Chapter 345

Inside the room, Peng Yue raised his eyebrows suddenly, stood up suddenly, and strode out the door.

He scolded sharply: "Why are you panicking? In front of distinguished guests, what does it look like to shout so loudly!"

The water bandit's face was earthy, and his eyes were full of horror:
"It's not good, the brothers from the west came to report that it was the school lieutenant of Dangkou, Xingyang ordered Jibu to lead the army, and had passed Dingtao County (now Dingtao District, Heze, Shandong Province) and was heading towards Chengqiu. Come straight to Onozawa!"

"Lieutenant Dang Kou? Xingyang commanded Ji Bu?" Peng Yue revealed a thoughtful look on his face, and whispered softly, "Ji Bu? Could it be that "a hundred catties of gold is worse than getting Ji Bu Yinuo"? Dang Kou Xiao Wei...hahaha!"

He suddenly laughed out loud, causing everyone around him to frown.

Peng Yue said loudly: "I didn't expect that I would gather here to attract the attention of the imperial court, and set up an official post specially to suppress us! Isn't it worth being happy like this!"

When all the water bandits heard what Peng Yue said, they were immediately overwhelmed by his arrogance, and they all burst into laughter.

During this period, the spirit of folk rangers was very strong. Compared with money, they hoped that others would hear their reputation, and these water bandits lived a life of licking blood with knives.

Just like the later master father Yan said, if a husband does not eat five tripods in life, he will cook ears with five tripods when he dies!
Well, just like the heroes of Liangshan in later generations...

But Juyeze is not far to the north, it is Liangshan...

Peng Yue laughed for a while, and then asked: "That Ji Bu, how many people did he bring?"

The water bandit who reported the letter before recalled it, scratched his head and said: "I don't know, but the brothers in the west said that Ji Bu's army is continuous, and the front team has traveled several miles, and the tail of the team is still invisible... "

The water bandits who were laughing before gasped suddenly. They looked at the rags and tattered clothes on their bodies, and felt that the imperial court really valued them!
Some water bandits who had served as soldiers in Wei State were even more terrified, but a little bit of anger surged in their hearts.

The army is dispatched, and it costs a lot of money every day!
It would be great if the imperial court settled the military expenditure as a reward for recruiting security!

"It's not good, it's a disaster!" Such a sentence emerged in everyone's mind at the same time.

Inside the house, Chen Yu listened to the sound outside, poked his ear with his elbow, and whispered:

"Brother, look at it like this, Onozawa can't take it with us! Let's leave first! It should be noted that there is a saying in the "Book of Changes", that a gentleman hides a weapon in his body and waits for the time to move. Why is there any disadvantage?"

Zhang Er nodded, deeply convinced of this.

He looked at Wei Jiu, and saw the same thought in his eyes.

The Qin army is powerful, so it's better to avoid its edge for the time being, and leave it to the useful body to do something important!

Sometimes, it takes more courage to live in humiliation than to die tragically!
Thinking of this, they stood up, walked out of the room, bowed their ears and said: "Brother, the Qin bandit is powerful, why don't we wait for a while and retreat to Xue County..."

He looked at Peng Yue and said: "Although Zhang Er is incompetent, he still has some friends in Xue County. The three of us are willing to go ahead and plan the itinerary for my brother and all the strong men!"

Peng Yue looked sideways at Zhang Er slightly, with doubts in his heart.

"Qin Jun didn't come early or late, but when these people came, Qin Jun also came, and they asked me to go to Xue County to avoid disaster? '

'To put it bluntly, I, Peng Yue, am the uncrowned king here in the three hundred miles of Dayeze!But if you go ashore...'

'Could it be that these are spies sent by the Qin army?By the way, they tricked me into rebellion before, didn't they just want to trick me out of Onozawa! '

'Now that I think about it, I haven't met Zhang Er, Chen Yu, and Gongzi Jiu in person. If they say they are, must they be?How to prove that what is said is true? '

'Well, don't be too rude though!Put them in custody first, wait until the Qin army is defeated, and then make any calculations!It's a big deal to kowtow to apologize, anyway, they want something from me! '

Peng Yue's heart turned like lightning, but his expression remained unchanged. He said boldly and dryly:
"Sir, don't panic. Our brothers are everywhere in the three hundred miles of Great Wilderness. They are all skilled in water, brave and good at fighting!"

"Even if the Qin people have an army of [-], someone will definitely let them become the food of fish and turtles in this big wild lake!"

Zhang Er and Chen Yu looked at each other, and when they were about to say something more, they only heard Peng Yue laughing and saying:

"Come here, clean up a clean house, invite the two gentlemen and the young master to live in, and then go to the lake to catch a few big carp weighing ten catties, and make dinner for the gentlemen!"

After Peng Yue finished speaking, he winked at several of his cronies.

They immediately led their subordinates to surround them, and invited Zhang Er and others to a distance very enthusiastically and unrestrainedly.

Peng Yue recruited a few water bandits with good eyesight and very fast boats, and ordered: "You guys go to Chengqiu to have a look and find out how many people there are in the Qin army and what they want to do..."

Anyway, it has not been a day or two since they gathered in Onozawa, and the surrounding counties have been encircled and suppressed many times, but Onozawa is mighty, and the reeds covering the sky and the sun are their best shelter.

The big deal is just like what Zhang Er said, if you can't beat it, just run away. Taking advantage of the boundless Onozawa, Peng Yue and his men escaped from the government not once or twice!

But before the water bandits set off, a fast boat came from outside the reeds, and before the boat docked, the boatman jumped off immediately and ran towards Peng Yue staggeringly.

"It's not good, the soldiers of Xuejun have assembled and are coming to Juyeze!"

Before Peng Yue could react, a few flat boats broke into the reeds again.

"It's not good, Dangjun County soldiers have arrived in Changyi County (now Juye County, Heze City, Shandong)!"

"It's not good, Dongjun County soldiers are gathering in Juancheng (now Juancheng County, Heze, Shandong Province), ready to set off for Onozawa..."

Listening to his subordinate's report, Peng Yue froze for a moment, his mouth slowly opened wide, and his eyes gradually lost their light.



Take the hill.

Ji Bu led the horse and stood on a mound, looking at the vast and misty Onozawa in the distance.

The setting sun is setting, the afterglow is like fog, and it is smoky red as far as the eye can see. Although there is smoke rising from the Lifang on the edge of Dayeze, compared with the Lifang in Sanchuan County and Guanzhong, there is less sound of chickens and dogs.

Beside him, [-] soldiers from Sanchuan County were busy setting up camp, preparing to spend the night by the side of Onozawa.

Under the emperor's edict, he, as the chief general of the raid against the bandits, was responsible for completely eradicating the banditry in Onozawa.

But, God is sorry, he was born as a knight-errant. He not only wants to be the county magistrate and guard the shepherd side, but also to train the army and lead the army to suppress bandits...

"Isn't this driving ducks to the shelves!"

Ji Bu turned his head and looked at his other Sima: "Did you find the guide you asked? Remember my request, it must be the one with parents and wives and children!"

(End of this chapter)

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