Chapter 342

Nanjun Sheriff's Mansion, in the lobby with glass windows.

Meng Tian was sitting on the main seat, and on his right was Meng Yi with a smile on his face.

After all, whoever has an extra-magnificent Pegasus from the Western Regions in his pen will have such an expression on his face.

Out of the corner of Meng Tian's eyes, he glanced at his stupid Oududou, and an invisible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, the horse that was 'robbed' by Meng Yi was given to Meng Yi by the emperor before he left, but he passed by Nanjun on the way, so...

Heh, the scum of a famous family... Meng Tian withdrew his contemptuous gaze and concentrated on examining the list in his hand, which was related to his success or failure in conquering dissidents.

Well, as for the Heavenly Horses of the Western Regions that the emperor rewarded, they were actually Yuezhi horses sent to Xianyang by Zhang Han after the Yueshi surrendered.

The top [-] horses are used for breeding stallions, the top-grade horses are used to reward ministers and ministers, the middle-grade horses are sent to the army to replace the old war horses, and the eliminated war horses are sold to the people together with the low-grade horses , as a draft horse, pulling carts and plows or something.

After all, the service age of war horses is generally between four and ten years old. After this age, there is no speed and explosive power to speak of.

The lifespan of a horse is mostly between 30 and [-] years old.

Of course, except for Chituma, but it cannot be ruled out that 'Chitu' may be a brand...

After a while, Meng Tian nodded in satisfaction.

Over the past few days, Meng Yi has processed a total of 120 million crossbow arrows together with the allocation from the Guanzhong Arsenal and the workshop in Nanjun.

According to the emperor's statement and the secret report sent back from Kuaiji County, the Xiang family can entangle more than 3 people at most to start a rebellion.

Then it is equivalent to that, each traitor will have nearly forty arrows stuck in his body!

But Meng Tian frowned slightly as he looked at the bamboo slips in his hand.

He looked at the lazy Meng Yi and asked, "Is there no paper mill in Nanjun? Why are you still using bamboo slips?"

Meng Yi said with a smile: "I really don't know how expensive Chai Mi is! Brother, do you know how many compiled bamboo slips are stored in the Nanjun treasury? I don't plan to use bamboo paper to write official documents until the inventory is used up." !"

Meng Tian nodded slightly, and then asked again: "How to transport these many arrows, have you made a plan?"

After all, his mission this time is to 'choose [-] soldiers and garrison them in Xianyang'. He went south from Wuguan, then went east to Kuaiji County, then turned north, and finally returned to Xianyang City.

So it’s okay to walk around the world with elite soldiers, but if you carry a lot of arrows and weapons with your army, the taste will change!
What's more, if the mountains of feathered arrows are transported by land, the cost will be too high.

And the most important thing is that the condition of several roads from Xianyang in Qin State is not bad. For example, the road from Wuguan to Nanjun has been re-paved with cement one after another, but the road from Nanjun to Zhangjun, It's hard to say.

Meng Yi smiled softly: "Don't worry, Nanjun is adjacent to Yunmengze. People here rely on water for water, use boats as vehicles, and paddles as horses. Most of them have the ability to drive a boat with one hand."

"Besides, after the river passes through Wuxian County, although it is thick and thick, it is very gentle, just in time for water transportation."

"When I received His Majesty's order, I had already found a ship and loaded the grain, fodder and feather arrows on the ship. When the time comes, my brother can just go down the river, and I will wait for the good news in Nanjun!"

After speaking, he stood up and bowed his hands.

Meng Tian let out a long laugh, cupped his hands and returned the gift, and immediately asked:
"I see that you have lost a lot of weight. I think you are much busier than when you were in Xianyang City! You must take care of your body on weekdays..."

"Let's talk about state affairs first, and then talk about family affection. My brother really won't change from the past!" Meng Yi suppressed his smile and said sternly:

"Although it is hard work, I will still choose this hot life."


Shu County, Bodao County, Bodao City.

Between the row upon row of bamboo houses, the rain is like a thread, blurring the sight.

Li Shang stood in front of the door and spat at the paper mill, which made the sound of beating when the light came on, as usual.

Beside him, a woman with a fair complexion but rough skin was putting on a coir raincoat for him.

Well, if you look closely, this woman doesn't seem to be the daughter of the Bo tribe leader last time...

In the distance, a soldier wearing a bamboo hat and coir raincoat rushed over, holding a sealed bamboo tube in his hand.

"Captain, Your Majesty orders!"

Li Shang hurried forward a few steps to meet him, took the bamboo tube, checked that the lacquer seal was correct, twisted it open, and took out the silk cloth inside, but to his surprise, there was still a small piece of heavy-looking cloth in the bamboo tube. Metal.

"This is... a Tiger Talisman!"

Li Shang put away the imperial edict in his hand, picked up the Tiger Talisman, and read it carefully under the sunlight.

In a short time, he confirmed that this was the seal of mobilizing the Yueqi battalion.

With this, the nearly [-] Yue cavalry battalion soldiers scattered in the counties and counties south of Huaihan can be gathered together, and they can justifiably pass through the borders of the counties and counties of the empire.

"What is the meaning of this, Your Majesty?"

Li Shang frowned, washed his hands, and opened the neatly stacked edict.

"Let all the Yueqi Battalion assemble, go down the river, arrive at Zhang County at the agreed time, and then obey the dispatch of General Meng Tian..."

Li Shang took two steps on the spot, and murmured, "Zheng County? Picking the front general? Could it be that we are going to fight? But who is the enemy? Can't we defeat the enemy with the elite of Guanzhong?"

"The Yueqiying is good at fighting in the mountains and jungles, well, it is mainly the jungles south of Huaihan, so the Yueqiying must deal with enemies who are good at fighting in the mountainous jungles!"

"Then the question is simple. Either Yang Yue in Changsha County, or Ouyue in Guilin County or Xiang County, but these two places require a large army to go south, and now the edict says that the army will go east!"

"So, there is only one target left, Minyue of Minzhong County!"

"Could it be that Your Majesty wants to abolish the post of ruler of Fujian and Yue, and place it in the county? Well, it is possible. After all, is it the land of the king in the whole world, and the land of the land is the king's minister. Although the people of Central Fujian and Yue submit, but..."

Thinking of this, Li Shang looked excited, and had already decided to take the road of military minister. What he was afraid of was that if he did not fight, he would not be able to obtain rewards and titles. Without these, what would he do to support the dozen or so concubines at home!
Well, I don't know what it's like for Minyue women... Li Shang raised an exaggerated arc at the corner of his mouth, looked at the group of hundred generals gathered around him, and said loudly:

"Send me an order to stop the rest of the army and head to Berkshire immediately to join the soldiers of the Yueqi Battalion there!"

Hearing Li Shang's words, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then ran to the house behind them.

Although Qin Law does not allow women in the army, this is not a battlefield or a large army garrison, plus he has been separated from his mother-in-law for a long time, and there are countless Ba and Bo Li concubines around him, so...

The most important thing is that Li Shang is not upright, he sings every night, how can he have the face to stop others from taking concubines!

(End of this chapter)

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