Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 336 Daqin can never have such an awesome person

Chapter 336 Daqin can never have such an awesome person

Hearing Fusu's question, Li Cheng was the first to stand up.

He said with a smile: "I think that human beings are born of human beings... In that case, why not exempt families who give birth to young children from corvee labor for a year or two, so as to lure them, the population will naturally increase."

I know, a demon was born of a demon... Fu Su looked sideways slightly, waiting for him to continue.

"It's beneficial, and there must be punishment!" Li Cheng's smile faded:
"Women over the age of fifteen and under 25 who do not marry will be taxed five times as much, that is, six hundred dollars per year! Those who are over 25 and still do not marry will be appointed husband-in-law by the government!"

You are cruel... Fu Su pondered for a moment, and felt that the marriageable age of women could be raised appropriately, for example, from [-]th to [-]th.

After all, a little girl of fourteen or fifteen years old has not yet fully grown her body, and if she is pregnant and has a baby, she is trying to break through the gate of hell.

Listening to the discussion caused by Li Cheng's throwing bricks and attracting jade, Fusu tapped his fingers on the table lightly, showing a pensive expression.

The tradition of female infanticide in later generations has actually appeared in this era.

After all, before tractors and other machines appeared, agricultural production was a heavy physical labor.

Even if pulling the plow can drive the cattle, weeding and fertilizing can be done by the elderly, women, and children, but watering and harvesting still require strong male labor to complete.

Especially for harvesting, it is necessary to compete with God for time.

Wealthier families will ask for help at this time, while poorer families basically live near the fields, except when the sun is the most poisonous, basically there is no time to rest.

Coupled with the open and secret neighborhood fights, people in the agricultural society generally like to have sons, and then marry other people's daughters and then have sons...

Therefore, it is really a last resort for poor families to kill female infants.

After all, girls in rural areas are not inferior to boys in food intake, but they are not as good as boys in agricultural production.

Infanticide is cruel, but there is nothing you can do about it.

Fusu felt that in order to change this situation in this era, it is necessary to ask the people to grow mulberry and hemp at the national level.

After all, this time is different from the era when the population of the later generations began to explode. Qin has a lot of wasteland that is not suitable for growing grain, and planting mulberry or flax will not encroach on the grain fields.

The mulberry planted can be taken care of by the girls at home.

Although a four- or five-year-old girl can't do farm work, she can help the family raise silkworms. When she is eight or nine years old, she can learn to spin yarn and hemp.

This means that girls in this age group, like boys of the same age, have become the labor force in the family.

Well, maybe you can earn more money from spinning yarn than from plowing the fields!

Fusu nodded slightly, feeling that such a decision not only solved the problem of late marriage and late childbearing, but also solved the problem of female infanticide.

Kill two birds with one stone!
Laborers who can earn money are naturally reluctant to kill or marry off early to make money for others.

As for the woven cloth, there is no need to worry about sales.

Not only do many families have no extra clothes, but after the frontier is stabilized, whether it is selling cloth to Hu people for cattle, sheep, horses, ginseng antler and other local products;

Or transport it to Nanyang and sell it to the local aborigines to exchange for slaves, spices, gems, etc., which are all profitable transactions.

Well, it's an official monopoly controlled by Shaofu...

Ah, pennies!

After about an hour, under the circumstances of everyone's discussion and Fusu's occasional comments, the issues related to Hexi immigration and population increase were successfully concluded.

20. From the seven counties of Xuejun, Dangjun, Dongjun, Yingchuan, Nanyang, Hengshan and Guangyang, relocate [-] households in Qianshou with no land or less land to Wuwei County in three years. The censor Zhongcheng Zhang Cang is responsible for the overall supervision.

35. Shi Shu gave birth to children, exempted from two years of corvee, and for unmarried women aged [-] to [-], five times the tax was levied.

[-]. If the woman is willing to marry and the man is willing to marry, and neither party has a marriage contract, if the parents do not agree to the marriage, then elopement is not a crime.

[-]. Under the Shaofu, a new weaving order was established, with a rank of one thousand stones, and two left and right ministers, with a rank of six hundred stones, belonging to a thousand members of officials. It was specially used to purchase folk cloth and sell it to foreigners in exchange for property.

After a while, the crowd dispersed, and Fusu wrote on the bamboo paper in front of him that they would not avoid their relatives, and asked their relatives and friends to join the weaving order to contribute to the immortal feats of the empire.

They are all relatives of the country, so it is really hard to refuse such a small request.

Fusu put down the bamboo paper in his hand, looked at Wei Liao, Meng Tian, ​​Li Xin who were still here under his instruction, and Han Xin who was summoned just after finishing his duty.

"I stayed here because I wanted to talk about another matter."

After Fusu finished speaking, he nodded to Han Rang and handed them a thick stack of memorials.

"Look at it all, it's shocking!"

Wei Liao picked up a copy, and on it was the County Superintendent Yu Shi Quan's report to the County Governor Yin Tong, who was rampant in lawlessness, and said that a family extermination case was caused by the plague and died suddenly.


He frowned, trying to defend himself.

Yin Tong made a lot of contributions when he followed Wang Jian to destroy Chu, otherwise, he would not have become a sheriff with a salary of two thousand shi.

Meng Tian looked at the censor, or the reports about the Xiang clan sent back from other channels, and meditated secretly.

'The Xiang family? '

"When Xiang Yan overthrew the army and killed the general, they didn't go to die with him? '

"Yin Tong is the other Sima of the late Wu Chenghou, and he is said to have a mortal hatred with the Xiang family, how did they get together? '

"Could it be that Xiang Yan's nephew was able to escape from the rebellion, and this person is related to him?" '

"Looking at the date of the memorandum, it is not a matter of these few days. Your Majesty mentioned it at this time, what exactly do you want to do?" '


When Wei Liao and Meng Tian were deep in thought, Han Xin had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

He never expected that he was also a down-and-out aristocrat. He worked in the pavilion chief's house and was disliked by others;

The uncrowned king of Kuaiji County!
All the sages and officials are out of it!

People are more angry than people... Han Xin felt a little sour, and decided to cut off this scourge for the emperor!
Li Xin picked up a few memorials and looked at them briefly, then put them down immediately.

As a military commander, he only cares about fighting in battle, like this kind of rebellious officials and thieves, one will kill the other, as for other things, he is too lazy to think about them, and he doesn't want to get involved.

After all, he was already a Marquis, and he needed stability, and he could no longer rush and beat like before.

He glanced sideways at Han Xin and decided to recommend his prospective son-in-law to the emperor.

Wei Liao didn't speak when he saw everyone. Of course, he completely ignored Han Xin who had his thoughts written on his face, and kicked the ball back to Fusu.

"I don't know what His Majesty wants to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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