Chapter 326 Looking Northwest (Chapter 3k)
So sleepy... Tian Ji had a drowsy look on her face. She was here to flirt, not to attend lectures.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chen Ping walking towards here.

"Your Majesty, I will take my leave first..."

"Well, I'm going to sleep with you tonight, not for anything else, but mainly because I want to see Xiu'er..."

"Hehe, I'm too embarrassed to point out His Majesty!"


By the garden, Chen Ping slowed down and waited for Tian Ji to leave completely before coming over.

"See Your Majesty!"

After Chen Ping finished speaking, Fusu waved his hand to him, and immediately carried the bucket and started watering the ground.

Chen Ping frowned slightly. Before he came over, he thought the emperor was playing some weird game with his concubine, but now it seems that the emperor is indeed farming...

"What's the matter?" Fusu asked concisely, carrying a bucket.

Chen Ping took out the bamboo slips from his sleeves and offered them with both hands: "Your Majesty, Zhang Han of Jincheng County has reported."

"Oh?" Fusu wiped his hands casually on his body, opened the bamboo slips and looked at them.

"It seems that Prime Minister Zuo's side is going very smoothly..."

"I just want to completely solve the turmoil of the Yuezhi people, and not be followed by the Huns and Huangque. Is such a small force enough?"

Fusu took a few steps on the same spot, looked up to the northwest, and thought in his heart:
Woo, it should be enough. When the Yuezhi people are both defeated, they will appear on the stage as the savior, and then attack the strong and help the weak, swallowing both sides in one gulp.

Well, the key point is to unite the Yuezhi people first before the Huns intervene. At that time, the elite Qin people in the headquarters, together with the Yuezhi cavalry, will at least not be too disadvantaged in terms of strength...

Fusu thought for a while, looked at Chen Ping and asked, "What do you think?"

Chen Ping said in a deliberate tone: "I feel that this is a good opportunity to completely bring the Hexi Grassland into the territory of the Qin State, but in order to prevent the Huns, it is better to let the Jiuyuan Army cross the border and burn the wasteland... After all, the grassland will start to wither soon. .”

Fusu nodded slightly and said: "You mean to let the Jiuyuan army bluff and pretend to attack the Huns royal court for an opportunity, so that the Huns will not dare to act rashly?"

Chen Ping nodded and said with a smile: "If the Huns insist on going south, let the Nine Plains Army take over their lair!"

He went on to say: "As for the battle in Hexi, there was Zhaowu City, which was reinforced before, no, it was Wuwei City, which was defended according to the city. This is the strength of the Qin army, and it is enough to support the arrival of reinforcements!"

"At that time, the Jiuyuan Army will go south, and if we attack twice, our army will still win a big victory!"

After Chen Ping finished speaking, Fu Su fell into deep thought, noncommittal to what Chen Ping said, while Chen Ping lowered his head slightly, quietly observing Fu Su's expression from the corner of his eyes.

The sun gradually slanted westward, stretching their shadows long.

Fusu was pacing on the spot, and Chen Ping's sentence 'the Huns insist on going south' made him feel a little troubled.

Combined with the later Han-Hungarian disputes, the focus of the early competition between the two sides was concentrated on the Hetao Plain to the south of the Yellow River.

After all, if you go south from here, you can easily go straight to Chang'an City, the political center of the Han Dynasty.

After the end of the Battle of Monan, the Han army drove the main force of the Huns out of the Hetao Plain south of Yinshan Mountain, and the focus of the two sides' competition was concentrated on the Hexi Grassland and the Western Regions.

For the Huns, this is the source of wealth, population, weapons and other materials, and they cannot be abandoned easily.

For the Han Dynasty, this was another base for attacking the Mobei royal court of the Xiongnu. In many battles in the late Han Dynasty, the Han army started from Wuwei, Jiuquan and other places.

Well, for example, Li Ling, Li Guangli...

Applying it to the current state of Qin, for the Huns, if they can annex the tribes of the Yuezhi people, and then let the Wusun people who surrendered to them return to their homeland.

Then there will be a base for the Huns to attack the border counties of Qin, and the abundance of pastures on the Hexi grassland is much better than that of the Huns' Mobei Royal Court.

So even if you give up the Mobei Royal Court, as long as you can get the Hexi Grassland, and then submit to the weak countries in the Western Regions, for the Huns, it is a sure-fire deal!

Well, for all tactics changers, Sun Moumou gave military guidance... Fu Su sighed slightly, the matter has come to this point, and he can only do what Chen Ping said.

After all, if troops were drawn from Longxi or Xianyang City to support Zhang Han, then after the soldiers assembled, issued weapons and armor, and prepared food and supplies, by the time the army arrived in Wuwei City, the battle on Zhang Han's side would have been over.

But the Nine Plains Army is different. Their main force has been patrolling the Monan Grassland these days. After all, autumn is high and horses are fat, and it is the time when grassland people routinely go south to plunder.

Well, Zhang Han's level should not be bad. According to historical records, he led the prisoner army in the first battle and pushed hundreds of thousands of Zhou Wen's army out of Hangu Pass.

After that, he attacked General Tian Zang of Xingyang, regained Xingyang City, successively defeated Deng Shuo, defeated Wu Xu, beheaded Cai Ci, surrendered Song Liu, and forced Chen Shengdun to flee to the father of the city.

Then Chen Sheng was killed, Zhang Han attacked Chen County, defeated Lu Chen, and then led the army to Zhanli County, killed Xiang Liang's general Yu Fanjun, defeated Zhujishi, besieged Wei Wang and blamed Linji, and defeated Chu general Xiang Ta , Qi general Tian Ba's reinforcements, killed Wei Xiang Zhou Shi, Qi Wang Tian Dan, forced Wei Wang Jiu to commit suicide, chased and besieged Tian Rong...

Although he was defeated twice by Xiang Liang, he turned defeat into victory in Dingtao, defeated the Chu army, and beheaded Xiang Liang.

It's a pity that the battle of the giant deer will follow...

King Xiang is the strongest in the version, and Mao Dun is a hammer...Fu Su suddenly gained confidence, he believed that Zhang Han could perfectly resolve this war.

According to the evaluation of some people in later generations, Zhang Han is the "Baiqi Zhiya", "Han is not defeated, that is, Qin is not destroyed"!
In contrast, he was more worried about Wang Li who was sent to the east by him.

Well, it is the battle to conquer the Kingdom of Chen and the Kingdom of Jizi and clear the way for going overseas to capture Xu Fu.

If he can't even handle these two chickens, Wang Li will sit on the bench for the rest of his life!

Fu Su looked at Chen Ping, saw that he was still lingering, and immediately asked, "Is there anything else?"

Chen Ping nodded: "It's about Chu Mo and Zhang Liang..."

Fusu took a step forward: "Have you caught Zhang Liang?"

Chen Ping shook his head regretfully: "Not yet..."

Then what do you say, it made me happy for nothing... Fusu complained in his heart, but said with an encouraging look on his face: "Don't worry, calm down and take your time."

Chen Ping clasped his fists and said: "Although I did not capture Zhang Liang, the hidden Chu Mo in Xianyang City is under my control."

"The reason why I didn't capture them all is just to prevent Zhang Liang from running away!"

He lowered his voice and said: "According to the report from the secret agent buried in Chu Mo, Zhang Liang has never contacted Chu Mo since the day of welcoming the autumn."

"So after so many days, Chen felt that he couldn't help but want to move..."

Scared the snake?spy?All right, you guys who play tactics have a dirty heart...Fu Su nodded slightly, whether he could catch Zhang Liang or not, but he didn't really care much about it anymore.

There is a saying that goes well, there are no heroes in the times, so Shuzi became famous.

Of course, Ruan Ji's words mean more that "there is no hero (Liu Xiang) in the time (now), so Shuzi (Sima Zhao) became famous".

But without a turbulent world, the 'hero' might die farming in the fields...

"Please leave." Seeing that Fusu was absent-minded, Chen Ping took a few steps back and walked outside the palace.

Fusu stood there for a while, looked up at the gradually emerging moon in the distance, and walked towards the palace.

He was going to change his clothes first, take a bath and change his clothes before going to visit Tian Ji.

Without him, it was just to prevent the germs from infecting the children. This is also the reason why he did not bring Yingxiu with him when he told the ancestral temple that Qin would have a queen.


To the east of the Yellow Sea, an island above the ocean.

It faces the peninsula across the sea, and the northernmost point is only a few hundred miles away from the southern coast of the peninsula.

And on the southeast shoal of the island, many large galleys were stranded.

On the beach, hundreds of men and women wearing Qin costumes are collecting seafood after the tide has ebbed. Judging from their current body shapes, two conclusions can be drawn.

One, they are underage; two, they haven't eaten serious food for a long time.

And away from the beach, wooden buildings are under construction.

The most conspicuous among them are the three altars that are two or three feet high.

Judging from the tools in the hands of the busy people, in order to build these three altars, they paid the price of blood.

On the altar, there were three middle-aged men who were dressed in shabby clothes and looked like immortals sitting opposite each other.

If there were the attendants of the first emperor back then, they would have recognized at a glance that these three people were Xu Fu, Han Zhong and Shi Sheng.

Xu Fu finished his meditation, opened his eyes, and looked at the vast ocean with huge waves in the distance, and a pair of eyes seemed to appear in front of him.

Those were a pair of eyes full of earnestness, the eyes of Emperor Shihuang.

"Heh." Xu Fu chuckled lightly, and said disdainfully in his heart:

"If I found the elixir, how could I give it to you?"

"I think the world is already in chaos, and in a few years, the Yin Yang family will have the opportunity to control the world!"

At this time, Han Zhong also opened his eyes, and his gaze was looking at a lava cave hidden in the green mountains, with a pious and fanatical expression on his face.

He firmly believes that although this is not the legendary Penglai Immortal Island, it is the place where the Emperor of Heaven once lived.

In a corner of the island, where the cliffs of strange rocks soar into the clouds, waterfalls pour down from the cliffs of black lava with a thunderous sound, gather into pools, and then rush to the sea!
This pool must be the place where the Emperor of Heaven used to bathe, and the vast sea should be formed by the water pouring from the pool!

As for the seemingly endless cave, it seems to be the place where the gods who take care of the bathing pool for the emperor of heaven live!
Shi Sheng also opened his eyes, and he looked at the virgin standing under the altar, his eyes were full of fire.

This will be his country, and his descendants will forever occupy this wild but vibrant place!

(End of this chapter)

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