Chapter 346 Execution
Dongjun, Juancheng County, the county government in the north of the city.

Surrounded by a group of embroidered censors, Hou Feng walked quickly into the main hall.

Outside the main hall, two rows of tall and strong fighters stood like a forest.

Hou Feng came here to supervise Xue Jun, Dang Jun and Dong Jun's joint troops to encircle and suppress Peng Yue and other water bandits who gathered in Da Ye Ze.

Although he was a little puzzled by the emperor's arrangement.

Because it was just a mere group of water bandits, with no more than a thousand people, they actually wanted to use a total of more than [-] county soldiers from the three counties, as well as more than [-] Limin and pavilion soldiers led by the pavilion chief and You Yan.

And that's not counting, thousands of elite troops have to be dispatched from Sanchuan County!
Although the water bandits in Onozawa gathered more than a thousand people after Peng Yue became the leader, they traveled across counties and towns on weekdays, and wherever they went, officials bowed their heads and everyone looked sideways.

But to mobilize tens of thousands of people to carry out encirclement and suppression?
This is too much to think highly of this group of thieves!

However, as a legalist scholar, the court's court lieutenant, Youcheng, and the interviewer appointed by the imperial court, the emperor's will is his mission.

So he transferred back many embroidered censors sent in Qidi, and scattered them in various county governments around Onozawa to supervise the local officials.

Their mission is also simple.

Those who have adultery with thieves will be punished by the clan!

Those who hope to flee from the enemy will be punished by the clan!

Those who are negligent and slack will be punished by the family!

And he himself set up the Xingyuan in Juancheng County, which is very close to Onozawa.

After a while, Hou Feng sat down in the lobby, and messengers from outside the county government kept coming and going, sending here a steady stream of information about the stationing of soldiers from various counties.

"The net has been set up, we will see what the Xingyang Order does!"

Hou Feng said something softly, under the broad, slightly wrinkled forehead, there was a murderous look in his eyes.


Take the hill.

In the camp of the soldiers of Sanchuan County.

Ji Bu gnawed on the steaming pancakes and sipped the hot mutton soup.

"This is the guide you found?" He tilted his head slightly, looking at the other Sima beside him.

Biebu Sima, who was born in a noble family, put down his bowl and chopsticks, swallowed the food in his mouth, wiped his mouth and said, "Exactly."

Just said two words, you have been preparing for so long... Ji Bu complained in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged and he asked:

"Can you do as I said? Let Li Dian take the lead, and Li Min guarantees that if the guide commits adultery with thieves, the people of He Li will be punished!"

After hearing Ji Bu utter the creepy words in a flat tone, the guides who were eating the mutton soup flatbread with satisfied faces all opened their eyes wide, and the soup in the bowl began to shake violently.

"General... General..."

"We and the thieves in the lake..."

"We absolutely dare not..."

The guides chattered and babbled, and looked at Ji Bu with fearful eyes.

Ji Bu sighed in his heart, actually he didn't want to do that either, but now that he is the commander in chief of the army, if he is negligent, these thousands of soldiers who trust him wholeheartedly may be buried in a foreign land.

At that time, in the huge Sanchuan County, you can see sons wearing sackcloth and filial piety everywhere, crying father and brother's daughter. Every time he thinks about this situation, he can't let go of it for a long time.

"Soldiers, the major events of the country, the place of death and life, the way of survival, must be investigated!" '

Ji Bu's mind suddenly recalled the art of war he saw in the Xianyang Caishi Museum, and the apology for these guides disappeared in his heart.

"Send the order, the meal is over, the whole army will set off, and enter the lake to suppress the bandits!"


In the south of Onozawa, where Jishui was pouring into it, [-] half-fed soldiers assembled here.

Because of the water battle, these soldiers only wore a piece of leather armor on their upper body and a helmet that was also made of leather.

Ji Bu was also dressed in the same way, except that on the leather helmet he wore, there were two feathers as white as snow, which represented his status as the chief general in the army.

He looked at the silent lake in the distance, and suddenly understood why the Six Kingdoms were destroyed, but this small group of thieves could live here for more than ten years.

Without him, although Onozawa is a lake, it is more inclined to a swamp. It is a water area washed by Jishui in a low-lying area.

Although boats can be sailed, most of the places can only accommodate small boats. When the Navy's warships and large ships arrive here, there is only one possibility of running aground.

Ji Bu looked back and saw the Shunji fleet going down the water. These were the ships that the emperor had prepared several months ago to exterminate this group of thieves.

After a few large navy ships, connected by ropes is a flat-bottomed boat that can't be seen as far as the eye can see. The overall shape is streamlined, and there are five wooden oars on each side of the ship's side.

Well, this is a small boat made by Fusu to imitate the assault boats of later generations for use in shallow water.

In fact, in the environment of Onozawa, the best choice is an inflatable boat.

But, obviously, it can't be done!

Ji Bu raised his arms and shouted, and the county soldiers, under the leadership of their respective commanders, boarded the assault boat with the corresponding number according to the previous drill.

"set off!"

The sound of the drums was rumbling, and the assault boats rushed towards the Onozawa like arrows leaving the string.

Ji Bu sat on a relatively long and wide assault boat with war drums on it, and distributed troops according to the command of the guide.

With the guidance of local fishermen, which reed marshes can live in and which shoals may ground ships, these problems that plagued the siege in the past no longer exist.

It's just that Ji Bu listened to the rumble of the war drum and smiled in his heart.

Could it be that the former sheriffs and county magistrates could not have imagined such a simple matter?
Ha ha!

Ji Bu looked in the direction of Juancheng County, as if he could see 'Hou Behead' killing again.

Yet the same is true.

Onoze headed north, Jishui rushed out of the swamp, and rolled to the east again.

Zhang County.

Even at this point in time in Qin State, this place is an out-and-out thousand-year-old county.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, it was called Liangyi. After Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, it unified the prefectures and counties, so it was renamed Zhang County, and later renamed Shouliang County. Zhang County.

Well, in "Water Margin", the place where Li Kui was promoted to judge the case and obtained the Wanmin Umbrella is here.

The sun had just risen that day, and the county town was already deserted by thousands of people. Even people from the surrounding Lifang flocked to the temporary execution ground in the south of the city.

On the execution ground, a series of men in white shorts were kneeling.

If you look closely, you can recognize the two leading men, the county magistrate and the county magistrate.

According to the Qin system, counties with more than [-] people have county magistrates, and counties with less than [-] people have county magistrates; county magistrates have a black ribbon with a copper seal and a rank of [-] to [-] stones, and county magistrates have a copper seal with a yellow ribbon and a rank of [-] to [-] stones.

Under the pergola beside the execution ground, Guan Gao, who was wearing a white Xiezhi suit, was playing with a copper seal in his hand, with murderous intent in his eyes.

According to reports from the local 'people', Zhang County is already rotten. Most of the officials colluded with water bandits and shared the spoils.

"There is no need to wait any longer, execute immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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