Chapter 352 Resigned
Bingshen in the twelfth month of the first year of II, on the coast of the Yellow Sea.

Outside Wang Jian City, when the scorching sun was just rising, a group of Qin soldiers wearing furs inside and iron armor on the outside slowly walked out of the gate.

Behind them, there are officials from the Kingdom of Chen who followed the army all the way. They pushed the huge trebuchet and the building cart used to spy on the inner city with great effort.

Sitting on his horse, Wang Li gave orders to the Eastern Hu cavalry through an interpreter.

When the army attacked the city, the Donghu cavalry needed to spread their wings wide, so as not to be attacked by the army of "King Qin" who came from nowhere and attacked the flank of the army.

Although it is impossible for King Qin to come to King Qin.

But such an arrangement can also prevent the Donghu cavalry from rushing into Wangjian City in the first place and looting wantonly.

This is the capital city of the Ji Kingdom, and the people who live here are either rich or expensive, and the gold content of the spoils is much higher than other villages and towns.

Therefore, the fat and water do not flow into the fields of outsiders.

Just when the Qin army was preparing to attack the city, King Ji's palace in Wang Jian's city, King Ji turned around impatiently.

The people of Qin broke the covenant, beheaded the prince of King Ji, and attacked Wang Jiancheng. Although he was furious, those messengers who sent out to call up the army and came to rescue Wang Jiancheng were shot and killed outside the city one by one, and their bodies were stuck on wooden stakes. Showing it to the public made him even more desperate.

"The ancestors went all the way and got this corner of the land. Is it possible that I will lose it in my hands?"

"It's not my fault, it's the Qin people's betrayal of the alliance, and your relatives mistaken me!"

He sighed deeply, two lines of muddy tears left in his triangular eyes.

"Your Majesty..."

Outside the door, a soft female voice sounded.

After a while, the woman walked in. This is the queen of the Kingdom of Ji. Although she is already a young lady, she can't hide her youthful demeanor.

King Ji wiped away the tears from his face, and greeted him: "Why are you here? There is going to be a war soon, so don't run around."

Empress Ji shook her head slightly, looking at her husband with a pair of shining eyes: "My lord, can we win?"

King Ji let out a long sigh, and after a moment of silence, he said, "I don't even know..."

Ji Hou gritted her teeth, and said as if she had made a decision: "I have a lot of treasures here, the king may as well take them all, together with those in the treasury, and ask for some from the nobles in the country, and give them all to the general of Qin, begging him retreat."

King Ji frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Ji Hou continued: "Is there any possibility that the Qin army's attack on the city was the one advocated by the Qin army, not the order of the Great Qin Emperor?"

"After the fall of the Yan Kingdom, we have been serving Daqin with the courtesy of a monarch and a minister. He has no reason to beat us?"

"After all, compared to the prosperity of the Central Plains, what is the Kingdom of Ji?"

Hearing Empress Ji's words, King Ji was a little helpless and moved. He put Empress Ji in his arms and said in frustration:
"What the queen thought, King Gu thought of it from the very beginning. A few days ago, Gu endured the pain of losing his son and sent envoys to the Qin people to ask for peace. .”

"However, General Qin is greedy. Even if the treasury is emptied, his appetite cannot be satisfied!"

"And Gu asks for help from the nobles and relatives in the court, these silverfish who used to be extravagant, actually start to cry for the lonely king... Hehehe, they should be killed!"

Empress Ji raised her head and looked at King Ji with shining eyes: "Since the king said that he should be killed, why not kill him?"

"At the time of life and death, if they are unwilling to serve the king, then they might as well kill them all, seize their property and present it to General Qin, in exchange for a chance of life!"

"After the Qin army has retreated, we will go to Xianyang City in person... Well, Shu'er has a beautiful face and beautiful appearance. In the name of dedicating her to His Majesty the Emperor, we can get a chance to meet the Emperor and tell the grievances of Ji Kingdom in person!"

The Shu'er she was talking about was a princess born to one of King Ji's favorite concubines. She was good at singing and dancing, with a dignified face and enchanting figure. She was the jewel in the palm of King Ji.

Hearing Empress Ji's words, King Ji was a little hesitant. Although it is difficult to kill his own noble relatives, seize their wealth and bribe the general of Qin, it can be done.

Only to dedicate her daughter to the emperor...

The country of Ji does not practice Zhou etiquette, and many people in the Central Plains dare not go one step beyond the thunder pond, which is not a problem in the country of Ji.

So, at the thought of giving that out-and-out daughter who is more and more fascinating to another man...

My elder brother knew it himself. Seeing King Ji being in trouble, Empress Ji understood what he was thinking, so she just said softly:

"A woman and the country and the country, which is more important, can't the king not weigh it?"

"I only hope that Your Majesty will not go the way of Emperor Xin!"

King Ji woke up suddenly and shouted loudly: "Come here!"


Under Wang Jian's castle, Wang Li stood on the watchtower with a dazed expression on his face.

In the distant city, countless cries and cries were faintly heard, thick smoke billowed up, and even the defenders at the top of the city were gone!

"what's the situation?"

Wang Li looked at Yan Zhan beside him, and found that his face was also full of confusion.

Yan Zhan said with some uncertainty: "Could it be an empty city plan?"

Wang Li grinned, and said with a look of disgust: "The city still lacks an old man who plays the piano!"

Yan Zhan nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, according to His Majesty, the city gate should be wide open at this time, revealing a dozen veterans sweeping the floor inside..."

Wang Li added: "There are two boys on the city wall..."

Yan Zhan thought for a while and said, "How about we make a tentative attack? Anyway, in close combat, the Qin army will fight ten of them!"

Wang Li took out his binoculars, took a closer look, and found that the city was indeed in chaos. The streets were full of people scurrying around like ants on a hot pot, and groups of soldiers came and went to fight from time to time.

He nodded and agreed to Yan Zhan's proposal.

In a short time, two red and white battle flags and a dog flag were hoisted up on the building car.

This is an order to mobilize the front army, left army, and crossbowmen forward.

In an instant, the sound of drums boomed, resounding through the sky.

Soldiers carrying shields and ladders began to move forward. Beside them, there was a kicker aiming upwards with a strong crossbow.

However, what surprised them was that they were not attacked when they walked all the way to Wang Jian's city!

This made those soldiers who acted as pioneers overjoyed.

In the past when they were attacking the city, they would trade their lives for military merit, but now, there are military honors for walking around the street!
Don't be too cool!
A moment later, the flag of Qin was raised on the top of the city. Wang Li, dumbfounded, ordered the whole army to attack and occupy the outer city. After the domestic chaos in Ji was settled, he would enter the city to take over Wang Jian City, and then control the entire Ji Kingdom!

Jiujiang County, Shou County, Shuangqiaoli.

Although it's already the winter moon, many people here didn't choose Maodong, but started to crow with farm tools.

Today they went to the tea garden of Chen Sheng's family to cultivate.

It's just that when they pass by Wu Guang's house, it's customary to inhale the aroma of stewed meat and then spit.

What they didn't know was that the hangover Wu Guang looked at the uninvited guest who broke into his house with a look of horror.

"Say, should I call you Wu Guang? Or Gongsun Guang?"

The leader took off his mask and spoke with a Guanzhong accent, with both sarcasm and resentment in his tone.

Hearing what the visitor said, Wu Guang's body tensed up suddenly.

At the beginning, he thought it was a group of blind thieves, because he was envious of him eating meat and drinking, so he climbed over the wall and wanted to rob.


Taking advantage of the skylight coming from outside the house, he noticed that although the faces of these people were covered, their collars were black and white.

No, it's Qin Mo!
"They call me Gongsun Guang. It seems that the news that I am the only son of Lord Changping cannot be concealed..."

Wu Guang leaned against the wall, and the hard feeling coming from his back made the panic in his heart a little less at the moment.

He said with a trembling voice: "You guys, you can't kill me, I'm the cousin of His Majesty the current Emperor! I want to see the Emperor..."

The leader, Qin Mo, pressed the point of his sword against Wu Guang's chest, and said disdainfully, "So what? If you kill Juzi Zhaoping, the emperor can pardon you, but the Mohist law won't spare you!"

The Mohist school has always had its own internal regulations. In many cases, the private law of the Mohist family is above the laws of other countries.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive..." Wu Guang rolled his eyes and whispered:
"The death of the teacher has nothing to do with me. It was all Zhang Liang, yes, it was all Zhang Liang alone. No, Zhang Liang brought Chu Mo to do it together...they, they did it to repay the day when Wang Jian attacked Chu and Qin Mo was wiped out. The hatred of Chu Mo's headquarters!"

"By the way, there is also Qi Mo. They also participated. Those who surrounded and killed my Mo family disciples outside that day were the Qi Mo rangers led by the Zhu family!"

The leader, Qin Mo, sneered: "Chu Mo, Qi Mo, sooner or later we will find them to settle this account! But you, you traitor, will die before them!"

Wu Guang pushed his back against the wall desperately, and the wall that gave him a sense of firmness at this moment restricted his movement: "No, no, you can't kill me, my cousin is not only the emperor of Da Qin, but also the son of Qin Mo !"

"Well, when did Qin Mo get a moment?" The leader, Qin Mo, and the people behind him looked at each other, seeing the same doubts in each other's eyes.

After Zhaoping was poisoned to death, they were ordered to execute Wu Guang, a Mohist traitor.

Since then, they have left Xianyang and have been searching for Wu Guang's traces all over the world. They didn't know that Fusu had made the juzi order to "coerce and lure" Qin Mo to admit that he was a contemporary juzi.

"This matter is absolutely true..." Wu Guang was stunned suddenly, the severe pain in his chest made him unable to say a word.

He lowered his head, and what he saw was a sharp sword, a sharp sword that pierced his heart!
"What a fast sword..."

After a while, a shout suddenly came from Shuangqiao: "It's on fire, put out the fire!"


Langya County.

Han Xin led the dusty Lantian Army and finally arrived at the port here at the scheduled time.

"I've seen Captain Lou Chuan."

"I have seen General Huben Zhonglang."

He saluted to Meng Ben who was waiting here, the latter arrived at the port a day ago.

After the Kingdom of Chen is settled, the task of assisting Wang Li has been handed over to the fleet of merchants recruited from Yuyang County.

"Don't delay any longer, set off immediately, and make repairs on the ship."

After Han Xin finished speaking, a fleeting mysterious smile appeared on Meng Ben's face.

"Okay, board the ship!"

(End of this chapter)

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