Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 337 I am not a micromanager

Chapter 337 I am not a micromanager
The old fox... Fusu looked sideways slightly, pondered for a while and said:
"My plan, of course, is to completely eliminate these traitors!"

Wei Liao looked around and nodded secretly in his heart, the civil servants had all retreated, and the ones in the palace now were old, middle-aged and young military officials of three generations, so the emperor's meaning should be that the soldiers suppressed the situation and uprooted all rebellions.

He thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, if you transfer troops from Xianyang, I'm afraid Xiang Liang and others will notice and flee far ahead of time..."

Listening to Wei Liao's words, Han Xin bowed his head and kept silent like his prospective father-in-law, while Meng Tian nodded invisibly.

The security war is no more than the war of destroying the country. It not only involves fighting in battle, but also deals with the sneak attack of the enemy pretending to be the head of Guizhou.

More importantly, if things cannot be done, the enemy will inevitably flee thousands of miles away.

Fu Su nodded lightly, agreeing to what Wei Liao said, but he had his own ideas, and this idea has been repeatedly planned in his heart since he succeeded to the throne, and it has been nearly a year.

He opened his mouth and said in a deep voice: "I want to worship Meng Tian as the general who will select the front. I will go to Sishui County, Chen County, and Nan County, Jiujiang County, Lujiang County, Hengshan County, Zhang County, and Kuaiji County south of Huaihan to select strong warriors. To supplement the strength of the Xianyang garrison."

"At the same time, let Huben Zhonglang, Han Xin, lead the [-] elites of the Lantian camp, along the Eastern Road to the coast of the East China Sea, and join in the conquest of Chen Kingdom!"

Hearing Fusu's roll call, Han Xin raised his head suddenly, but the order to go to Chen Kingdom to fight made him confused.

The peninsula barbarians not only want to send Wang Li, but also let me lead another [-] elites?Did the emperor think too highly of them... Han's confidence turned like lightning, and his brows frowned.

Wei Liao narrowed his eyes slightly, pinching his beard with one hand, with a knowing smile on his face.

When Meng Tian heard Fusu mention Sishui County and Chen County, he suddenly thought of a memorial that he had accidentally seen before.

Kong Ju, the younger brother of Kong Yu, a doctor of Confucianism, was robbed by a group of bandits entrenched in Mangdang. In order to save his life, Kong Ju had to join them.

But regardless of Qin Lv's deeds, Kong Ju did join the bandits, which committed the crime of group robbery, but the emperor saw Kong Yu's face, pardoned his death penalty, allowed him to wear the crime and make meritorious deeds, and looked for opportunities to lead the army into the mountains to suppress the bandits.

Meng Tian once again recalled the content of the report, the gang of bandits seemed to be headed by a pavilion chief from Sishui County, called Liu Ji...

He nodded secretly, thinking in his heart: Then the purpose of the emperor asking me to go to Sishui County and Chen County should be to supervise the local officials and command the soldiers of the two counties to enter the mountains to fight and wipe out the bandits!
Meng Tian curled his lips invisibly, he was a little dissatisfied with the emperor asking him to command and exterminate a small group of bandits, but it would be better if he hit the rabbits and crushed them to death.

Fusu glanced over Meng Tian and guessed what was going on in his mind. After all, Meng Tian was not a time traveler, and he didn't understand what the word 'Liu Ji' meant, so it was reasonable to feel overkill.

He looked at Wei Liao and the others with various expressions on their faces, and continued:

"Mengtian's first stop is to go to Nanjun first, gather the Jingchu warriors trained by Meng Yi, and then go down the river to take over the soldiers of Hengshan, Jiujiang and Lujiang counties, and then go straight to Zhangjun, with Zhao Tuo, the governor of Zhangjun, as the leader. Deputy, the army is marching towards Kuaiji County, and conquering the disobedient ministers!"

"Wait until the time of class teacher, and then wipe out the bandits in Mangdang Mountain and Juyeze."

"After Han Xin led his army to Langya County, he took the Langya Navy warship and headed south, landed in Yan County (now Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, the coastline at that time), and marched east and west, and joined forces with Mengtian and Wu County."

"As for the Langya Navy, they will divide their troops to cruise the river and sea to prevent thieves from crossing the river to the north or escaping across the sea."

Before the imperial meeting was held, he wanted Li Xin and Meng Tian to be the forward generals together, but considering that Xianyang City could not be guarded by famous generals he trusted, Li Xin, the Lang Zhongling who was in charge of the palace guard, still stayed in the palace. It's better not to move Xianyang City.

Under his strategic layout, the county soldiers that Meng Tian dispatched from several counties were mainly used to drive and intercept Xiang Liang's "Jiangdong disciples".

Well, the duel of fate!
On the other side, if it was Meng Tian, ​​Xiang Yu shouldn't be able to penetrate the battle line head-on.

But it's hard to say, after all, although Xiang Yu's strategic ability is a bit weak, but at the tactical level, it can be said without exaggeration that he is second to none in ancient and modern China and abroad!

So in order for Meng Tian to stabilize the front line, another task of Meng Yi in South County is to make a large number of arrows.

Fortify the stronghold, fight dumb battles, and advance layer by layer.

Simple, crude, but easy to use.

The dispatched county soldiers may not be capable of field combat, but with a thousand arrows firing together, it should be no problem to shoot the enemy into a sieve.

Han Xin suddenly raised his head and asked:

"Although His Majesty's move was unexpected, what if the bandits flee south? I'm afraid there will be endless disasters if the army flees to Minzhong County."

"I suggest that Your Majesty can send envoys to Minzhong County, so that the Minyue Lord Commander can move his troops to the north, so as to strictly prevent the defeated army from fleeing into the deep mountains and jungles of Minyue."

Hearing Han Xin's words, Meng Tian and the others nodded slightly. They all felt that there was a loophole in Fusu's idea.

After all, Xiang Liang was not Xiang Yan back then. Although the state of Chu was big, Ying Chen was behind him, so he couldn't retreat a single step.

But if Xiang Liang and the others can escape once, they can escape the second time without hesitation!

Fu Su smiled slightly in his heart, unlike what Wei Liao and others thought, what he was afraid of was that Xiang Liang would not run away.

It's good for Xiang Liang to stay in Wu County and fight to the death, but if he fled south, he fled to Minzhong County, which is still ruled by Jilin.

The Central Army... Bah, it was the main force of the Qin Army who happened to pursue it, and followed the trail of Xiang Liang and others into Minzhong County.

Then, of course, I invite the Minyue Junchang family to come to Xianyang City to eat hot pot...

Minyue women are moist and beautiful, even when they are cursing, they are coquettish, but what if they are panting?


Well, what's more, opposite the land of Minyue, there is also a treasure island that has been hanging overseas for many years.

Daqin, nothing less!
Before radio and airplanes were invented, even if I wanted to be a master of micromanagement, I was powerless...Fu Su shook his head slightly and said, "To prevent leaks, don't let Mr. Minyue get involved."

"If Xiang Liang and the others abandon Kuaiji County and flee, they are nothing more than a group of bereaved dogs. A village pavilion chief can arrest them and bring them to justice!"

"The most important thing now is that the Langya Navy has to seal off the coast of the Chen Kingdom, guarantee the army's supplies, and carry the Lantian Army southward. I'm afraid it's a bit overwhelming."

Wei Liao stroked his beard and said with a smile: "In my opinion, Wang Li should be about to break through Kingdom Chen..."

(End of this chapter)

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