Chapter 64 Sweep the porn!

Chen Ying said softly, "It's closed!"

A strange voice sounded: "Why do you say that?"

Chen Ying turned her head and saw a young man wearing a straight black skirt and a long crown. His breathing was slightly stagnant, and he said after deliberation:

"The bathroom on Changyang Street is connected to the women's house, and both men and women bathe naked. If it's a rural place, it's fine, but Xianyang is the capital of the emperor, so it's inappropriate..."

"Besides, when a man and a woman are happy with each other, it's when they're in love, and when it ends with courtesy..."

Chen Ying hung up the book bag for a while, and Ji Bu was drowsy after hearing it, and he didn't have the slightest desire to interrupt.

When everyone was about to reach the entrance of Caishi Pavilion, Chen Ying suddenly said: "Oh, I forgot there is one more important thing, and I won't take a bath with my second and third sons today... I'm really sorry, but another day, Changyang Street Noodle Restaurant, I'll treat!"

Finally... Ji Bu muttered a few words, and walked away with a smile in the corner of his eyes, leading Zhong Limei.

Seeing their figures disappear around the corner, Chen Ying put down the bamboo basket, straightened her clothes, turned around and bowed to the man wearing the long crown, "My lord, Chen Ying, a scholar, pays homage to His Majesty!"

Isn't that right, sir, the character design collapsed so quickly? ...Fu Su was taken aback, and first looked down. When he came out of the palace, he deliberately took off the jade pendant and other things that revealed his identity. How did Chen Ying recognize her?

"Get up." Fu Suxu gave a support and asked, "Do you recognize me?"

Now that Chen Ying had recognized him, there was no point in putting on a show.

Chen Ying smiled: "A few days ago, when His Majesty returned to the palace from the west of Xianyang, the minister was on the left side of the road."

He should be talking about the time I went to Calorie. It was indeed a bit ostentatious to bring thousands of cavalry, but there is no way to do it. After all, how many people in the world take it as an honor to assassinate Emperor Qin... Walking aside with Chen Ying, he asked, "Just now you rambled a lot, probably because you were worried that Ji Bu might offend me by saying something unpleasant."

"Now it's just you and me here, tell me your opinion on my imprisoned daughter-in-law."

Chen Ying closed her eyes and pondered for a moment: "In the past, Guan Zhong set up female concubines, one for wealth and two for attracting talents; Gou Jian set up camp prostitutes to stabilize the morale of the army."

"Now my Great Qin is rising like the sun, sweeping Liuhe and unifying the world. Although the above two are out of date, but... Zi said, food and sex are also..."

The implication is that I disapprove of closing down the brothel...Fu Su sighed secretly in his heart.

If he was a native of Qin, he might have the same view of his wife as Chen Ying.

Most of the women in the women's house were selected from prisoners of war or slaves, and they would not disturb the common people, and they could also earn a considerable amount of income every year.

Why not do it... Shit!
Fusu recalled the scene he saw in the girls' house on Changyang Street.

How old was the girl who came up?
Thirteen, fifteen?
The make-up is heavy and the clothes are gorgeous, but the eyes that should be as bright as a deer are full of numbness.

Fusu turned his head and went to the Shaofu, cleared all the women in the official camp, and transferred all the officials in charge of management.

Using women to recruit talents?

Ha ha!

Qin law does not prohibit taking concubines, if you are really talented, you can come to the imperial court to be an official, with the imperial salary, you can take as many concubines as you want!
As for the pollen tax siphoned off of it?

Fuck it, the majestic king of a country is not so embarrassing that he has to live on women's flesh and blood!

What's more, these women are all Chinese people, of the same origin, and Fusu couldn't bear to let them be in dire straits.

Therefore, not only the Xianyang area, but also the national edict to close the women's house has been sent to all counties and counties in the world.

Fusu has already planned for the aftermath of those poor women after closing the women's house.

That is to place them in the textile workshop that will be established soon.

Self-reliance, with your own hands, reshape your life!
According to Fusu's design, the first hydraulic spinning wheel is being built, and the supporting factory buildings have also started construction on the west bank of Jingshui.

Naturally, the more women weaving workers, the better.

Fortunately, in Qin during this period, there were no such diseases as plum blossoms and molluscs, but many young girls, because of repeated miscarriages, might lose their qualifications to be mothers for the rest of their lives...

Fusu glanced at Chen Ying, who was a little scared, and shook his head slightly. How to say that, there are historical limitations.

Chen Ying's opinion is exactly the opinion of most Qin people.

Now that you have traveled to this era, you have to leave some footprints... Fusu gave Chen Ying a few words and then turned to leave. This person is basically the same as the one recorded in history.

Talented, but cautious in doing things. In the words of later generations, he is just cowardly and unwilling to be a leader.

But to govern the world, talents who dare to fight and fight are certainly important, but this kind of courtiers who can follow the old ways and complete orders from superiors are also indispensable.

Walking out of the doctor's hall, Fusu lost interest in the doctor's hall to go to.

Due to the current traffic conditions, many recruiters are still wandering on the road. When they are all here, I am afraid they will have to wait at least another month!

Fusu watched the people coming and going in the doctor's hall in the distance, and felt a burst of pride in his heart.

Learn literary and martial arts, sell to the emperor's family.

Since Shusun Tong and Li Shiqi were reused, and his relationship with Confucianism was okay in the past, even the eighth grandson of Confucius, Kong Yu, who was unwilling to accept the conquest of the first emperor, received his conquest edict. Fate, also Pidianpidian rushed to Xianyang.

But Fusu decided to leave him alone.

Confucianism can be used, but not all of it.

Minguijun despises society and country, although a certain colleague surnamed Zhu doesn't like it, but in Fusu's opinion, it is very good, after all, Ma Zhe course is not for nothing.

And the theory of the monarch, the minister, the father, the son, and the son is not bad for teaching the barbarians everywhere!

The glory of Daqin requires their surrender and dedication.


While Fusu was thinking about how to educate the barbarians, Li Shang was leading a group of Yue warriors to escort hundreds of Luoyue slaves to a wasteland outside Panyu County.

This is a flat land covering an area of ​​more than [-] mu, close to the river, with luxuriant grass, and dozens of predators are hidden in it.

Of course, those predators are all gone now.

The skins were deposited in the county government, or used as armor or made into tuó drums, while the meat was roasted and shared.

After the army cleaned up the surrounding predators, Ziying was still worried, so he asked people to build a low wall along the river to completely isolate the possibility of predators coming ashore to attack.

As for the problem of drinking water, the craftsmen were asked to build a water wheel on the bank of the river to avoid the danger of fetching water from the river, and it can also be used for irrigation.

Because of the lack of cattle, most of the Luoyue slaves escorted by Li Shang were used to replace cattle.

(End of this chapter)

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