Chapter 110

In the end, Master Wu and his wife buried their daughter in a grand funeral.

Turning her head, she recognized Zhuo as her daughter again.

After all, the Zhuo family changed their daughter's head and retained some of their memories, which to some extent means that their daughter is still alive.

As a result, Zhu Erdan had an extra pair of father-in-law and mother-in-law, and the two families became one family.

After the news spread, all the people were amazed.

A few days later, Zhu Erdan was about to leave for Guobei County.

The night before leaving, I specially bought a jar of good wine and came to the Hall of Ten Kings, planning to have a few more drinks with Lu Pan.

Unexpectedly, when they came to the Ten Kings Hall, they were surprised to find that the statue of Lu Pan was gone, replaced by another statue of Judge.

Could it be that Lu Juan was promoted?
Zhu Erdan was puzzled, so he bowed respectfully to the statue of the judge: "Student Zhu Erdan pays respects to the judge."

After saluting, he cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the students are about to leave for Guobei County tomorrow to study. I wanted to bid farewell to Judge Lu, but I didn't want to say that Judge Lu is not here. I wonder if Mr. Judge can tell me where I can find Judge Lu? "

After a while, the idol moved, and a voice came: "So you are Zhu Erdan."

"It's the students!"

"Oh, you got your wish, but you made Brother Lu miserable."

"Ah?" Zhu Erdan was taken aback, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with Lu Juan?"

"Actually, brother Lu didn't let me talk about it, but since you're here, you can be regarded as kind and righteous.

To tell you the truth, Lu Juan is no longer a judge, he has been demoted to an ordinary ghost messenger, and he is not allowed to leave the underworld at will..."

"This... Lord Judge, can you tell the students what is going on?"

After a while of silence, the judge sighed: "Brother Lu only has you as a friend in Yangjian, and you don't have many friends down there.

It's not that he doesn't fit in, but that his temper is too straightforward, which has offended many people invisibly.

He helped you this time because someone took the opportunity to retaliate and sued him, saying that he meddled in the affairs of the world...

It's inconvenient for me to tell you the details...Okay, let's go, I will tell the judge Lu that you came to him when I have a chance. "

"But... Lord Judge, you can't blame Lu Judge for this matter..."

Zhu Erdan hastily defended for a while, but the judge stopped talking.

In desperation, Zhu Erdan could only leave the Hall of Ten Kings listlessly.

When I got home and told my wife, she was also anxious: "How could this happen? If Lu Juan is demoted because of this incident, this...does this make us feel better?"

"Yeah, it's all my fault..."

"Blame me, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't beg Lu Juan."

The husband and wife sighed, helpless.

Three days later, Zhu Erdan came to the academy.

As soon as he showed up, classmates surrounded him, asking about his adventures, after all, big guys are still quite strange about head-changing.

Zhu Erdan responded with a few perfunctory words, and slipped away on the pretext of going to see her husband.

"Students meet sir!"

After meeting, Zhu Erdan stepped forward and bowed his hands.

Zhou Yu smiled and pointed to the chair on one side: "Okay, sit down and talk."

"Thank you sir."

After chatting for a while, Zhou Yu couldn't help but asked, "Erdan, you've made quite a fuss this time. Even Guobei County, many people have heard about your wife's hair-changing."

"This..." Zhu Erdan shook his head with a wry smile: "Sir, this matter is also a coincidence. To be honest, sir, in fact..."

Speaking of this, Zhu Erdan subconsciously looked outside, but there was no one, and then whispered the real reason.

"Now, Judgment Lu has been demoted because of this incident, which makes the students and the lady feel very sorry."

Hearing these words, Zhou Yu couldn't help but frowned: "Oh? There is such a thing?"

"It's absolutely true, the student has been to the Hall of Ten Kings, and the new judge said it himself."

"In this way, you will explain the cause and effect in detail..."


After Zhu Erdan recalled it, he began to talk about the process of meeting Wu Xiaoyi and the subsequent developments.

After listening, Zhou Yu sorted it out, then smiled and said: "You don't have to be so discouraged, there may be a turning point in this matter."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Erdan's eyes could not help but brighten up: "I don't know what good plan Mister has?"

"It's very simple, go to the government to appeal."


Zhu Erdan looked dumbfounded.

He thought that the husband would come up with a good idea, but in the find the government?

What's the use of asking the government for this kind of thing?Is it possible that officials in the yang world can still manage the affairs of the underworld?
"Erdan, I know that you think this idea is absurd, but isn't it absurd for ordinary people to change heads?"

"That's...that's right."

"In short, don't have any worries, just follow the method that the teacher said."

Next, Zhou Yu eloquently wrote a long complaint and handed it to Zhu Erdan.

"Take this complaint and go to the Lingyang county government to complain..."

Zhu Erdan glanced at it briefly, and said with a surprised face: "Appeal for Lu Judgment?"

"That's right, you go back to Lingyang County immediately to handle this matter, and then the teacher will help you."

Now that the husband said so, Zhu Erdan felt more at ease, and immediately bowed his hands to say goodbye and left, returning in a hurry.


Lingyang County Government.

In the morning, a scholar walked outside the door, picked up a mallet and knocked on the hall drum.

Soon, the county magistrate Lu Qifa went to court with Master.

"Who plays the drums?"

"Student Zhu Erdan, please see my lord!"

Upon hearing the name, Lu Qifa looked surprised: "So you are Zhu Erdan?"

It seems that his name has spread, and even the county magistrate has heard of it.


"What are you drumming for?"

"Returning to the adults, since the adults know the names of the students, I think they have heard some strange things about the students.

To be honest, my lord, the change of head is actually not as rumored outside..."

"Oh? What's the reason?"

"That's right, the student met the magistrate of the Ten Kings Hall in this county by fate, and they are called brothers..."

Zhu Erdan briefly talked about the cause and effect, then held up the pleading paper and said: "I never thought that Judge Lu would be removed from the post of judge because of this incident.

The students were dissatisfied, but there was no way to complain, so they went to the county government to complain..."


As soon as this remark came out, all the servants in the hall were amused.

Even the master couldn't help leaning into Lu Qifa's ear and said, "My lord, is there something wrong with Zhu Erdan's mind?"

Lu Qifa coughed lightly and slapped the gavel: "Bold Zhu Erdan, are you playing tricks on me?"

"Adults are wronged, students are scholars, know the etiquette and know the law, how dare you play tricks on adults?"

"You still dare to quibble? Not to mention whether what you said before is true or false, even if it is true, you need to know the difference between Yin and Yang, but you went to the underworld to sue the officials? It's ridiculous to the extreme!"

"Your Excellency, please calm down. The students implore you to read this complaint first."

Zhu Erdan took a few steps forward, raising his hands to complain.

"Okay, I want to see how amazing your complaint is today...Master, submit it."

"Yes, my lord!"

The master responded, walked into the hall, took the complaint and handed it to Lu Qifa.

Lu Qifa unfolded it and took a look... His expression suddenly changed.

It wasn't the content, but the calligraphy of the complaint that surprised him at a glance.When I looked closely, I couldn't help but think of someone...

"Zhu Erdan, is this complaint written by the Marquis of Jing'an himself?"

Lu Qifa had seen Zhou Yu's calligraphy before, and he also knew that Zhu Erdan was Zhou Yu's student, so he asked this question.

"It was written by my mentor."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Qifa couldn't help but concentrate, and quickly sat up straight and looked at it seriously.

He could say that Zhu Erdan was ridiculous to his face, but he didn't dare to say that Zhou Yu was ridiculous.

Before he finished reading, there was a sudden shout from outside: "The Marquis of Jing'an is here!"

Lu Qifa was stunned for a moment, then quickly put down the complaint, and rushed out with his master.

Zhu Erdan also walked to the gate to greet him with a look of surprise.

"Xiaguan Lu inspired to meet Lord Hou!"

"Your Majesty Lu, you don't need to be too polite...By the way, this Marquis didn't disturb your lord's promotion?"

"No, no... Hou Ye, please come inside!"

After going to the court, Lu Qifa hurriedly ordered someone to prepare chairs and tea. He didn't dare to sit in the hall himself, but sat with Zhou Yu in the hall.

After chatting for a while, Lu Qifa said with a bitter face: "Master Hou, the officer has read the complaint, but... just... the officer's ability in this matter is really limited.

The lower officials are officials in the yang world, how can they manage the affairs of the underworld? "

Zhou Yu smiled: "Don't worry, since the Marquis has written the complaint, there is naturally a way to deal with it."

"Oh? I don't know what the Marquis can do?"

"Master Lu, has he forgotten Lord Chenghuang?"

Having said that, Lu Qifa couldn't help but his eyes lit up, that's right, how can he be smart for a while and be confused for a lifetime?
Speaking of which, Chenghuang can be regarded as the head of a county, although he is an official of the underworld, he will not easily interfere in the affairs of the world.

However, the circumstances of this case are special, and it involves both worlds of yin and yang, so naturally, as the county magistrate, he can ask Lord Chenghuang to assist in the trial of the case.

"Hahaha, Lord Hou is worthy of being Lord Hou. It's really admirable that a single sentence can make the lower officials suddenly enlightened!"

Lu Qifa took the opportunity to flatter him.

"Hehe, Master Lu is polite..."

Next, Zhou Yu gave a face-to-face instruction and chatted with Lu Qifa for a long time.

After dark, a group of people came to the Temple of the City God.

This time, Zhu Erdan called his wife and Mr. Wu and his wife. After all, this matter is also related to them.

Entering the Town God's Temple, a group of people placed incense sticks and bowed in turn.

Afterwards, Lu Qifa cupped his hands at the statue of the city god and said, "Your official, Lu Qifa, is the magistrate of this county, and now he has received a complaint from Zhu Erdan, a talented scholar in this county, to complain for Judge Lu of the prefecture.

The indictment is here, and I would like to invite Lord Chenghuang to appear in person and cooperate with the lower officials to try the case. "

After a while, the oil lamp in the hall was dimmed, and a figure appeared out of thin air.

Chenghuang finally showed up.

Mr. Wu and his wife, Mrs. Zhuo, and several accompanying yamen servants hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

After all, they are just ordinary people, and the status of the City God in their hearts is like that of a god.

The two sides exchanged a few polite words, Cheng Huang took the complaint and looked it over carefully, then smiled wryly: "Actually, I have also heard about the case of Lu Juan, but... it may be difficult to reverse the case for him."

Zhou Yu asked, "Why?"

"Your Majesty doesn't know that, this time, many people have joined together to participate in Lu Juan, saying that he disturbed Yin and Yang, violated the law of reincarnation of life and death, and meddled in the affairs of the world for no reason.

Originally, at the beginning, he said that he would go to hell to be punished, but later Lord Yan Luo leniently removed him from the position of judge and demoted him to be a ghost messenger. "

"That's wrong!"

Zhou Yu said with a straight face.

"Oh? I don't know what the Lord Hou has to say?"

"I think that this matter is no small matter, and on a larger scale, it involves the communication between the Yin and Yang realms.

Therefore, I request Lord Chenghuang and Lord Lu to serve as representatives of the officials of the underworld and the underworld, and send Lu Judgment and his accusers to come up and try the case together. "


Chenghuang hesitated for a while, and said: "How about this, everyone wait a moment, let me go down and ask Lord Yan Luo for instructions."

"Thank you, Lord City God!"

"Your Majesty, you are welcome!"

After finishing speaking, the City God disappeared in a flash.

After about a cup of tea, the City God appeared again and said with a smile, "Mr. Yan Luo agreed to re-sentence the case, and sent a judge from the Yan Luo Palace to cooperate. Please follow me to the West Palace."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Erdan was very excited, and said repeatedly: "That's great, it's really great!"

After arriving at the west hall and waiting for a while, a wisp of smoke suddenly appeared from the ground.

When the smoke cleared, four figures appeared in the hall.

"Brother Lu!"

Zhu Erdan was overwhelmed with surprise, and rushed forward to greet him.

Among the four people, one is Lu Pan, the other three are the judges of Yan Luodian, and the other two must be the people who sued Lu Pan to confront him.

Lu Pan sighed: "Erdan, why do you..."

"Brother Lu, this matter happened because of me. If you don't seek justice for Brother Lu, Erdan's life will be in trouble."

Zhuo Shi also came out, and said resolutely: "Yes, if you have to punish, just punish me."

Zhou Yu said: "Okay, stop arguing, since the judge of the underworld has come up, then let's reason."

"Oh, let me introduce..."

Chenghuang introduced each of them.

Sure enough, the two guys who came up with him were the plaintiffs who sued Lu Juan.

But now, he has become the defendant.

Since it is a trial, of course it has to go through the motions.

Chenghuang, Lu Qifa, and Yan Luodian judges sat in the presiding judge positions.

As for Zhou Yu, this time he was defending Zhu Erdan as a lawyer, so he stood in the audience.

In fact, it was precisely because of Zhou Yu's presence that there was such a court trial this time, and it was impossible to persuade the City God with the energy of Lu Qiqi alone.

"Okay, that... Lord City God, Lord Judge, shall we begin?"

Lu Qifa glanced at the city god and the judge and asked.

"Well, let's get started."

At this time, Zhou Yu glanced at the two people who sued Lu Juan, and asked, "May I ask why you two testify against Lu Juan?"

Those two guys are one black and one white, one fat and one thin, one is called a horse head, and the other is called a cow face.

The horse head said first: "There is a saying in the world, there is no rule, there is no circle, and Lu Juan broke the rules, so naturally he should be punished."

"Yes, birth, old age, sickness and death are the avenues of reincarnation. If he intervenes without authorization, he is ignoring the rules of heaven. He is just being relegated to ghost messengers, which is considered a lenient Yan Luojun."

"Hehe, the two of you are justified. However, this Marquis believes that there is nothing wrong with Lu Juan's actions, and there is no violation of any rules."

Hearing this, Niu Mian couldn't help but mockingly smiled and said: "Your Excellency is the Marquis of Yangjian, with a distinguished status, so he is naturally familiar with the laws of Yangjian.

But Lord Hou, don't forget that what Lu Pan violated was the rules of the underworld. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to use the laws of the world to measure this matter, right? "

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Ma Tou immediately echoed.

The judge of Yan Luodian couldn't help but glanced at Zhou Yu, and asked softly, "I don't know what the Lord Hou wants to say?"


(End of this chapter)

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