Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 343 Dare to Hit My Horse!

Chapter 343 Dare to Hit My Horse!
The former site of Shanglinyuan Afang Palace is now the Daqin National Stadium.

Fusu sat on the stand, and there was no one else beside him except the standing Han Rang and a few servants.

Qi Rui'er, who was playing with him in Shanglin Garden, was not feeling well and was recuperating in bed... No, she was recuperating on the bed.

Seeing me leaping and raising my whip... Fusu recalled those pear blossoms with rain, his lovely and pitiful eyes, and his heart felt hot, so he picked up the teacup, which was as thin as cicada's wings, and started to sip it.

On the sports field in the distance, a field that is slightly wider than a standard football field in later generations is circled with white paint.

On the field, two teams of eight riders each are preparing for the competition.

Well, they're playing polo.

In the words of some people in later generations, this is "golf on horseback". After all, the action from the club to the ball to hitting the ball is very similar to golf.

But in Fusu's view, the action of swinging a club on a horse and hitting a small ball is more similar to an infantryman swinging a machete on a horse and chopping the ground!

On the back of a galloping horse, holding the rein in one hand and waving a wooden stick with the other, he accurately hit a wooden ball the size of a fist on the ground, and the most important thing was to make the wooden ball fly in the direction he wanted.

A polo player who can do this should be able to use a saber to cut across the enemy's neck with precision!
So in the Central Plains, polo started in the Three Kingdoms.

Well, it was called Qiju at that time, and Cao Zhi's "Famous Capitals" contained the sentence "Lian Pian hit Juyang" (Note 1).

In its heyday, it was Ju Tang.

The country is vast, and the main targets of combat are nomadic light cavalry who come and go like the wind. According to legend, Li Er heard that playing polo would help train light cavalry with high-speed mobility and long-distance raids. Promote this movement.

It's just that Fusu wants to go further than Li Er thinks. He wants to use this sport to start a trend of folk breeding high-quality horses.

After all, relying on the government to breed horses is always inferior to the efficiency of private pursuit of money or fame.

Well, in fact, there is another sport that can stimulate folks to breed high-quality horses.

Horse racing, and horse betting derived from it.

But considering the current national conditions, he plans to think about this issue after a while.

In fact, the main reason is that there is no room for action now, and there is not so much manpower.

After all, as a time traveler, even if he has not participated in horse racing and derivative projects, he still has a little understanding of how profitable the gaming industry is.

Since the people have this demand, it is better to let the Shaofu intervene instead of blocking it.

At least during the period when he was in control of the court, he was able to take from the people and use them to the people.

On the stand, Fusu occasionally put down the teacup, wrote the word 'ke' on the open memorial, and glanced down occasionally to see if they were ready.

Because the elite of the Lantian Army has already left the customs under the leadership of Han Xin, the Qimen Army representative team led by Meng Ying, and the Qin Guo Gong Clan representative team led by Li Cheng who participated in it on a temporary basis appeared on the field at this moment. .

The selection of the polo team is the same as that of Cuju, and will compete for the final winner at the Daqin National Stadium after the New Year's Eve.

But the difference between polo and cuju is that the entry threshold for polo is very high, and a good horse that can compete can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

It's just that this is what Fusu wants to see. After all, the breeding of high-quality horse breeds is also burning money.

It is cruel to say that the advancement of many civilian technologies in the world is driven by people who hold wealth.

This is true of both the medical and automotive industries.

In a short time, everyone in the arena was ready, and a dozen majestic horses began to gallop amidst the whistle blown by the referee.

It was as swift as the wind and aggressive as fire, giving the impression of running thousands of troops.

And because Fusu was a poor man before crossing, he also didn't know the rules of polo, so it was just like Cuju, as long as he didn't die or become disabled...

So, in a trance, it was not a competition, but two teams of elite cavalry fighting...

"Uh, one more thing, you are not allowed to hit the opponent's horse with the opportunity of hitting the ball, and the violator will be out!" Fu Su said with wide eyes slightly.

The servant standing by the side hurried to the side of the arena and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty orders that anyone who hits the opponent's horse will be given a red card!"

When he shouted, Meng Ying and the others were stunned for a moment, feeling that a loophole that had been found with great difficulty had been plugged...

There are eight players on both sides of the game. Like Cuju, there are goals behind both sides, and the player who hits the wooden ball into the opponent's goal gets one point.

The rules of the game are neither dead nor maimed, but it is about the player. If he breaks the opponent's horse's leg with a club, and he falls off the horse and is injured, it has nothing to do with him.

If the other party has one less person, it is equivalent to one more person.

So at the beginning of the game, there were one after another the sound of clubs hitting the field, and there were even clubs clamped under their armpits, simulating a charge with a spear...

He's really savage, but I like it... Fusu shook his head, and he wanted to play with it, but he understood that this could only be a dream.

After all, who dares to beat the emperor?Who would dare to confront the emperor fiercely and knock the emperor off his horse?

How lonely it is to be invincible!


Hexi Corridor, above Wuwei City.

Zhang Han looked at the grassland that was starting to turn yellow in the distance, and he also felt how lonely invincibility is.

The battle in Hexi is over, and he is about to return to Jincheng County.

The Rongdi cavalry who came with him basically chose to stay here.

It's just that they can't settle down yet. After all, this is the northwest, and they live in straw huts. People will die in winter!

Therefore, under the arrangement of Li Qian, the new governor of Wuwei County, he scattered the Wanrongdi cavalry. Almost every one of them was in charge of dozens of herders, who were distributed in the center of the Hexi Corridor in a line.

Well, anyway, when they were in their hometown, they mainly raised livestock and supplemented by land reclamation.

Letting them manage the shepherds can be regarded as a professional counterpart.

As for large-scale land reclamation, it will have to wait until next autumn.

Immigrants from the Kanto region came one after another in the spring, and the summer sunshine here was too abundant, forcing people to perform heavy physical labor such as land reclamation would kill people.

Only in the autumn, after harvesting the pasture, plow the land, level the land, and finally bury the manure that has been piled up all summer in the ground.

In this way, the next spring, the grain can be sown.

Zhang Han looked at Li Qian beside him, and asked, "Is that engineer with eyes on his head coming? If he comes, you should send someone to take him to explore the surrounding minerals as soon as possible."

"According to what His Majesty read from the ancient books, there should be a lot of coal, iron and ore for burning cement!"

ps: Note 1, copied from Baidu Encyclopedia.

(End of this chapter)

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