Chapter 330 Blood for Blood
Tap, tap, tap!
Ma Zuo's Lu.

The [-] Yueshi cavalry in leather armor were like sharp knives, cutting through the two sides in the melee.

Fortunately, this is the headquarters of the Marquis of Juyan, and other tribes of the Marquis of Xi came one after another. There are many people, and there are warriors who dare to fight and can fight everywhere.

Although they were attacked by surprise, they quickly stabilized their position and gradually began to push the raiders back outside the camp.


He yelled at Si Leng, who was bound to win the crown prince of the Yuezhi, and with the help of the momentum and waist strength of the horse, the iron fork in his hand brought a scalp-explosive wind, and swept out with a 'hoo', swinging away and stabbing him head-on. Immediately, he slashed forward fiercely with a short spear, piercing through one of the opponent's thousand long spears!
The iron fork retracted, swallowing and spitting out like a poisonous snake, three blood holes appeared on the Qianchang's chest, blood spurted wildly, and he fell off the horse without a word.

In an instant, the enemy soldiers around Si Leng shouted in unison and fled in all directions, without any thought of revenge for the leader.

Encouraged by Si Leng, the two thousand elite riders he led became more and more courageous in the battle. It only took a moment to kill nearly ten thousand enemies in front of him, and they fled in embarrassment.

But in other places, the four allied armies of Xihou, who had an absolute advantage, tightly surrounded the front of King Yuezhi, and stones and wooden spears flew inward like raindrops.

Under this almost one-sided massacre, the wailing sounds of people and horses came out constantly.


The desolate horn sounded in the distance, and tens of thousands of Yuezhi cavalry rushed to the dusty place.

The ground trembled, and the huge roar and strange roar reached the ears of the four Xihou allied forces in an instant, and even the war horses under their crotches began to shake in panic.

The one rushing from a distance was the main force led by King Yueshi himself.

In an instant, the situation on the battlefield was reversed instantly.

The four Xihou looked at each other, and they all saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

Rise and fall, honor and disgrace, here is a battle!
Marquis Juyanxi, who had the most troops, shouted loudly:

"Don't panic!"

"Akmon, Qisoke, lead people around to the sides, don't let us be surrounded by enemies!"

"Kuo Kuo'er, Bor, lead someone to stop them with bows and arrows!"

"All leather warriors, follow me and prepare to charge back!"

There are not many schemes available for attacking and killing in the grassland. If you want to escape, you have nowhere to rely on. If you want to attack, you have nothing to rely on. The only thing you can rely on is your own strength.


A mighty and powerful horn sounded over the entire battlefield, announcing the beginning of the cruelest battle.

On both sides of the battlefield, two Yueshi cavalry with the same dress and the same tactics were struggling to fight together. From time to time, red-eyed riders suddenly provoked their opponents to the ground and wrestled with each other.

In the center of the battlefield, with the shouts of Marquis Juyanxi and King Yuezhi, the well-trained Yuezhi riders pulled out their sharp bronze inner arc knives almost at the same moment.

The speed of the horse's running and flying hooves also happened to be raised to a level where it was easiest to charge, and the two groups of cavalry collided head-on without giving in to each other.

The chilling shouts of killing quickly turned into screams and terrified shouts. Countless horses fell to the ground, fighting together. The Yuezhi riders swung their knives almost blindly. Who is the comrade in arms.

A moment later, under the leadership of King Yuezhi and Marquis Juyanxi, the two blood-soaked riders broke away from the fighting state, drew a figure 8 on the grassland with the same posture, and then turned around and fought together again.

This time, no one retreated at all!

At this moment, a horn sounded from a gentle slope on the other side of the river, and there were shadows in the woods, as if countless people and horses were moving fast.

Although there is a grassland there, it is not endless. It is all flat grassland, and a mountain peak is on the side of the gentle slope. From the middle of the mountain, it is covered with dense birch trees and other tall trees.

Thousands of cavalry rushed out of the forest, and they quickly crossed the river in a shoal, heading towards the fierce fighting battlefield.

King Yueshi, who was leading the cavalry to charge, was stunned. He immediately handed over the command to Zhuo Lu beside him, and he rushed away with thousands of elite cavalry, posing for the battle.

King Yueshi tightly held the blood-stained long knife in his hand, which was a reward from the emperor during his pilgrimage. His slightly triangular eyes stared at the cavalrymen who came across the river, and his heart beat like a drum.

"Where did this cavalry come from?"

"There shouldn't be a tribe of this size nearby?"

The horses galloped wildly, rolling towards the ground, before the horses arrived, arrows rained down, and when the two sides met each other, arrows rained as densely as locusts appeared in the sky instantly.

Chi and shoot, the arrows are like continuous beads, the two sides' riding and shooting skills are almost the same.

King Yueshi held up the shield he took off from the saddle, separated an arrow that was shot at him, and immediately opened his eyes wide, dumbfounded, with a panicked expression on his face.

At this time, the two sides were already very close, so the appearance of the enemy was naturally exposed in front of him.

Blue eyes and red beard, resembling a monkey!
This is the Wusun people who were expelled from the grassland by them!

That's right, they are Wusun people!

In the entire land west of Hexi, as well as in the countries of the Western Regions further west, there are no people with red hair and green eyes like the Wusun people!

"Rush! Rush over!"

King Yuezhi held up his long sword and shouted loudly: "Before they all cross the river, kill them!"

On the other side, Juyan Xihou, who was being suppressed and beaten by the Yueshi Wang headquarters, laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, reinforcements are here, children follow me!"

Before the start of the war, the four princes reached an alliance with the Wusun prince Kunmo through the Qin people Youjia. The two sides jointly sent troops to destroy the Yuezhi king, and then divided the Hexi grassland equally.

For the four Xihous, with the Wusun cavalry gathered by Kunmo, the strength of the two sides far exceeds that of King Yuezhi.

Dividing the Hexi Grassland equally is also a profitable matter for both parties.

After all, the pastures controlled by the four princes at this moment only accounted for one-third of the Hexi grassland, but they could get half of it after killing Queen Yueshi!
Well, the signing of the alliance letter also bears the seal of Wei Liao, the left prime minister of Qin State.

Accompanied by the roar of Juyan Xihou, the tribes of the four Xihous became more and more brave as they fought, gradually turning from disadvantaged to balanced.

Corpses piled up like mountains on the grassland, and war horses that had lost their masters ran around in mourning.

But by the Ruoshui River, the Wusun people's eyes were burning with the flame of "revenge". Thousands of horses galloped bravely to be the first, almost never dodging the Yuezhi people's swords and guns.

A minor injury for a serious injury, a serious injury for an enemy's life!
There were many Wusun warriors covered in blood who fell to the ground, hugged their enemies tightly, opened their mouths wide, and bit down with all their strength.

"This one belongs to my sister!"

"This one belongs to my younger brother!"


 Well, the statement about the ethnicity of the Wusun people comes from a note written by Yan Shigu in the Tang Dynasty to "Hanshu Western Regions Biography", which mentioned that "Wusun is the most different form of the Western Regions, and today's Hu people have blue eyes and red beards. Those who make monkeys belong to their species."

(End of this chapter)

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