Chapter 340 Order
In the plantation in the north of Panyu County, Nanhai County, Qin Kai, who was reprimanded loudly by Ziying, looked confused.

"But, is this an edict from His Majesty the Emperor?"

"Could it be that the son wants to resist the imperial edict?"

Hearing his words, Ziying's eyes widened instantly: "Bold, who gave you the courage to talk to me like that!"

Qin Kai is the eldest grandson of Young Master Yan of Shaofu. Although he is of the same generation as Ziying, Ziying is much older than him. What's more, Qin Kai has changed his surname to Qin, while Ziying still has the surname Ying.

Although Qin Kai was a little afraid, he said without giving an inch: "Your Majesty's edict said so, to artificially sterilize these ministers with abnormal skin color and send them to overseas plantations, and we will do the same in the future! People from Qin will intermarry with them." And so will future generations."

Ziying calmed down and said: "Your Majesty's mention of people with different skin colors refers to those prisoners of war who were traded from the 'Bone Lun Kingdom', not the servants who were traded from the land of Ouyue!"

"And the most important thing is that those servants of the Gu Lun Kingdom were already castrated when they became prisoners of war. Even if you want to cut it, you can't find anything to cut it!"

"What? Why did they do this?" Qin Kai blinked, as if he didn't understand the emperor's edict, and he didn't understand what Ziying said about Gu Lun Congress castrating his prisoners of war.

Hearing his question, Ziying had a smug look on his face.

When the plantation is on the right track and the food produced in the field is not only self-sufficient, but also part of it can be used for sale, Ziying's daily life becomes very easy.

And after he was relieved from his busy schedule, he suddenly felt extraordinarily empty.

So he devoted most of his energy to collecting the knowledge from the other side of the sea, compiling a "Great Qin Nanyang Ji", trying to surpass the "Great Qin Western Regions" written by the emperor when he was in Xianyang City...

Well, he is very confident that he can surpass the emperor in this regard.

After all, the emperor cannot live without Xianyang City. Many of the "Da Qin Western Regions" are hearsay. In addition to the description of the scenery and the general geography, what kind of country exists there, what the people look like there, and what customs and habits are there. They are all the missing parts in "Da Qin Western Regions".

The "Da Qin Nanyang Ji" compiled by Ziying is different, the content is detailed, especially the rules and regulations of the Nanyang countries, many of them are princes or kings there, but for various reasons, they became Qin people Li Chen.

The only bad thing is that when Ziying communicates with each other, at most four translators are needed to translate each other...

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully..." Ziying took a sip of tea, raised her head and said:
"Because they lack a great man, the late emperor!"

Qin Kai asked with a serious face: "What do you mean by your words?"

Ziying said seriously: "Because the former emperor ruled the world, ended the disputes among the nations that started in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and brought order to the land of China!"

Qin Kai was slightly puzzled: "Order?"

Before Ziying could answer, Ren Xiao's voice suddenly sounded behind them: "Yes, order."

Qin Kai turned his head and saw Chen Mao who came with Ren Xiao, who was at least seven or eight feet away from Ren Xiao.

Obviously, the two old men quarreled again...

But Qin Kai turned a blind eye to this, and just looked at Ren Xiao with puzzled eyes.

Ren Xiao sat down and said, "For example, when I was young, I lived at the junction of Qin and Wei. Even if I went to the Linxian market to sell scattered items, most of the time I needed seven or eight neighbors to go together."

"Why? Because there are often thieves cutting paths on the road. Most of them are escaped criminals and sergeants. They are extremely vicious. In order to protect their whereabouts from being leaked, they often don't keep people alive."

"What about the government? Does the government care?" Qin Kai was still full of doubts.

He was born in a powerful state of Qin. When he can remember, the world is close to being unified. The most important thing is that he is the son of the clan. He has been surrounded by a lot of guards, servants, and maidservants since he was a child. The scene Ren Xiao said was his Unheard of.

Ren Xiao shook his head and said with a smile: "The Lifang where the old man lives, and even the county to which he belongs, belonged to Han the day before, Wei today, and Qin tomorrow. The government wants to take care of it, but it's just powerless!"

"However, when the old man grows up, the border of Daqin has been pushed to more than 200 miles west of the old man's hometown. It was only then that the old man understood what His Majesty said!"

He shook his head with a sigh, and Qin Kai scratched his ears and cheeks in a hurry.

Chen Mao interjected, "Isn't it 'People in troubled times are not as good as Taiping dogs'?"

Ren Xiao nodded and said, "Of course!"

"After the unification of Qin State, according to the laws of Qin, let alone a dog at home, even if the mulberry leaves planted outside the courtyard are secretly picked by others, the government will accept it, and the person who steals the mulberry leaves will surely be arrested and brought to justice!"

"But before that, killing people is nothing more than eating and drinking water!"

Qin Kai nodded slightly, indicating that he understood a little bit, he looked at Ziying and asked, "It's the same question as before, why does Gu Lun Congress castrate his prisoners of war?"

Ziying smiled and said: "Of course it is to compete for women! But according to His Majesty, the Gulun Kingdom is relatively civilized and only castrates its own slaves, while those more barbaric tribes usually eat their own captives and kill the other party's slaves." Hang your head in front of the door to show off your strength, so as to gain more women's favor..."

"This is what I said before. They lack a great person like the former emperor, who can bring order to them, dispel the ubiquitous violence and fear, and eliminate the endless tribal vendettas."

Qin Kai nodded suddenly, and said loudly: "I understand, this is what His Majesty always talks about, sending a fleet south to bring the light of civilization to those struggling in suffering!"

"No wonder those Ouyue ministers who look fierce are usually as humble as sheep! Being a slave of Daqin is much better than living freely in the mountains and forests!"

"Well, at least you don't have to worry about being eaten by others, with your head hanging by the door!"

Ziying and the others looked at each other and smiled.

The light of civilization is another story, but at least during this period of time, many families around Panyu County have one or two slaves to help take care of the fields.

And these language communication is not hindered, and Guishou, who can operate boats and dive more or less, has joined the Royal Fleet to provide military support for sea routes and newly opened plantations overseas.

Of course, so that the slaves at home would not be alone, they would occasionally go ashore and personally invite the local aboriginals to their homes.

Ziying blinked, looked at Chen Mao and asked, "Master, why are you here?"

Chen Mao said with a worried face: "The sugar cane is about to mature, what can we do with so many sugar canes!"

He visited the sugar cane plantation two days ago.

On the hillside, in the tens of thousands of acres of fields, the leaves of the sugarcane have begun to turn yellow, obviously mature, and it is time to harvest.

But, this is too much!
Chen Mao ran into the sugarcane forest to have a look and found that everyone had underestimated the yield per mu of sugarcane. With sufficient fertilizer and careful manual care, the yield per mu was at least two thousand catties!

How long will it take to squeeze so much sugarcane into sugar?

Simple, dreaming of going back to the barter era in ancient times, the former leader of the farm family walked out of the sugarcane forest with a face of shock, tossing and turning, unable to sleep at night until now...

In particular, he heard that in counties south of Huaihan, such as Berkshire and Shu County, the area of ​​sugarcane planting is not much smaller than that of Nanhai County!
So the old man began to lose his hair in worry...

Along with Chen Mao, Ren Xiao was also worried.

He once heard a worker say that if the sugarcane is not eaten or squeezed in time after it matures, it will easily go bad.

And he saw it last year, sugar cane is very troublesome to deal with, and the efficiency of sugar extraction is not high.

Thinking that these things that are more expensive than gold and jade will rot in the ground, Ren Xiao also started to lose his hair...

Hearing Chen Mao's doubts, Ziying was not too worried.

Even the emperor did not dare to let go of the sucrose transported back to Xianyang City last year. I heard that the emperor has already started thinking about domesticating bees so that the palace can eat sugar...

So after this year's cane sugar is shipped back to Xianyang City, the only concern is the price, not the sales.

Ziying thought quietly in his heart, the clansmen paid money to open up plantations, and then the money they earned was used to buy the output of the plantations, and the money flowed back to the Shaofu... Hiss!Could it be that His Majesty thought of this step in the first place?So scary!
He shook his head, looked at Ren Xiao and said, "Don't worry, Commander, I will never spoil the sugar cane. On the contrary, I am only worried that there are not enough sugar canes!"

With Ziying's composure, Ren Xiao's hanging heart gradually let go, but did he let go completely.

So three days later, amidst the tossing and turning between Chen Mao and Ren Xiao, the sugarcane planted finally came to the harvest season.

In the early morning, Li Chen, holding a special machete in his hand, walked out of the house and walked towards the sugarcane forest on the hillside.

Although he is a servant, he doesn't have much personal freedom, but he can eat enough every day, and he doesn't have to worry about being cut off his throat when he falls asleep in the middle of the night. The most important thing is that he not only manages the food, but also pays him.

This gave them the hope of becoming free citizens, and they worked extra hard on weekdays.

It's just that even if they are free, they will not leave the plantation. They pursue the status of becoming free citizens, mainly to increase their wages...

So with the special machete flying up and down, the sugar cane kept falling down one by one, and then cut off the part without sweetness on it, and took it to compost, and the remaining part was tied up according to the number by a special engineer, and then the Li Chen carried it to the carriage.

Well, the numbering is to differentiate which canes are sweeter.

Those with less sugar will naturally be rooted out and replaced with other varieties.

Although this method of breeding is simple, it is also a helpless move. Unless an advanced research laboratory is built, it can only be so.


Outside the plantation, several open four-wheeled carriages slowly drove along the straight and flat concrete road.

Since the Yangshanguan cement workshop was built, the road leading from Panyu County to Yangshanguan has been re-paved with cement, and the plantation road next to the main road has also been remodeled.

The carriage came to a complete stop, Ziying, Ren Xiao and the others got out of the carriage.

Ren Xiao looked at the plantation in front of him. It has almost changed drastically from when he came here half a year ago.

The barren grassland between the slopes for sugarcane and the plains for rice has disappeared, replaced by patches of farmland that are being plowed for sowing rapeseed.

On the small pier near the river in the plantation, bags of rice are stacked on wooden boxes, lifted by a mechanical crane driven by manpower, lightly placed on the ferry, and flowed down the river.

Ren Xiao frowned slightly, looked at Ziying and said, "The harvested grain has already been put into the granary, why should it be shipped out?"

What he doubts is where the food will be shipped.

After all, Nanhai County is vast and sparsely populated. At this point in time, almost every household is full of granaries, and the official grain store in the market has not opened for a long time.

The fleets going to Nanyang all brought high-value commodities such as salt, sickles, and axes.

After all, the cabin capacity is limited. On the Indochina Peninsula, a good scythe can even be exchanged for a piece of sapphire the size of a thumb!

The full moon gift and hundred-day gift he gave to Gong Zixiu before were two sapphires the size of a fist and a pink gem the size of a palm respectively!

Well, the lovely gifts for Prince Fulu and the princess are already on the way...

Therefore, the fleet to Nanyang usually carried tools or cloth, and then returned full of gems, slaves or food.

After all, thanks to the unique local conditions, the people there just sow a little seed in the ground, and the harvested grain is enough for everyone to eat for a year.

However, firewood is not sold for a hundred miles, and millet is not sold for thousands of miles. If the grain is transported to the Central Plains, the transportation cost alone will be scary!

Hearing Ren Xiao's question, Ziying also said in a daze:

"This is His Majesty's secret order to prepare [-] shi of grain, transport it northward along the coastline, and transport it to the sea off Donghai County before the end of the year, waiting for instructions..."

"As for why, His Majesty didn't say..."

Ren Xiao nodded slightly, since it was the emperor's secret order, he naturally had nothing to say, but just followed Ziying all the way to the stretch of houses by the river in the distance.

Qin Kai quietly left Ziying's side and went to the other side.

The dried crocodile meat produced in the plantation is a must in Nanhai County, and it is always sold out after being transported to Xianyang City.

Yesterday he received a letter from his family. His father said that he had a friend who wanted him to buy some directly in Nanhai County for some special reasons and send them back to Xianyang by courier...

"I don't know if I know my father's friends... One hundred catties should be enough." Qin Kai thought as he walked, but a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the sugar mill, Chen Mao was a little dumbfounded.

In front of him, the sugar cane was cut off by a sharp knife, and then moved forward along the conveyor belt, washed twice, and then passed through several cylinders to be crushed and squeezed multiple times, the juice flowed into wooden barrels, was lifted and filtered, and then Bring to a boil.

The whole process is well organized and looks very pleasing to the eye.

After a brief shock, Ren Xiao finally let go of his hanging heart. After all, he also has his shares in it...

Ziying nodded slightly: "When the sucrose here is transported to Xianyang City, the emperor won't need to domesticate bees anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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