Chapter 347 Come Prepared

Thick smoke billowed into the sky.

It was autumn, and there had been no rain for many days. The dry reeds were quickly ignited, and the fire began to spread at a speed that human eyes could hardly keep up with.

At this time, several assault boats responsible for starting the fire rowed backwards and quickly returned to the windward position.

In the place where the assault boat rowed out, there were more than a dozen corpses covered with arrows.

From their attire and the feathered arrows carved out of the same mold, it can be seen that these people are the water bandits in Onozawa.

When they were encircled by the Qin soldiers, they tried to rush out of the reeds to fight. After a shower of arrows, they left a dozen corpses and retreated into the reeds in a hurry.

So Ji Bu gave the order to light the reeds without mercy.

He didn't intend to go into the reeds to pursue them, because that was the main battlefield of water bandits, and the principle of not entering the forest was also suitable for the reeds in Onozawa.

During the conversation with the local guide, Ji Bu learned that most of the water bandits in Dayeze were also locals, so they did not do much harm to the elders in their hometown.

After all, rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests!

After Peng Yue became the leader, the water bandits would often help the poor living around Onozawa. This is another reason why he was able to repeatedly defeat the officers and soldiers.

It's just that those wealthy households with little resistance and the merchants who passed by Onozawa are not so lucky.

Especially those businessmen, in order not to reveal their whereabouts, these water bandits often kill the men and throw them into the water to feed the fish after their belongings are looted. As for the women...

Anyway, no one has ever seen a woman stepping out of the reeds.

This is also one of the reasons why Ji Bu decided not to leave anyone alive in this battle.

He was born as a ranger, and occasionally he would do some illegal activities, such as robbing wealthy households or merchants, he had done a little bit.

But taking people's property and killing people's lives is a bit unreasonable!

Another reason for not keeping alive is that Xunzi once said, 'At the beginning of human beings, nature is evil'.

Most of these people who have fallen into bandits are their own choices. Even if they are captured and punished as servants, they will still wait for the opportunity to kill the guards and return to their old jobs!

So, just deal with them cleanly and go home for the New Year!

Standing at the bow of the boat, Ji Bu listened carefully under the fearful eyes of all the guides, and could vaguely hear the desperate cries in the fire.

"Let the flames wash away your past sins."


Reeds, a room with a door bolted from the outside.

Zhang Er saw thick smoke billowing from nowhere through the gap in the house.

"Qin Bing started to attack?"

"It's coming so fast!"

He paced back and forth like an ant on a hot pan.

Had he known that Qin Bing was going to attack Peng Yue and beat him to death, he would not have brought Chen Yu and Wei Jiu to Da Ye Ze to avoid disaster!

Wei Jiu looked at Zhang Er anxiously, intending to say, "I plan to make sure", but when the words came to his lips, it turned into a sentence:
"Mr. mistaken me!"

Chen Yu suddenly looked sideways, as if he couldn't believe that Wei Jiu, who had been obedient to them all the way, would say such a thing.

Zhang Er took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, just bowed to the ground without saying a word.

Suddenly Wei Jiu was startled, and hurriedly took a step forward, supported Zhang Er, and said incoherently, "This... I... Sir, I..."

Zhang Er shook his head slightly, sighed and said: "For the present plan, I can only save myself."

He tiptoed to the side of the house, looked out carefully through the gap, and saw the water bandits tidying up their clothes in a panic, driving many naked women with numb faces to board the boat with wooden sticks.

"It seems that they feel that Qin Bing is powerful, so they decided to abandon this place and escape!"

Zhang Er turned his head and waved at Chen Yu, motioning for him to come too.

"Did you see the boat there? As soon as these water bandits leave, we immediately break the door, bypass the water bandits over there, grab a boat, and send the young master away safely!"

Hearing Zhang Er's words, Chen Yu nodded solemnly.



After confirming that all the water bandits in the reeds were burned to death, Ji Bu left a few assault boats and asked them to carry the bodies of water bandits back to the shore.

These are all credits, and none of them should be wasted!

So, under the guidance of the guide, the fleet continued to go to another reed marsh where water bandits might be hidden.

Of course, all the reeds along the way were set on fire, so that no fish that slipped through the net would have the possibility to hide.

"Well, when the fire goes out, it must be a good place to catch crucian carp under the reeds!"

Looking at the reeds burning like torches, Ji Bu smiled inadvertently.

In the sparkling light, the blazing flames and the fleet that seems to be flying against the water surface together form a picture scroll with a profound artistic conception.

Suddenly, the commotion in the distance attracted Ji Bu's attention.

"There are people underwater!"

"They're gouging our boat!"

The county soldiers yelled and then plunged into the water with their spears raised high.

Well-trained, they did not become panicked when the enemy came from underwater.

Well, this is mainly because the bottom of the assault boat is covered with a layer of iron.

It is easy to cut through the wooden board from the bottom up in the water, but it is not so easy to cut through the iron sheet.

"Hey, I hit it!"

A county soldier cheered loudly, and the sluggish feeling from the gun barrel made him understand that this was exactly the feeling of stabbing a human body.

So amidst the cheers of all comrades in the army, everyone clenched their guns tightly and lifted them upwards like fishing.

For this battle, the spears in their hands were also specially made. Below the sharp spearhead was a downward-curving barb, shaped like a fishhook.

Once such a shape penetrates into the human body, it is impossible to pull it out easily.

And such scenes began to appear one after another in various places of the fleet.

At this moment, there were shouts of killing in the reeds, and dozens of boats shot out like arrows.

Digging a boat under water and charging on the surface, this is a set of tactics developed by Peng Yue to deal with the encirclement and suppression by the government and army.

It's a pity that what he faced was the soldiers of Sanchuan County who came prepared and armed to the teeth.

"Fire arrows!"

When Ji Bu gave an order, the sound of war drums rose violently, and the Qin soldiers sitting on the assault boat leveled their crossbows and lightly drew their hanging knives.

The continuous sound of bowstring vibration resounded.

Standing on the small boat, the water bandits who were screaming and fighting fell down like the wind blowing wheat waves.

Immediately afterwards, the county soldiers who had dealt with the water ghosts drove an assault boat and charged at a speed that made the water bandits despair.

The almost one-sided massacre made Ji Bu a little bored. He picked up the binoculars in his hand and looked at the distant scenery.

As a result, they found the fleet fleeing from the other direction of the reed marsh, as well as another small boat that was constantly circling in place.


(End of this chapter)

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