Chapter 349 Punch Out
Fusu sat up straight suddenly, and looked at the date, it was the report delivered yesterday.

'Although I was very busy going in and out at the time, and I said it, bad news must be reported as soon as possible, but good news is not. '

"But if such good news had been reported earlier, I would have fought another [-] rounds last night..."

The copy in Fusu's hand was the battle report about Onozawa. After capturing Wei Jiu and Zhang Er, Hou Feng and the others beheaded them directly in front of the army, leaving no 'robbing field' for any rebel forces at all. possible.

This is exactly what he appreciates about Hou Feng. He is straightforward, decisive, and ruthless. Most importantly, he does not care about his own reputation for the sake of the emperor's authority.

The cruel official used it well, and it really is a good knife...Fu Su nodded slightly, but thought in his heart, the title of "waiting to beheaded" should be able to stop children from crying!

"In this way, two-thirds of the plan to clear the land of the Central Plains has been completed. For the remaining Liu Tingchang, let him cultivate immortality in the mountains for the time being. After cleaning up his angel investors, he will destroy the old Liu family. The dream of acquiring the old Ying family!"

Fusu smiled lightly and put aside the memorial, but couldn't hide his complacency in his heart.

As a time traveler, if the timeline does not change much, he will have the absolute upper hand.

In addition, he is the emperor of the empire, and has at least [-]% of the decision-making power. After a short period of forbearance and compromise, he strikes hard, and naturally hits every target!

Although what he took over was the mess left by the first emperor, the powder kegs in the hometown of the six kingdoms in Shandong were already on the verge of breaking out.

So what to do in the early stage is naturally to integrate the resources you can control, and then try your best to appease the places that are already powder kegs, and compromise if you can.

This is also the reason why he didn't question Yin Tong at first.

But at this time and at that time, now that he is in power, it is natural that those who follow will prosper, and those who are against will perish.

Although Peng Yue has some military talents, he is fundamentally different from Ji Bu and others who were born as rangers.

If you pardon such a person whose hands are stained with the blood of civilians, how can you convince the public?
After all, those who steal the country will be honored, and those who steal the hook will be punished!

When Fusugan was composing the memorial, about one mile away from the Jingen chariot was the convoy of concubines, princesses, and court ladies.

In Tian Ji's spacious four-wheeled carriage, Zhao Ji was lazily lying on the sofa, with a pair of beautiful almond eyes gleaming with moisture and softness.

"Oh, I'm really exhausted, Your Majesty almost made me unable to walk... Hehehe."

This is coming at the door, hum, you wait... Tian Ji gritted her molars and decided to wait until Yongcheng, pestering Fusu every day, and riding a horse every night!

Xunyi County, Chengdong Coal Mine.

In the early morning, the mine supervision and intervention room began its daily routine inspections.

He rode on a tall horse, followed by hundreds of cavalry in iron armor, and walked slowly from the east end of the coal mine to the west.

Most of the miners here are prisoners. If they are a little slack, they may escape from here.

According to the law of Qin, if he, his relatives and friends cannot bring the prisoner back, then he himself will work here to replace the prisoner.

Therefore, together with the cavalry behind Shejian, they all looked serious.

The sun gradually rose, and Shema, who was walking in the mine, suddenly felt a violent vibration from the ground, and then heard a burst of yelling.

"No, the mine has collapsed!"

"Quick, go save people!"

Shejian didn't rush to neglect at all, he ordered several relatives around him to rush out immediately, and sealed off the mining area, and no one was allowed to enter or exit.

This is to prevent prisoners from escaping in the chaos.

As for himself, he immediately headed towards the direction where the cries came from.

"what happened?"

Looking at the collapsed mine, Shejian asked a trembling prisoner with a black and gray face.

"When I, we were digging today, I suddenly heard the sound of the wood supporting the mine breaking. Yingbu, Brother Yingbu told us to go first, and he stayed to see what went wrong, so that we could inform the workers in time. Teacher repairs..."

Pointing to the mine, the prisoner said with tears running down his face, "But, I never thought that the mine would collapse as soon as I left. Brother Yingbu and dozens of other brothers were buried under it..."

"Yingbu?" Shejian frowned, the name seemed familiar to him.

Oh, by the way, he is a very prestigious person among this group of prisoners. It is said that he often jokes with others that he has the sky pattern on his head...

Suddenly, Shema sniffed his nose lightly, and there seemed to be some slight bloody smell on this prisoner.

He looked him up and down, and found that although he looked thin, he had wide shoulders and a thin waist, and the posture of his legs on the ground reminded him of the fighters he had seen in the army.

And the most important point is that although the face of this prisoner looks very dirty, the bottom of the neck, although black, is not dirty.

This is completely different from other prisoners in the mine.

Coal diggers are either clean all over or dirty all over. There is no saying that only the face is dirty and the body is not dirty.

There is definitely something wrong with this person... She Jian squinted his eyes, and silently put his palm on the ring knife at his waist.

Opposite him, the corner of the prisoner's face was full of snot and tears, and he grinned slightly.

He slowly leaned his upper body forward, and whispered: "General, you forget thousands of things every day, why don't you forget this one too?"

He looked directly at Shejian's eyes that opened suddenly, and continued: "My boss is called Ganfu, and he asked me to say hello to the general instead of him!"

"Ganfu?" Shejian froze suddenly, and slowly let go of the ring-shoudao.

A tall and burly figure appeared in his mind, it was an iron eagle warrior who used to follow the son, no, the emperor, and captured him alive under Wang Li's half push and half push.

Then, it soared into the sky and became a hawk dog in the emperor's shadow.

Although he didn't know why Ganfu would send someone to deal with a group of prisoners, had nothing to do with him as a general!

Shema let go of the prisoner in front of him, and his tense muscles became relaxed. From the corner of his eyes, he inadvertently saw hundreds of prisoners around him slowly move their eyes away and look elsewhere.

Although the expression on his face did not change, there was a storm in his heart.

'Since when has my mine become a public place?With so many new faces, come and leave whenever you want?I'd better get out of here early...'


A few days later, Shejian rode on a tall horse, turned around and looked at the mine and sighed, but his face was full of joy.

The officials who came here from Xianyang City to investigate said that he had neglected his duties and caused the mine cave to collapse. Now he is removed from the post of mine supervisor and ordered to go to Zhang County immediately to make contributions to Meng Tian's army!

(End of this chapter)

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