Chapter 38 Prefabricated panels (please recommend and collect)

Seeing Wei Liao sigh, Fu Su sighed too.

The way of the sky is more than damage but not enough to make up for.

God bestowed the Chinese with lush and boundless farmland, and naturally it will leave some good things for other ethnic groups.

Take horses as an example, there are good horses in Central Asia and West Asia, Wusun horse (Kazakh horse), Dawan horse (Turkmen horse), Persian horse (Arabian horse) in West Asia,
Compared with the above-mentioned horse breeds, the Hequ horse of Daqin is one or two grades behind;
The prairie horses of the Huns are not worth mentioning at all.

What moved Fusu the most was the Arabian horse. In his memory, many famous horses in later generations were crossed from Arabian horses.

In Fusu's view, the problem of improving horse breeds will no longer be a problem after the Silk Road is opened.

Dawan country won't let go of the horse?
Ha, Qin Jian is not good?
On the other side, Meng Ying's heavy armor was stripped off by Qiang Li and Meng Tian, ​​so she had to wear a white undershirt and curl up in a corner, trembling.

Obviously it was me first, whether it was the heavy armor or the ring-shouldered knife... Meng Ying looked at her old and disrespectful father with a resentful face, full of resentment.

Fu Su glanced at Meng Tian who rolled up his sleeves and waved Meng Tian who had snatched the ring-sword from his own son, and smiled helplessly.

This is a one-handed weapon he made after imitating the appearance of the Huan Shou Dao in "Jong Ma Dan Xin". In the next few years, he will gradually replace the bronze sword that is still in the line with the iron Huan Shou Dao.

China is a copper-poor country. Recycled bronze swords are recast into Qin Banliang, which can alleviate the problem of insufficient currency in the market.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the sake of the empire's face, Fusu would have even thought about directly melting the Twelve Jinren outside Xianyang Palace as money!

With sufficient currency reserves, the Qin and Han system can be quickly rolled out in Asia!
On the other side, after the freshness of the two old scumbags dissipated, they returned the heavy armor and ring-shoulders to Meng Ying, stroked the sleeve robes, and turned into an important court official again.

Seeing this situation, Fusu was going to take them to see the third product in the industrial zone, cement!

To be precise, it is a simple version of slag soil cement.

The natural rock whose main component is calcium carbonate is calcined at high temperature, decomposed birth lime and then ground, then mixed with gypsum and clay, stirred evenly and then crushed and calcined. After the clinker is released from the furnace, it is mixed with iron-making slag and ground into powder. It's done.

Although compared with the industrialized composite cement of later generations, one is in the sky and the other is underground.

Even the effect of the finished product, perhaps in terms of hardness, is incomparable with the Tongwan City built by Hao Lianbo.

But the focus now is to solve the problem from scratch.

In order to establish settlements of the Qin people in the Western Regions and South China Sea where barbarians are everywhere in the wilderness, it is necessary to build strong cities and fortresses.

If you want to rely on a large amount of corvee and rammed earth to build the city, I'm afraid that when the city is completed, Liu Bang should break into Xianyang and snatch Lu Zhi back...

So with cement and bricks, first build some small docks in the pioneering land, and then when the time is right, build a city wall to enclose the docks.

In this way, they erode the living space of the barbarians from point to point, and gradually gain a foothold in the local area.

Just like the Zhou Dynasty when the princes were enfeoffed.

While Fusu was thinking about it, they came to a fire kiln. Many prisoners with thick linen masks on their faces looked at the soldiers who surrounded them with trepidation.

A short, stubby man with a full beard stepped forward, saluted Fusu and said, "Shishi Ling Xu Kang, I pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

Fu Su hummed and asked, "Where is the finished cement?"

He decided to take Feng Quji and others to see the finished product directly, they would only interfere with the normal production order here.

Xu Kang bent down and stretched out his hand and said, "Please follow me."

Led by Xu Kang, Feng Quji and others walked into a shed full of doubts. There were many linen bags piled up on the wooden shelves in the shed.

Xu Kang opened a bag and dumped it on the ground. Tingwei Yao Jia walked in and looked it over carefully and said, "Is this the cement His Majesty mentioned? Why do you think it looks like mortar?"

Yao Jia murmured in his heart calmly: How can the things used to paste the wall be made so thin?It flies as soon as you blow it on, it is similar to the powder that women love to use, will it be easy to use?
Mortar?Fusu pondered for a moment, and understood what Yao Jia was talking about.

Although the mortar used to bond bricks and tiles was invented in the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was simply a mixture of several materials, and there was no calcination process.

But Fusu didn't bother to explain so much to him, and asked Xu Kang to bring someone to demonstrate the usage for everyone.

Several soldiers came up, mixed gravel, slag, and earth cement together, and then poured a bucket of water into it.

After Xu Kang clasped his fists to everyone, he lifted up his robe and sleeves, and started stirring with a shovel in his hand.

Adding so much water, it's like thin rice soup... Meng Tian watched Xu Kang mixing the thin mud in place, the corner of his mouth twitched, but because of his trust in Fusu, he didn't say much.

On the other side, after Xu Kang made good cement, he asked someone to lift up a formwork that had been made a long time ago.

This is a three-foot-wide, one-foot-long, and one-foot-high wooden formwork used to make prefabricated panels.

Xu Kang laid a thick layer of concrete in the formwork, and then ordered someone to put in the broken bamboo boards that were two fingers wide.

In this day and age, don't think about steel bars, but things like bamboo are still inexhaustible.

After laying a layer of bamboo and stones, continue to add concrete.

In this way, the cycle is repeated until the three-foot-wide, one-foot-long, and one-foot-high formwork is filled with materials, and then the top layer is scraped off with a scraper, and the cement can be set.

Fusu thought for a while, it took at least a day for the cement to dry from wet, and he couldn't afford to wait here.

So he whispered a few words to Li Cheng, telling him to go to the back and take out a prefabricated panel directly.

After Li Chenggong agreed, he left with a few soldiers, and after a while, he walked in with a large prefabricated board.

The prefabricated panels are placed on the ground and make a heavy sound.

Yao Jia and the others immediately gathered around, discussing in a hurry.

Dian Ke kicked it weakly, and gasped: "This is the finished product? It's so solid... It hurts so much, old man!"

Damn, are all the old men in Daqin so reckless?Fusu opened his eyes slightly and watched the corners of his mouth twitch weakly.

Lang Zhongling Meng Yi glanced at the long sword with a shark skin sheath on Young Master Dagon's waist and several gemstones on it, and said, "Can Zong Zheng use the sword?"

Why don't you use your own... Zongzheng Gongzi rolled his eyes, put his hand on the sword around his waist and took a step back: "This is a gift from His Majesty, don't borrow it!"

Meng Tian fought back and pulled out the Huan Shou Dao from Meng Ying's waist, and shouted: "Get out of the way!"

The ring-head knife curled the blade, and an inch-deep knife edge was left on the prefabricated board.

Your Majesty often says cheating, but why am I being cheated every day... Meng Ying looked at the curly-bladed ring-shouldered knife and wanted to cry without tears.

(End of this chapter)

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