Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 327 The golden knife moves the autumn scenery, the iron cavalry wants to be dusty

Chapter 327 The golden knife moves the autumn scenery, the iron cavalry wants to be dusty (4k chapters)
Hexi Grassland.

It may be that there was a heavy rain upstream, and the weak water that used to be calm in the past has now become mighty, and the sediment is rolling into the lake in this desert.

This is Juyanze, which was called Xihai in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. It is an oasis between the Badain Jaran Desert and the Mobei Wasteland.

At this moment, Juyanze is full of lush water and grass, cattle and sheep are everywhere, but there is a faint cry from the felt bags in the distance.

Suddenly, the wild grass that was as tall as half a person trembled, and a Yueshi herdsman with his face covered in blood came out of the grass and looked around privately, like a frightened bird.

"The people of Wusun are back!"

He staggered and ran to the distance, and the cries of women and the screams of children in the wind did not stop him.

"Just wait, the king will avenge us!"

He whistled and attracted a horse that was scurrying around because of being frightened, and then he lay on the horse's back and sprinted towards the south of Guyenze.


Outside the camp of the Yuezhi people, Prince Kunmo of Wusun wiped the ring head knife in his hand with a piece of pure white silk.

The last time he followed Mao Dun to besiege Wangli, he picked it up from the battlefield. Even though it had been broken several times, he still loved it like a treasure, and even held it in his arms when he slept at night.

And around him, blood-stained Wusun warriors galloped back and forth on horseback, driving the survivors away from the smoking yurt, pushing the women they liked to the ground, and wantonly ravaging them in front of their father and brother. .

Kunmo stood there, turning a blind eye and continuing to wipe the sword. They were taking revenge. That's what the Yuezhi people did when they broke the Wusun tribe!

So, an eye for an eye, blood for blood!

In the distance, a group of riders dressed as Huns rode back. The leader of the Huns held a bloody head in his hand. Although his face was distorted, he could still recognize that it was the Yuezhi man who had fled before.

"Chileha, you're back!" Kunmo sheathed his knife and strode forward.

This is Mao Dun's third son. Logically speaking, he should be his younger brother, but the two brothers, including Mao Dun, have no blood relationship.

Chileha jumped off his horse and threw the head aside. Behind him, the Huns also jumped off their horses and joined the Wusun people in the carnival.

Kunmo and Chileha laughed and walked into the largest yurt. Inside the yurt, several beautiful and naked women of the Yue family were busy in front of the campfire.

Holding sharp butcher knives, they fluently cut up a fat sheep, and then threw large pieces of lamb into a cauldron.

Seeing the two of them walking into the felt tent, the woman of those few months hurriedly knelt down and saluted, letting the riding whip in Chileha's hand go all the way down her clean back, trembling slightly, two lines of tears streaming from the corners of her eyes slide down.

After a while, there was a heavy panting sound from inside the yurt.

In the bonfire, the burning firewood sprayed red flames, the boiling water in the cauldron was tumbling, and the sheep's head thrown into the stew surfaced from time to time, and a pair of empty eyes stared at everything around them strangely.


Outside the felt bag, Kunmo stood there, feeling the deliciousness of the mutton and the taste of the sea.

"People of Wusun, your king is back!"

Although the Wusun Kingdom was destroyed by the Yuezhi people, the hundreds of thousands of Wusun people did not all die out. Some of them took the initiative to integrate into the Yuezhi people, and some migrated to more barren but safe places to survive. .

After all, the grassland is vast, and if you want to completely exterminate an ethnic group, neither the current Yuezhi, the Huns, nor the later Xianbei can do it.

"King Yuezhi is playing with fire, and so is Da Shanyu!"

Kunmo looked at the Gobi and oases in the distance, and sneered in his heart.

King Yuezhi tried to integrate the tribes and obtain the qualifications to bargain with the Qin people and the Xiongnu; while Da Shanyu tried to use his appeal to let Wusun replace the Yuezhi and submit to the Xiongnu.

"But, if I unify Wusun and Yueshi, why should I be someone else's son?"

Kunmo touched a few silk cloths in his arms. This was a letter written by Wei Liao, the Zuo Prime Minister of the Qin Kingdom, which said that as long as he can replace the status of King Yuezhi, the grassland north of Qilian Mountain will always be His grazing place!
Of course, the prerequisite is that Wusun surrendered to Qin.

And his condition is that Qin's army must cooperate with him to attack the Yueshi, and marry Princess Qin to be his queen!

For this reason, he promised to give the grassland east of Zhaowu City as a betrothal gift to Qin State.

The emperor's younger sister, I don't know what it's like... Under the setting sun, Kunmo's smile is as ferocious as a wolf's.


The sun sets on the long river, and the lonely smoke in the desert.

Going north across the Yin Mountain, at the end of the Gobi Desert, where the grasslands meet, there are endless military tents scattered.

There are all defensive facilities such as archery towers, antlers, and trenches.

Behind the gate, a huge battle flag of the Qin Army with black characters on a white background fluttered in the wind.

This is exactly the Nine Plains Army who received a message from Feige and went out to burn the wasteland.

At this moment, to the north of their camp, about 200 miles away, there is also a stretch of felt tents that can't be seen as far as the eye can see.

Outside the largest mushroom-like felt bag in the middle, a black banner with a white wolf head fluttered high.

This is the tent where Shan Yu lived.

They were informed by the herdsmen and came to monitor the movements of the Nine Plains Army.

The war horses of the Qin army who had grazed in the summer and autumn on the Monan grassland are now fat and strong. If the Qin people are left alone, I am afraid that when they open their eyes the next day, Shan Yuwang's galloping outside the tent will all be dead. The iron cavalry of the Qin people is gone!
Yes, cavalry.

In the past half a year or so, all the war horses of the Nine Plains Army had been hoofed, and the Huns next door also knew this secret.

However, they don't even have the metal utensils needed for daily life. Even if they know the secret of horseshoeing, they are powerless...

Anyway, there are enough horses, and the cost of raising them is low. The hooves of the horses are useless, so they just kill and eat meat!
In fact, in the final analysis, one word, poor!

Well, in the imagination of many people, as well as in the description of film and television works or written works.

Prairie cavalry are good at riding and shooting. When the enemy catches up, they disperse and retreat, and immediately stick to the enemy after retreating. They maintain good organization and discipline from beginning to end.

The order is neat, the victory is the first to rectify, and the defeat is to reunite. The bow is strong and the arrow is powerful. While galloping at high speed, the arrow can pierce the Yang with a hundred steps like rain.

When the enemy is weakened, the prairie cavalry can also put away their bows and arrows, and together with their heavy troops, directly use spears, swords, and maces to fight the tired enemy close to each other, completely annihilating the opponent.

Well, it's not wrong to say that, after all, during the prosperity of several nomadic empires, such light cavalry existed for a short time.

But most of the time, the light cavalry of the nomadic tribes are a group of poor herdsmen, wearing leather robes, holding soft bows and light arrows that are usually used to hunt wolves and rabbits, and most of the arrows are sharpened the bones of...

The reason why they followed their leader to the battlefield was partly because of natural disasters such as white disasters and black disasters (drought, no or little snow in winter) on the pasture.

Most of the reasons are that there is no salt in the tribe, the pot at home is broken... and the food reserves are insufficient. If you don't come out to grab a chance, your parents, wives and children will all starve to death...

Therefore, the fundamental reason why these nomadic cavalry only shoot arrows and do not fight in close combat is that they dare not go head-to-head with the enemy!

Riding a relatively docile mare (milk production), only by jogging at small steps can the accuracy and rate of fire be guaranteed, trying to scare the enemy away with a numerical advantage...

Well, if the enemy does not retreat, they will retreat!

For example, during the Crusades, the European knights charged with their guns and defeated tens of thousands of nomadic cavalry;
During the battle of the ancient city of Dalu, the Jurchen heavy cavalry pierced through the formation of the Liao army horizontally, causing the opponent's total collapse;
And the desperate assault of hundreds of cavalrymen in the Ming Dynasty easily defeated tens of thousands of Mongolian cavalrymen...

It's what Qi Jiguang said back then, when two people slash at each other, although the other party has high martial arts skills, as long as my armor is good enough, if he slashes me ten times, all the knives will be blocked by the armor, but as long as I slash him once, I will die. It could kill him!
Well, the fun of local tyrants bullying the poor has a long history...

When it was getting late, the two big camps facing each other across the desert opened the corner gate at the same time to welcome the flock of sheep who had eaten their fill.

Of course, these cute sheep will become delicious in no time.

In the big tent of the Qin Army, Ding Fu lowered his head helplessly. On his left were a group of generals from the Nine Plains Army who he knew very well, and Zhong Limei, who was quickly assimilated by the Nine Plains Army.

They are persuading Ding Fu with unanimous words, to show manliness, lead everyone to rush over tomorrow morning, defeat the main force of the big single, and then everyone will chop off two heads and go home to have a good year...

And on his right, Guan Ying and a group of Hu Qi generals were saying the same thing in Qin Yan with various accents.

He rushed over and chopped off Maodun's head as a urinal!

It's so annoying, I feel the suffering of the general... Ding Fu covered his ears and let the crowd yell.

Well, when Meng Tian was around, he was the most noisy one among the group on the left...

"Shut up! Listen to me!"

Ding Fu decided not to hold back anymore, after all, it was written in the emperor's imperial edict that everyone can be consulted for advice, but the decision must be made by one general!
Amid everyone's earnest expressions, Ding Fu cleared his throat and repeated his previous words.

"The enemy doesn't move, I don't move!"

"When the general left, he said that the mission of the Jiuyuan Army for the past two years is to strictly control the Monan Grassland, so that the Huns cannot go south!"

"And this time our army is assembled here, just to test the Huns' reality, and now the reality has been proven..."

"So it's impossible to fight..."

Zhong Limei walked out under the instigation of the generals of the Nine Plains Army: "What if the Huns on the opposite side are ordinary herdsmen pretending to be?"

Ding Fu glanced at him, raised the binoculars in his hand and said: "There is clairvoyance here, who else can hide my eyes!"

Well, after all, human eyes have limits. If the opponent's sentry is not blind, your own scouts cannot rely on the opponent's camp very close.

This has also created prerequisites for the emergence of allusions such as "the plan to reduce the stove" and "every tree is a soldier".

But what if there is a drone on the opposite side, or a high-magnification telescope?
Therefore, every advancement and innovation in military technology will lead to changes in the form of warfare and combat methods.

Seeing the binoculars in Ding Fu's hands, Zhongli stepped back without saying a word.

Guan Ying stepped up again and said, "Since the main force of the Xiongnu is gathered here, their headquarters must be empty. Why don't we send a surprise army to bypass the front and go straight to the tribe where they have no military protection."

"Eat up their cattle and sheep, burn up their fodder, and kill all the strong and strong left in the camp!"

Hearing Guan Ying's words, not only a group of Hu people were eager to try, but even the generals of the Jiuyuan Army also had their eyes lit up.

None of them felt wronged.

That's what the nomadic tribes did when they went south to plunder. The enemy can do it, but I can't?
Ding Fu shook his head again: "After going out of the fort for several times, the Huns have learned how to slip!"

"According to the news from Youjia who came back from the north, the tribe of the Huns, the closest one to us, will take more than fifty days to ride at full speed on horseback..."

After he finished speaking, a series of swear words from various regions suddenly sounded in the military tent.

Anyway, the men and women of Maodun's family are not clean...


Wuwei City.

The old dragon cricket stands on the wall of the peak, and the hibiscus is cut out for painting.

As the sun was setting, Zhang Han rode on a yellow pussy horse, staring blankly at the dreamlike scene in front of him.

Magnificent, unparalleled magnificence, peculiar shape, colorful...

For a moment, he thought of a series of words that he had heard from Fusu when he was chatting with Fusu when he was in Xianyang City.

At that time, he felt that His Majesty the Emperor was exaggerating, but now that he was on the scene, he realized how powerless human words are in front of the magnificence of mountains and rivers.

With such a colorful and dreamy place, it is no wonder that both King Mu of Zhou and Emperor Shihuang regarded this place as the residence of the Queen Mother of the West.

At this moment, he understood why the emperor wanted to seize this land!

"White clouds are in the sky, and the mountains and mausoleums come out of themselves. The road is far away, between mountains and rivers. If the general is not dead, can he come again?"

Zhang Han stared at the area in front of him under the sunlight, thick and light, deep and shallow, light and dark, constantly intertwined, like another world, but very real, whispering the song said to be A song sung by the Queen Mother of the West.

Li Qian came from afar, and listening to Zhang Han's singing, he remembered how shocked he was that day.

"When the Yue clan is defeated, the general might as well go with me to find the Queen Mother of the West, and invite her to sing a song for His Majesty the Emperor in Xianyang City!"

Zhang Han shook his head and said with a smile: "The Queen Mother of the West is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. She is decorated with yin and yang. She is beautifully dressed in flowers and algae. She is like wings of emeralds. She is unparalleled in appearance and infinite in beauty... Where is it that we want to see?" Can we see you?"

None of them questioned the invitation of the Queen Mother of the West to sing a song in Xianyang City, it was just because groups of cavalry in iron armor passed by them like a continuous river.

Queen Mother Xi, how many soldiers does she have?

ps: The article is about Zhangye Danxia. When I was writing this paragraph, I suddenly wanted to go to Zhangye again. It’s just a damn new crown, wow!
(End of this chapter)

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