Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 122 The emperor is angry, and the situation changes!

Chapter 122 The emperor is angry, and the situation changes!

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, you can send an envoy to warn the other party first, don't say it is unpredictable..."

Zhou Yu continued to explain his thoughts.

"Of course, there is a high probability that they will not listen, because they have not been beaten.

They do not have a long history than Middle-earth culture, they believe in the law of the jungle, and they fight for whose fist is bigger.

Therefore, reasoning with them is almost like playing the piano to a cow, telling the truth a thousand times, it is better to beat them up.

As long as you hurt them, they will have a long memory..."

Zhou Yu is not talking about these principles in general, after all, he is a time traveler and knows many painful lessons in history.

Blindly forbearance will only bring more shame and fuel the arrogance of the opponent.

After listening to Zhou Yu's long speech, Emperor Yonghe's wavering heart finally settled down.

A man should stand upright, not to mention he is still the emperor.

"Okay, listening to Aiqing's words is better than studying for ten years! I can't quit anymore!"

"Holy Majesty is wise!"

Next, the monarch and his ministers had another in-depth discussion.

Zhou Yu comprehensively put forward a lot of suggestions based on the current situation of the Daqian Dynasty, including agriculture, industry, military, and business. He heard the Yonghe Emperor repeatedly.

After all, how can Zhou Yu's ideas be compared to those in the current world?

Of course, he can't just copy the principles of his previous life. After all, the ideas of his previous life are too advanced, and he must make certain changes with reference to the current situation.

However, even a small change opened Emperor Yonghe's eyes and made him very excited.

For example, the concept of special forces proposed by Zhou Yu.

Although there have been similar establishments in history, such as the Great Qin Iron Cavalry, it is only a prototype. It is nothing more than selecting some strong soldiers with better equipment.

The concept proposed by Zhou Yu was quite mature, which surprised Emperor Yonghe.

This chat lasted until the evening, but Emperor Yonghe was still in high spirits, and ordered the maid to prepare exquisite wine and dishes, and continued to chat with Zhou Yu while drinking.

Hai Dagui was a little surprised by this.

He has served the emperor for many years, and in his impression, the emperor has never chatted with any courtier for so long, and even stayed to drink together.

Moreover, I haven't seen the emperor so happy for a long time.

It seems that this Marquis of Jing'an is not simple, and he must make friends with him if he has the opportunity.

After drinking to the point of intoxication, Zhou Yu finally started to get down to business.

He did not enter the palace this time to flatter the emperor. Everything he did before was a foreshadowing for the current conversation.

"I wonder if the emperor still remembers the name Du Yuniang?"

"I remember, this is a girl from the Jiaofang Division that Sun Li, Aiqing's student, begged me to order. Why did Aiqing suddenly mention this matter? Could there be something wrong with this matter?"

"Your Majesty, Du Yuniang is the biological daughter of Du Zhengyi, the former Household Minister."

"Master Du?"

Emperor Yonghe was stunned.

"Does the emperor mind if I tell you a story?"

Emperor Yonghe hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.He vaguely guessed that there must be a reason why Zhou Yu suddenly mentioned Du Shilang.

In fact, he has also heard some different opinions on the case of Du Shilang.

It's just that the matter has passed, and he is too lazy to pursue it.

"Your Majesty, the matter is like this..."

Zhou Yu told about Sun Li's accidental acquaintance with Du Yuniang, and the two fell in love with each other.

"Unexpectedly, when Sun Li received the special order and rushed to pick up Ms. Du from Jiaofang Division, Ms. Du accidentally fell into the lake...

Everyone thought she had slipped and fell into the water.

However, Sun Li didn't want to believe it, so he quietly brought Ms. Du to Guobei County.

After some inspection by the minister, it was found that it was man-made..."

Zhou Yu explained what happened next.

"There is such a thing? Who did it?"

"After some investigations, Dali Temple finally managed to catch the murderer, who was a professional killer from the Western Regions, nicknamed Qianmian.

Qian Mian finally confessed the identity of his employer, and it was Miao San, the housekeeper of the current Household Minister Wu Daren's residence.

Just when Dali Temple wanted to arrest someone, Miao San disappeared strangely... I heard that a lot of Mr. Wu's property was stolen, and even Mr. Wu was looking for him.

Later, because of a murder case, Dali Temple finally caught Miao San who was hiding in the capital.

But what never expected was that Master Wang Chongshan of Dali Temple imprisoned Miao San in a secret stronghold. One mistake, another murderer came to the door and killed all the guards of Dali Temple. Miao San disappeared again... ..."

"Arrogance, simply arrogance!"

Emperor Yonghe couldn't help shouting angrily.

"That's right, at the feet of the Son of Heaven, these murderers are so unscrupulous that they even dare to kill people from Dali Temple."

"What about after that?" Emperor Yonghe asked coldly.

"I don't know much about what happened after that..."

Zhou Yu didn't say anything about discovering that secret base, after all it was set up by the prince, if he really wanted to say it, the emperor would definitely become suspicious.

After all, it is taboo for outsiders to intervene in the internal affairs of the royal family.

Therefore, Zhou Yu's point is so far, after that, someone will follow the vines and slowly investigate, and sooner or later the truth will be found out.

Emperor Yonghe was not stupid, and asked: "When Aiqing mentioned this matter to me, it was not as simple as telling a story. What exactly did Aiqing want to say?"

Zhou Yu smiled: "The emperor is wise. Sun Li is my student. He and Miss Du really love each other, and I can only bless you from the bottom of my heart.

Now, Ms. Du's body has recovered, and she is going to avenge her father.

I heard that the case was very troublesome back then, and the emperor personally approved it, so... I feel that it is necessary to communicate with the emperor.

If the case is to be reopened, someone will inevitably use the emperor's imperial approval as a prevarication.

But your majesty, if it is said that Du Shilang was really framed by someone, then someone must have been bold enough to deceive the majesty.

Could it be that the emperor can tolerate such a villain occupying a high position and causing chaos? "


Emperor Yonghe couldn't help but frowned and muttered.

To be honest, he was a little upset.Wouldn't it be detrimental to the emperor's face to overthrow the case he decided by himself?
Zhou Yu could naturally guess what Emperor Yonghe was thinking, and said: "Actually, in my opinion, the emperor doesn't have to worry about it.

After all, when everyone makes mistakes, if the emperor retrials the case, it will appear that the emperor is upright, generous, and responsible..."

Putting on a high hat, Yonghe Didun felt a lot better, and a little smile appeared on his sinking face: "Aiqing is right.

In fact, regarding the case of Du Shilang, many courtiers in the court believed that Du Shilang was wronged.

It's just that there was a lot of evidence back then that Du Shilang took advantage of his position to embezzle a large amount of treasury money.

Maybe what Ai Qing said is right, I was deceived by others..."

"Therefore, the emperor should find out that bold person and punish him severely, so as to make an example to others."

"Well, let me think about it..."

Emperor Yonghe did not make a statement on the spot, after all, the matter was of great importance.He knew very well in his heart that once the case was retried, it would definitely cause a huge wave in the court.

Having said that, Zhou Yu naturally couldn't urge him.But he believed that Emperor Yonghe would eventually retry the case, but he needed to conduct a secret investigation first to make preparations.

So, he got up and said: "It's getting late, I won't disturb the emperor's rest, I wish the emperor a healthy body, and I will leave first."

Emperor Yonghe nodded: "I am very relieved to have a conversation with Aiqing. I hope Aiqing will come to accompany me often in the future."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, if you have a chance, I will definitely enter the palace to pay my respects to your Majesty."

"Hai Dagui, send off the Marquis of Jing'an on my behalf."

"According to the order!"

Hai Dagui responded, and followed Zhou Yu out of the imperial study.

After leaving the imperial study room, Hai Dagui couldn't help but enviously said: "Master Hou, this servant has served the sage for many years, this is the first time I've seen the sage chatting for so long, and chatting so happily."

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "Perhaps, it happened to be a topic that the emperor is interested in."

"I will ask Lord Hou to take care of you in the future."

"Eunuch Hai's words are serious, it should be this Marquis who asked Eunuch Hai to take care of him."

"Slaves dare not..."

For the vast majority of officials in the court, Eunuch Hai's status was extraordinary. He was the eunuch before the imperial court, the master who accompanied the emperor all day long.

Therefore, all the officials were trying their best to please Eunuch Hai, hoping that Eunuch Hai could offer some kind words in front of the emperor.


"What? The Marquis of Jing'an just left the palace?"

"Eunuch Hai personally delivered it to the gate of the palace?"

"How many hours did he chat with the emperor? What did he talk about?"

As soon as Zhou Yu left the palace, people from all walks of life received secret reports one after another, and everyone was very surprised.

The next day.

A group of officials from the Criminal Ministry gathered to discuss.

The content of their discussion was the complaint written by Fang Peishan on behalf of Du Zhengyi.

"Master Shangshu, this case was ordered by the emperor's imperial pen, even if it is to be retried, you have to ask the emperor for instructions, right?"

"Oh, this case really needs to be retried, I don't know how much trouble it will cause."

"Strange, why did Mr. Fang suddenly take charge of this old case?"

"I heard that Du Yuniang was already dead, but the Marquis of Jing'an forcefully pulled her back from the gate of hell..."

"How can these rumors be trusted?"

"Everyone, don't believe it. When did the emperor chat with a courtier alone for a few hours? And he drank a lot of wine with him?
The Marquis of Jing'an left the palace late at night, and it was Eunuch Hai who personally sent him out of the palace gate. How many people in the court can be treated like this? "

"Strange, why did the Marquis of Jing'an intervene in this old case? Could it be because of his students?"

"It's not impossible, after all, Sun Li is the number one scholar, any gentleman would be honored..."

"Everyone, don't get too far away. What should we do with this complaint? Should we accept it or not?"

"I'm afraid it won't work if I don't accept it. According to the official's opinion, I will continue it first, but I will not judge it. I will wait and see the situation..."

In the end, a group of people reached a consensus that the complaint can be accepted, but it will not be heard for the time being, depending on the future.

Two days later, early morning.

Emperor Yonghe sat on the dragon chair, and all civil and military officials stood in two rows.

Hai Dagui drank as usual: "If you have something to play, you will leave the court if you have nothing to do."

"Chen, I have something to play!"

Minister of War Fu Tianchou walked out of the queue and stood in the hall.


"Reporting to the Emperor, there has been constant friction at the border recently, and the soldiers at the border have tried their best to restrain themselves in order to prevent the expansion of the war.

As a result, those Huns and Turks didn't know how to restrain themselves, but instead intensified.

Yesterday Weichen received the battle report, a group of Turkic people bypassed the checkpoint from nowhere and drove straight in, looting more than a dozen villages and towns along the way.

Wherever they passed, blood flowed like a river, killing more than 1000 of my Dagan people, even children..."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Yonghe couldn't help but Longyan was furious: "These aliens are really hateful, I..."

In the end, before he finished speaking, he stood up again: "Chen, I have something to announce."

This person is Cao Buming, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, who belongs to the stubborn and conservative peace faction. As long as war is mentioned, this guy will definitely jump out and oppose it.

Emperor Yonghe naturally knew what Cao Buming wanted to say, so he couldn't help but frowned and said, "What important matter does Cao Aiqing have to say?"

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, regarding what Master Fu said just now, I should send envoys to negotiate in time.

One is to condemn the other party's atrocities, and the other is to sit down and discuss a peaceful coexistence plan..."

Hearing this, Fu Tianchou couldn't help but sneered: "Master Cao, you mean that the enemy brutally killed our innocent people, so we just condemn them, and then compensate them with some money and food?"

"Master Fu, why did you say that? This old man also thinks of me and the common people. As the saying goes, petty intolerance can lead to great chaos.

If we can't hold back and insist on going to war, more frontier soldiers and tens of thousands of people will be involved in the war, and more people will die by then.

The reason why the old man advocates seeking peace is also for the sake of the people of the world, so that the larger people can live a stable life..."

"Master Cao, you are..."


Emperor Yonghe lowered his face and let out an angry shout.

When Long Yan got angry, all the courtiers below immediately fell silent.

In the past, Emperor Yonghe was led by the nose by a group of courtiers of the lord and peace, and he always talked about the people, saying that when the war started, it was the people all over the world who suffered.

This kind of rhetoric is certainly true, after all, a large amount of treasury silver and food and grass will be consumed once the war starts, and at the same time, the imperial court will also have a large number of conscription sources.

The question is, can the people live and work in peace and contentment without war?
Land cession, compensation, and marriage can only be exchanged for a short period of peace. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is killing a chicken to get its eggs.

The result is that one's own side is getting weaker and weaker, and the other side is getting stronger and stronger.Maybe one day the other party will make a big attack, drive straight in, and hit the capital directly.

By that time, how many people will be able to escape the war?

"You dear ministers, you have to figure out a problem. If we take a step back, the enemy will take a step forward.

When one day the enemy invades the capital, or even outside the palace, I want to know, how many of you still care about the common people in the world?

Even if you can't protect yourself, what qualifications do you have to say that for the sake of the common people in the world, let the people live and work in peace and contentment?
Fighting a war will consume a lot of money and food, and many people will die.

But no matter what, it is better for us to take the initiative to attack than the enemy's iron hooves to trample on our land.

Back in the day, when the Emperor Taizu personally marched and beheaded many generals of the enemy country with his own hands on the battlefield, what kind of prestige was that?How heroic?

At that time, many small countries around the country took the initiative to send envoys to surrender and pay tribute every year.

How come it's the other way around now?

In a small country, even a tribe dares to threaten me to go to court?
As soon as they harass, we have to send people to negotiate peace, and we have to give them money, food, and even women?

This is a big shame, a big shame! "

"Your Majesty, please calm down. In fact, my humble minister..."

"Stop talking, I've made up my mind, if anyone dares to propose a peace, I'll treat him as a spy!"

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers couldn't help but looked at each other.

Because they have never seen the emperor's attitude as tough as it is now.

"Zhen, we must restore Daqian Dynasty to its glory, and let those Xiao Xiao who dared to invade Daqian Dynasty pay a heavy price!
Kill one of my Dagan subjects, and I will kill ten, a hundred, or a thousand of them! "

When the emperor was angry, the situation changed!

(End of this chapter)

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