Chapter 65

A moment later, Li Shang handed over the Luoyue slave to a foreman.

This is a 20-year-old Luoyue man, short and dark-skinned, but quite gifted in language. In more than ten days, he has been able to communicate with Qin people using body movements and some elegant words.

Because Ziying picked up a beautiful shell by the sea, this Luoyue man was named 'Bei'.

Li Shang rode on the horse and asked condescendingly, "How many acres of land have been cultivated today?"

Bei raised his head and said flatteringly, "Five...fifty acres!"

Li Shang looked at Bei's outstretched four fingers, sighed for a while, and then told them: "Let them rest when they are tired, don't be like the two days before, exhausting people to death! One person is worth half a catty of salt!"

Seeing Bei nodded and bowed for a while but his face was full of confusion, Li Shang shook his head slightly, slowed down and said it again.

"Understood, son, pull forty steps and rest for fifty times." Bei stretched out two fingers to gesture, then shouted loudly, and led the Luoyue slaves to pull the plow.

Because it is a wasteland, four people are needed to pull a curved plow. There are two people supporting the plow behind it. One is a Qin man from Longchuan, and the other is a slightly more clever Luoyue man.

One teacher and one apprentice, each Luoyue person taught to hold the plow, the Qin people will be rewarded with a hundred coins.

Li Shang looked around and found that the whole plantation was very different from the last time he came.

The tents that were originally scattered around have been gradually replaced by huts.

Li Shang took a closer look and found that the newly built houses were different from the brick and wood structures in the Central Plains. The houses here were built of bamboo and wood.

The frame of the main body is made of tall columns and hard logs that go straight to the roof, while the walls and roof are made of local bamboo and thatch.

Divided into upper and lower floors, the floor is more than three feet above the ground, and firewood and farm tools are piled underneath.

Sleeping without touching the ground, not only is it isolated from water vapor, but also you don't have to worry about being attacked by predators or poisonous snakes... Li Shang nodded secretly, and was about to take a closer look when he heard a cry from a distance.

"Shang Li, come here!"

He raised his head and saw Ziying standing on the high platform waving to him.

"Young master is not staying in the county mansion, why did you come here?" Li Shang jumped off his horse and walked onto the high platform.

"Because this is the main purpose of my coming to Nanhai County!" Ziying said with a smile, then turned to look down at the busy workers and slaves.

Ziying pointed to the hard-working Luoyue people in the distance under the watchful eye of the foremen, sighed and said, "If I stay here for one day, these people may live another day!"

Li Shang remembered what happened before, and nodded spontaneously.

Due to the excessive whipping and fatigue, coupled with the acclimatization of the environment, more than 300 Luoyue slaves died within two days.

According to this method of death, if a plantation of [-] mu is to be developed, at least tens of thousands of people will die!
Although half a catty of fine salt can be exchanged for a Luoyue slave, compared to the four or five thousand yuan for a servant in China, it can be said to be very cheap!

But there are too many dead people, which will have a great impact on the progress of plantation reclamation!

This was Li Shang's previous opinion, but now Ziying's attitude made Li Shang understand...

The young master doesn't care about money, but his heart is too soft!
On the Liuxi River below, engineers from Changsha County blocked a rope on the river, and dozens of slaves beat the water with long bamboo poles.

"My lord, what are they doing?" Li Shang asked curiously.

"The purpose of patting the surface of the water is to scare away predators." After Ziying finished speaking, she pointed to the rope on the river surface and said, "As for those, you will understand later."

Li Shang shook his head and had to wait patiently.

Not long after, a sharp horn sounded in the distance.

The craftsmen and craftsmen below the high platform began to shout loudly: "Come down the wood!"

Hundreds of slaves holding hooks and locks immediately jumped into the water, as if waiting for something.

Li Shang stood on tiptoe and looked as far as the eye could see, above the river, many boatmen wearing only a pair of shorts were paddling the raft down the river.

From time to time, they gestured in the water with the long bamboo poles in their hands, as if shepherds were driving their flocks.

Waiting for the boatman to approach, Li Shang discovered that there were many logs and bamboo poles flowing down the river around the raft, and suddenly realized that these should be the logs used to build the bamboo house.

Ziying looked at the busy crowd below and explained to Li Shang with a smile.

When he chatted with Ren Xiao and the Yue people's rulers, he learned that the Yue people tribe in the upper reaches of the river lived by the water, and used boats as carts and paddles as horses. Although they didn't know any advanced shipbuilding methods, they did Proficient in water, dare to go to sea to catch fish with bamboo rafts!
So Ren Xiao reached a deal with these Yue people, and the Luoyue slaves went to their territory to cut bamboo and wood to build plantations.

The Yue people were responsible for overseeing the work and transporting the cut bamboo and wood to the downstream. The corresponding reward was the sloping land created by the felling of the trees, which the Yue people cultivated.

Afterwards, Ren Xiao said, this is what His Majesty often calls a win-win situation.

With the Yueren supervisor who is also familiar with the jungle and can run faster than monkeys in the woods, the Luoyue slaves completely lost the possibility of escaping, so they could only honestly cut down trees as required.

Therefore, the construction of plantations is basically the same every day.

And with arable land, Yue people will move from the mountains to settle outside the mountains, and make households equal to the people. Under the deterrence of Lian Zuo, the Yue people will not easily rebel.

Moreover, there is no king in the world. Farming the land of the imperial court will naturally pay taxes to the imperial court. More importantly, thieves come and need to be attacked. The more people settle down, the less pressure on public security in Nanhai County.

Win-win, naturally Daqin wins twice!
After a while, dozens of big logs and countless bamboo poles were carried to the shore, and the Yue people who were the boatmen left in a group after saluting Ziying.

The wood is delivered every three days, and the next time it comes, it will be three days later.

After Ziying nodded in return, he dragged Li Shang down the high platform: "Come on, I'll take you to see a good thing!"

I always think this sentence is weird... Li Shang thought cleverly, but still followed Ziying to a shed by the river.

"I've seen you, my lord!" An engineer in the shed bowed and saluted.

Li Shang recognized him. This was the new third son, Gong Shupan, who was going to be the Duke of Shaofu.It was just the things around the shed that made Li Shang a little confused.

Waterwheels, this a saw blade?
"What is this?" Li Shang looked at Ziying and asked.

"Hydraulic sawmill!" Ziying said with a look of admiration, "Your Majesty is truly a god!"

His Majesty?Isn't Your Majesty in Xianyang?What does it have to do with His Majesty... Li Shang became more and more confused.

Gong Shupan explained with a smile: "This is a device built by my father according to the drawing drawn by Your Majesty. It uses water power instead of manpower, and the efficiency of sawing wood is more than ten times higher than before!"

(End of this chapter)

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