Chapter 338 Three to seven open!

In the south of a certain peninsula on the shore of the Bohai Sea, there is an endless military camp.

The great banner with the characters of Wang fluttering in the middle of the army showed that it was led by Wang Li, and was used to surrender the Great Qin Yandi army of Chen Kingdom.

Wang Li was still wearing his plate armor and mail armor, standing in the bleak autumn wind, looking at the capital of Kingdom Chen in the distance.

This is a large city wall, built on the back of the water, six or seven miles wide from east to west, made of stones, mixed with a lot of wood and mud for fixing
Arrow towers and watchtowers are all available.

It can be seen from the outer wall that the people of Chen Kingdom have put a lot of effort into the construction of the capital.

However, Wang Li looked at the relatively lavishly decorated palace outside the capital with a puzzled face, a little confused.

"Hiss, are the people of Chen Country mentally ill? Why did they build the palace outside the city?"

"Hey! It's a pity that only a nine-year-old princess was caught that day. A prince might be able to force them to open the door and surrender..."

"According to what You Jia said, Chen Kingdom is a tribal alliance-like country. As long as this leader is eliminated, the rest of the tribes will be settled!"

Wang Li rode his horse and headed east. He didn't intend to attack the city now, but he wanted to wait until the catapult machine that had been disassembled and transported was assembled before attacking the city.

This is not because the capital city of the Chen people is not easy to fight, but the army he leads this time is not the Jiuyuan Army or the Lantian Army, which are mostly composed of old Qin people, but the county soldiers from Yuyang, Liaodong, Liaoxi and other places.

With the fighting power of Yandi County soldiers, if they forcibly attack the city, there will inevitably be a lot of losses.

As for driving the prisoners of war to take the lead in attacking the city?
Well, in Jiaodong County, the value of a able-bodied minister has soared from the original [-] baht to [-] baht!
Therefore, spending some time building siege equipment is a sure-fire business.

After a while, he came to a construction site that was buzzing with people and clanging non-stop.

What came into view was thousands of thin and small servants in cloth and furs working hard, and beside them, there were many people in the same clothes but with Central Plains buns working as supervisors.

This is a quarry for the preparation of catapult projectiles.

As for these ministers, they were captives captured by the army along the way, and those supervisors, although they were also captives, were Central Plains people who fled overseas to escape the war in the Central Plains.

When the Qin army arrived, those who could speak the elegant words of the Central Plains turned into serfs and made the singers overseers, and trampled under their feet the natives who had crowded out and often robbed them in the past.

Wang Li rode his horse all the way, although he hated their flattery, he still kept a polite smile, and kept nodding to the overseers who prostrated themselves on the ground and kowtowed frantically.

In a short time, an engineer with a hat on his head greeted him: "I greet General Wang Li."

Wang Li got off his horse and nodded slightly: "How many stone bombs can you make today?"

The engineer thought for a while, and said affirmatively: "Langya Navy has brought in another batch of iron tools, so the speed of excavating stones has increased a lot. Before sunset today, at least 200 yuan of stone bombs can be made!"

Wang Li nodded in satisfaction. Adding today's output, the army had more than 1000 yuan of stone bombs in reserve, which was enough to smash the dilapidated city walls of Chen Kingdom even worse.

In the defense of the city, the psychological defense line of the defenders is the city wall under their feet. Once the city wall is breached, they will basically win.

After all, in the era of cold weapons, there is a high probability that there will be no street fighting after the city is broken.

Wang Li glanced around, smelled the smell of steamed food in his nostrils, and immediately said, "I'm hungry, I'll eat at your place before returning to the camp!"

He glanced at the engineer and said, "There's no need to make a fuss, I'll eat whatever those ministers eat!"

After finishing speaking, the soldiers following him immediately walked towards the kitchen.

Wang Li did this because he wanted to see how the officials in the quarry were eating.

Qin law stipulates that officials can get two stones per month, that is, [-] kilograms of grains as rations, and the sauce and vegetable soup used for eating are also clearly stipulated.

Wang Li wants to see if there is anyone who dares to despise Qin Lv under the high emperor, and if there are, he will just kill one or two to warn everyone!

Well, there is actually another reason.

After these Chen people became Lichen, in addition to the attribute of 'person', they also had the attribute of 'property'.

If you can't get enough to eat after doing heavy physical work, you will die from exhaustion, which is equivalent to losing more than 100 shi of food!
After a while, a plate of salty brown bean paste, a bowl of soup made from bean sprouts, and half a bowl of fragrant rice were placed in front of Wang Li.

Wang Li looked around and found that the same food was also placed in front of the ministers sitting on the ground.

He nodded in satisfaction, and said to the engineer who was sitting beside him with an extra half stewed chicken in front of him: "Be nicer to these ministers, care more, and exhaust them to death. Could it be that you and I personally To dig stones?"

The engineer cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, general, the supply of food and grass in the army is sufficient, and Qin's law is clearly marked, no one dares to step over the thunder pond!"

Wang Li nodded and said nothing, and immediately started cooking.

The engineer said that the supply of food and grass in the army was sufficient, mainly because when the war was launched, the rice planted by the people of Chen country happened to be ripe.

So when the Qin army was besieging the city, the ten thousand Huqi held a bronze sword in their left hand and a sickle in their right hand, and happily went around harvesting grain.

According to the agreement between them and Wang Li, the harvested rice is [-]% to [-]%, the Qin army gets [-]%, and they get [-]%...

And there is a supplementary agreement. When they go to harvest rice, they need to bring their own rations, whether they are people or horses.

In other words, the cost of eating horse chews is included in the [-]%!
To show his trust, Wang Li allowed the Donghu people to play freely, and did not send anyone to supervise them.

In this regard, these extremely simple Donghu people said that they only get [-]% of the three achievements, and don't want any more!

Really don't!
According to their understanding, if they didn't go south with the Qin people, if they want to rob the rich and rich Chen people on weekdays, they first need to go through the Great Wall of the Qin people, and then break through the country of Jizi...

Well, they will never be able to recklessly pass through the Great Wall of the Qin people in this lifetime.

But they are not good at harvesting rice.

What they are good at is to break through the villages of the Chen people, and then drive the Chen people to harvest the grain, load them into their carriages, and then send all the Chen people and the grain to the Qin army's camp. Exchange it for five baht money ranging from a few hundred to a thousand, and finally buy food or cloth to send back to my hometown...

As the sun was setting, Wang Li frowned and spat out a small stone.

"This thick rice is so hard to swallow, I'm beginning to regret it..."

(End of this chapter)

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