Chapter 348

Dongjun, Yunxian, on the bank of Dayeze, the sun is setting.

The lakeside, which was inaccessible in the past, is now full of armored soldiers patrolling with large shields and long halberds.

In the distance, a group of knights came flying like flying horses.

The first person was Hou Feng, who was worried about the local officials and soldiers and decided to personally patrol along Onozawa.

On the flagpole in the hands of the cavalrymen behind him were bloodless heads with hideous faces.

Most of these are local wealthy families who have colluded with the water bandits in Onozawa, as well as swordsmen.

The remaining small part are officials with bad records who were exposed by the "mass".

In order to frighten people's hearts, Hou Feng did not give them too many opportunities to defend themselves. As long as one of them can be verified, they will be beheaded immediately for public display!

And the effect was also very remarkable. All the officials and soldiers who participated in the siege and suppression of water bandits became trembling, walking on thin ice, and did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

After all, no one would dare to do anything out of the ordinary in the face of such cruel officials who frequently beheaded and exterminated the clan, even if they had sympathy for the water bandits.

When Hou Feng and his party flew by, all the county soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, especially those who had turned a blind eye to Peng Yue and his party in the past wiped the cold sweat off their foreheads.

But before they could relax, they galloped in the distance, shouting loudly:

"Peng Yue, the chieftain of the thieves, gave the head, captured the rebels Zhang Er and Chen Yu alive, and beheaded more than 1000 and [-]. Our army won a great victory!"

The county soldiers patrolling the lake were stunned on the spot. Thousands of water bandits were gone in just one day?
Peng Yue is dead?

Why are Zhang Er and Chen Yu here?

But when they saw that the man on horseback was dressed as Hongling's messenger sent by Qin Jun, they all froze in place with shocked expressions on their faces.

In the distance, Hou Feng, who was patrolling the defense of the lakeside, also reined in his horse, watching the Hongling messenger from far to near.

Bai Wuji beside him immediately went up to greet him, took the good news from Hong Ling's messenger, and passed it to Hou Feng with both hands. The latter opened the letter and said with a smile:
"Peng Yue gave the capture Zhang Er and Chen Yu alive..."

"Huh? And Prince Wei's son, Ningling Lord Wei Jiu?"

"Ji Bu is so lucky!"

Hou Feng stroked his beard and muttered to himself.

’ Zhang Er and Chen Yu are fine to say, but Wei Jiu, a royal family of the old Wei state, cannot stay, he must make a decision immediately, and the punishment will be declared, otherwise there will be changes! '

Thinking of this, he bowed his head to Bai Wuji and said:
"Reply to Ji Bu, since Wei Jiu has been caught, let him go underground to accompany his younger brother!"

"Well, when a prince passed away, he had to be buried with him, so let Zhang Er and Chen Yu accompany his old master for another ride!"

"At the same time, send the good news to Guanzhong immediately and present it to His Majesty the Emperor!"

He thought for a while, and then said: "Pass down the order, three days after Dasuo, kill cattle and goats, and reward the three armies!"


On the north bank of the Wei River, Mei County.

In the early morning of this day, a rush of horseshoes broke the tranquility here.

Amidst the barking of countless bulldogs, there were loud shouts from outside the inner square.

"Those who step out of the Lifang without permission will be punished with a second-class penalty, and they will be punished for three months!"

"Those who approach the road without authorization, the family will punish!"


Immediately the knights galloped back and forth, followed by the local pavilion chiefs and pavilion soldiers.

The latter immediately dispersed into various Lifangs, joined Lidian and Lijianmen, and restrained the common people in Liju, especially those teenagers who were full of curiosity and rebellion.

Well, it's just that there are policies above and countermeasures below.

Although the instructions forbid Qianshou to step out of the Lifang, but they are not restricted from lying on the wall of the Fang and looking out.

As a result, all the lifangs near Chidao, people's heads with white hair or yellow hair hanging down suddenly appeared on the walls of the workshop.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, quietly waiting for the rare 'Western view'.

Well, the emperor's chariot.

And those pavilion soldiers who held small flags and stood by their swords also turned a blind eye to such behavior.

After all, they are all from the folks in the village, so the law enforcement is selective...

A moment later, a cavalry brigade of thousands of people came slowly.

The banners are flying, mighty and majestic.

This is the army of the Lieutenant's Mansion led by Prince Chang of Jingshi, who is responsible for opening the way when the emperor travels.

All the cavalry on horseback had their swords out of their sheaths, their crossbows were stringed up, and they looked around murderously, checking for any abnormalities on both sides of the road.

In the case of Bolangsha back then, all the soldiers in charge of the external search and security were beheaded, and if another hammer flew out from the side of the road, their heads would probably say goodbye to their bodies...

After the cavalry from the Lieutenant's Mansion, followed by a convoy of gong chariots, drum chariots, and ministers, and behind them, a group of four men, wearing furs, led the Hu cavalry of Qin Junjuebian.

On the second day after the Jiuyuan Army went east, Guan Ying arrived in Xianyang City with nearly [-] elite Hu cavalry battalion to replenish the vacant troops.

At this moment, when these horsemen flaunting their power on horseback passed by, there was a low and inaudible curse in the distant Lifang.

"The barbarians of Donkey Day..."

Some veterans who had participated in the Northern Expedition against the Huns stared at the heads of those Hu Qimen. In their hearts, only the Huns whose heads had been chopped off were good Hurens.

But at the same time, they also looked enviously at the extraordinary prairie horse under each other.

This is another reason why they curse those Huqi.

However, their nephews looked disapproving. As long as these barbarians are loyal to the Great Qin, as pointed by His Majesty's long sword, and they fight the enemy bravely, the barbarians will be barbarians.

Besides, as a Qin native in Guanzhong, whose family doesn't have a few Yiqus, or relatives of Rongdi?

Well, the prerequisite is that they don't want to compete with him for green flowers...

"Look, it's His Majesty's flag!"

A garrison soldier who participated in the military parade for the Lama Festival yelled loudly, showing reverence on his face. Since returning from the military parade, the matchmaker who came to his door to say goodbye to him trampled the threshold of his house!

He immediately said sadly: "It's a pity that there is only the wax festival this year, and there is no military parade..."

Beside him, a woman with delicate features and the ability to run a horse on her arm touched her swollen belly, smiled and said nothing. In her mind, it was just right not to have a military parade. Little three, little four...

And farther away, everyone saw the golden root chariot surrounded by thousands of troops. Behind the chariot, the three-star flag symbolizing the emperor was fluttering in the wind, hunting.

"The wind is very noisy today..."

In the carriage, Fusu lazily opened the memorial in front of him.

Killed one enemy last night and lost more than [-] million... However, trying to suppress myself, biting her lips and whispering softly, the taste of the girl in glasses is really good... Fu Su stared at the two dark circles, and blinked suddenly, full of tears. The face is unbelievable.


(End of this chapter)

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