Chapter 344 Peng Yue
At the junction of Xuejun, Dongjun, and Dangjun, a vast flat land was formed due to the silt carried by the Yellow River. The Lu people who came out of the mountains to the west saw this continuous plain, and called it Daye.

Juye is called Juye because it is the entrance from east to west of Daye. 'Giant', 'big' also, juye, that is, big wild.

The river on Ono flows into a depression in the northeast, forming a lake, more than [-] miles from north to south, and more than [-] miles from east to west, so it is named Onoze.

In the early morning of this day, a small boat sailed into the reeds, sitting on the boat were Zhang Er and Chen Yu who were wanted by Qin Ting.

The one sitting among them was about 30 to [-] years old, tall and thin, wearing a heavy autumn dress, with a short beard under his chin, and a gloomy face.

If there was the royal family of Wei, one could vaguely recognize that this person was Ningling Lord Wei Jiu.

The three of them are Peng Yue who has come to flee to the fallen grass in Dayeze...

Well, the main reason for this is that in order to capture Tian Dan and others who had escaped, Hou Feng scouted out everywhere, leaving them nowhere to hide in Qidi.

As for why they didn't flee to Zhaodi, it was because Zhaodi's accent was different from that of their fellow Wei people, so they could be easily spotted.

You know, Zhang Er's reward is one thousand gold, while Chen Yu's reward is five hundred gold.

Money touches people's hearts, if someone who knows them goes to sue for adultery, in the unfamiliar Zhao land, it is tantamount to giving away their heads.

The most important thing is that in the Dongjun Meteorite case, the entire Pengyue family was killed by the Qin people. This person and the Qin people have a sworn feud, so they will definitely not be handed over to the Qin government.

After a while, the light boat sailed through the reeds and came to a mud flat in the lake.

Zhang Er and the others got off the boat, and what they saw were stretches of houses.

The house was completely different from what they saw in the Central Plains. There were wooden piles under the house, which were volleyed above the tidal flats, obviously to prevent the water level of Onozawa from rising and flooding the house.

Zhang Er looked around and found that there were hundreds of such houses vaguely built on the tidal flat.

He made a little calculation in his mind, only on this tidal flat, there were at least hundreds of righteous men gathered in Peng Yue!

And he had heard people say before that Peng Yue is a man who has always been generous and sticks to principles, and he is very much supported by the heroes around him. If he raises his arms, he can at least gather an army of thousands of people!
But today, he just got a glimpse of the leopard, and he understood that the rumor was wrong!

Peng Yue's energy is far greater than the rumors!

Much bigger!
There are hundreds of people in this tidal flat alone, and there are many tidal flats in Da Ye Ze, and there are at least a thousand people under Peng Yue's men!
As for the food issue, there is no need to worry at all.

Onozawa is rich in aquatic products, and the surrounding counties and towns are rich, more than enough to support a thousand people!
Thousands of elites, together with the surrounding heroes, and some Guishou who have been suffering for a long time, can pull up a team of tens of thousands in an instant!
Zhang Er and Chen Yu looked at each other, and felt that a big event could be expected.

A while later, led by several little bosses, they saw Peng Yue who was only known by name but not by anyone.

I saw that he was about 40 years old, with a yellow face and black beard, but his appearance was majestic and brave, and his demeanor was a bit aristocratic, but it might be because his family members were all killed by Qin Ting, so there was a gloomy look on his face .

"Zhang Er and Chen Yu have met their elder brother!"

"You two gentlemen don't need to be too polite."

Peng Yue straightened up, looked at Wei Jiu who was standing upright, frowned and asked, "I wonder who this gentleman is?"

Standing with his hands behind his back, Wei Jiu said with a bit of pride, "I am the son of Prince Wei, Ningling Lord Wei Jiu!"

Peng Yue's eyes lit up, he was originally from Wei, and today he was able to meet the son of the old master, although the other party was a bit rebellious, but in Peng Yue's view, this was a matter of course.

After all, if Wei Guo was still there, he should immediately kneel down and worship at this moment.

Erqing, in a house with more decorations than the surrounding houses, Peng Yue sat facing east, Wei Jiu sat facing south, Zhang Er and Chen Yu sat facing Peng Yue.

Peng Yue sent some preserved fruit tea, and he said apologetically:

"Everyone came here by accident. The good tea I got from a passing merchant was accidentally wet by the lake... So, the hospitality is not good, the hospitality is not good..."

Wei Jiu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, anyway, I'm not used to drinking tea made by people from Qin..."

Chen Yu said with a smile: "These are already very good, brother, don't blame yourself."

Peng Yue looked at Zhang Er and asked: "I don't know what you guys are doing today? But whatever is useful to Peng Yue, just open your mouth!"

Zhang Er and Chen Yu exchanged glances, then looked at Peng Yue and said, "I don't know what elder brother thinks of Qin people?"

Peng Yue was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "I have an utter hatred with the people of Qin! I wish I could eat their flesh and sleep on their skin!"

Chen Yu nodded with a serious face and said: "In this case, why don't you hold up the banner of righteousness, punish the innocent, and punish the Qin Dynasty!"

Peng Yue hesitated a little. Although he hated Qin people to the bone, many of his companions who fell here escaped from their hometown because they couldn't stand the harsh Qin law.

If they are allowed to rob passing merchants, no one will object, but if they are allowed to openly oppose Qin, it will be difficult!
Seeing Peng Yue's expression, Zhang Er said in a deep voice:
"Husband Qin has no way, destroys the country, destroys the community, and destroys the future generations..."

"With just one stone carving, hundreds of miles of land can be slaughtered, killing people in the wild!"

"Emperor Qin is even more aggressive now. Since he succeeded to the throne, he has used troops frequently. Although he has won the size of the land, he has added countless orphans and widows!"

"Everyone in Guanzhong wears sackcloth and wears filial piety, wives cry for their husbands, sons cry for their fathers!"

"The Qin army that shook the world, I think it has been killed and injured!"

"Even so, in order to win the useless overseas land, the remaining ten thousand elites in the Qin army are already heading to the coast of the East China Sea under the leadership of an unknown Qin general!"

"Before I came here, I heard people say that Qin Huang worshiped Meng Tian as the general who selected the front, patrolling the world, and selecting the strong, why?"

"Qin has no soldiers to use!"

"At this moment, elder brother, why don't you raise your arms and call out, defeat Wudao, punish Qin, and be the first in the world!"

Seeing that Peng Yue was a little moved, Zhang Er went on to say:

"Since the first emperor is gone, the aftermath is astonishing. However, there are countless people who oppose Qin. As long as my brother holds up the flag of righteousness, all the heroes in the world will surely respond, and then Qin will be destroyed! My brother will also be famous in history!"

After Zhang Er finished speaking, Wei Jiu stood up, walked in front of Peng Yue's puzzled eyes, knelt down on both knees, and bowed his head:

"Please help me recover Wei, a strong man, and I would like to share Wei with you after this is done!"

Peng Yue stared blankly at Wei Jiu, with a struggling look on his face, Zhang Er and Chen Yu looked at each other, and decided to say something more.

At this moment, a water bandit ran in and shouted loudly: "It's not good, it's a disaster!"

ps: There seems to be a bug in the previous chapters, and Onozawa was written as Juyezawa.But this pot needs to be memorized in the "Atlas of Chinese History". Juyeze is the name after the Han Dynasty, and the book is wrongly marked.

(End of this chapter)

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