Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 123 Three Divisions Trial

Chapter 123
The wind direction in the capital began to change.

This is because two amazing news came out of the connection, like a boulder thrown into a lake...

The first news was that the emperor, who had been hesitant in the frontier battle, had become extremely tough and ordered an all-out attack.

Attacking does not mean defending, it means breaking into the enemy's lair, beating and crippling the opponent!
At the same time, all states and governments also successively received urgent documents from the imperial court, ordering them to hoard grain and recruit workers.

Obviously, this is going to be a big game.

In this way, many people will be involved, ranging from important officials of the imperial court to ordinary people...

The second piece of news is that the case of Du Shilang, who once caused a sensation in the government and the public, was going to be retried again for his huge deficit in treasury money.

It is said that it was Gui Shilang's daughter Du Yuniang who sued the imperial court, and the emperor issued an order to order the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and Yushitai to have a joint trial.

The joint trial of the three divisions is rare in several years.If it's not a shocking case, how can the three law divisions join the battle and jointly try it?
Generally speaking, it is almost impossible for unjust cases to arise again in cases that are jointly tried by the three divisions.

After all, except for the Son of Heaven, I am afraid that no one person's energy can control these three judicial institutions at the same time.

Not even princes, princes, queens and the like.

After all, the Three Law Departments have a special status and are responsible for heavy judicial responsibilities. The three departments are closely related, and at the same time check and balance each other to prevent one family from dominating.

These two news also made many people start to suspect Zhou Yu one after another, suspecting that these two incidents had a great connection with him.

After all, he met the emperor in the palace, and chatted for several hours, and drank wine with the emperor.

Just a few days later, the emperor seemed to be a different person. First he ordered an all-out war, and then he uncovered the old case of Du Shilang.

Not to mention the war, after all, the emperor was hesitant before, and he didn't want to seek peace wholeheartedly.

The key is the second matter. The case of Du Shilang was full of uproar back then, and finally the emperor made the conclusion.

Now ordering the three divisions to interrogate, wouldn't it be a disguised overthrow of his previous conclusions?
For an emperor, this is not a trivial matter. As an emperor, sometimes he knows that he has done something wrong, but he will never admit it, so as not to damage the majesty of the emperor.

The important thing is that many ministers actually know that the case of Du Shilang, on the surface, is a battle between Du Shilang and Wu Yonghe, but in fact, it is also a battle between two camps.

Du Shilang is just a pawn.

Now that the emperor ordered a retrial of the case, doesn't this mean that the two camps will start a new round of confrontation?
As the so-called gods fight, the people suffer. Many ministers are panicked. They don't know when the storm will come, and they don't know if they can escape by luck.


Suburbs of Beijing.

Inside the secret stronghold established by the prince.

"Damn it, we were put together by someone!"

The man in the golden mask lost his former composure and paced back and forth in the room angrily.

Junshi Pang stood aside, hesitated for a while, and then said cautiously: "My lord, then...then Miao to deal with it?"


The masked man roared angrily.

Junshi Pang was stunned: "This..."

"I dare say that all of this must be the idea of ​​the Marquis of Jing'an. Before he came, everything went smoothly for us.

As soon as he came, he made us passive everywhere. This is by no means a coincidence. "

"But why is the Marquis of Jing'an so concerned about Du Shilang's case?"

"Don't forget that Sun Li is his student..."

Hearing this, Junshi Pang couldn't help sighing: "If we knew this earlier, we..."

Speaking of this, Pang Junshi stopped talking again.

"You want to say, if we had known this before, we shouldn't have dealt with Sun Li, right?"

Junshi Pang didn't speak, which was his tacit consent.

"Hmph, isn't he just a little Marquis of Jing'an? I don't believe that I can't beat him.

Before, it was because we didn't guard against him that we were temporarily at a disadvantage..."

"Yes, yes, the lord is right... Well, lord, Miao San really wants to get rid of it?"

The masked man sighed: "Forget it, if we get rid of Miao San, then our hard work will be in vain.

It's just that I'm a little unwilling. We spent so much thought and money, but ended up making wedding clothes for others. "

"My lord, calm down. From the point of view of my subordinates, it is not necessarily a bad thing for Marquis Jing'an to intervene in this matter."


The masked man frowned.

"My lord, since things have changed, why don't we use Marquis Jing'an?
Although this is a bit risky, doing big things has its own risks, and the greater the risk, the greater the reward..."

"Let me think about it..."

Now that this is the case, what else can he do?I can only knock down my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

At the beginning, he did not hesitate to use the insider who had been lurking in Dali Temple for many years to rob Miao San in the first place, in order to obtain enough evidence to bring down Wu Yonghe.

It's just that bringing down Wu Yonghe is just a process, not a result.

Their ultimate goal is to bring down the master behind Wu Yonghe: the sixth prince.

Even if he fails to achieve his wish in the end, it will inevitably weaken the power of the sixth prince, and then take the opportunity to support someone from his own side to serve as the Minister of the Household Department.

After all, the position of Minister of the Household Department is quite special, and he holds the money bag.

If Miao San is killed now, it may not be so easy to bring down Wu Yonghe. After all, Miao San has followed Wu Yonghe for many years and has grasped too much criminal evidence of the other party.

I wanted to save it for the critical time, but Du Yuniang unexpectedly appeared strangely, and even sued the imperial court, which made the emperor order the three divisions to interrogate.

How could Du Yuniang have such a great ability?
Behind, there must be someone who is planning all this.

Knowing that this is the case, the masked man has no choice but to throw Miao San out temporarily. After all, the two parties have a common goal, which is to use Du Shilang's case to bring down Wu Yonghe.

Zhou Yu took advantage of this, and was sure that his opponent had to grit his teeth and cooperate.As a result, Sun Li and Du Yuniang were freed from the chess game and became chess players.

Of course, Zhou Yu planned more than this one game, if the opponent didn't cooperate, then he would throw a second move...

After several days, the battle finally started.

First is the border. The soldiers at the border no longer focus on defense as before, but attack across the board.

The imperial court also continuously mobilized food, grass, soldiers and horses for reinforcements.

According to the urgent battle report, the first battle has been won, thousands of enemy troops have been wiped out, and they have already entered the enemy's territory...

As for the capital, Du Shilang's old case has finally begun to be retried.The Minister of Dali Temple, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, and the doctor Yushi personally acted as the presiding judges.

Such a lineup is quite rare, and it also shows how much the court attaches importance to this case.

Wu Yonghe and his son were completely panicked...

The father and son once wanted to desperately find someone to assassinate Du Yuniang again, but they couldn't even touch each other.

The Sanfa Division had already sent people to strictly protect it, not to mention that Zhou Yu was also in the capital.

At this time, Du Yuniang has sorted out several thick piles of information through various relationships and secret help...

Of course, it is difficult to prove Wu Yonghe's framing based on these materials alone. After all, Wu Yonghe is not stupid, and he will also collect evidence in his favor.

As a result, after two days of trial, a key witness suddenly appeared.

"Reporting to the three adults, Dali Temple has caught the absconding Miao San..."

In fact, it was deliberately caught by Dali Temple.

When Miao Sanyi appeared, he not only confessed a lot of black information about Wu Yonghe, but also confessed his account books, letters, etc. hidden in the capital.

In this way, the case began to gradually become clear.

Based on the contents of these ledgers and letters, together with the information provided by Du Yuniang, it is almost certain that it was Wu Yonghe who conspired with others to frame and frame Du Zhengyi, which caused Du Zhengyi to be imprisoned unjustly.

What's more, he bought off the yamen guard who was in charge of the escort, and killed Du Zhengyi on the way...

Now that there is so much evidence, after deliberation by the three chief judges, it was decided to arrest Wu Yonghe and related persons first, then ask the imperial decree to cut Wu Yonghe's official position, and finally put him in court for a public trial.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, both Wu Yonghe and his son had accidents.

Wu Yonghe hanged himself, while Wu Zhijie swallowed gold and died.

Both father and son left a suicide note written by their own handwriting, in which they confessed all their crimes and made some repentance. In the end, they said that they have no face to face others, and the only way to thank the world is to die.


In Dali Temple, Wang Chongshan was furious when he heard the news.

How can there be such a coincidence?
Two days ago, the Wu family father and son were still jumping up and down, crazily counterattacking, and the ministers of the DPRK and China were also divided into several factions to publicly debate the case in the court hall.

In just two days, the father and son knew they were wrong?Do you know how to repent?Even at the expense of death?

Even a ghost can't be fooled!

On the other side, Zhou Yu, Sun Li, Du Yuniang and others also sat around discussing the matter.

Du Yuniang was fine, no matter what, Wu Yonghe finally confessed his crime, which meant that she won the lawsuit and finally recovered her innocence and reputation for her dead father.

However, Zhou Yu and Sun Li thought further.

"Sir, the students never believe that the father and son of the Wu family committed suicide."

Zhou Yu sighed: "How many people in the court believe?"

"I heard that the emperor was very angry and ordered a thorough investigation.

But it is also strange to say that after the inspection by the professionals of the imperial court, the suicide note was indeed written by the father and son of the Wu family.

In addition, the imperial court sent several groups of people to inspect the scene, and also determined that his father and son committed suicide, not homicide. "

Zhou Yu thought for a while, and said: "Perhaps, the suicide note is indeed true, and so is the suicide. But this is not normal.

Therefore, I think this matter is not that simple. It is very likely that the other party has used some unconventional means. "

Sun Li was stunned: "Unconventional means?"

"That's right. Last time, as a teacher, Master Wang mentioned that there is a national teacher in this dynasty..."

"Yes, the students have also mentioned it. It is said that the national teacher has great supernatural powers, can call wind and rain, and can also refine longevity pills.

The national teacher was canonized by the late emperor, when the late emperor was there, he loved the national teacher very much, and spent a lot of money to build a large-scale dojo for him in the suburbs of Beijing..."

As soon as he said this, Wang Chongshan rushed over.

Zhou Yu stood up and walked forward with a smile: "Did Chongshan come here because of the suicide of Wu's father and son?"

"Not bad!"

Wang Chongshan had a gloomy expression on his face, Gu Zi sat down, and took up the tea that Zhou Yu had drunk, and drank it down in one gulp.

Afterwards, he wiped his mouth and said angrily: "This case is about to come to light. I never expected that the opponent would come up with such a ruthless move!"

"Hehe, there is no need for Chongshan to be angry, isn't the case already settled?"


"Think about it, now it can be said that the evidence is overwhelming, and Wu Yonghe and his son also confessed their crimes.

Therefore, the emperor will definitely decree to return Mr. Du's innocence. "

Wang Chongshan was still puzzled: "The problem is, the opponent is so arrogant that he dares to kill someone at this time."

"It just goes to show that we're on point.

Think about it, this case is being tried by the three divisions, and the emperor is also paying attention to this case, so it stands to reason that no one would dare to mess around.

However, the other party still made a move, which shows that they have jumped the wall in a hurry...

Besides, I've also heard that the opponent's attack is quite clean and neat, making it impossible to find any flaws. "

Hearing this, Wang Chongshan couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "That's right, although I didn't personally handle this case, many brothers went to Dali Temple.

I inquired about it, and there was indeed no trace of flaws at the scene, so it can be determined that it was a suicide.

The other two suicide notes were also repeatedly compared by several professionals in the court and the central government, and it was confirmed that they were not forged, and that they were indeed the handwriting of the father and son. "

Hearing this, Zhou Yu replied: "That's why I was still saying just now that the father and son are as true as possible, and the suicide note is also true.

However, their father and son probably didn't really want to commit suicide, but someone took extraordinary measures. "

"Oh? You mean, someone forced their father and son to death?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "It doesn't have to be coercion, it might be an unconventional method that made his father and son completely out of control..."

Wang Chongshan was stunned for a moment, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Zhou, what do you there a master who made a move?"

"The only possibility I can think of is..."

The reason why Zhou Yu has such an idea is not surprising, because he can also do this.

Wang Chongshan frowned: "Who could it be?"

Zhou Yu answered irrelevantly: "By the way, Chongshan, I remember you said about the national teacher last time, and you said that the sixth prince has a good relationship with the national teacher?"

"Yes!" Wang Chongshan nodded subconsciously, and then his face changed: "Brother Zhou, it's possible that you suspect..."

Zhou Yu smiled and waved his hands: "It's too early to draw conclusions, you should tell me about the National Teacher first."

"Well... back then, the first emperor was obsessed with elixir, and sent people to look for experts to make alchemy.

Later, an old Taoist surnamed Wu came, and he didn't know how to do it. In short, he made Long Yan very happy, and he was canonized as a national teacher.

Later, a lot of money was spent to build a dojo for him.

After the death of the first emperor, the current emperor ascended the throne.His Majesty's attitude towards the national teacher was very cold. Although he still respected him as the national teacher, he never summoned him.

Since then, the national teacher has been staying in the dojo in the suburbs of Beijing, and it is rare to go to Beijing once.

I heard that the Sixth Prince has inherited the preferences of the previous emperor, and he is also a little obsessed with longevity, so he often visits the national teacher..."

After Wang Chongshan finished speaking, Zhou Yu couldn't help muttering: "It seems that it is necessary to check the details of this national teacher."

At this time, Sun Li couldn't help asking: "Could it be that Mr. Fei suspects that the national teacher is involved in this matter?"

"It's not impossible. Think about it, Wu Yonghe's backer is the sixth prince.

It would be fine if the case was only tried by the three courts, but now the emperor is also paying attention to this case. If the emperor ordered to investigate to the end, wouldn't it be pulling out the carrot and bringing out the mud?
Therefore, under such a situation, it is common sense for the sixth prince to lose his car and protect his handsome man..."


[PS: Take a day off tomorrow...]

(End of this chapter)

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