Chapter 334 Fu Lu (Chapter 4k)
The East Hall of Lin Guang Palace.

God bless... Fusu walked briskly to the outside of the hall, feeling both happy and worried. The worry was that the risk of having twins was greater than having only one.

As for Xi, it is natural to respond to the national policy before the end of the year...

Well, the third child!

outside the temple.

Holding the memorabilia in his hand, Han Rang bent over and presented it: "Your Majesty, the good news from Hexi..."

Under the steps about a few meters high, Xiao He kept his duty and stood still. As a foreign minister, he was not good and could not set foot in the East Hall of Lin Guang Palace, which was used as a delivery room.

Fusu opened the memorabilia and quickly read it under the gradually sinking sun.

"Prince Wusun died in battle, and the rest of the people were either killed or captured..."

"King Yueshi was killed in a sneak attack, and all the princes of the four tribes and more than a thousand commanders of the rebel army were beheaded..."

"More than [-] were killed, [-] were captured, and more than [-] Yue clan shepherds were captured..."

"[-] high-quality horses were seized, and countless horses, cattle and sheep of middle-level and below..."

"Hexi Dading, please put it in the county..."

Fusu looked up at the sky, unable to speak for a long time.

According to his original plan, he wanted to kill King Yueshi and let the Queen Yueshi who was pro-Qin take over the throne, so as to indirectly control the Hexi Corridor, and then slowly eat away at it.

Unexpectedly, under the planning of Wei Liao, Zhang Han and others, the final result was that Qin State annexed the Yuezhi tribe and directly included the entire Hexi Corridor!
I'm still too small, shit!How can there be so many people to control such a large place... After Fusu was ecstatic, he began to face difficulties.

The Hexi Corridor is not equal to the territory of the Qiang people. To seize the latter place, they can exert pressure through the bordering Longxi County, slowly fill the population, and eventually change the local population structure.

But what is the Hexi Corridor? It is connected to the Xiongnu in the north, the Qiang people in the south, and to the west are many small tribes struggling to survive between the vast sea and the oasis.

If Qin wants to fully project its power there, it will take at least five to ten years. If it wants to change the local population structure, it will take 20 years!

This led to the fact that although the place was swallowed up, no one took care of it!
Just like the annexation of the six countries before.

In the words of P Agency, it means that the over-expansion exploded, and various catastrophic events will randomly pop up.

For example, if immigrants are allowed to concentrate and settle down, the corners and corners will inevitably be invaded by the surrounding nomads or other foreign ethnic groups in the Western Regions;

It is difficult to guarantee the security of settlements if immigrants are spread out like pancakes.

After all, compared with the nomadic Yuezhi people, the settled farming people have to store food and property, which are pieces of fat that will be coveted by others.

Worry, but once you eat it, it’s impossible to spit it out again, well, it’s even more worrying... Fusu sighed slightly, and said softly: "It's easy to conquer the world, but it's difficult to rule the world..."

He walked down the steps, looked at Xiao He and asked, "Tell me what you think."

Also after the initial joy, Xiao He also realized the catastrophe of swallowing the land.

If you want to migrate from the Central Plains without land to the head of Guizhou to immigrate to Shibian, if you want them to settle in a different place, the necessary expenses such as housing and food will be astronomical.

As far as the national finance is concerned, there will be no return within five years!

Xiao He was silent for a while and said: "For the current plan, only a small number of migrants will connect the Lifang into a line and maintain the roads leading to the countries in the Western Regions. As for those places that cannot be controlled, we can only let them go..."

I understand, since ancient times, if you are poor, you will put aside disputes... Fusu nodded in agreement, and then said:
"When expropriating the houses and land in the relocation of Guizhou, don't send money, convert it into vouchers... to buy food, cement, bricks and the like."

According to the established practice of Jincheng County, new immigrants are exempted from taxation and corvee, granted farmland and homesteads, and distributed cattle and farm tools according to the mile.

But the house they live in is either a rickety shack that can be blown down by a gust of wind, or a felt bag that I don’t know where I got it...

So the first thing the new immigrants do is to build a stable house. After all, this is the northwest plateau, the kind that can freeze to death when it gets cold!
And everyone is not stupid. It is good to have seen brick-concrete structures. As long as conditions permit, no one wants to live in the same adobe houses as their hometown.

As for the issuance of vouchers for cement and bricks, the main reason is that the new immigrants will spend money indiscriminately. After all, Qiang women with big butts and sons can buy them for only [-] help herd sheep.

Well, in fact, it is mainly used to increase the income of the Shaofu. After all, such things as digging mountains and burning cement and bricks can only be done by the Shaofu who is in charge of the interests of mountains, rivers and swamps.

As we all know, the Shaofu belongs to the emperor...

Xiao He stole a glance at Fusu, but said nothing.

Anyway, during this period, the emperor and the country's finances were mixed, and there was a considerable financial gap every year, which was filled from the emperor's salt and iron income.

Well, there are also expenses such as road construction, canal construction, and weapon smelting, which are also paid by the emperor.

This is a tradition that has continued since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. After all, the family belongs to the world, and the country is to some extent the private property of the monarch alone.

In the words of later generations, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

Fusu glanced to the west slightly, thinking in his heart, since the west is settled, then the south should be put on the agenda, and it's time to settle the matter in Kuaiji County.

He looked at Xiao He and said: "Decree, order Wei Liao, Meng Tian, ​​Li Xin, Shang Shu Ling, Zhong Shu Ling and other officials who added the word '中' to come to Lin Guang Palace tomorrow to discuss matters!"

After Xiao He bowed his hands to promise, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Fusu: "Since Hexi has been settled, then Li Qian, the captain of the Huyue clan..."

That's right, the Yue family is gone, so it's a bit awkward to call her by this name again.But the Yuezhi people need to be appeased. After all, at this stage, they are the main ethnic group there. Forget it, I will suffer a bit... Fusu pondered slightly:
"Then merge the entire Hexi Corridor into one, take the meaning of promoting Wuwei and the West, and name it Wuwei County. The county will be moved to the place where the Hexi War was fought, and a new city will be built there..."

Before he could finish speaking, Han Rang hurriedly ran out from the East Hall: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Mrs. Zhao Ji gave birth to a princess and a prince. Both mother and child are safe and sound!"

Xiao He also cupped his hands with a smile and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Fusu listened to the indistinct sound of a baby crying, nodded and said, "The new city is called Fulu County!"

As for Jiuquan County, Zhangye County, and Dunhuang County... Let's talk about it in the future, after all, there are no people, and it is useless to set up counties.

Xiao He nodded to mark it down.

Fusu continued: "As for Li Qian, let's be the sheriff first! Well, the rank ratio is two thousand stones."

By the way, there are Yuezhi people, I almost forgot about them just now... Fusu thought about it for a while and said:
"Abolish the original surnames of the Yuezhi people, take a character from my name and give them the surname 'Su', which is a sign of God's grace!"

Let the people of the Yue family take the surname of the Qin people, speak the language of the Qin people, wear the clothes of the Qin people, and celebrate the festivals of the Qin people, so that in a short time, the Yue family will be like the Rongdi cavalry with Yiqu and dog Rong blood , regard himself as a Qin person, and fight for Da Qin.

Well, one country, one nation, one emperor, Holy Trinity!


In the east hall, Fusu stared at Zhao Ji who was asleep due to excessive physical exertion, stretched out her hand, and gently held her small hand.

Well, it's a bit cold... Fusu decided to move back to Lanchi Palace after a while.

Zhao Ji's brush-like eyelashes trembled. In fact, she had woken up a long time ago, but she had a small request in her heart that she wanted to be satisfied, but she didn't know how to say it, so she kept her eyes closed and pretended to be asleep.

Fusu sat by the bed and began to close his eyes to rest his mind. In fact, he already knew that the other party was pretending to be asleep, but he was too lazy to reveal it. Anyway, there is nothing important to do now, so he wanted to see what Zhao Ji wanted to do. What.


A bowel rumbling broke the silence.

Are you hungry, I just came here after eating snacks... Fusu looked at Zhao Ji whose face suddenly turned red from pale with great interest, without saying a word.

Zhao Ji opened her eyes and asked weakly, "Your Majesty..."

Pretend, why don't you pretend... Fu Su whispered, "I'm here, are you hungry? I've ordered them to prepare meals, and they can eat later."

"Your Majesty is so kind..." Zhao Ji forced a weak smile on her face.

Fu Su said with a smile: "When you recover, I will make black pepper chicken wings for you..."

The smile on Zhao Ji's face froze instantly, and she said weakly, "No chicken wings..."

Well, the so-called black pepper refers to the pepper that Ziying sent from Nanhai County. In response to this, the fleet has been dispatched to continue sailing to recruit indigenous people to build pepper plantations.

Fusu still kept smiling: "Then what do you want? Oh, by the way, Ziying sent several pearls the size of a child's fist from Nanhai County. You can make jewelry with them!"

Zhao Ji just shook her head slightly, without saying a word.

Fusu asked curiously: "How many ranks of title will be added to Zhao Yan?"

Zhao Ji still shook her head, and said in a weak voice, "Your Majesty, please don't do this."

Fu Su frowned slightly and asked: "Then what do you want? Just ask what you want, I... think about it."

Zhao Ji pretended to be weak for a long time, and when she saw Fusu taking the bait, she smiled and said, "I want to choose a name for my emperor, please..."

Her round apricot eyes shone with a light called 'Hope', and she stared at Fusu without blinking.

What a pity, you are one step too late... Fu Su shook his head and said: "I have already chosen the name of the emperor, and I will call it Fulu, Ying Fulu!"

Hearing Fusu's words, the smile on Zhao Ji's face froze again, and the light named 'hope' in her eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by despair and sadness.

There is Fusu in the mountains, and Hehua in Xi.Look at the name the previous emperor gave you, and then look at the name you gave my daughter and son, I'm dead... Zhao Ji turned her head aside and said nothing.

"Is Fulu not good? Blessed and lucrative, enjoy life..." Fusu murmured softly, turned and left quietly.

Zhao Ji's eyes gradually widened, and her heart felt like a river was overwhelmed.

The state of Qin abolished enfeoffment from the first emperor, and even his own son was not enfeoffed as a king or marquis.

The salary that Fusu mentioned obviously refers to Shiqing Shilu.

"Could it be that Your Majesty wants to confer a hereditary title on this child?"

Zhao Ji thought of Fusu's behavior of adding food to Yingyinman from time to time and rewarding her from the palace, and her chest was bumping like a deer.


In the main hall of Lin Guang Palace, Fu Su was lying on his soft and wide bed.

It was getting late at this moment, and the autumn moon streamed in from the window like water, reflecting on his uncertain face.

When he was a 'newcomer', he was quite against enfeoffment.

Once the royal family is entrusted, his daily life will not only have to deal with local centrifuges, but also put a considerable part of his energy on intrigue with these relatives.

But now, he still does not intend to enable the enfeoffment system.

As for the so-called simultaneous development of counties and states, it is also not considered.

Han Dynasty is a multi-shareholder joint venture company, and the interests of shareholders cannot be ignored. After all, people can lift you up and pull you down.

However, the current state of Qin is a wholly-owned family enterprise, and there is no need for enfeoffment at all.

As for his memorial in favor of Wang Wan entrusting the princes to various places...

Hehe, there are more than ten or twenty adult brothers in the family waiting to divide the family property, especially on the premise that most of these brothers and mothers have dead men in their families,
As the boss who is sure to be able to take the big head, he is not high-spirited and honest, and he still wants to get out of Xianyang Palace alive?
Well, thinking about it now, the fat man's expression at that time seemed to be slightly relieved.

After all, he is more suitable as a bad guy.

Of course, maybe it's just that the fat man was harsh on his sons.

After all, "Concubines, concubines, princes and grandsons, resigned from the hall downstairs, the chariot came from Qin, and the songs of the court were played at night, and they were the people of the Qin Palace."

For the fat man who has so many resources, he occasionally saw a beautiful one when he passed by, so he had a good luck on the spot, and thus he had a son...

Is there any difference between such a son and someone who rushed against the wall in adolescence?

So Fusu's idea is to stuff Ying Fulu into the Shaofu as an official, and then send him to the "Royal Trading Company" in the south or east.

Praise the merits and make a hereditary Marquis.

When consumerism is about to prevail in the world, it is much more comfortable to be a rich and idle Marquis than to sit in that position!

The eldest son inheritance system is the best way to ensure the smooth continuation of the empire.

As for the political ability of the eldest son, it doesn't matter at all!
He plans to promote the civil service system plagiarized from corrupt countries in the future.

And under this system, those obscure bureaucrats who are really in charge of the empire are those unknown bureaucrats. As for the emperor himself, well, as long as he can control the army.

While Fusu was daydreaming, the door of the palace opened a crack silently, and a figure with an obscene figure slowly squeezed in.


There was still a sound coming from the door shaft.

Obviously, she underestimated the stalwart of her chest.

My badge moved... Fusu closed her eyes, waiting to see what kind of monster she was going to be!

In a moment, the scent of cloves and gooseberries came, and then, a hot and humid air flowed from his neck.

"Didn't you never go to bed again?"

"Tian Ji is not weak in her life! My concubine is planning to have a second child!"

Just when Fusu wanted to say something, he just felt unable to speak, and had a feeling of becoming a baby in a trance.

(End of this chapter)

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