Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 335 Tell me what you think

Chapter 335 Tell me what you think

On the edge of the endless desert, hundreds of riders came like a gust of wind and stopped to rest on the grass near the desert and lake.

At this moment, the sky is still dark, but under the starlight, you can still see the outfits of these riders.

Yuezhi people!
This is a survivor of the great war that day, but he is unwilling to pledge allegiance to the Qin people, so he can only migrate westward.

The leader at the head is a little bit wanting to cry but has no tears. A large tribe that controls thousands of strings, but now there are only so few people left.

Old people, women, children, all gone!

They drank all the mare's milk, drank all the water, and ate the little food left, and then continued westward before the first ray of dawn appeared.

"Boss, where are we going?"

"Xiangxi, first go to the one called..." The leader muttered for a while, then mumbled two syllables of 'Loulan' in Yuezhi dialect.

He rode on horseback and shouted loudly:
"Go there, plunder cattle, sheep, and women, and then continue westward to find the paradise that belongs to the Yuezhi people!"

"As long as we can breathe, Yueshi will exist forever!"

Hearing the leader's words, the physically and mentally exhausted Yuezhi riders howled like wolves, and their dispirited military spirit and low morale were swept away by the heroic spirit of the leader.

At this moment, their blood is boiling with enthusiasm and full of endless fighting spirit.

And behind them, the dawn broke and a red sun slowly rose.


Lin Guang Palace in Yunyang County.

Fusu, whose waist was a little sore, was awakened by a loud cry of a baby.

He opened his eyes, and what he saw was a figure sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing a bright red gauze pajamas, with drooping temple hair, slender neck, and an enchanting figure.

This is the sound of a salty pig's hand being knocked off.

If you take off your pants, you'll be happy and happy, but if you put on your pants, you won't admit it... Fusu rubbed her eyes, turned over and got out of bed.

When he walked out of the inner hall shaking his hands, Yingxiu, who had resigned herself to her fate because there was a lot less rice in the bowl, was eating breakfast vigorously with tears on her face.

From his clenched fists, it can be seen that he is very concerned about the breakfast being robbed.

Cheapskate, what happened to stealing your stutter?You have two nannies and one real mother, what if I eat two bowls from you?Why should I let you, who is not a baby anymore... Fusu kissed Tian Ji on the forehead, turned and walked out of the hall.

"I still have something to do, so I won't have breakfast with you!"

"Hmm." Tian Ji snorted perfunctorily without raising her head.

Man, it will only affect my baby's mood!


The cool hall by the lakeside of Lin Guanggong.

After Fusu served the last mouthful of millet porridge with the last pickled vegetable, he raised his head and saw that everyone had almost eaten, so he waved his hand to signal the waiter to remove the plate.

In a short time, a small plate containing a small piece of fruit cream cake was placed in front of everyone.

Well, dessert after dinner.

Hey, it's hard to go from extravagant to frugal... Meng Tian opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he ate the cake with a fork without saying a word.

Today they came here early in the morning, mainly on three topics, but in fact, it boiled down to only two topics.

Because in order to solve the issue of the main ethnic groups in the Hexi Corridor, another issue needs to be introduced.

Increase the population.

After all, the current state of Qin has a population of less than 3000 million, and all the densely populated areas in later generations are already in the territory.

According to the previous rough "upper calculation" report, the population of Qin State at this time is mainly distributed in Guanzhong, Shandong Peninsula, and the Huaihe River area.

In the heavily populated Shu County in later generations, many places were still occupied by savages during this period.

What surprised Fusu most at the time was that the populations of Henan and Hebei, which have always been known for their large population, are even smaller than those of Shanxi, which is full of mountains...

The answer to this question was finally answered by Zheng Guolai.

The reason is simple, without a good water conservancy system, agricultural production is almost entirely dependent on the weather!
Food production cannot be guaranteed, and the population cannot increase naturally.

Because there were mainly two types of farmland irrigation during this period, water storage irrigation and water diversion irrigation.

The former is easy to understand, that is, to build reservoirs.

Choose a low-lying place where water is easy to accumulate, and then build dikes around the depression to turn the depression into a natural reservoir. After the depression is full of water, build diversion channels and gates, and the reservoir will be built.

Well, this period is called Bei (bēi) pond.

The more famous one is called Shaobei (què bēi), which was presided over by Sun Shuao, the Prime Minister of Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period. It has been repaired and repaired for thousands of years, and it has been used to this day.

The reason why the water storage and irrigation project is suitable here is that the terrain in the Jianghuai area is broken, covered with low hills and small high slopes, coupled with sufficient precipitation, the construction difficulty is relatively low.

Water diversion irrigation refers to allowing water to flow from a height to a ground through the action of gravity.

One of the well-known water conservancy projects that continues to this day is called Dujiangyan.

It was first built in the last years of King Zhao of Qin Dynasty. Li Bing and his son, the prefect of Shu County, organized and built it on the basis of the excavation of the predecessors.

From the foot of Qionglai Mountain to the Chengdu Plain, the altitude drops from 600 meters to 500 meters.

The altitude difference of more than 1000 meters drives the irrigation canal covering [-] square kilometers with water from the Minjiang River, giving the Chengdu Plain the embryonic form of the Land of Abundance.

Hmm, prototype.

Because the Guanzhong Plain in the same period also had a maximum altitude difference of more than 1000 meters.

Moreover, there are rivers flowing from the mountains to the center of the basin in the west, south and north directions, forming a natural river network terrain on the plain of [-] square kilometers.

At least in this era, Guanzhong is the well-deserved Land of Abundance.

Before the electric motor pump was invented, whether it was water storage irrigation or water diversion irrigation, the altitude of the water source must be at a considerable height, and the fields to be irrigated should not be too far from the water source.

Therefore, the current water conservancy irrigation system is mainly concentrated in various basins or near mountains.

After all, the North China Plain is 50 kilometers long from north to south, and [-] kilometers wide from east to west, but the maximum altitude difference is only [-] meters. Not only is it difficult to repair the water conservancy irrigation system, but the mother river became desperately turned into the stepmother river after it stopped flowing...

Fusu looked at the ministers who were eating the cake with their heads bowed and talking a lot, and thought that if it was Yang Guang who was sitting here, he would definitely start the Grand Canal project happily.

Strengthen the communication between the north and the south, and build some irrigation canals by the way, as many people will die... well, the crime is in the present, and the benefit is in the future!

Well, in fact, Emperor Shi Huang didn't give way too much in this regard.

Heh, I seem to have heard that fat man swearing at me... Fu Su wiped his mouth and asked seriously, "Tell me your opinion."

(End of this chapter)

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