Chapter 125 Angry Chicken?
Night falls again.

For the people in the capital, this is just an ordinary night, what to do, what to sleep.

Wake up tomorrow morning, it's a new day.

But she never expected that this would be an extremely unusual night, an earth-shattering night, and a night she would never forget.

In the infinite view.

The national teacher seemed to have a premonition, and instead of going to practice in the mountain belly, he sat cross-legged in the hall.

Near midnight, Zhou Yu and his party finally appeared outside the Wuji Temple.

"Yao Dao, get out and die!"

As soon as the person arrived, Liao Zhen shouted loudly.

"Who is so bold, dare to make a noise in Wuji Temple!"

Of course, the national teacher would not show up so easily, so the two disciples in the audience jumped out first and shouted at Zhou Yu and his party.

Caiyi answered lazily, and struck with a sword...

"Do it!" Bai Min'er also yelled, and a sword light slashed out.

Those two disciples are just two little demons, how can they resist them?After a face-to-face meeting, he was beaten back to his original shape: a mouse spirit and a small centipede spirit.

At this time, the national teacher finally appeared.

However, the old demon was still pretending to be arrogant, and said with a dignified expression: "You are so courageous, you know that this temple is the Royal Dojo, and this seat..."

Before the national teacher finished speaking, Zhou Yu said coldly: "Okay, don't pretend to be some national teacher to deceive yourself. You have practiced for many years, and you have a chance to achieve a positive result.

It's a pity that, with a bad intention, he still fell into the way of the devil after all, acting perversely and hurting nature and reason.

Today, this Marquis will act on behalf of the heavens and destroy you, a demon! "


Hearing this, the national teacher couldn't help laughing angrily.

"It turns out that you are the Marquis of Jing'an... But I am a little puzzled. There is no conflict between you and me. There is no conflict between the well and the water. Why do you want to make trouble with this seat?"

But Zhou Yu asked back: "Come to think of it, Wu Yonghe and his son, Minister of the Household Department, were you or your disciples doing it?"

Hearing this, the national teacher couldn't help but change his face: "So, you are from the prince's side?"

Although the old demon didn't respond positively, but watching his face and listening to his words, it can be regarded as acquiescing.

Zhou Yu smiled: "It's not important to discuss this now..."

"go to hell!"

The national teacher knows that today's battle of life and death is inevitable, so it is better to strike first.

With the loud shout of the national teacher, the scene in front of Zhou Yu and others changed instantly...

"Everyone be careful, this old demon has activated the formation."

Zhou Yu let out a loud shout.

He already knew that there was a formation in the temple, so he was prepared in advance.

At this time, a heavy cold snort sounded in the air: "Hmph, if you dare to disrespect me, you are looking for your own death!"

As soon as the words fell, the field was filled with black mist, and at the same time there was a strange sound of incantations, presumably the old demon was about to launch some big move.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of ten thousand qi. Extensive cultivation for billions of kalpas, to prove my supernatural power..." Bai Min'er and junior sister Caiyi recited the Golden Light Curse to protect the body at the same time.

Liao Zhen is good at Buddhism, and he naturally recites Buddhist scriptures to protect himself.

Zhou Yu focused all his attention on the surrounding scene carefully, preparing to break the formation.

After all, falling into the opponent's formation means that the opponent is taking the initiative everywhere, which is quite a dangerous thing.

"hold head high!"

Before Zhou Yu could see the tricks of this formation, a long and dull sound came, which made people's eardrums hurt and dizzy.

"Senior sister, what is that?"

Caiyi suddenly exclaimed.

Bai Min'er looked along the pointer, only to see black mist rushing in midair, and two rays of light could be faintly seen, like red lanterns.

"hold head high!"

At this time, another dull voice came.

In the black mist, a huge black dragon suddenly sprang out and rushed towards the group of people...

"Miss, be careful!"

After all, they were husband and wife, Liao Zhen rushed to his wife's side at the first time, and at the same time raised his hand to take a golden handprint.

Bai Min'er quickly took out a mirror-shaped magic weapon, made a formula with one hand, and silently recited a spell at the same time.

In an instant, the magic weapon emitted a dazzling golden light, and formed a beam of light that was as thick as the mouth of a bowl to shine on the black flood dragon.

Under the illumination of the light beam, the black dragon became obviously illusory.

"It turned out to be an illusion."

Liao Zhen snorted coldly, his palms alternately slapped his handprints and blasted towards the black flood dragon.

However, although the black flood dragon was transformed, its power was quite powerful, making Bai Min'er and the three of them flustered and difficult to resist.

Fortunately, at this time Zhou Yu finally found a flaw in the formation.

According to his judgment, it would take almost half a cup of tea to break through the formation through normal methods.

Every second counts.

It's all nonsense for those so-called masters to fight for days and nights regardless of the outcome.

Especially in the battle of life and death, both sides can't wait for the other to die quickly, and they will be full of killer moves in the first fight.
Maybe a few tricks can separate life and death.

Therefore, something unpredictable might happen within half a cup of tea, and Zhou Yu couldn't wait.

Then it can only be violently broken.

However, if the formation is broken violently, this large-scale Taoist temple will not be able to keep...

But does it matter?
In order to break through with one blow, so as not to have long nights and dreams, Zhou Yu directly mobilized thousands of points of luck to perform "Qi Town Mountains and Rivers".

This move is quite special, the more luck it consumes when performing it, the more powerful the move will be.

A few thousand points of luck are nothing to Zhou Yu right now, he can gain a lot of luck every day.


Following Zhou Yu's loud shout, a huge sword shadow was struck like a thunderbolt, and the ten-foot-long sword glow pierced through the night and slashed heavily...

Of course, Zhou Yu didn't slash with brute force, but found the right point to break the formation.


There was a loud noise, earth-shattering, and smoke and dust filled the sky.

Even Zhou Yu didn't expect that the power of Qi Town Mountains and Rivers, which consumes thousands of points of luck, is so powerful. The might of a sword can forcibly split the ground into a huge crack that is at least tens of feet long and tens of feet deep. .

The resplendent view of Infinity also collapsed at this moment.

The movement was so loud that all the people in the capital woke up from their sleep and ran out of the house, thinking that there was an earthquake.

As soon as the formation was broken, the black mist that filled the surroundings instantly disappeared, including the transformed black flood dragon.

"Damn it, you actually ruined my dojo!"

Seeing that the Wuji Temple was destroyed, the national teacher was so angry that his eyes were bloodshot, and he was furious.

This is the hard work it has been doing for many years after it entered the human world. It dreams of using this Taoist temple and the power of the royal family to enjoy the incense of the people and become a god admired by the world.

Now, all this has clearly come to naught.

"Yao Dao, you have perverted and sinned, how can you deserve to have a dojo? Die!"

Zhou Yu shouted angrily, and with a wave of the Qinglian sword, a round table-sized character "benevolence" appeared out of nowhere, shining golden light, and rushed towards the old demon.

The old demon didn't know what to do, so he raised his hand and patted it directly.


This palm shattered Ziying, but the pain caused the old demon to let out a scream like a pig being slaughtered, and a puff of scorched black smoke emitted from the palm as if it was stained with molten iron.

"Damn it, I must swallow you alive..."

The national teacher went completely berserk.

With its wild howl, its figure also disappeared out of nowhere.

"No, go back!"

Bai Min'er gave a loud shout.

Almost at the same time, the ground began to tremble, and the ground within a few hundred radius was undulating like ocean waves, and there was a rumbling sound.

Zhou Yu and his party had just retreated not far away when a huge wave of mud rose into the sky.

Out of the mud wave, a huge centipede flew out, about twenty feet long. The dense centipede's feet were as sharp as knives, and its eyes were like red lanterns emitting a terrifying bloody light.

Moreover, this guy actually has a pair of meat wings.


As soon as the flying centipede appeared, it rushed over like lightning.

Although Zhou Yu and his party were prepared, they were still no match for this guy's berserk impact, and they were thrown away one by one...

The person the flying centipede hated the most was Zhou Yu, so it flew over after Zhou Yu's figure.


Bai Miner shouted loudly, raised her hand and threw the sword in her hand.

"call out!"

The flying sword pierced the body of the flying centipede like a meteor.However, it only made it pause for a while, obviously not causing much trauma.

However, this also bought Zhou Yu some time.

As soon as it landed, he immediately took out the scholar's pen and waved it quickly...

"Oh oh oh..."

Suddenly, a huge, colorful rooster appeared out of thin air.

Looking at the head, I am afraid it is as big as a sheep. For chickens, this head can definitely be called standing out from the crowd, and it is superior to the chickens.

However, compared with the flying centipede, which is more than twenty feet long, it is just an insignificant little one.

However, the appearance of this little one made the flying centipede show a little surprise...

This rooster is not actually a real thing, but Zhou Yu drew it with his "magic brush".

Currently, Zhou Yu has three exclusive skills: Magical Brush, Tongue Blossoming Lotus, and Qi Zhenshanhe.

Each of the three skills has its own purpose. Although the Magic Brush is not an attack skill, it can transform everything into a real one.

Before the flying centipede came back to his senses, Zhou Yu quickly drew two more.

This chicken is called Nuqing Chicken.

"Oh oh oh..."

Three angry chickens flew into the air and attacked the flying centipede.

In fact, Zhou Yu's current realm is far from being able to manifest and create life. The three angry chickens actually don't have attack power.

However, it can disturb the mind of the flying centipede.

All things in the world are born and restrained by each other.The rooster is the nemesis of centipedes, and the Nuqing chicken is the phoenix species, restraining all poisonous insects.

In fact, the flying centipede is not stupid, after all, with thousands of years of Taoism, he can fully sense that the three roosters are not real.

However, the innate instinct made it subconsciously avoid it, and it was difficult to concentrate.

This was exactly what Zhou Yu wanted.


Liao Zhen rushed over, put his hands together, and began to recite Buddhist scriptures.

Bai Min'er and Caiyi each hold a magic weapon of the master's sect to attack the flying centipede.

After a while, Zhou Yu's bright voice sounded again in the night sky:

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds. The lower part is the river and the mountains, and the upper part is the sun and stars. It is called Haoran to people, and it is full of heaven and earth.

Huanglu should be Qingyi, Hanhe Tu Mingting.I will see you when the time is poor, and you will see the pictures one by one..."

How can the power of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism join hands to be underestimated?
In addition, Zhou Yu conveniently drew a few angry chickens. Although they couldn't cause substantial damage to the flying centipede, they made him restless and confused.

The high-pitched and powerful "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

This is actually a psychological tactic.

Even if the flying centipede has practiced for thousands of years, it is still difficult to restrain some innate fears.

However, after this guy changed his body, his skin was firm and his flesh was thick, so it was a bit difficult to hurt it.

For a while, the sound of fighting was heard endlessly, and even the people in the capital could hear the movement, their faces turned pale with fright, and there were many discussions.

"It seems to be the movement from the Lion Mountain..."

"Could it be that the national teacher is catching demons?"

"It should be...but what kind of monster is so powerful that it can fight so fiercely with the national teacher?"

A group of people didn't know, they thought it was the national teacher who was catching monsters.

The yamen in the capital did not dare to be negligent, and sent people out of the city to find out what happened.

After fighting for a while, the flying centipede turned around and flew in the direction of the capital, seeing that Zhou Yu and the others were helpless...

"No, stop it!"

Zhou Yu's expression changed, he shouted loudly, and chased after him with all his strength.

Once the flying centipede is allowed to fly to the capital, the consequences will be disastrous.

Either, this guy turns back into a human form and hides, or he goes on a killing spree.

With so many people in the capital, how could Zhou Yu and his party dare to fight with all their strength?In that case, I don't know how many innocent people will be killed.

Maybe it will destroy half of the buildings in the capital.

Therefore, no matter what, this monster can't be allowed to escape into the city, it must be stopped.

Fortunately, Bai Min'er was flying fast, and after a short chase, he finally caught up with the flying centipede. At the same time, he made a formula with both hands: "The world is boundless, and the universe uses the law..."

"Five Thunder Curse!"


Several bolts of thunder and lightning fell, and the flying centipede couldn't dodge it. It was struck straight, and its huge figure fell to the ground.

This time, the injury should have been serious, the flying centipede let out a piercing scream, lost control of its body, and fell heavily to the ground...


For a moment, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and dust flew all over the sky.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Yu quickly caught up...

It also fits when this old demon has something to do.

In the beginning, Zhou Yu specially arranged a strange formation for the sake of safety, thinking that when he really couldn't fight, he would lure the old demon into the formation to trap him and fight.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the old demon escaped, he just escaped to the range of the formation, and was knocked down by Bai Min'er's special skill in time.

This is really the right time, location, and harmony.

As soon as Zhou Yu arrived, he raised his hand to activate the Qimen Formation before the old demon turned up and had no time to fight back.

The formation was successfully activated.

Now, a big stone in Zhou Yu's heart finally fell to the ground.Even if this old demon has brute strength, it will take some time and effort to break through this formation.

With this time, it is enough to clean it up.

On the other side, according to Zhou Yu's previous explanation, Sun Li came to the gate of the palace and told the guards that he wanted to see the emperor and reported something urgent.

The emperor doesn't see him whenever he wants, let alone in the middle of the night.

But now the situation is special, with such a big commotion, how can the emperor still sleep?Several groups of people had already been sent out of the palace to inquire about the news, and what Sun Li wanted to report was related matters.

Therefore, how dare the guards neglect?Immediately took Sun Li and hurried towards the inner palace...

Outside the city, fierce fighting continued.

With Qimen's support, Zhou Yu and his party could be said to be like ducks in water.

After all, the four of them had joined hands to fight the Millennium Tree Demon and the Montenegro Old Demon back then, and they already had a certain tacit understanding with each other.

Although the flying centipede is big, once it is trapped in the Qimen formation, the advantage of its size is almost useless.

Because Zhou Yu and the others made use of the Qimen to haunt and haunt them, they didn't come into direct contact with them at all, and the old demon was so angry that he jumped into a rage and screamed indiscriminately.

I wanted to escape, but I couldn't find a way to break the formation for a while, so I could only passively fight.

At this time, many yamen servants, officers and soldiers, and spies sent by various forces had already poured out of the city.

Although they didn't dare to get too close, they could vaguely see the fierce fighting scene in midair.

That huge flying centipede made everyone's heart tremble...

(End of this chapter)

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