their market share.

Well, according to the account books, many Guizhou heads in Qidi have stored enough salt for at least two or three years...

After all, it's cheap, but don't take advantage of the cheap bastards!

But Fusu believes that the salt stored in their home will be consumed faster than they imagined.

With the promotion of iron farm tools, and the landless head of Guizhou was relocated in large numbers.

The cost of cattle farming will be far lower than the cost of hiring mediocre farming.

With fewer unemployed laborers, the bargaining power of the remaining people over wages will naturally increase.

Just like in Europe at that time, due to the sweep of the Black Death, the population dropped sharply, so labor costs rose, which forced the invention and promotion of many related tools, which in turn increased productivity. When accumulated to a certain extent, there was the later industrial revolution.

And in the present state of Qin, the same is true.

With the promotion of cattle farming and without too much population pressure, the three-field system for the development of animal husbandry can be introduced.

And with more livestock, the consumption of salt will also increase.

After all, herbivores' demand for salt is not weaker than that of humans.

Therefore, the giant panda, which mainly lives on bamboo, has another name of iron-eating beast...

As for the large number of livestock raised by the people, they just bought them for canning.

Sell ​​at a higher price at a lower price.

Well, little money!

Lin Guang Palace in Yunyang County, originally planted with many exotic flowers and plants, is now pulled out and leveled in the garden.

Fusu rolled up his sleeves and squatted on the ground, digging a hole with a small shovel in his hand.

In the bamboo basket beside him, there are white balls.

Well, it's garlic!
This is the second batch of seeds sent back by the mission to the Western Regions.

Fusu opened the package, and recognized at a glance that the garlic that was placed in the corner was the garlic he was thinking of!

Although the size of garlic is not as big as that of later generations, it is completely different from the small garlic in Daqin.

And as a northerner, if you don’t add a few cloves of garlic to the noodles, you always feel soulless.

Hey, it's a pity that there are only two lumps... Fusu dug the hole nimbly, dispelling the thought in his heart that kept clamoring, 'Try one, there's still one anyway, what are you afraid of'.

"I'll give you three years. After three years, I want to have a good time!"

Candied garlic, fried pork with garlic sprouts, pork ribs with garlic... Muttering in his mouth, Fusu split two chunks of garlic and planted them in the pit with the roots facing down.

While filling the soil, he thought, later, he ordered someone to weave a cover out of bamboo strips and cover it, so as not to be scooped up by little animals or some bad woman!
"What are you doing, Your Majesty?" The voice of the villain sounded behind Fu Su.

Fusu looked back, Tian Ji was wearing a red cloak, with her hands in the sleeves, her face was full of curiosity, she stood there and looked around.

Well, like a duck being grabbed by the neck...

But, it's really big... Fusu looked away from the other's chest, which was getting bigger and bigger because of the breastfeeding period, and immediately frowned and asked:

"Farmer? How did you learn this problem? Besides, shouldn't you be confinement in your room at this time? What are you running around for?"

Hearing Fusu's series of questions, Tian Ji pouted, and said with a little girl's air: "I'm so bored! Besides, don't I already have my hands in my hands!"

others?Sober up, hey, you are already a mother... Fusu glared at the pair of rabbits who were becoming more and more oppressed because of the movement of holding their hands: "Holding your hands? What about your face? What should I do if I catch a cold? "

Tian Ji walked over with a smile, squatted down like him, and touched the garlic cloves buried in the soil with her round chin: "What is this? Is Your Majesty planting flowers?"

I planted a wife in the spring, and was arrested by the police station the next day... Fusu thought about these words inexplicably, and immediately began to concentrate on his own affairs.

Tian Ji looked at it for a while, felt a little bored, stood up and walked a few steps, just when Fusu thought she had gone, her voice sounded again.

"When will Your Majesty take my concubine to ride a horse? You promised me to teach me how to ride a horse..."

Fusu raised his head and found that his eyes were always attracted by certain existences, and asked with some lack of confidence: "Can you ride a horse now? Besides, didn't I teach you how to ride a horse?"

He found that the maid and the servants were standing in the distance, with a smile on his face, he said, "I am that horse..."

"I can't listen to such words!" Tian Ji curled her lips in disgust, and then turned her head away, leaving a few wanton laughs in the corridor.

Ah, there are cat cakes!However, this bitch twisted really nicely... Fusu looked back and opened another small package.

It is filled with dandelions harvested from Hu merchants in the Western Regions.

Well, a small bag the size of a palm is worth a full green glass bottle!
If Meng Tian and the others found out, they would definitely scold the prodigal son... Fusu opened the package and saw dandelions with seeds, branches and leaves inside.

"Well, the locals call this thing mare's milk grass. It should be because white juice will flow out after cutting it..."

Fusu carefully moved those seeds that were too small to the paper. As for the dried branches, leaves and roots, they were completely worthless.

In fact, dandelions are everywhere, but if you want to extract rubber, you can only use this kind of dandelion that grows in the valleys of the Tianshan Mountains and central Russia. The rubber production of other subspecies is very low.

As for Eucommia gum, well... the beholder sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

But this thing is used for emergencies. The real natural rubber should be found in South America, and then introduced to Nanyang Protectorate in Daqin...

"What is this, Your Majesty?" Tian Ji came back from nowhere.

Tian Ji·Ying passed away twice... Fusu turned her head suddenly, looked at a beautiful face with a smile (yè) like a flower, and said solemnly:

"Dandelion, it's the kind that you like to eat in cold salad before! But this is a subspecies, and a jelly-like substance can be extracted from its roots..."

"Well, if it is made into a certain shape, you should also like to eat it, but you can't swallow it and bite it with your teeth..."

Fusu is busy with the work in hand, but in fact, there is no technical content. After all, dandelions are basically equivalent to weeds. If you take care of them carefully, the yield will be [-] per mu, but if you plant them blindly, the yield will be [-] per mu.

Anyway, what he wants is the root. As for eating, he still eats the local species. Who knows if this subspecies will mutate, and then some strange elements will accumulate in his body.

Well, just red umbrellas, white poles, the kind that lie on the board after eating...

Although there is 'medical insurance' and medical treatment is free, but the doctor's level is too bad...

I understand, but I don't seem to understand everything... Tian Jia blinked his peach blossom eyes, still looking like a curious baby, and lightly opened his red lips and asked:
"Your Majesty, is the glue you're talking about serious?"

Hohohoho, female Siji... Fusu said without raising her head, "Of course it's serious!"

"When you usually ride in a carriage, the wheels are pressed against the gaps in the ground. Even with leaf springs, it will still be very bumpy. But making this kind of glue into strips and putting them on the wheels can replace the original ones on the wheels. leather."

"Rubber, uh, the wear resistance and plasticity of dandelion rubber are much stronger than leather, and it can also be patterned to increase the friction coefficient between the wheel and the ground..."

"Well, it can also be used to make shoe soles, which is also better than leather or other materials..."

Of course, solid tires can be made at most, and the inflated tires should not be considered.

However, as the roads around Xianyang City are gradually paved with cement, the carriage that usually needs four horses to pull it now only needs two horses.

If the leather outside the wheels is replaced with rubber, and the redundant structure on the carriage is simplified, a small carriage that can be pulled by a horse can be made.

In this way, the 'middle class' could also afford a carriage.

The leek still needs to be cut from the middle...

(End of this chapter)

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