Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 39 Butterfly Flying Wings

Chapter 39 Butterfly Flying Wings (Please recommend and collect)
Fusu nodded slightly, and he could make the steel knife curl, which showed that the hardness of the soil cement was still very good.

In a war, a person who is willing to cut an inch deep on the opponent's wall at the cost of rolling his own weapon is generally called a fool!

"What do you think?" Fu Su asked.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if this thing will be damaged by water?" Meng Tian threw the ring head knife back to Meng Ying and asked.

Fusu shook his head and said, "No, a well-made concrete building is not afraid of fire and water. On the contrary, in the early stage of solidification, it needs to be continuously sprinkled with water to make it stronger!"

After the concrete is poured, if the climate is hot and the air is dry, if the maintenance is not carried out in time, the water in the concrete will evaporate too quickly, forming a dehydration phenomenon, which will make the cement particles that have formed a gel body unable to fully hydrate and cannot be transformed into stable crystals. Lack of sufficient cohesion, resulting in flaking or powdering off the concrete surface.

Meng Tian and Qiang Li looked at each other, and both saw the same thoughts in each other's eyes.

In the past, Wang Ben, Marquis of Tongwu, was unable to attack Daliang, the capital of Wei, for a long time, so he flooded Daliang with water instead of soldiers, and destroyed Wei in one battle.

The fundamental reason is that although the city wall of Daliang is strong, it is built of rammed earth, and it will collapse by itself after being soaked in flood.

If the city wall of Daliang was built of cement back then, I am afraid that Tong Wuhou would have no choice!

Qiang Li stepped forward, saluted and said, "No wonder Your Majesty named the new county after the word Jincheng. If the city wall is made of cement, it will be as solid as gold!"

Fusu nodded first, then shook his head and said: "Although cement is useful, it has a disadvantage. The temperature is 5 degrees Celsius... When it is cold, the cement will no longer condense."

"So if you want to use cement to build Jincheng County, there is no hope this year, and you can only do it after next spring!"

"Now the cement fired here is mainly divided into two parts. One is to build dormitories for miners such as the Yiyi Coal Mine. Well, there is also a dormitory in the industrial area here. You can come with me to inspect later."

After Feng Quji and others bowed their hands and said yes, Fusu continued, "The other part will be transferred to the east salt field to build dams to isolate the erosion of the salt lake by external water."

After Fusu finished speaking, he nodded to Sima Chang, and under his leadership, walked to the dormitory in the industrial area.

The dormitory area is modeled after a military barracks.

Each row of dormitories is divided into ten houses, sharing a common hut, with men on the left and women on the right, separated by a road in the middle.

The roof of the dormitory is made of tiles and rafters, which not only insulate heat, but also prevent rain.

The workers live in a room of four, while the workers transferred from the Lishan construction site live in a Datong shop with a room of ten.

Because there is no shortage of loose coal in the industrial area, in Fusu's design, Datong pavement is laid in the way of heated kang, so that when winter comes, the workers can at least sleep warmly.

So when Fusu and the others came, what they saw was a scene more lively than the production line.

Compared with smelting iron and burning cement, dormitories are built for themselves.

Yao Jia stepped forward to pick up a piece of dusty turning head, and looked it over carefully.

Compared with the mud bricks or fired bricks he had seen before, this gray brick was slightly lighter. He tapped it twice on the ground and found that the texture seemed to be harder than the bricks he had seen before.

Sima Chang took the initiative to explain: "This is a new product made by Your Majesty. It is called a cement brick. It is a new type of brick made mainly of fly ash, slag, etc., and cement as a coagulant without high-temperature calcination."

Fusu smiled and said nothing. Although it is 210 BC, there are no strict requirements for environmental protection.

However, as a modern traveler, he still hopes to leave as much as possible an environment with green water and green mountains for future generations.

Take cement bricks as an example. Compared with fired red bricks, cement bricks are lighter in weight and higher in strength. They do not need to be fired and are more environmentally friendly.

The only disadvantage is that it is not as good as red brick when combined with plastering mortar, and it is easy to cause cracks on the wall, which affects the appearance.

But now it is 210 BC, living in a brick house is already very remarkable, it is not important to be beautiful!
Moreover, replacing the current brick-wood houses with brick-concrete structures is not only because the buildings are stronger and more insulated, but more importantly, it can preserve the towering trees surrounded by many people in the forests of the Guanzhong area.

It can not only reduce the sediment content in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, but also leave valuable resources for the future to go deep blue.

The promotion of honeycomb coal as fuel also serves the same purpose.

Yao Jia and others saw that, led by engineers holding bamboo whips, hundreds of ministers dexterously spread mud on the first base of bricks, and the wall was built at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a short while, the outer walls of a row of dormitories were built.

All that remains is to wait for the cement to solidify, and then lift the prefabricated slab with a pulley to cap the roof.

"This, this is too fast..." Yao Jia murmured.

Feng Quji and others on the side also nodded in agreement.

"This is Daqin's speed!" Fusu stepped forward, staring at the buildings rising from the ground, as if seeing the changes made by the whole Daqin under the fanning of his butterfly.

The sun shines on Fusu standing against the backlight, and the fusion of light and shadow makes him look like a god descending from the earth.

The face resembling the first emperor made Feng Quji and others breathless, and they couldn't help but bow to the ground.


Nanhai County.

In the endless primeval forest, a team of dozens of carriages and thousands of people are moving along the road that was widened last year.

Wearing a green robe with a pale face, Ziying knelt on the carriage and waved away a mosquito the size of a fingernail.

The scorching heat in Lingnan and the bumpy road made Zi Ying, who was appointed as Sha cut order, a little physically and mentally exhausted.

Sha cut order is a new official position set up by Fusu under the Shaofu, with the rank of Qianshi, and is in charge of sugarcane planting, sugar extraction and sugar monopoly throughout the country.

The name of Sha cession still confuses Zi Ying, but it is not important.

The most important thing is that on the leading car in the distance, there is a long string of Yueren's heads propelled by flagpoles, and the deep forest on both sides of the road, and the sounds of unknown animals can be heard from time to time, making Ziying feel creepy.

Yue people are beautiful and charming, especially when they call you cousin... Ziying thinks of Fusu's vivid description at the beginning, and her heart is full of regret.

Regret, in short, very regrettable.

Wouldn't it be nice to be a sensual rice bug in Xianyang City?Why come to this wild place for excitement?Ziying thought of her passionate self who was fooled by His Majesty at the beginning, wishing she could slap her face on the spot!

The few clan disciples beside him also felt a little bit sad.

If they were not worried that they would be beaten to death by Zongzheng Gongzi Dun when they returned at this time, they would have turned around and returned to Xianyang directly.

Making meritorious deeds or something, how can it be as important as being happy between the beds with a slender Chu girl in her arms!

(End of this chapter)

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