Chapter 329

Hexi Grassland, Ruoshui South Bank.

With a sharp cry, a dark brown figure flew down from the sky like an arrow, and suddenly landed on King Yuezhi's arm. His sharp claws clasped the thick leather armguard tightly, tilted his head, and stared at the king. One glance at the master.

Holding the yellow on the left, Qingcang on the right, but the one on King Yueshi's arm is not an ordinary goshawk, but an adult golden eagle.

Aloof, domineering, sharp eyes.

Domestication of golden eagles has always been a traditional skill of the Yuezhi people, not only for hunting, but also for taking care of the sheep pens.

After all, the golden eagle has a wingspan of two meters and can easily drive or kill wild wolves.

King Yuezhi touched the golden eagle's feathers, fed it a piece of meat, and said with some reluctance: "After this battle is over, you will be free!"

This is a custom passed down from generation to generation by the Yuezhi people. A golden eagle can be domesticated for a maximum of seven years, and after seven years they must be released and allowed to return to the mountains to multiply.

It is the same as the continuous shooting and hunting of the Mongolian people in later generations.

King Yuezhi turned around and looked at the leaders, big and small, "The camp of those wolf cubs has been found ahead, everyone, be careful, don't start a fire tonight, eat dry meat and drink cold water, don't let them find us trail."


After the continuous march all the way, everyone was a little tired, and they couldn't help but feel a little frustrated after hearing this order, but that was all they could do.

Zhuolu, the brother of King Yuezhi, loudly delivered orders to the rear. After the previous royal family council, everyone agreed to the status of the princess of Gequmiya, but they debated for three days and three nights about whose son should be chosen to take over the position of the prince. No unified conclusion was reached.

In the end, it was King Yuezhi who proposed that in this battle against the rebels, whichever nephew fought bravely and made the most military achievements would succeed him as the next King Yuezhi!
As for King Yuezhi's proposal, everyone agreed.

After all, nomads admire the strong, and only heroes with extraordinary bravery can convince everyone.

The sky is gray, the wild is vast, the sky is green, and the sunset in the sky is as red as blood.

Tens of thousands of Yuezhi cavalry dismounted one after another, sat on the ground, chewed dried meat and cheese, and waited quietly for the arrival of dawn.

Under the setting sun, King Yuezhi gathered the big and small leaders of the headquarters together, and pointed to the southwest:
"Their camp is right there. It's about half a day away from here. We will set off when the moon is at its highest point, so that when the sun rises from the mountains, we can launch a surprise attack on them!"

"Erya, Si Leng, you two lead two thousand men in leather armor, set out a meal ahead of time, go around behind them, and when the shouts of killing sound, lead someone to attack them from behind!"


The two named by King Yuezhi were the two who were nominated to be the crown prince. They glanced at each other with hatred, and then one picked up an iron fork and the other left with a short spear.

King Yueshi just pretended not to see it, since his daughter is not suitable to be the next king, then the next King Yueshi will be a cruel lone wolf, he will step on the blood of his enemies and his brothers to ascend to the throne!

He cast a ruthless glance to the southwest, compared to the assembly of Yuezhi's royal tribe, the tribes of the four lords need to gather together from a farther place, which gave him the opportunity to beat the slow.

"Wait, I'll use your skulls as bowls!"


At dawn, in the endless camp on the south bank of Hucanshui (now Taole River).

Cooking smoke slowly floated over the felt bag, and the shepherd dog barked one after another, trying to wake up his master to accompany him to graze on the grassland.

A herdsman stepped out of the felt bag, his figure was a little thin, and he was still limping on one foot. He looked at the sky where the stars still remained, and stretched slowly.

Suddenly, he froze suddenly, feeling the trembling of the ground, and listening to the dense sound like rolling thunder in the distance.

As a herdsman who grew up on horseback and a former warrior, he recognized the sound of hooves, the sound of tens of thousands of angry horses galloping wildly.

The grasslands in Hexi are lush with water and grass, and there are many cattle, sheep and horses. A shepherd family like him owns dozens of horses at most. However, for the continuous growth of the pasture, the horses will not be raised on a large scale.


"It's the enemy!"

He shouted at the top of his voice, picked up a short spear and walked towards the big green horse that was tied outside the felt bag and kept neighing.

But before he climbed onto the horse with difficulty, a vigorous eagle swooped down in the air, and its sharp claws scratched his face fiercely.

"Ah..." He covered his face in pain and rolled on the ground, one eye was bloody.

In the blood dripping, he saw countless war horses rushing towards him, like a huge wave that destroyed everything, rolling forward without stopping.


King Yuezhi led the elite of the headquarters to move forward, looking around, it seemed that they were the only ones in the empty world.

Along the way, the camps were raided and the camps were broken, and the large and small camps scattered on both sides of the Hucan River were pulled out one by one, and the soldiers pointed directly at the place where the four Xihou joined forces.


Well, the story of Huo whoring Yao in later generations is just a legend. Jiuquan got its name from the fact that there is a spring here that tastes like wine.

The sky is high and the sky is cloudless.

The grassland at noon is like a steamer, making the Yuezhi people who walk here sweat and suffer unspeakably.

But their spirits are extraordinarily strong, just because in the previous battles, each soldier has plundered a lot of wealth and population, their greed is getting bigger and bigger, and they are determined to win the richest base camp of Juyan Xihou.

Suddenly, there was a faint roar of fighting, King Yueshi suddenly stopped his horse, listened for a moment, and immediately ordered the whole army to move forward at full speed.

blah blah blah!
The sound of hoofbeats suddenly became hurried.

King Yuezhi didn't need to give too many instructions, the Yuezhi cavalry who followed him spread out quickly, and the whole formation was like an eagle spreading its wings.


Beside the spring water flowing with fine wine, people and horses galloped, screaming and killing everywhere, and the fresh lives disappeared in the low-pitched wailing.

The cries of women and children, the clash of bronze inner arc knives and short spears, the roaring of cows and sheep, and the hissing of fleeing horses all mixed together.

Oh oh oh!
On the southern grassland of Juyan Xihou's base camp, a series of desolate horn horns sounded.

In the blink of an eye, two valiant cavalrymen in leather armor galloped forward.

These are exactly the two cavalry that were sent out by King Yuezhi to take a back road from the very beginning.

Four thousand fine cavalry rushed over, because their own people had already fought with the enemy, so they didn't use their bows and arrows. They raised their sharp bronze inner arc knives high, and there was a frightening cold light in the sun.


ps: Thanks to 'The Lonely Warrior' for the reward!

Thanks for the monthly tickets of 'Book Friends 1511...8925', 'Qin Ying Fengyun', 'Slowly Slowly Is My Way', 'Book Friends 2019...8981'!

(End of this chapter)

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