Chapter 332

In the south of the weak water, the reeds on the shore are swaying in the wind.

Li Qian couldn't believe it, the one in front of him, who seemed to be dug out of the mud, was the princess of the Yue family he had seen before?

What made him even more unbelievable was that King Yuezhi died just like that?
Under the scrutinizing eyes of Zhang Han and Li Qian, Muya Aimi's little girl nature was aroused, and she wiped her face mixed with sweat, tears and dust with some embarrassment.

"I want revenge."

Mu Ya said calmly: "Please Daqin to help me avenge! As long as I can kill my enemies with my hands, I would like to be His Majesty's slave girl, the Yue clan..."

She bit her lip and said: "The Yue clan will become the shepherds of the Qin people, and they will fight for the Great Qin from generation to generation, and get off their horses to herd sheep!"

She knew that unlike nomadic tribes such as the Yuezhi and the Huns, the mobilization of the Qin army required the emperor's permission.

Although the size of Qin's army near Zhaowu City was completely beyond her expectations, she understood that it was just to protect the flames of war from spreading to Jincheng County.

Be armed and not do harm.

This is what You Jia from Qin told her, it is the belief of the god-like man in Xianyang City, and it is also her belief.

Without waiting for Li Qian to speak, Zhang Han asked directly, "Why do you ask the Qin army to avenge you? After the death of King Yuezhi, how many Yuezhi people are willing to obey your orders and become Qin's shepherd slaves?"

Mu Ya raised her head, looked directly at Zhang Han and said: "I am the princess of the Yue clan. After Abba and Abba are killed by traitors, I will be the queen of the Yue clan. All the members of the Yue clan must obey my orders. Otherwise, you will be executed!"

Naive... Zhang Han squinted his eyes and asked, "I mean, how many Yueshi cavalry can you gather?"

Muya lowered her head and thought for a while and said, "Abba took away all the leather armored warriors, but among the remaining tribes, there are still more than 6000 warriors. If you don't want to belong to the second uncle..."

"There are at least ten thousand riders who are not willing to submit to Zhuolu!"

She finished counting with her fingers, and looked up at Zhang Han: "If you count those strong Yue clan women, there are thirty thousand horses!"

Zhang Han and Li Qian exchanged glances. They didn't expect the Yuezhi people to have such a large-scale war potential, but that's all.

No matter how many sheep there are, they can't stop the attack of wolves, not to mention that the Qin army at this moment is a fierce tiger!
Zhang Han nodded to Li Qian, expressing that he could accept Mu Ya's conditions. After all, with her as the Queen of the Yue Clan in name, subduing the Yue Clan would be more effective with half the effort.

Li Qian looked at Muya, and said with a sad face: "I feel very sad about what happened to King Yuezhi, since His Majesty let me be the captain of the Yueshi, then I will take care of this matter! "

"For those traitors who murdered King Yueshi, Shangqiongbi and Huangquan will also arrest them and question them!"

"Qin people and Yuezhi people, as early as a hundred years ago..."

He said a lot of gossip very seriously, and Mu Ya was taken aback for a while, but when she thought that she would no longer have her father, she couldn't stop feeling sad, and her eyes were full of hot tears.

Zhang Han coughed lightly, stopping Li Qian's tirade: "As the saying goes, speed is the most important thing in an army. In order to prevent the confluence of the rebels, we should set off immediately!"


Hexi grassland, call silkworm water.

The camps of the four Xihou coalition forces, Wusun people, and Zhuolu were arranged in a triangle with more than a hundred miles apart.

They have been confronting each other here for many days, waiting for each other to show their flaws.

Among the three, the Wusun people are the weakest. This is mainly because they took the lead before, so they suffered heavy losses.

After all, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, and the Yuezhi people slaughtered them mercilessly more than ten years ago.

And the reason why Kunmo was able to call these Wusun people who were hiding in the corners and licking their wounds to reunite under his command was that the main slogan was revenge on the Yuezhi people.

As for taking back the pasture...

Well, the climate at this time is relatively warm, with abundant rainfall, and the desert area is far less than that of later generations, so there are many pastures suitable for grazing and growing some food, so there is no need to pay too much for this.

In fact, the most important reason is low productivity. Population is the most precious wealth of a nation or country. As for land, in the eyes of these nomadic or hunting people, it is not that important.

So the colonists used a glass ball to exchange a large area of ​​land from the Indian tribe.

And in that transaction, both parties cursed each other as idiots in their hearts...

Kunmo stood outside the felt bag, looked up at the sky, and let out a long sigh.

Among the current three-party forces, the Wusun people have become the weakest one. According to the news from the grassland, the Nine Plains Army of the Qin people moved northward in a large scale, and Da Shanyu had no extra troops to go south to support Wusun's restoration of the country.

As for the four princes who exchanged covenants with him before the war, they could not be trusted at all.

After all, dividing the prairie equally depends on real hard power, and what he lacks now is precisely this.

What he needs to beware of now is that the four Xihous and the Yuezhi people on the other side will unite to attack the Wusun people from both sides, and then they will divide the grassland equally...

Just when Kunmo was hesitating whether to retreat first, and then use the power of the Huns to restore the country, he felt a vibration under his feet and saw a black line faintly appearing at the end of his vision.

He cursed in Wusun dialect, then got on his horse and led the Wusun warriors who were also alert to meet him.


The Yueshi camp on the south bank of Hucanshui.

When the tide of cavalry from the Qin army came, the herdsmen who stayed behind immediately rebelled, especially when they saw Mu Ya, who was wearing Qin armor and a white cloak, they knew everything.

"What? Zhuolu has already set off? He wants to unite with the Wusun people to fight against the four princes?"

Listening to the leader's stammering report, Mu Ya looked at Zhang Han and Li Qian in a daze.

After Zhang Han asked Ming Zhuolu when he set off, he turned his head and said, "If their negotiations go well, Zhuolu and the Wusun people should have joined forces by now to attack the four princes in the south!"

Li Qian looked at Zhang Han, and saw the same thoughts as himself on the other's face.

Let's set off now, go straight to the battlefield at full speed, and just smash all three of them together!
And when the horn of Da Da's rapid march sounded, all the cavalry of the Qin Army cheered loudly.

Among them, the loudest one was the [-] Rongdi cavalry dispatched from Longxi County.

Well, it’s Rongdi, but most of them are from Qin, but they live in the place where Rongdi lives and have the same lifestyle as Rongdi.

They already know about the fertility of Hexi, so...

"Tell Cuihua, don't compare yourself to 'you must return', if she wants to marry me, she will move to Hexi with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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