Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 333 Riding Scroll Hiraoka

Chapter 333 Qianqi Scroll Hiraoka (Chapter 4k)
It was past noon, and on the battlefield where corpses were strewn across the field, a melodious horn sounded from afar.

Immediately afterwards, huge battle flags of the Qin Army with black characters on a white background leaped up the hills.

The banners were unfurled, and the shouts shook the sky.

It was impossible to see how many people there were in the dust.

The two sides in the battle couldn't help but burst into commotion. They have been exhausted since fighting in the early morning.

"It's from Qin!"

A sharp-eyed Yuezhi exhaled loudly, almost unable to hold the bronze inner arc knife in his hand in horror.

At this moment, on the hills in the distance, a golden eagle flag with a black background was raised, fluttering in the wind, and hunting.

This is the flag of King Yuezhi. He was in a surprise attack before, so he left the big flag in the king's tent and did not bring it out.

At this moment, Mu Ya held the battle flag high, with raging anger in his eyes, he threw the battle flag heavily on the ground, and the pointed end covered with copper skin penetrated more than half a foot deep into the ground.


Another Yuezhi cavalryman exclaimed, he subconsciously wanted to jump off his horse and kneel down to salute.

"I am the king of Yueshi!"

Zhuolu galloped on his horse and shouted loudly: "Warriors of the Yuezhi who are loyal to me, take up your weapons and charge with me!"

He held up the blood-stained bronze inner arc knife: "Let us use the blood of the Qin people to regain our honor and freedom!"

Under Zhuo Lu's instigation, a small group of radicals who were dissatisfied with King Yueshi's unlimited compromise suddenly broke out howling like wolves.

Under the coercion of these people, the hesitant Yuezhi cavalry around them also became restless.

On the other side, the four Xihous and the Wusun people in the battle also turned their horses' heads, adjusted their formations under the leadership of their respective leaders, and pointed the spearhead of the attack in the direction of the Qin army.

However, if you look down from the sky at this moment, you will find that on the open grassland battlefield, the four-armed army has become a formation with an empty middle, sparse front and tight rear.

They were different from the Wusun people and Zhuolu, they had no intention of going against the Qin people from the beginning to the end, so in their hearts, they still had the possibility of negotiating with the Qin people.

And the bargaining chip is the cavalry of the headquarters who are in confusion at the moment.

The sound of rhythmic horns came from the Qin army.

At the southernmost point of the endless battlefield, countless cavalry with horse clubs and wooden forks began to charge.

They were gathered and recruited by Muya along the way, and they were still loyal to her Yuezhi cavalry.

It's just that their charge made Zhang Han, who was standing under the banner of Qin Zi, stunned.

He didn't order these Yuezhi people to charge at all, did he!

The meaning conveyed by the horn sounded by the Chinese army is to make the whole army prepare to attack, not the whole army to charge!

Zhang Han glared at Mu Ya, who led the people to charge: "Forget it, don't worry, if she wants to die, let her go! She hit her, we hit ours!"

After he finished speaking, he swung his arm sharply, and the horn sounded to order the whole army to attack.


On the horizon, a thin black line began to emerge, and then turned into a surging tide. The iron hooves of countless war horses trampled on the gray and yellow mottled grassland, and the ground trembled slightly.

The entire formation of the Qin army was divided into three parts, and the Rongdi cavalry who were good at riding and shooting were still lined up on the two wings. The arrows were on the string, and the horses galloped wildly, like two big hands outflanking the enemy's flanks.

And in the middle are the cavalry with shapes from Jincheng County.

Hmm, not to mention specific.

Restricted by the horse's load-bearing capacity, only a piece of armor was hung in front of the horse's neck, covered with a smock, and the saved load was distributed to the rider on the horse's back.

Under the sun, the armor shines toward the sun, and the long halberd is like a forest.

In the past six months or so, the guards who took the initiative to stay in the fields of Jincheng County have undergone earth-shaking changes.

They have changed from the original militia who also took care of 'farming warfare' to full-time professional soldiers.

In addition to eating and drinking Lazard, only do three things every day.

Practicing martial arts, supervising and instructing servants to do farm work, sleep with wives or concubines separately or together...

Compared with before, the whole person is thicker...

Of course, compared with before, he also gained stronger strength and more skilled skills.

Well, it is a bit similar to the benefactor knights in later generations of Europe. After all, these guards have hundreds of acres of land, a dozen cows and hundreds of sheep.

Holding a long halberd in his hand, Zhang Han rode his horse at the forefront of the team, looked back from time to time, and gave orders loudly.

As a cavalry commander, he needs to restrain the advancing speed of the whole army in order to maintain the overall formation.


The horn sounded.

There was a strange whistling sound behind Zhang Han, and the clear blue sky was suddenly covered by black clouds, and countless crossbow arrows chased after them, forming a thick black cloud.

The sound of piercing through the sky resounded throughout the world, and the screams of those hit by the arrows and the neighing of war horses intertwined into a tragic elegy.


The horn sounded again.

The heavy armored cavalry in the charge put away their crossbows, flat-ended long halberds, and lightly tapped the horse's belly with their feet, pushing the horse's speed to the extreme.

While running, the formation of the heavy cavalry began to split, forming a team of hundreds of cavalry, forming arrows, and suddenly piercing towards the panic-stricken Wusun and Yuezhi people.


"Let me go, I can't die here!"


At the end of the crossbow, the strength cannot enter Lu Jin.

Exhausted, and facing the shining sun, heavy cavalry like steel fortresses.

Whether it was the Yuezhi people who had been timid for a long time, or the Wusun people who were burning with revenge, they all lost their fighting spirit. They ignored the leader's order, turned their horses and started to run away.

It's a pity they ran a little late.

The Qin character battle flag with black characters on a white background arrived in an instant, and with it came thousands of elite cavalry eager to obtain more land, cattle and sheep.

Blockers are invincible.

When the halberd was swung, blood spattered, and many Wusun people who had fought bravely before were stabbed under the horse almost without resistance.


Zhang Han sternly shouted, the bloody halberd in his hand pointed at Kunmo ahead.

Kunmo, who was squeezed by the chaotic group of his own people, screamed inwardly, and hurriedly bent down, trying to avoid the blow.

But it was too late, as the two horses crossed, a short but stocky figure was picked up high by the halberd, fell heavily to the ground, and turned into flesh in the messy horseshoes.


A prairie cavalry shouted in the language of the Huns, his tone full of panic and sadness.

Zhang Han, who rushed past, frowned slightly, thinking in his heart:

'prince?What kind of prince? Where did the Yuezhi people get their prince from? '

'Could it be the Wusun prince?It's too bad, this is the credit for beheading the enemy general, I don't know if I can fight him off later...'


As the sun sets, it can basically be said that the one-sided battle is over.

Except for the Rongdi cavalry who were chasing death and chasing the north, the heavy cavalry who had all charged and pierced through the enemy's line before were unable to fight anymore.

They sat cross-legged on the prairie, surrounded by war horses that had their saddles and vests removed, and their heads were lowered to eat the grass.

In front of them, corpses piled up like mountains, and blood flowed like rivers.

On the right side of the battlefield are the four Xihou allied forces who have dropped their weapons since the beginning of the battle, dismounted and knelt down.

But under Zhang Han's order, all the chiefs over a thousand heads were beheaded, and the remaining ordinary herdsmen became slaves of the Qin people according to the previous agreement.

Of course, their cattle and sheep are still theirs.

After all, everyone has horses, and there are no walls around them. If you don't have any hope, you can't help but run away.

Therefore, the shepherd slaves on the grasslands are completely different from the serfs in the Tibetan area and later black slaves. They are more like tenant farmers in the Central Plains, or migrant workers in later generations.

To give a chestnut, it is a generation of arrogance who only knows how to bend bows and shoot big eagles.

Many of his generals were slaves. For example, Mu Huali, one of the Four Heroes, was a slave who raised horses for others, but he was tall, burly and skilled in martial arts, so he obviously had no shortage of food.

On the hill, Mu Ya held a broken knife in her arms, staring blankly at the Shura field in front of her.

"Tell me, how will His Majesty the Emperor govern this land?" She said to herself without looking back.

"There should be prefectures and counties." Li Qian's voice sounded behind her.

"That's good, if Qin is here, our people will never suffer from wars..." Mu Ya stroked the hilt of the knife and said lightly.

"Even if there is no longer the name of Yueshi in the world?" Li Qian lowered his head, frowning slightly.

Mu Ya nodded her head without saying a word, looking at the rolling Qilian Mountains in the distance.

"What are you going to do next?" Li Qian got on his horse and asked back.

"Go to Xianyang City, and be a slave girl to His Majesty the Emperor..." Muya raised her head, her gaze seemed to pass through the mountains, and she saw the twelve golden men towering into the sky, and the tall figure standing on the stage that day, looking all around.

"But before that, I have another thing to do!" Mu Ya stood up, her tearful eyes were burning with anger, and her trembling hands tightly held the handle of the broken knife in her hand.

Queen Yuezhi turned into a slave girl?I always felt something was weird... Li Qian lightly knocked on the horse's belly and left slowly.

Farther away, the marching Sima came galloping and stopped in front of Zhang Han: "General, our army beheaded more than [-] people, captured [-] prisoners, and captured countless cattle, sheep and horses!"

They probably didn't count the number of people they killed each other before, it's so rigid... Zhang Han stroked the short beard on his chin, turned his head and said: "Pass it on, our army has won a great victory, beheaded more than ten thousand, and Hexi Dading!"

Hearing Zhang Han's words, more than a dozen soldiers rode away, shouting:
"Our army won a great victory, beheading more than ten thousand people, Hexi Dading!"

Suddenly, the sound of mountains roaring and tsunami came from the army formation in the distance:

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng..."

Zhang Han smiled slightly, and turned to look at Sima Biebu: "Write down the battle report, let the letter return to Wuwei City as quickly as possible, and send the letter to Xianyang City by flying pigeons, please read it..."

Therefore, after Sima Biebu sat on the saddle and wrote quickly, a concise and memorized battle report was freshly released.

After Zhang Han verified that it was correct, a group of Hongling messengers galloped away.

More than ten days later, the battle report was shuffled in Wuwei City, rewritten with a strange symbol, and then tied to the legs of a group of grandmothers and thrown into the air.

So from this day on, the battle report recording the western end of the empire began to relay all the way to the center of the empire at a speed of more than 70 kilometers per hour.

In the golden autumn of October, the sky is windy and the yellow sand is boundless. The homing pigeons fly against the wind to avoid the pursuit of natural enemies...

Through the rolling Qilian Mountains...

Across the vast and boundless Qinghai Lake...

Leave a silhouette on the banks of the great river...

Take a break in the Loess Plateau...

In the end, the carrier pigeon that took off from Yongcheng completed the final relay and fell from the clouds like an arrow, making Yang Guo's voice.

In the Xianyang Chuanshe, the petty officials in soap clothes did not dare to neglect in the slightest. They took out broken rice from a special wooden box, rewarded the group of pigeons with their heads high, and immediately took out letters from their feet and sent them to The Office of the Minister of the Palace.

"Well, it's this one..."

Xiao He was on duty today. He took out a book and a magnifying glass from a locked drawer, and immediately pressed the above code to start translating the content of the letter.

"0265, 0973, 4426..."

Your Majesty is truly a man of gods, and this Daqin number is easy to use... Xiao He admired it in his heart while copying it on paper.

After a while, he looked at the transcribed content and was stunned on the spot.

"Hexi Dading...Hexi Dading!"

Xiao He sat up abruptly from his seat, and ran towards the outside of the hall, not even thinking about putting on his shoes at the entrance of the hall.

"Prepare the carriage...no, prepare the horse! I want to go to Lin Guang Palace to meet His Majesty immediately!"

He lost his composure and yelled at the attendant at the door.

As a servant who is qualified to participate in political affairs and plan the future of the country, he understands the importance of the Hexi Corridor.

The Hexi Corridor is not only a grassland with lush water and grass, or a field with fertile soil, but also a place of hope that connects to an infinite future!

When Xiao He was galloping on horseback, he couldn't help but think of a top-secret map he had seen in the palace before. It turns out that there is such a vast and boundless land outside the Central Plains.

Fertile oases, fertile plains, rich but weak neighbors...

Going to the sea in the east, wading in the quicksand in the west...Wherever there are people, you will surrender!


"Don't use too much force...Steady, exhale, inhale...exhale, inhale!" Tian Ji clenched her fists in the East Hall of Lin Guang Palace, with a nervous expression on her face.

In the inner hall, Zhao Jiman's painful groans could be heard from time to time.

Today is Ying Keai's birthday and Zhao Ji's Good Friday.

I always feel that the jade crown on my head is not Hetian jade but Burmese jade... Fusu looked sideways, looked at Tian Ji and said, "Shut up, you are making me a little nervous!"

The first time was born and the second time was cooked. Compared with Tian Ji's delivery, the doctors and midwives who had been staying in Lin Guanggong all seemed calm and orderly.

"I'm nervous!" Tian Ji pouted, looking like a little girl.

Since becoming a mother, she has lived more and more, and sometimes she seems to be more immature than Qi Rui'er who is trying to pretend to be mature.

Just when Fu Su glanced at her and was about to say something, a servant led Xiao He and hurried over from a distance.

"Your Majesty, the Hexi news..." Han Rang took the memorial from outside the palace gate and walked towards Fusu.

At the same time, there was a soft cry of a baby in the inner hall.

Ah, this... Fusu is a little bit in trouble, and a little bit at a loss.

According to the past, he should deal with state affairs first, but at this moment, if he can't enter the inner palace to appease the mother as soon as he did before, it is very likely that the other party will remember her forever...

"Huh? Why is there another one?"

(End of this chapter)

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