Chapter 341
Shanglinyuan Royal Hunting Ground, in a curtain surrounded by valuable silk.

Fusu was wearing black clothes and sat on the futon. In front of him was a large group of relatives surnamed Ying who were drinking happily with their family members.

According to tradition, it was originally the New Year, but under the new calendar, the Chinese New Year will have to wait.

Farther away, two volunteers, whose names he couldn't name at all, were young men from the same family who were deftly dismantling a sika deer, preparing to cook it and share it with everyone.

Well, this poor sika deer was hunted by himself before, but from the running posture of the sika deer, it can be seen that it should have been kept in a pen since childhood, specially for the emperor to hunt.

After all, domesticated ones don't seem to be very afraid of people until the sharp arrow passes through their throats.

What a pity, remember to control the heat when roasting... Fusu shakes the red liquid in the glass, and decides that if his prey is destroyed by these two little bastards, he will let them go to the Western Regions to grow cotton !
The red liquid in his glass is the wine brought by the first batch of Hu merchants who returned east.

Although the merchants insisted that it was wine, Fusu took a sip and felt that it was grape juice...

I heard that the Romans were very fond of drinking wine, so when they conquered Europe all the way, they also brought wine and vineyards to the conquered places... Fusu took a sip of something that is extremely rare in this era, and is going to wait for next year Let people introduce grapes to the counties of Qidi and the eastern foot of Helan Mountain in Beidi County.

Well, many famous wine estates in later generations are located in these two places.

He secretly thought to himself, I heard that Europeans did not master cork sealing technology at this time, so the shelf life of their wine was very short, basically a year, from wine to vinegar.

Coincidentally, the red wine culture also belongs to the people of Qin!

After all, forehead drops, forehead drops, are all forehead drops!

And he understands this, and it comes down to the fact that in later generations, when he makes an appointment, no, when he talks with his sister at home, red wine is a good auxiliary prop.

Fruity red wine, flickering candles, soft and soothing music... After that, you can sit with the girl on the white bed sheet covered with rose petals... Show the girl your luminous watch.

Fusu put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Qi Ruier who was sitting beside him, and decided to appreciate an ancestral treasure with her later.

Considering that there are many clan relatives coming from other places today, he did not let his own Boba and her plastic sister Amoy appear together, but let them go to Tangchi Palace to soak in the hot spring.

After all, they are still breastfeeding, and it will be bad if they are infected with infectious diseases.

Moreover, Qi Rui'er was born in the noble family of the old Qin, which would allow her to better integrate into this family banquet.

Well, the resistance of adults is also much higher than that of children.

Qi Rui'er at the side didn't realize what Fusu was thinking in her heart, and secretly looked at Fusu with her wonderful eyes from time to time, with joy and admiration in her eyes.

In the morning, Fu Su rode out on horseback, and the vigorous and heroic posture with bow and arrow was deeply imprinted in Qi Rui'er's mind.

Suddenly, her breathing froze for a moment, her pretty face glowing.

Leaping on the horse and raising the whip... Whip... Whip... Qi Rui'er secretly looked at Fu Su, with a strange light in her eyes.


Tangchi Palace Tingquan Hall.

Tian Ji sat in the hall, resting her chin with one hand, her round face was embellished with a pair of bright peach blossom eyes, her red lips were bright, and every frown and smile always revealed amorous charm.

In front of her, there was a large pile of boxes piled up like a mountain, and inside the boxes were all priceless, jeweled and rare treasures.

Well, most of them are gems, jade, agate and so on.

These are all gifts presented by courtiers, clan relatives, and foreign envoys during Yingxiu's full moon and hundred days.

As for things like some BMWs, hounds, and antique ornaments, they are all placed elsewhere, and there is none here.

What she has to do today is to select some of these jewelry or materials for the post-sealing ceremony.

After all, after Qin became king from King Huiwen, there were only queens, not queens, so there was no possibility of learning what kind of dress the queen should wear and what kind of headdress she should wear.

So, Tian Ji squeezed her charming and affectionate face, and let out a moaning sound.


As for those things are Yingxiu's congratulatory gifts, it stands to reason that they should be his private property...

Well, this is not important!
"Come on, go and invite Mrs. Zhao Ji, Mrs. Zhao Ji!" After moaning for a long time, she couldn't figure out which one to use, and decisively asked for help outside the venue.

Your Majesty said that the nature of a gentleman is not different, and he is good at falsehood!I'm being kind to Zhao Ji... Tian Ji's black eyes rolled and turned, and a cheerful smile filled the corner of her mouth.


Nanjun, Jiangling County, on the road leading to Wuguan.

Meng Yi stood by the side of the road, with his hands on his forehead, looking towards the north.

"It should be here!" He whispered to himself.

Early this morning, I received a messenger from Meng Tian, ​​saying that he was going to Nanjun today, asking him, the local official, to prepare to receive the high officials from the court.

As the younger brother who was beaten up by his elder brother, Meng Yi did not dare to neglect at all, and waited beside Chidao.

And beside him, there were five thousand tall and strong warriors in heavy armor.

Although the autumn sun was not very harsh, they were already sweating and their clothes were completely wet standing in the open space without any shelter and wearing armor weighing tens of kilograms.

But even so, the 5000 people still stood motionless, looking from a distance like steel jungles.

Most of these people are offshoots of Qu Jingzhao's third clan, and officials directly or indirectly controlled by them.

After Meng Yi opened up a broad road for them to return to the temple, this is their pledge of allegiance to Qin Ting.

Moreover, this is actually a profitable business.

The Qin State conferred titles on military merits, so everyone was happy if they won the battle, and it didn't matter if they lost. After all, these are all offspring, abandoned sons.

Well, they didn't know that these people were going to attack the Xiang clan in Kuaiji County.

But even if they knew, they would not be soft-hearted. After all, although the Xiang family is also the Duke of Chu, they have been separated for many years, and they are no more close than strangers.

The most important point is that fighting with the Qin people, winning the Shoujue and dividing the land, and rebelling with the Xiang family, winning the battle may not necessarily divide the land, and losing... Well, death is like a lamp going out.

While Meng Yi was waiting anxiously, hundreds of riders came galloping from afar.

The first person was Meng Yi's elder brother whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Meng Tian.

But it's coming, it's killing me... Meng Yi complained in his heart, but greeted him with a smile.

"Meng Yi, Magistrate of Nanjun County, see you... yo, you have a good horse! Come here as soon as you come, and give me a horse, really..."

(End of this chapter)

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