Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 124 The Year Centipede

Chapter 124 Millennium Centipede
Suburbs of Beijing, Lion Rock.

The mountain looks like a lion from a distance, hence the name.

At the foot of the mountain, stands a resplendent and magnificent building.

There is a tall archway in front of it, and the inscription: Wuji Temple.

This view is exactly the place where the national teacher cleans up. It is said that nearly 20 taels of silver were spent to build it.

Although the Wuji Temple is large in scale, it is not open to the outside world. Only some royal disciples or dignitaries can enter with the permission of the national teacher.

into the night.

There are a few sparse stars in the sky.

The breeze is coming, and the night insects are whispering.

A faint figure came from the direction of the capital, and quietly came to the archway engraved with the three characters "Wujiguan".

The person who came was Zhou Yu.

"It's really impressive!"

Zhou Yu looked up at the archway, then at the tall buildings not far away, and muttered to himself.

When he got here, he was much more careful.After all, he came to find out the details of the other party, so naturally he had to do his best to hide his figure and aura so as not to be discovered by the other party.

Not long after, Zhou Yu came to the middle of the hillside to observe the whole view of Wuji Temple.

Unexpectedly, it was like looking at flowers through fog.

This is not normal.

It stands to reason that the weather tonight is relatively good. Although the stars are dim, there is no fog in the mountains, so Zhou Yu can see clearly with his eyesight.

So, Zhou Yu couldn't help closing his eyes, and then concentrated on watching again.

Once he concentrates his mind and eyes in one place, it is equivalent to opening the eyes of a cultivator.

Now I can finally see clearly, it turns out that there is a formation in the view.

There is a lotus pond in the atrium, and a small mechanism is arranged in it, which makes the water mist continuously transpiration, forming a faint mist in the whole Taoist temple. When people who don't know it enter the Taoist temple, they may think that they have entered a fairyland.

Of course, this is just a small organ.

After Zhou Yu's careful observation, another formation was arranged in the Taoist temple, but it was not activated.

For some reason, this Taoist temple did not bring a solemn and solemn atmosphere to Zhou Yu, but instead revealed a strange and mysterious atmosphere.

From this point of view, this Taoist temple may not be that simple.

After continuing to observe for a while, Zhou Yu decided to take a look inside.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger's son?
As soon as he entered the temple, Zhou Yu faintly heard a strange movement coming from the courtyard on the west side, intermittently.

So, I tried my best to restrain my breath and sneaked over.

There is a room in the west courtyard with lights on, and a few figures can be faintly seen shaking.

Zhou Yu stopped and looked around for a while to confirm that there were no secret whistles before sneaking under the window.

As soon as he got to the window, he didn't need to look to know that something indescribable was happening inside.

Although many Taoists pay attention to the harmony of yin and yang and pursue the natural way, but in Taoist temples... it can't be like this?
And there are more than one or two people listening to the voice.

So, Zhou Yu subconsciously peeked through the window...

After seeing the situation inside, he couldn't help but change his expression.

No wonder this view always feels wrong.

Inside, there is a man in his 20s. Judging from his hair accessories, he should be a disciple in a Taoist temple, but it is unlikely to be a national teacher anyway.

The important thing is that Zhou Yu could tell at a glance that this guy was not a human being, and that his body should be a lizard.

There are four other women in the room. These four women are not demons, but they are not normal people anymore, but specially trained medicine men.

Generally speaking, it is a special stove for supplementing.

According to ancient books, cultivating this kind of medicine man is an extremely evil method, and it is harmful to nature and reason.Because many people can't stand the medicine at all, maybe only a few of 100 people can survive to the end.

Some people in the evil way like to practice in this way, feeding a large amount of elixir to the furnace every day, and then using secret methods to supplement it.

Seeing such a situation, Zhou Yu couldn't help but cast a cold glance at the monster... This glance has already sealed the opponent's fate.

However, the real owner has not been found yet, so let this guy fly for a while.

Next, Zhou Yu searched around the Taoist temple... Strangely, except for a few disciples, there was no sign of the national teacher.

Although Zhou Yu had never seen the national teacher, he believed that the few he saw before could not be the national teacher.

Isn't it there?

Zhou Yu was not reconciled, and began to search carefully again to see if there were hidden formations or secret rooms.

The hard work paid off, and this time I finally found a rather secret entrance.

The entrance was actually located in a deep well, and it was not a dry well. It was obviously still fetching water, so it was no wonder that Zhou Yu also ignored it before.

However, the entrance to the secret passage is not located underwater, but in the middle of the well.

For ordinary people, this is a test.It is impossible to go down with bare hands, unless you hang with a rope.

However, this did not bother Zhou Yu at all, he jumped down the well after observing for a while...

After stepping out of the well, he moved left and right, jumped a few times with the strength of the well wall, and then jumped into a hole that could only be bent down.

Not far ahead, there was a faint fishy smell.

There were many turns and turns along the way, and there were several forks during the period. It seemed that this was a dark hole leading to the mountainside.

The more this happened, the more Zhou Yu felt that there was something wrong with the national teacher, and he actually created such a hidden hiding place.

The fishy smell is getting stronger and stronger. According to Zhou Yu's judgment, the main source of the fishy smell is the smell of snakes, but there should be other poisonous insects.

Why does the national teacher raise so many poisonous insects?
Going forward, the cave becomes more spacious. It seems that it is a huge karst cave formed naturally by the mountain, and there is no artificial trace.

At this time, a faint light came.

Zhou Yu quietly walked along the mountain wall slowly...

Finally, I saw the true master.

However, Zhou Yu was shocked by the scene in front of him... Before he guessed that there must be something wrong with the national teacher, but what he saw still exceeded his expectations.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a huge gully naturally formed in the mountainside.

The gully is densely packed with countless snakes, scorpions, centipedes and other poisonous insects.

Some animals and even human bones can be seen faintly.

In the gully, there is a stone pillar about seven or eight feet high.

On the top of the stone pillar, sat an old Taoist cross-legged, with his eyes slightly closed, his lips moving constantly, and he did not know what mantra he was chanting.

It may not be obvious to the naked eye, but as long as you take a closer look, you can see that there are many faint green shadows floating in the gully, and then rushing towards the old man's body.

Zhou Yu observed for a while, and finally realized that this old Taoist was secretly raising poisonous substances here, and then absorbed the energy of these poisonous substances for cultivation.

Looking at this battle, I don't know how many lives have been killed...

The key point is that this old Taoist is not a human being, but a centipede spirit. Judging by his aura, he may have practiced for thousands of years...

Zhou Yu thought about it for a while, and couldn't help but retreat quietly.

With his current strength, there is almost no chance of winning against this old demon, so he has to find a helper.

"Brother Zhou, you are back..."


As soon as Zhou Yu returned to the capital, Wang Chongshan and Sun Li, who had been waiting all night, hurried forward to meet him.

After all, they are somewhat worried, and at the same time want to know the result as soon as possible.

After the three of them sat down, Zhou Yu whispered, "The matter is more complicated than we imagined."

"Ah? Brother Zhou found out what?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "I can't reveal it for the time being..."

Upon hearing this, Wang Chongshan became anxious: "Brother Zhou, could it be that you can't even trust us?"

"It's not that you can't believe it, but it's a matter of great importance. Remember, don't get close to Wuji Temple at present, and don't inquire about anything about the national teacher.

I'm leaving the capital for a while, and I'll be back in about two or three days, so be careful yourself. "

Hearing this, Wang Chongshan vaguely guessed that the matter was not simple, if it wasn't for Zhou Yu, he wouldn't be so dignified.

Since Zhou Yu didn't say anything, he didn't want to inquire any more, so he just nodded: "Okay, we won't do anything for the next two days, waiting for you to come back."

"This is the best way. If the other party makes any moves, you should bear with it first, and we will talk about everything when I come back."


After explaining something, Zhou Yu left the capital overnight.

Although the city gate is closed, but... can the city wall stop him?
When Zhou Yu went out of the city this time, he naturally went to find a helper.Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu are traveling around the rivers and lakes. It may be a bit troublesome to find them, and they have to pass the word through people in the rivers and lakes.

In that case, on the one hand, it is easy to leak information, and on the other hand, time is too slow.

Therefore, the fastest way is of course to find his own wife, Bai Min'er.Wouldn't it be more meaningful to do another big event before getting married?
Of course, Zhou Yu was sure in his heart that he could deal with the national teacher, otherwise it would be impossible to drag his future wife to take risks together.

Traveling all the way in a hurry, we arrived at Lingbo faction the next morning.

"Huh? Why are you here again?"

When she saw Zhou Yu, Caiyi spoke quickly.

After getting married, the husband and wife enjoyed a period of newlywed life at home, after that Caiyi couldn't stay idle, and the eldest sister was about to get married, so she ran back to the sect.

Liao Zhen went to the Facsimile School not far away to learn art.

Although he is a reincarnated eminent monk, he doesn't mind practicing both Buddhism and Taoism.

"What? I can't come?" Zhou Yu said with a serious expression on purpose.

"No... Shouldn't you be preparing for the marriage at home now? Are you so anxious to see the elder sister?"

Zhou Yu said solemnly: "Of course, as the saying goes, if you don't see each other in a day, it's like three autumns..."

At this time, Bai Min'er also came out with several junior sisters.

"Ziling, why are you here?"

Bai Min'er came forward in surprise.

Zhou Yu smiled: "Your junior sister has already asked this question just now."

"Did something happen to you?" Bai Min'er asked with a tacit understanding.

"Forget it, let's go in and talk..."

After coming to the sect hall to sit down, Bai Min'er ordered the younger junior sister to make a pot of tea.

Afterwards, Zhou Yu began to slowly talk about the cause and effect.

After listening, Bai Min'er was surprised: "You mean, a thousand-year-old centipede sneaked into the palace and became a national teacher?"

Zhou Yu nodded: "That's right! I will never be wrong."

"No way?" Caiyi asked with a puzzled face: "Isn't the imperial palace protected by imperial aura? How dare ordinary monsters step in?

Even if you have the guts to go in, aren't you afraid of being spotted by an expert? "

Zhou Yu sighed, and replied: "If it was a prosperous age, I believe that no evil spirits would dare to step into the palace. The problem is now in troubled times, and the luck of the dynasty is almost exhausted. How can the big demon be restrained?

Besides, that centipede spirit is different from ordinary evil spirits, I can tell that that guy has practiced authentic Taoism, and has golden light protection..."

Bai Min'er was stunned: "Golden Light Protector?"

"Yes, this shows that he already has a certain level of Taoism, otherwise it would be impossible to sacrifice the golden light."

Hearing these words, all the disciples of Lingbo Sect couldn't help being outraged.

"It's so unreasonable. People haven't cultivated golden light for more than ten years, and a monster has cultivated golden light."

"Fifth Junior Sister, don't forget that she is an old demon who has practiced for thousands of years..."

"Damn it, since that old demon has learned Taoism, it is possible to achieve a positive result, why does he continue to do evil?"

Zhou Yu smiled: "This is normal. There is an old folk saying that there are all kinds of birds in the forest. Whether it is a human or a monster, it is the same. Wrong way.

Obviously, the centipede spirit wanted to use the dynasty's luck to cultivate and enjoy the offerings and incense in the world.

It's a pity that today's world doesn't trust it, so this guy can only go into hibernation temporarily.

The reason why it secretly helped the sixth prince presumably was that it had reached some kind of agreement with the sixth prince. Once the sixth prince ascended the throne as he wished, then this old demon would gain power again. "

At this time, Bai Min'er couldn't help asking: "Does the sixth prince know the real identity of that old demon?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "I don't know. Theoretically, the old demon should not easily reveal its true identity, except for the personal disciples it has taken in."

"Elder Sister, no matter how much it is, since that old demon has evil intentions, let's catch him by surprise."

"Yes, big sister, let's go together, I don't believe we can't deal with that old demon."

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry..." Zhou Yu waved his hand: "The old demon has profound morals after all, and if there are too many people, it will be easy to be attacked by it."

"Yes!" Bai Min'er nodded: "Especially the junior junior sisters, your cultivation level is still low, it's very dangerous to go there."

After some deliberation, in the end, according to Zhou Yu's idea, Bai Min'er, Caiyi, and Liao Zhen went together, plus Zhou Yu, the four of them were enough to deal with the centipede.

And this time, Bai Min'er specially brought two magic weapons of her master's school, which made her even more stable.

The return journey will be even faster, after all, both Bai Miner and Caiyi can fly, and the two women each bring their own men to fly together...

That night, he arrived in the capital.

But Zhou Yu didn't do it right away, after all, he still has a trump card: Qimen Dunjia.

Now, Bai Min'er, Caiyi, and Liao Zhen also have a certain understanding of Qimen's technique, and the three of them coordinate and arrange together, and the speed is faster.

However, in order not to disturb the old demon, Zhou Yu did not arrange the formations around the Wuji Temple, but arranged them about two miles apart.

At that time, if he really can't fight, he will find a way to lure the old demon into the formation and trap him before fighting.

The arrangement was not completed until dawn.

Zhou Yu returned to the capital to find Wang Chongshan and Sun Li.

"Listen, there will be a lot of movement in Wuji Temple tonight. But please don't say anything about it, just know it in your heart.

Once a fight breaks out at that time, the capital will definitely receive news..."

Zhou Yu explained in detail before turning around and leaving.

He also has to prepare some other things.

After all, this is an earth-shattering battle, and it cannot be sloppy at all.

Wang Chongshan and Sun Li were a little worried, but unfortunately, they couldn't help with this kind of thing, and they could only drag Zhou Yu down if they went, and could only pray in their hearts that everything went well...

(End of this chapter)

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