Chapter 109

As soon as he thought of Deng Tuzi, Deng Tuzi really appeared.

Seeing that the woman was beautiful and accompanied by only one maid, the two gangster-looking men stopped the way with playful faces.

"Little lady, are you alone?"

"Little lady, let's go to put lanterns together, okay?"

"Go away!"

Before the young lady could speak, the servant girl yelled at her with a face full of shame and indignation.

"Yo, you girl is quite fierce."

The two gangsters had smirks on their faces, and the word "fierce" probably meant something else, because they both glanced at the maid's chest at the same time.

The development of this little girl is quite good.


The woman frowned, as if she was lazy to care about the other party, and called the maid to turn around and prepare to leave.

Unexpectedly, those two guys rushed forward quickly, blocking the way of the second daughter again.

"Little lady, seeing you alone with no one to accompany you, don't disappoint the good intentions of our two brothers."

"That's right, how about going to have a few drinks with us..."

The two bastards got more and more enthusiastic about talking, and even started to start to play tricks.

"Help, help..." The servant girl started to cry for help in panic.

Unexpectedly, it was fine if she didn't call for help, but when she called for help, the passers-by quickly avoided her.

In this way, those two gangsters are even more unscrupulous...


At this moment, a loud shout came.

The two gangsters froze for a moment, squinted at the past, and found that it was a man dressed as a scholar.

The person who came was Zhu Erdan.

"Boy, don't meddle in your own business."

One of the gangsters had a fierce look on his face and threatened him viciously.

"So what?"

"You kid is tired of life, aren't you?"

Another gangster stepped forward cursing...

As a result, before he could make a move, Zhu Erdan took the lead in slapping him.


A slap made the bastard's mouth splattered with blood, he covered his face and turned half a circle on the spot, dazed.

The other gangster was furious, rushed forward quickly, and kicked Zhu Erdan.


As a result, this kick not only failed to hit Zhu Erdan, but was kicked to the ground by Zhu Erdan.

"Be careful, son!"

The gangster who had been slapped before came back to his senses, picked up half a brick from nowhere and rushed over murderously, the woman was so startled that she hurriedly reminded her loudly.

Fortunately, Zhu Erdan's skills are far from being comparable to those of the two gangsters. Three punches and two kicks made the two gangsters flee with their heads in their arms...

"Thank you, son for saving me!"

The woman thanked Zhu Erdan with a grateful face.

"Just a trivial matter, why bother."

Zhu Erdan happily waved his hand.

The woman took the initiative to introduce: "The little girl's surname is Wu, her name is Xiaoyi, and she lives in the west of the city. I don't know how to call you sir?"

Zhu Erdan was taken aback: "Huh? So the girl is...cough, next to Zhu Erdan, a scholar..."

At this time, the servant girl couldn't help but said: "Huh? From Mr. Zhu's tone, have you heard of my young lady?"

"This..." Zhu Erdan scratched his head embarrassingly: "Last time I heard a friend mention some of the girl's past.

But girl, don't get me wrong, he didn't say anything bad about you, he just sympathized with what happened to the girl. "

Wu Xiaoyi smiled sadly: "It's okay, I've already gotten used to it."

After chatting for a while, Wu Xiaoyi left with her maid.

As soon as she left, Zhu Erdan was in no mood to go shopping and returned home early.

That night, Zhu Erdan tossed and turned, unable to sleep at night, his mind was full of the beautiful image of Wu Xiaoyi.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, why he was so obsessed with a woman whom he had only met once and was married to.

Could it be that the fate of the previous life is gone?

Originally, he planned to leave for Guobei County after the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, but now he changed his mind and decided to stay at home for a while.

In the end, he never expected that within two days, he heard a bad news: Wu Xiaoyi passed away.

It is said that because Wu Xiaoyi was dissatisfied with a marriage arranged by her mother, the mother and daughter had a dispute, and Mrs. Wu slapped her daughter in a rage.

Wu Xiaoyi couldn't think about it for a while, but went to extremes...she hanged herself that night.

After hearing the sad news, Zhu Erdan couldn't believe it. After all, he was such a fresh life two or three days ago...

Her frowns and smiles are still so clear, why is there a sudden separation between heaven and man forever?
That night, Zhu Erdan came to the Hall of Ten Kings drunk, knelt at Lu Pan's feet and cried bitterly.

"Lu Pan, you have great powers, can you do me a favor? I am willing to shorten my life for ten years so that Wu Xiaoyi can return to the sun..."


Lu Pan sighed and showed his figure.

Zhu Erdan raised his tearful eyes and begged: "Lu Pan, didn't you say that you have only one friend in this world? Help me, please?"

"Erdan, I really can't help you with such things as returning to the Yang, the cycle of life and death is the law of heaven, don't say that I'm just a small judge, even the top ten Yamas in this palace can't help you.

As the saying goes, life and death have destiny, I have checked the life and death book, the woman you mentioned did not die in vain, but her lifespan was exhausted.Even if she doesn't hang herself, there will be other accidents..."

Zhu Erdan looked disappointed and murmured: "Is there really no other way?"

"Really not." Lu Juan shook his head.

"Okay, thanks a lot..."

Zhu Erdan let out a long sigh, said goodbye and left.

On the second night, Zhuo Shi also came to the Ten Kings Hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, he bravely came to Lu Pan's statue and knelt down, crying, "Master Judge, please save our family, Erdan..."

Lu Juan showed his figure, and said helplessly: "What's the matter with you two husband and wife? You came here one after another to beg."

"Erdan didn't know I was coming...he...he seems to have lost his soul now, he only knows to drink away his sorrow...

This happened a few days ago, turning over overnight.

I didn't know what was going on, so I asked him and he didn't say anything.

He was drunk this afternoon, crying alone in the room, while chanting a woman's name.

I'm worried...I'm worried that he's being entangled in something..."

"It's not like that..."

Lu Juan explained the cause and effect.

After listening, Zhuo was stunned for a long time, and then said: "I didn't expect it to be like this...Your Honor, I know our family Erdan, he is not a person who likes the new and dislikes the old.

In the past, I took the initiative to persuade him to take a concubine, but he said there was no rush, just let it happen.

But this time, he and Miss Wu became so infatuated after only meeting once, it was also predestined fate.

Your lord, Erdan finally has a little hope now, I don't want to see him depressed, I am willing to use ten years of life in exchange for Miss Wu's recovery..."

Lu Juan was speechless.

"Is it true that you and your husband don't enter the house as a family? Your husband also said the same thing."


"Forget it, let me think about it..."

Lu Juan paced back and forth for a while, and then asked Zhuo with a solemn face: "There is a way, but you need to pay a certain price."

Zhuo was overwhelmed with surprise, and nodded repeatedly: "No problem, I'm not afraid of any price."


The next morning, Zhu Erdan woke up with a hangover, dizzy, and his throat seemed to be on fire.

"Water... water..."

Before opening his eyes, he subconsciously called a few times.

"Sir, I'll help you get up and drink water."

"Gulu, Gulu..." Zhu Erdan sat half-sitting and drank a few mouthfuls of water before getting better.

Slightly opening his eyes, what caught his eyes was a face haunted by dreams...

"Miss Wu,"

Zhu Erdan was shocked, stuttering and unable to speak.

"Erdan, I can't bear to part with you, so... I'm here to accompany you..."

"Ah? So... I... I'm in the underworld?"

Zhu Erdan looked around subconsciously, something was wrong, this was obviously his room.

"Erdan, this is Yangjian, this is your room, and it is also our room."

This call completely confused Zhu Erdan.

Judging by her appearance, she was clearly Wu Xiaoyi, but her voice...a bit like her, but also a bit like his wife's voice.

Could it be a dream?Haven't woken up yet?
"Erdan, you are not dreaming, it is true. I am your wife, Feng'er, and at the same time, I am also the person you care about..."


Zhu Erdan swallowed with difficulty, with a dazed expression on his face.

At this time, he finally realized that something was wrong. This face was indeed Wu Xiaoyi's, but his body was too familiar to him, so it was indeed a lady.

"This...what's the matter?"

"Erdan, listen to me, it was Lu Pan who helped the three of us..."

After some explanations, Zhu Erdan finally realized.

It turned out that Lu Juan and Zhuo Shi had negotiated terms and exchanged her head with Wu Xiaoyi.

In this way, the current Zhuo family has become a complex of two women. Not only has Wu Xiaoyi's head been replaced, but also part of the memory has been preserved.

To a certain extent, Wu Xiaoyi came back to life through her body, became one with Zhuo Shi and became one person.

"It turns out that there is such a bizarre thing..."

"Well, Judge Lu said this is the only way. Mr. Xiang, you won't blame me for making my own decisions, will you?"


For a moment, Zhu Erdan really didn't know what to say.

His mood at the moment is quite complicated, with surprises, disappointments, emotions, and emotions...

"Miss, you have paid too much for me..."

Zhu Erdan couldn't help stretching out his hand to hug the lady into his arms.


Unexpectedly, the lady screamed and hurriedly pushed him away and stood up.

"Miss, you..."

Zhuo blushed, "I...I...I'm not used to it..."

Zhu Erdan looked dumbfounded, subconsciously said: "Miss Wu?"

Zhuo blushed and nodded: "Young Master Zhu, mind is a little messed up now, I and... and Sister Feng'er have become one person..."

Zhu Erdan said with a wry smile, "I'm also a little messed up now."

"But no matter what, I... I am very grateful to you, at least... at least let me come back to life in another way."

At this moment, Zhu Erdan raised his brows suddenly: "By the way, what about your family... Wu Mansion?"

"I do not know either……"

Zhu Erdan pulled his hair: "It's all messed up now, you are Master Wu's daughter, you are not Master Wu's daughter, you are my wife, you are not my wife..."


Zhuo Shi was amused.

Then she sat beside Zhu Erdan, took his hand and said, "Fool, I am your wife..."

"But...but I still can't believe it..."

Zhuo Shi bit her lip, then leaned forward shyly, and kissed Zhu Erdan on the face.

"Now, do you believe me?"


"Master, madam, the master ordered you to go to the front hall."

Suddenly, the voice of the servant girl Ah Yue came from outside.


Zhu Erdan subconsciously responded.

Then he slapped his thigh: "It's broken, how should we explain it when we see Dad later?"

"Sir, Lu Juan once said that if someone asks, just ask three questions, and just say that it's like this when you wake up."

"Uh... this is also a way. However, your natal family...cough, the Wu Mansion also said the same?"

"Well, anyway, it can't be said that it is Lu Pan's help, otherwise there will be trouble."

"Okay, let's do that!"

When they came to the front hall, as usual, Zhuo Shi came forward to greet him and called him daddy.

Master Zhu was completely dumbfounded.

"What... what's going on? Erdan, who is she?"

"She is your daughter-in-law, Feng'er."

"Feng'er?" Master Zhu rubbed his eyes, and then started to slap the table: "Absurd, what does Feng'er look like? Is it true that you are bullying me when I am old?"

"Father, I'm really Feng'er. It's just that Feng'er had a strange dream last night, and when he woke up, his appearance changed..."

The husband and wife took turns to explain it, but Master Zhu was finally skeptical.

"Father, I don't know what's going on in the Wu Mansion. Feng'er and I want to go there to confirm and see if this dream is true."

"It's up to you..."

Master Zhu waved his hand, he needs to calm down.

Soon after, the husband and wife came to the Wu Mansion.


As soon as they reached the door, the servant who was guarding the door screamed in fright, and ran into the yard.

Zhuo shook his head with a wry smile, and walked into the compound with complicated emotions.

After all, she still has some memories of Wu Xiaoyi's life, so she naturally has feelings for this compound.

"Miss has come back to life..."

"Miss' corpse has changed..."

For a while, the Wu Mansion was in chaos.

Master Wu and his wife walked out in shock, and asked tremblingly, "Daughter, is it really you?"

"Father, mother, my daughter is not filial!"

Zhuo fell to his knees with a "plop", tears streaming down his face.

This is due to Wu Xiaoyi's emotions, showing her true feelings.

All the servants were could the eldest lady suddenly appear outside when she was clearly lying in the coffin?

If it's a ghost, it doesn't look like it, and besides, it's broad daylight now...

"Master Wu, Madam, why don't we go to the house and talk."

Entering the room, Mrs. Wu cried, "Daughter, it's mother's fault, mother shouldn't scold you..."

"Mother, my daughter doesn't blame you, it's her impulsiveness... In fact, my daughter is no longer alive."

"Ah? Then you..."

"That's it..."

Zhu Erdan took the initiative to step forward and explain.

Of course, his explanation was basically a series of mysterious words, including his previous experience of meeting Wu Xiaoyi by accident.

"Anyway, it sounds miraculous. When I woke up, Feng'er's appearance changed into Miss Wu's, but her body remained the same."

Master Wu and his wife looked at each other, obviously a little disbelieving.

Later, the couple ordered someone to open the coffin for inspection, but they were shocked to find that it was not their daughter lying inside...

To be precise, it is half a daughter.

The body belonged to the daughter, but the head belonged to Zhuo's, and faint traces could still be seen on the necks of both parties.

Such a bizarre incident made Master Wu and his wife unable to recover for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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