Chapter 86

After Wang Qing left, Meng Ying elbowed Han Xin and asked in a low voice, "Have you seen General Zhang Zhonglang?"

Han Xin shook his head and didn't answer. This is the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army. If you whisper to each other in private, you will be served with a whip.

Meng Ying relied on her rough skin and thick flesh, and after looking around for a week, she said to herself: "Not only Zhang Zhonglang is gone, but even the 5000 cavalry from Xianyang have been transferred to 3000..."

Suddenly, the military commander's majestic voice came from the commander's tent: "Where is Yubayashirou Hanxin?"

Han Xin immediately took a step forward and entered with a loud roll call.

In a short time, he walked out with another Qin general who was dressed as a "public vehicle" wearing a long jacket and an armor on the outside.

Han Xin shook the letter in his hand, nodded slightly to Meng Ying who was full of envy, and then got on his horse and left.

His task was to lead a thousand Rongdi cavalry to march forward in parallel on the left wing of the army.

According to the law of the Qin army, this army is called "divided soldiers", and its main task is to guard against the main force of the central army from being attacked by the enemy from the flank.

After Han Xin left, Meng Ying waited and waited outside the big tent, until the army started to pull out the camp, but still did not see Li Xin assigning him a task.

Meng Ying originally wanted to enter the big tent to ask for clarification, but on second thought, now that the army has shifted to wartime, the commander of the army who collides with the army will be beaten with dozens of sticks, and even beheaded on the spot...

So he stood there obediently, took over the halberd from the guard at the gate and became the halberd bearer.

In the big tent, Li Xin sat cross-legged facing the map on the handsome case, repeatedly verifying his deployment.

Ever since he failed to attack Chu that day and returned in a big defeat, he has always had a strong psychological shadow. Every time he sat in the handsome tent, the scene of that day always appeared in front of his eyes.

The flames were soaring into the sky, thick smoke billowed, and the fallen Qin army was everywhere.

Lord Changping's rebellion and his aggressive advances underestimating the enemy caused countless soldiers to bury their bones in a foreign land...

"General, the army is ready to go!" Jun Sima walked in from outside the tent and urged.

According to the time calculated by the fortune teller, if we set off at the next hour, the military vehicle will be in danger of cutting off the wheels!
Li Xin closed his eyes and sighed, then jumped up, holding the long sword given by Fusu before parting, and said loudly: "Where is General Lang Mengying?"

Finally it's my turn...Meng Ying holds a long halberd in her hand, and enters proudly: "The end is here!"

"Order to lead five hundred heavy armored cavalry and two thousand flying cavalry to lead the formation!"

After finishing speaking, Li Xin waved his hand, and a soldier handed over the seal of dispatching troops to Meng Ying.

"Obey!" Meng Ying clasped her fists in salute, turned around and left.

A moment later, Meng Ying led [-] cavalrymen, surrounded by a trebuchet pulled by ten horses.

In front of him was the handsome flag raised high, and beside him on the river that hadn't been completely frozen was a large ship fully loaded with luggage.

"The supply team is the supply team. If you say something to suppress the formation, the people who listen to it will be excited..." Meng Ying cursed in her heart, but he dared not say this.

The military law of the Qin army is strict, and those who criticize the commander in chief will start with fifty army sticks!

"General Meng Lang, we meet again!" Lu Ze rode on the horse and saluted Meng Ying with fists cupped.

Meng Ying took a look at him, and found that he was still dressed as a gentleman, and instantly understood that he had returned the two-level title and redeemed his relatives as ordinary people.

Meng Ying nodded secretly, putting family affection before her own interests, such a person can have a deep friendship.

So he cupped his fists to return the salute, and said with a smile, "Yes, I'll leave it up to you in the future!"

"Dare to obey!"

"May I ask, which sister did you redeem as a commoner?"

"Second sister. The family letter from Xianyang said that the elder sister is benevolent and willing to give up the redemption quota to the younger sister..."


While Mengying was chatting with Lu Ze, Han Xin was riding on the horse, thinking about where Zhang Han had gone, while carefully checking the surrounding terrain, leading the cavalry to seize a favorable location to prevent the army from being attacked by the Qiang people.

Although it is said that the Qiang people's tactics are old, after so many years, they still use the tactics of the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

However, after all, this is an unfamiliar Qiang land, and there are enemies everywhere, so we must be more vigilant.

In Han Xin's rejoicing and disappointment, tens of thousands of Qin troops approached the Qiang people's camp, the Heguan Valley step by step, like a black torrent.

A few days later, when Han Xin led the Rongdi cavalry over a seemingly familiar mountain again, he suddenly saw a group of riders with small flags behind their backs rushing towards the army where the handsome flag was.

"Xingjun met the enemy...beheaded Forty and One..."

Han Xin took off the dog fur earmuffs, and the cold wind sent the rider's intermittent voice to his ears.

"Hey, I finally met the Qiang people!" a Rongdi cavalry roared, his dark cheeks were full of excitement.

"That's right, finish the fight early and go home early, my mother-in-law is due to give birth in a few months!"

"It's the same in my family. I just don't know if I can have a baby girl, but I'm so tired of having a son all the time!"

Han Xin looked at Rong Di who was scolded for being bloody in an instant, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

During the days when he led these Rongdi cavalry forward, he completely subverted the debate between Hua and Barbarians in his heart.

The one in the team who was wrapped in a sheepskin jacket outside the leather armor and spoke Rongdi language was an authentic Qin person; while the one who spoke Qin language and kept saying that he was going to have a baby girl was an out-and-out Rong di...

Han Xin shook his head slightly, took off the sheepskin gloves in his hands, and covered his red nose with cold.

Sheepskin gloves and dog fur hats were sent from Guanzhong not long ago.

Fortunately for sheepskin gloves, when winter is approaching, both official and private pens will slaughter livestock that are too thin to survive the winter.

And in order to make dog fur hats for the entire army, it is said that in many places in Xianyang and Longxi, there is no sound of barking at night...

Tap-tat-tat, the messenger cavalry with a small flag behind them came galloping.

"General Han Lang, General Zuo has an order, order your troops to move forward immediately, surround the Qiang people from the flanks, and cooperate with the Xing army to intercept and kill the Qiang people!"

"As ordered!"

After saluting with fists clasped, Han Xin looked at the Rongdi cavalry who suddenly became excited around him, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, for the sake of the fields and the house, go!"

Getting along these days made Han Xin deeply understand what these low-level soldiers need.

'No, don't return! '

It is said that this is what the soldiers would say when they set off and when their parents, wives and children saw them off.

As Han Xin's order was conveyed by all the generals at once, a thousand Rongdi cavalry suddenly boiled up, and they waved their long halberds and short bows, howling wolves.

If it weren't for everyone dressing up as the Qin army, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this is a prairie cavalry.

Although everyone was eager to make contributions, the team was not chaotic at all when they set off.

Han Xin personally led [-] light soldiers in front, and the remaining [-] cavalry were divided into two teams again, one for the heel army and the other for the divided soldiers.

But when they arrived at the ordered battlefield, Han Xin gritted his teeth and said a few words.

"Leave a recommendation ticket!"

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of 'Mu You Yi Gui Xian'!Thanks to 'Fu Peng An Fei' for the reward! (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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