Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 353 Helu opens the palace in nine days

Chapter 353 Nine Heavens Helu Opens the Palace
January [-]st, sunny.

At the beginning of the year, Vientiane is renewed.

Xianyang City after the snow, Qionglouyuyu, like a palace in the sky.

In this season, the plum blossoms densely planted on both sides of the avenue outside Zhangtai Palace are in full bloom.

The thick old trunks of the plum trees are covered with fluffy white snow, and the blossoming plum blossoms are proudly blooming in the white snow with their own beauty, and the tender waxy petals are crystal clear, revealing their fragrance to their heart's content.

Both sides of the road were full of officials, big and small, in court uniforms, princes and relatives, and foreign envoys who came from all over the empire.

It was cold winter, but Tian Jia and his son standing in the crowd had ruddy faces, and uncontrollable joy filled their brows and eyes.

Today is not only the Great Court Meeting, but also the day after Tian Ji was conferred.

To be precise, today is just the day when the imperial edict was read out. During the La Festival, Fusu had already held a ceremony to sacrifice to the heaven in the ancestral temple, offering sacrifices to the ancestors.

And because Tian Ji was only a concubine of Fusu that day, when she gave birth to the eldest son of the emperor, and Fusu intended to make her queen, it was necessary to follow the auspicious dates to make up the steps of "nacai" and other links in sequence.

On an auspicious day three days ago, Tianjia had been granted the title of Lunhou, that is, the kind that only has a title and food town, and is not hereditary.

Well, brothers Tian Yun and Tian Wei also have their own rewards.

This is the practice of the Qin State, or to be precise, inherited from the Zhou Dynasty.

One person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven.

If the Bai family in the old Qin family can produce a poet, it may leave a chapter like "the Tian family has a girl who grows up".

Of course, if such verses really spread, Fusu would definitely pull him to make a pair of secret signs.

clang, clang, clang...

The melodious bells came from the bell tower above the gate of Zhangtai Palace.

After a while, the heavy palace gate slowly opened, Qimen school captain Meng Ying held the Imperial Forest Saber, and led hundreds of Qimen to appear in front of the palace gate.

Therefore, civil servants and military generals entered from the left gate, princes and nobles, and foreign envoys filed in from the right gate.

After a while, there was a deafening elephant honking from outside the palace.

Seeing the censor walking back while inspecting his demeanor, Young Master Gun stabbed Young Master Yan beside him, and asked, "Is this the 'elephant' Meng Yi sent from South County?"

He has only heard the name of an elephant, but he has never really seen what an elephant looks like.

"Yeah." Gongzi Yanwei nodded invisibly. These elephants have been kept in Shanglin Garden. He once went to see them and only left two impressions in his heart.

Big enough to eat!
Fusu, who was sitting on the golden root cart, obviously felt the fear of the horses pulling the cart, but under the comfort of the driver, the horses quickly returned to normal and pulled the cart forward slowly.

It turned out that Yang Xi, the magistrate of Chefu who was driving for Fusu, Fusu asked him to serve as a cavalry general in order to restore history, and went with Han Xin to "Ambush from Ten Daggers" Xiang Yu...

In the distance, under the guidance of the driver, the elephant continued to raise its trunk and roar vigorously.

Well, it's mainly for the sake of food and housing.

A moment later, Fusu got off the golden root chariot, took the Zhanlu sword, turned around and boarded the chariot of God.

At the front of Zhangtai Palace, Tai Le Ling shouted "playing music" and directed the musicians to play melodious and solemn bells and drums.


Zhonglang, holding a long halberd, formed the path of the emperor, facing both sides, waiting for the emperor's chariot to pass behind him.

After a while, Fusu took his seat, and the Empress Sealing Ceremony officially began.

The Shangshu ordered Li Cheng to stand under the emperor's throne holding the imperial edict in his hand. Beside him was Chen Ping, who had been promoted to the rank of five senior officials because of his merits that could not be said to outsiders.

With a solemn face, Li Cheng opened the imperial edict and chanted loudly.

"In the second year of the second generation, Meng Chun Jiayin issued an edict saying:"

"I inherited the sacred lineage of the first emperor, and was enshrined in the Zongzhou. I was trembling and never slack. I heard that those who are holy kings must stand up, and they will inherit the ancestral temple and build it all over the world..."

"Mrs. Tian, ​​the daughter of Tianjia, the Marquis of Cheng En, was appointed by the Ming Dynasty in the past, and she was reverent and respectful, gentle and virtuous, elegant and dignified... and gave birth to the prince Xiu."

"It is the reason why the emperor concubine Yu, the emperor's way is light; the empress is the concubine, Zhou Yinkechang. The queen is only Xu Jue, who inherits the ancestral temple with respect, respects women's way, guides way in the six palaces, and serves as a model Appears in the four seas. The emperor has no relatives, but virtue is the only one to rely on, so don’t be careless!"

"...It is to recount the previous aspirations, not replace the old orders, and envoy Chijie and Shangshuling to grant the queen's seal. Erqi only inherits the fate of the king, is good at protecting the bow, and turns into the heir of the quilt and Yibiao Huiyin. Rong Rong Zhao Xifu, Sui of eternal prosperity, Qin Zai."

After Li Cheng finished reading, he breathed a sigh of relief, and after bowing to Fusu, he and Chen Ping, who was holding the gold book and gold treasure, went to the gate of the palace together.

At the gate of the hall, Han Rang and a group of servants had been waiting for a long time.

After receiving the imperial edict, gold book, gold treasure and other things from Li Cheng and Chen Ping, he led the servants behind him and rushed to the outside of Zhangtai Palace.

There, Tian Ji sat in a luxuriously decorated four-wheeled carriage, surrounded by soldiers led by the queen's guard.

From now on, I will also be a woman in the army. If the emperor is not good, I will let my soldiers arrest him and spank him... Tian Ji has a bored expression on her face, quietly waiting for the edict and other things from the servant send it.

After a while, she saw Han Rang rushing towards him through the glass window, and quickly gathered her attention, putting on a solemn expression.


It's so boring, I don't know what that girl is wearing today, and she kept it a secret from me, just wait, I will personally peel her into little white sheep one by one... Fu Su sat on the throne, The face is solemn and solemn, but the heart is bored.

In the past, Tian Ji liked to wear bright red palace skirts, so he was looking forward to it. Today, Tian Ji's red dress is bright, like a flame that can melt people.

He looked at the group of foreign envoys who were trembling and frightened, and glanced at their ethnic costumes.

Compared with the military parade at La Festival, there are many more people who have never seen before, but there are also many people who have seen before, but this time they did not come.

Well, after all, there are some people who contribute to Daqin in various plantations, and some...

Or because they tried to attack Daqin, they were conquered by the heavenly soldiers and hung their heads under the gate; or because of the civil war, they unfortunately died and the country was destroyed.

Well, the latter also leaves behind a lonely princess.

What a pity, my wife and daughter, I raised her... Fusu's mouth was filled with Wei Wuxiong's majestic smile, but he froze immediately, looking in the direction of the palace gate in a daze.

Tian Ji walked in in a dark black silk dress.

The edge of the red dress is solemn and generous, with knee coverings and jade pendants, etc. The dark and heavy color of the clothes and simple makeup, although not as bright and charming as before, reveals a kind of solemnity and solemnity.

She walked forward step by step, her neck stretched out, her teeth bright and her eyes bright, the golden black bird crown on her head, and a few extremely delicate swings, but there was no swaying in the slightest.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on her alone, but Tian Ji's eyes were always entangled with Fusu on the throne.

She is so beautiful, really... Fu Su stood up slowly, walked down the steps, and walked towards Tian Ji.

Before today, they were kings and ministers. After today, they are emperors and queens, husbands and wives. At least in name, they are equal.

Tian Ji continued to walk forward, a ripple appeared in Taohua's eyes.

In fact, when it comes to appearance alone, she is not as good as the naturally beautiful Qi Rui'er, but at this moment, she is so radiant that no one dares to look directly at her.

Except for the man who was walking towards her, the man who made her follow her whole life.

Fusu stood still in front of Tian Ji, waited until the other party bowed slightly to salute, then raised his hands and cupped his hands in salute.

After a while, Tian Ji stood up with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

A throbbing suddenly surged in Fusu's heart, he wanted to reach out his hand and lead the other party up to the throne, but in the end, he just returned a shallow smile, turned and walked towards the throne.

Behind him, Tian Ji maintained a solemn and solemn expression, followed behind Fusu, stepped up to the throne, and then beside Fusu, prepared the seat specially set for her.

The visitor servant shot Gao Xuan: "The queen is seated, civil and military officials, and clan envoys congratulate you! Emperor Yale, get up!"

In an instant, amidst the stirring and melodious music.

Zuo Prime Minister Wei Liao led the people out of the hall and saluted Fu Su and Tian Ji.

The marquis, the three lords and the nine ministers, as well as officials with a rank of more than two thousand stones, bowed to the ground, and all the rest knelt down on their knees, kowtowed and worshiped.

Although Qin is not in the mood to kneel and worship at this time, it varies from person to person. After all, this is a classical country with strict hierarchy.

"Greetings to the Emperor, Greetings to the Empress!"

From the corner of Fusu's eyes, he saw that Tian Ji was nervous, so he opened his lips invisibly, and said in a voice that could only be heard by the other party:

"Enjoy it, this is the only time in your life that you have been bowed down by so many ministers..."

Youbing... Tian Ji raised her peach blossom eyes slightly, glanced at Fusu with a solemn face, and said in a low voice, "Am I beautiful?"

"I'm face-blind, I don't know if you're beautiful..." Fusu didn't move her lips, and continued to say in a voice that only Tian Ji could hear: "Besides, I'm not a superficial person, what I value is 'in the heart' beautiful'……"

After he finished speaking, his eyebrows raised slightly, and when Tian Ji gave a soft pooh, it was obvious that he understood his implication.

After the ceremony is over, I have several hundred million business to discuss with her... Fusu smiled.



To the east of Donghai County, at the mouth of the Yangtze River, Rudong County, Nantong, Jiangsu, in later generations, is still a sandbar in the sea at this moment, known as Fuhai Island.

Well, it was only in the Eastern Jin Dynasty that it was connected to the mainland...

Han Xin, who had just landed here, only felt that his feet were vain, and then, like the other Lantian soldiers, he seemed to be about to spit out his gall.

In fact, he can drive a boat, and he has a rough knowledge of water, but at sea...


On the side, the sergeant of the Langya navy was full of disgust.

Just like this? A strong army in the world?

Meng Ben cautiously avoided the bent Lantian Army soldiers, walked up to Han Xin and said, "You guys rest here for a few days first, and I'll send someone to take a boat to Zhang County to see if General Meng Tian has arrived..."

Han Xin waved his hand in agreement, opened his mouth, and continued to 'wow'.

(End of this chapter)

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