Chapter 331
"Whoever stops me will die!"

Kunmo brandished the ring head knife that had been cut into two pieces, and led the Wusun people who looked like crazy tigers forward bravely.

He must win this battle!
It's not for the shitty princess of Qin, nor for the shitty Hexi land.

He wants revenge, he wants to cut off the head of King Yueshi with his own hands and use it as a urinal!

Only in this way can Wusun restore the country, and the people of Wusun can gallop freely in this land left by their ancestors!
This battle must be won!

This was the only belief in his heart, and he didn't dare to imagine what would happen after the defeat.

If this battle is lost, there will be no Wusun in the world!
So, one person desperately, ten people are unstoppable.

Under the nearly life-and-death struggle of the forward Wusun warriors, the Yuezhi people's defense inevitably began to waver.

Many Yuezhi riders even brandished their weapons instinctively, not daring to look at the Wusun people on the opposite side.

One side was smashed to pieces, while the other side was like a sharp scimitar, how could they still fight?
"Where is the king? Where is the king?" Zhuo Lu ran from a distance covered in blood, looking for the trace of King Yuezhi.

"I'm here!" King Yuezhi rushed over from the melee army formation with a dozen of his personal guards, they were covered in blood and cuts and bruises.

"My lord, let's retreat..." Zhuo Lu panted heavily, but before he could finish speaking, he saw a thousand cavalry galloping towards him in the distance.

This is because the shoal is too small to bypass the Wusun warriors who crossed the river in the distance.

King Yueshi also found this cavalry, he sighed helplessly: "Let's withdraw..."

Oh oh oh!
The desolate trumpet sounded, and King Yuezhi's army began to flee in a hurry, but the four Xihou allied forces just cheered with their weapons on the spot, and did not launch a pursuit.

It's not that they forgave each other for the sake of the same race, it's mainly because of tiredness.

After all, on a battlefield where the enemy does not know from which direction to attack, not only physical strength, but also mental strength are consumed at an unimaginable speed.

"Return to Zhaowu City for the time being, and come back after reorganizing..." King Yuezhi panted heavily, with a look of resignation on his face.

"I don't think you can go back." Zhuo Lu who was beside him said coldly.

After finishing speaking, he winked at his son Erya, the short spear hanging in the latter's hand came out of the hole like a poisonous dragon, and the sharp spear tip pierced King Yuezhi's left chest with a bang.

King Yueshi's face was full of astonishment, his eyes flickered with surprise and disbelief, his hearing became blurred in an instant, and he vaguely heard the roaring, scolding, and mourning voices of his own guards, but the voice seemed to come from very Came from afar.

"You don't want to be the dog of Daqin, so why don't you listen to me and become the dog of the Huns? You don't want to be a dog, but I am very willing!" Zhuolu sneered and said, "The plow supporter of the Huns Gutu Shanyu has already made a promise to me, he supports me to become the king of the Yuezhi!"

Er Ya pulled out the short spear with a bang, and said with a smile: "And I will become the prince of the Yuezhi..."

King Yuezhi shook for a moment, blood gushed out of his chest, and the long knife bestowed by him fell to the ground together with him. His strong and powerful heart pumped all the blood out of his chest.

His body began to twitch uncontrollably due to excessive blood loss, and his blurred eyes saw the blue sky with white clouds from between the messy legs of the horse.

"Muya, run quickly..."

Life is fading away, King Yuezhi uttered the last sentence indistinctly with the last of his strength, the last picture left in his increasingly dull eyes was a huge horseshoe falling from above his eyes , getting closer and bigger, until it covered the entire sky...



Mu Ya who was sleeping suddenly woke up, sitting up from the blanket covered in cold sweat.

She dreamed that King Yueshi was standing in front of her covered in blood, but he was watching her with a smile on his face, full of reluctance and sadness in his smile.

blah blah blah!
There was a rush of horseshoes outside the felt bag, followed by a series of exclamations.

"Abba, he..." Muya rushed out suddenly: "No, definitely not..."


"Prince?" The blood-stained messenger stared at the dumbfounded Muya, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"It's a lie, it's not true, it's a lie, it's not true..." Muya whispered repeatedly.

However, the imperial long knife that was trampled into several knots by the horseshoe in the messenger's hand proved that what the messenger said was true.

Well, more importantly, this messenger is a personal guard who has followed King Yuezhi for many years.

"Princess, please make a decision early!" The messenger urged again.

Now those tribesmen who were loyal to King Yuezhi were either captured or fled, while the remaining tribesmen, led by Zhuolu, were confronting the four Xihou coalition forces and the Wusun people.

No matter what the battle over there is, the victorious side will absolutely not tolerate the existence of Mu Ya, the princess of the Yue clan.

Mu Ya looked at the messenger with eyes full of confusion: "Decision? What decision?"

She blinked her eyes, as if waking up from a dream, and touched the handle of the broken knife timidly and confusedly, as if she was feeling the temperature left by King Yuezhi.

After a while, the confusion and timidity disappeared, replaced by determination and eyes burning with flames of vengeance.

"I'm going to see Captain Hu Yueshi!"

She hugged the broken knife in her arms, pulled a cloak around her body, and rode away alone.


On the south bank of Ruoshui, in a formation of cavalry that could not be seen at a glance.

Zhang Han looked curiously at the gurgling weak water, looked at Li Qian beside him and said, "According to Your Majesty, this place has been an inseparable part of Great Qin since ancient times!"

Li Qian was a little confused: "Huh?"

Zhang Han said with a smile: "The river in front of us is called Ruoshui. According to His Majesty, it is related to King Yu."

Li Qian blinked: "Huh?"

Could it be that this is the repeater that His Majesty mentioned... Zhang Han said helplessly: "King Yu's control of water is not only in the Central Plains, it is said that this weak water is also a masterpiece of King Yu."

"King Yu led the weak water to Heli, and the aftermath flowed into the quicksand. Well, Juyanze occupied by the Yuezhi people was formed by the collection of weak water."

Li Qian suddenly realized: "Since this is the case, I will be famous this time! After all, His Majesty said that there is nothing less about Daqin!"

Zhang Han also nodded and said: "The previous emperor also said this. After all, it is written on the Langya stone inscription that within Liuhe, the emperor's land. It reaches the sea in the east and quicksand in the west. It reaches Beihu in the south and Daxia in the north. Human traces As a result, everyone surrenders..."

He immediately said with some doubts: "However, Your Majesty said that the so-called quicksand refers to the coast of Xi'ou. Isn't Xi'ou in Lingnan?"

Li Qian shook his head, and when he was about to say something, he galloped to report.

"Captain, please see the Yue family princess!"

(End of this chapter)

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