Chapter 339 Tiger Wolf (addition on weekends)
early morning.

The first ray of sunlight gushed out, bringing warmth and a sense of relief to the people of Chen Kingdom who were surrounded by the city walls.

Last night, the Qin army's war drums rang all night, but no one launched a night attack.

But despite this, the defenders on the city wall still can't take it lightly, after all... just in case!
In the fables passed down by the Chen Kingdom, there is such a story about paralyzing the enemy, then making a sneak attack, and finally massacring the city without leaving a single chicken or dog behind!

So the pine torch burned for a whole night, illuminating the entire city wall as bright as day.

When the sun gradually rose, although the defenders on the city wall were tired, they began to cheer loudly.

They thwarted the treacherous plan of the Qin people to attack at night!

People from Qin, that's all!
At this moment, they became more confident in what their king said loudly to General Qin who came to persuade him to surrender!
"Haha, we can guard the city wall until we die of old age!"

They repeated this sentence loudly, with great pride in their chests!

"May the king live long!"

When King Chen, who was wearing a golden helmet and armor, climbed onto the city wall, the sound of cheers resounded even more.


In the camp of the Qin Army, Wang Li rode a khaki war horse slowly out of the gate. He heard the cheers from the people of Chen Kingdom not far away, and felt a little baffled.

"How do I feel that they seem to have unilaterally announced that they are the winner?"

Wang Li embraced the helmet, and looked at Yan Zhan beside him with some puzzlement: "What are they crying for?"

Yan Zhan spread his hands: "Then who knows? It's so loud that I can't hear you clearly!"

A moment later, full of doubts and puzzles, Wang Li climbed up the watchtower.

On his side, there are 24 gravity catapults lined up. Beside the catapult, walking around with a stone projectile the size of a human head is the Chen Guo Lichen who was caught from around the camp.

Well, it's not really a catch.

Many of these ministers were too hungry in the mountains, and I heard that being slaves to the Qin people can eat enough every day.

And most importantly, if the whole family becomes slaves of the Qin State, they can upgrade their rank, from slaves who only take care of food, to servants who not only take care of food, but also get paid every day.

So, every day, many people from Chen Kingdom ran out of the mountains with their families and their mouths, carefully avoiding the cavalry of the Donghu people, and were happily captured by the Qin army...

As for why the Chen people in the city are unwilling to surrender?

Just kidding, people are nobles in the city, can they be the same as those commoners who don't have enough to eat?

Just imagine, you're eating kimchi and singing, and suddenly...

Wang Mazi Li saw that the preliminary preparations were almost done, so he raised the command flag in his hand and waved it violently.

Boom boom boom!
The drums of the Chinese army were rumbling loudly, and the whole army began to change from standing to squatting to save energy and wait for the siege.

On the other side, the trebuchet made a creaking sound, and something like a hamster wheel beside it began to rotate with the cooperation of more than a dozen officials, pulling the wooden box full of stones to move upwards.

A moment later, amidst the people of Chen Country cheering for victory in the distance, Wang Li suddenly waved the command flag in his hand, and stone bullets the size of human heads drew parabolas and landed on the heads of the people of Chen Country from the sky.

Bang bang bang!
Amidst the smoke and dust, a puff of blood mist dispersed.

Tens of kilograms of stones fell from the sky, and they would die if they hit them, and they would hurt them when they touched them!

On the city wall, after a silence, there were heart-piercing cries and riots hiding everywhere.

It's just that this is just the first wave of calibration shots.

In the Qin army camp, an engineer took back the telescope and began to fine-tune the number of stones in the wooden box of the trebuchet according to the impact point of the stone bullet.

Moments later, the second wave of attack was ready.

Compared with the first test shot, the second test shot was much more accurate.

Almost every stone bullet landed on the city wall, causing Chen Kingdom's defenders to run around blindly.

They are newly civilized natives, where have they seen such a fairy-like attack method!
Well, in fact, Wang Li, who commanded the trebuchet to fight, also had the same amazed expression on his face.

After all, the stone catapults he had seen since he was a child were all pulled by manpower, the range was extremely short, and whether he could hit the target basically depended on God's protection...

But now, under the training of the engineer whose eyes seemed to grow on his forehead, stone bullets were more accurate than archery!
After all, under standardized production, the force arm of the trebuchet remains unchanged, and the weight of the thrown stone bullet remains unchanged, so the approximate distance of the landing point can be estimated by fine-tuning the stones in the wooden box.

A moment later, the third and fourth waves of stone bombs drew parabolas across the sky.

Almost every attack has continuously improved the morale of the Qin army coming from Yandi.

On the other side, the morale of the people of Chen Country has almost fallen to the bottom.

Their city walls began to tilt, and their watchtowers were in dilapidated condition, with splintered sawdust everywhere, and dead bodies with twisted limbs.

The most important thing is that the king in golden helmet and armor, under a group of palace guards, fled the city wall in a hurry, and seemed to be heading for the ferry south of the city.

Wang wants to run!
"Shit!" A guard of Chen Kingdom spit out bloody saliva, and began to look around for the white cloth.

This is what the Qin generals said when they persuaded them to surrender, and those who raised the white flag with both hands up will not be killed.

It is said that what is called (fà) ceremony...

Bang bang bang!
The sound of stones hitting the city wall sounded.

It's just that after this attack, many tattered white cloth strips slowly rose from the city wall, and the sound of cursing and digging came from the blocked city gate.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Seeing this situation, deafening shouts erupted from the Qin army.

Wang Li stood on the watchtower, clenched his fists tightly.

After this battle, the Kingdom of Chen will no longer exist, and the three thousand miles of rivers and mountains will be all Qin land, and millions of people will be subordinates.

Qin is the country of tigers and wolves, and tigers and wolves will never respect each other and coexist harmoniously with sheep.

The sheep in front of me has already surrendered, and it's time to go north and surrender to another sheep!
The corner of Wang Li's mouth raised a smile, and he waved the flag: "The whole army is attacking!"


"Stop your foolishness!"

In Nanhai County, Ziying felt that he had never been so angry as he is today.

The cause of the incident was that when the fleet returned from the last voyage, when he reported to the emperor, he mentioned by the way that many of the prisoners of war had skin colors that were very different from other prisoners of war.

So the emperor's edict was attached to the pigeon's ankle ring and descended from the sky.

Naturally, one of the edicts was for the fleet to raise anchor again, go south to establish a pepper plantation, and introduce it to the big island at the other end of Nanhai County.

The second order is to pack these people with very different skin colors and send them to overseas plantations, and artificially sterilize them, so that they can have a second chance of development.

However, some ministers obviously got tanned in Nanhai County!

This is why Ziying is angry.

(End of this chapter)

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