Chapter 350

On the shore of the Yellow Sea, outside Wang Jian's city, in the endless camps with the Qin character battle flags.

Wrapped in a thick winter coat, Wang Li huddled together with a group of soldiers to warm up by the fire.

In the wind, there was not only the aroma of roasted pigs and sheep, and stewed grains, but also the shouting and cursing of soldiers from the Kingdom of Jizi on the top of the city in the distance.

Counting the days, tomorrow is the Laba Festival in the Central Plains, and the Qin army trekked here two days ago.

Of course, according to the plan of the lords in the court to destroy Guo by false means, Wang Li directly beheaded Prince Ji who came to reward the army, and led his troops to start building the fortress and prepare to attack Wang Jian City.

Well, the barbecue that is emitting aroma on the bonfire at the moment was also sent by Prince Ji...

As for why not rush into the city directly?

Because the people of Ji Kingdom are not stupid, when the prince went out of the city to reward the Qin army, the gates of the city were closed...

"General, when are we going to attack the city? Kill those Confucians and go home for the New Year?" A soldier beside Wang Li asked loudly.

It's just that his voice is no longer the Yandi accent, but the Qi dialect.

The group of Yandi soldiers who conquered Chen Kingdom that day, in line with the idea of ​​building a community with a shared future for mankind as soon as possible, converted their military achievements into slaves, land and cattle of Chen Kingdom, and stayed there.

After all, when they were in their hometown, they were just ordinary soldiers, but here, beautiful women and fertile fields are at their fingertips.

The most important thing is that Chen Guo's ministers also know how to farm, which gives them the opportunity to completely become masters.

So when Wang Li left, he earnestly told them that although the process of making a baby is wonderful, don't forget that you are a soldier, and you must set aside time to practice your combat skills every day!

And he also told those guards a story that His Majesty the Emperor once told, saying that there is a country overseas that regularly holds sports meetings, and during this period, in the place where the athletes live, the beds can collapse dozens of times open!
Although Wang Li, like this group of soldiers, did not understand what athletes and hormones were, they understood that exercise could make them stronger and last longer!
By the campfire, Wang Li looked at the sizzling barbecue, and said only one word: "Wait."

Different from attacking Chen Kingdom, Ji Kingdom has the internal response of Great Qin. Those noble relatives of Ji Kingdom who are full of concern for the prosperity of Xianyang City and often dream of the towering Twelve Golden People will open their doors and surrender at the right time.

So what we have to do now is to wait for the catapult to be assembled again, and then show off our force, so that these "leading parties" will recognize the reality and completely fall to Daqin.

Thinking about his own business, Wang Li swallowed involuntarily.

The barbecue is amazing, it's so fragrant!
The surrounding soldiers also swallowed a mouthful of saliva at the same time, but their eyes, passing through the barbecue, seemed to see the beautiful women of Ji Kingdom in the city.

Before they came, they had heard that the group of Yandi soldiers who surrendered to Chen Kingdom, the least one, had two concubines in their family!

I'm a good boy, and I'm not afraid of being squeezed dry!

Therefore, these soldiers of Qidi secretly set a goal in their hearts, and they want to have three concubines!

And to get these concubines, you need to cut off a few more heads!
Unlike the Qi soldiers who were dissatisfied with their desires, the Donghu cavalry on the other side of the camp looked satisfied.

The backpacks on their pack horses were full of IOUs bearing Wang Li's seal. After returning to Qin State, they could take these IOUs to buy what they wanted in the market.

As for exchanging the credit for slaves of Chen Kingdom, they didn't have this idea.

Donghu is a country where grazing is the mainstay, supplemented by fishing and hunting. The tribes will migrate with the herds, and the land that has been reclaimed with great difficulty will either be snatched away by others or abandoned. The gains outweigh the losses.

As for changing into a concubine and going home to give birth to a baby, it is not cost-effective for the middle and lower classes of the tribe.

After all, everything about them, including themselves, belonged to the leader, and the concubines they got back were naturally also owned by the leader.

The leader can't be one, three, five, they should be two, four, six.

So it must be the leader one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and they can only miss the beauty of the Chen country girl when they dream back at midnight...

"I don't know, what kind of conditions do you need to settle in Qin?"

Suddenly, listening to the sound of Qin soldiers cheering and eating meat, the same thought came to the minds of these Eastern Hu cavalrymen.

Qin Jun's rewards and punishments are clear, and the leader's insatiable greed surged into his heart little by little, and the dissatisfaction in his chest gradually began to burn, and then it became uncontrollable.


Yong County, Dazheng Palace.

This is the "Forbidden City" of Qin State built by Qin Degong (677 BC), which has always been the residence of Qin State monarchs during the period of offering sacrifices in Yong County.

It's just because the Empress Dowager and Mian Shou gave birth to two sons here in succession. The Emperor Shi Huang felt disgusted, so he never lived here.

But this has nothing to do with Fusu.

Anyway, I don't have any impression of the Empress Dowager, at worst it's just the sleeping hall... Fusu opened the window with an indifferent face, looking at the night view of Dazheng Palace.

"Well, the first snow this year seems to be earlier than in previous years..."

Fusu stared at a piece of fluttering snowflakes in a daze, gently stroking the very docile Persian cat beside him with one hand.

Well, the kind that catches mice.

This is the treasure sent to Xianyang City by the merchant Kuaima from Dawan Kingdom, it came with the Persian cat, and it is said to be the seeds of alfalfa.

As for the blood-sweat horse that Fusu was thinking about, just like in history, the people of Dawan did not allow large quantities of trade, but only sent five gelding horses as gifts to congratulate him.

It's just that unlike Liu Xiaozhu who sent troops to attack Dawan in a fit of anger, Fusu didn't plan to attack Dawan.

Well, not for at least ten years.

He was going to sign a trade agreement with Dawan, and allowed them to send envoys to Xianyang City to have an audience.

According to his understanding of the envoys during this period, especially in countries like these Western Regions, many of the envoys were princes or uncles.

Well, the kind with strong claims.

Then this is easy to handle, Qin Guo helps you become king, you bow your head to Qin Guo, and send a lot of good horses that are not needed in the country to Da Qin, isn't it a matter of course?

If there is a crusade, the enemy will definitely be united in the same hatred, but what if it is a coup?
A whole has become a competition among multiple forces, and it is natural to get twice the result with half the effort to achieve the goal.

Just when Fusu fell into deep thought, a charming cry sounded from behind him.

"Your Majesty, I want to learn how to ride a horse..."

Fu Su turned his head and saw Tian Ji with a jade body lying across her body. She was covered with a light veil, and she was halfway through the fascination of men.

Fusu stroked the cat unconsciously, and was caught in a dilemma between women and cats.

But in the end, he made a decision.


(End of this chapter)

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