Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 126 The Big Wedding Day

Chapter 126 The Big Wedding Day
The battle lasted for about half an hour, and the movement finally subsided.

The flying centipede was no match after all, and was beaten to the brink of death by Zhou Yu's group of four, scarred and exhausted, curled up on the ground.


Liao Zhen took out a bowl-shaped artifact, made a formula with one hand, and shouted loudly.

With the sound of drinking, a golden light radiated out.

Under the shroud of golden light, the huge body of the flying centipede shrank rapidly like a leaking bubble, and finally became only the size of a thumb, and was received into the magic weapon.

"seal up!"

Liao Zhen raised his hand to clap and put away the magic weapon.

"Finally got this old monster!"

Caiyi let out a long sigh of relief.

Zhou Yu happily cupped his hands, and thanked Liao Zhen and Caiyi: "Thank you for your generous help!"

In the end, Bai Min'er was dissatisfied, glared at Zhou Yu, and said angrily, "Hey, what do you mean? Just thank them? I don't have any credit for it?"


Caiyi couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Elder Sister, don't be ridiculous, you two are going to marry soon, what can the family say to thank you?"

"Isn't that why I haven't prayed yet..."

Zhou Yu stepped forward and hugged Bai Min'er's waist: "Madam, are you in a hurry? Why don't we pay homage earlier."

Bai Min'er blushed and reprimanded: "Go, no one is serious."

"Okay, okay, you two don't show your affection. Brother Zhou, you hurry back to the capital to deal with business, let's go back to the sect first..."


Zhou Yu responded, and then smiled at Bai Min'er: "I'll go back to continue preparing for the wedding in two days, and you can go back and be my bride at ease."


Bai Min'er pretended to snort, but her heart was sweet.

Soon after, Zhou Yu quietly returned to the capital.

In the early morning of the next day, officials of the DPRK and China, and common people gathered together to discuss the astonishing events of last night.

At this moment, most people still don't know what happened last night.

It wasn't until noon that news came out one after another...

"I heard that the Wuji Temple has completely collapsed, and the national teacher is missing."

"No way? Didn't everyone say last night that the national teacher was catching monsters? Could it be that something happened to the national teacher?"

"What kind of monster are you catching? I heard the news from the palace that the national teacher is the monster..."

"Nonsense, how could the national teacher be a demon?"

"Don't you believe me, I heard that the Marquis of Jing'an entered the palace early in the morning, and the news from the palace said that the person who caught the monster last night was actually Marquis of Jing'an..."

All of a sudden, there were different opinions, and all kinds of gossip and top-secret news were flying all over the sky.

It wasn't until after noon that the court officially posted a notice, which made the truth known to the world.

It turned out that the imperial court had already sent people to the Wuji Palace to investigate. In the secret room of the Wuji Temple, a large number of poisonous insects and bones were found in the mountainside.

In addition, there were more than a dozen women who were tortured to the brink of death.

However, the content of the notice is not the real truth.

This is also the decision made by Emperor Yonghe in order to take into account the face of the former emperor. The notice said that the national teacher was unfortunately killed by an old demon, and then disguised as a national teacher and wandered around the world.

Fortunately, the Hou of Jing'an found out the truth, saw through the true face of the old demon, and invited several experts to work together to eliminate the old demon, and solved a major hidden danger that endangered the court...

Now, Zhou Yu once again became the focus of attention of the people.

Many court and central ministers went to Sun Li one after another, wanting to inquire about Zhou Yu's residence so that they could visit him.

In the end, Sun Li said that the husband had left Beijing and returned home.

He did not lie, after Zhou Yu returned to the capital, he was called into the palace to meet the emperor.

No one knows exactly what they talked about, because at that time the emperor dismissed all the servants and chatted with Zhou Yu for nearly two hours.

After leaving the palace, Zhou Yu bid farewell to Sun Li, Wang Chongshan and others, and quietly left Beijing to return home.

Next, Dali Temple, the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and Yushitai will continue to hear the case of Wu Yonghe framing Du Zhengyi.

Although Wu Yonghe and his son have "suicide in fear of crime", many people are still involved in this case, and those who should be arrested must be arrested.

However, the movement was far from as big as everyone imagined, only some officials who had close contacts with Wu Yonghe were arrested, and there was no public trial with much fanfare.

This is actually what Emperor Yonghe meant.

At that time in the imperial study, Emperor Yonghe had a long heart-to-heart talk with Zhou Yu.

He promised Zhou Yu that he would give Du Shilang an explanation, but he didn't want to dig deeper, because he knew that once the case was dug deeper, it might get out of hand and how many officials would be involved.

Zhou Yu had actually expected this point a long time ago.

As an emperor, how can you not understand the truth that when the water is clear, there will be no fish?
What's more, internal disputes often involve fights among princes, which has been almost a practice since ancient times.

If this case is serious, after investigation to the end, I am afraid that half of the officials in the court will be involved, and the crown prince and the sixth prince will inevitably surface.

At that time, Emperor Yonghe might not be able to end.

The important thing is that there is currently a war at the border. If the court is in chaos, the consequences will be disastrous.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Yu did not express too many opinions on this case, but instead put forward many suggestions for the current border war.

One of the most important suggestions is that it is best to beat the enemy with all your strength, or even maim or cripple the enemy.

Because only in this way, they will have a sense of awe.

Talking about peace at every turn will only make the enemy think you are weak and deceptive.

After leaving the palace, Zhou Yu went to Sun Li to explain in detail, and then quietly left the capital.

After all, he has done everything that should be done, and it can be regarded as the best of benevolence.

The next road should also be honed by Sun Li himself. How can he become a pillar of talent without going through a lot of ups and downs?
As for the case of Wu Yonghe, the Sanju Judiciary also took a swift approach to cut through the mess. In just a few days, what should be arrested, what should be killed, and what should be sentenced.

In the end, Emperor Yonghe gave the imperial approval again, not only returning Du Zhengyi's innocence, but also adding an official position and title, and making corresponding compensations.

For Du Yuniang, this can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

She doesn't care about compensation or anything, what she wants is that her father's grievances have finally been vindicated, and under Jiuquan, her father should also rest in peace.


Before he knew it, Zhou Yu's big wedding was approaching.

Originally, Zhou Yu wanted to keep everything simple at first, but he was so famous that even today he sent someone to send congratulatory messages, gifts, and Bai Min'er's imperial order.

With the royal order, Bai Min'er will officially become a marquis recognized by the court after she gets married, and she can enjoy the court salary and various benefits.

When there are various ceremonies in the palace, you can enter the palace to participate in the ceremony.

Not only the emperor, but also several princes, as well as the empress dowager, empress and some noble concubines in the harem also sent congratulatory messages and gifts.

After all, Zhou Yu was no longer just an ordinary courtier in their minds.

As a result, the military officials in North Korea and Chinese were naturally moved after hearing the news, and sent people to Guobei County to send congratulatory gifts.

Some even asked for leave to leave Beijing and rushed to Guobei County to attend the wedding ceremony in person.

After all, this is a rare opportunity.

The local officials in the Jiangnan area are not far behind. They either invite someone to bring a gift, or send someone to go there, and those who are close to go there in person, so they can take the opportunity to get to know the officials from the capital...

At the same time, Yan Chixia, Zhiqiu Yiye, Zhuge Wolong and other friends from the world also came to congratulate upon hearing the news.

Not to mention a group of students...

Now, the wedding can't be simpler than it should be.

Little Guobei County suddenly became unprecedentedly lively.However, this has suffered a lot from the officials and servants of the county government...

That is simply not touching the ground, turning white and black, for fear of neglecting some great god if you are not careful.

Fortunately, the Jinhua government office took action in time. Not only did they transfer a group of servants from the government office, but they also dispatched hundreds of people from surrounding counties to help.

In view of the fact that there were too many people coming, Zhou Yu simply changed his plan, recruited a large number of chefs and waiters, and set up a large-scale streaming banquet on the street.

At the same time, a dozen theater troupes were invited to add to the fun.

On the day of the wedding, almost all the people in Guobei County ran to the wedding scene to watch the excitement, and surrounded several nearby streets with water.

After all, if you miss such a lively wedding, you may never have the chance to see it again in this life.

After going through a lot of tedious etiquettes and ceremonies, Bai Min'er was finally sent to the bridal chamber.

However, Zhou Yu couldn't leave yet, he still had to stay to entertain guests.

"Congratulations to Lord Hou on the wedding and the birth of a son early. I will respect Lord Hou for a cup!"

"Congratulations to Lord Hou, congratulations to Lord Hou..."

People kept coming forward to congratulate and toast.

Zhou Yu never refused anyone who came, drinking one glass after another, I don't know how many glasses of wine he drank.

It's not that he drinks a lot, but that he can defuse alcohol, at most it's just a little bloated.

It was only after the crowd had almost made a fuss that someone yelled for Zhou Yu to hurry into the bridal chamber, so as not to neglect the bride.

Not long after, Zhou Yu came to the new house where red candles were flickering.

With her face hooked, Bai Min'er sat shyly on the edge of the bed and twisted her fingers, her heart beating "thumping".

Although they had some intimate contact with Zhou Yu before, and even shared the same bed together...

However, the two sides have never broken through the most critical step, in order to be tonight, a good night, and a wedding in the bridal chamber.

Zhou Yu stepped forward, raised his hand, and gently removed the red hijab on Bai Min'er's head.

Bai Min'er looked shy, she didn't dare to look up at Zhou Yu, she lowered her head and continued wringing her fingers.

Under the reflection of Zhu'er, Bai Min'er's shy appearance made Zhou Yu's heart flutter even more. He couldn't help but sit down and hug her into his arms, and called out: "Ma'am..."

This was the first time he called Bai Min'er his wife. After all, they were officially married, so it was only natural for him to call her his wife.

"Hmm..." Bai Min'er responded in a low voice, held back for a while, and finally replied, "Husband..."

"Come on, let's drink Hebei wine first, and we will be considered as husband and wife after we finish drinking."

Zhou Yu smiled, took Bai Min'er's hand, walked to the table and poured two glasses of wine.

There has been a long-standing custom of drinking Hebei wine at the wedding night in the bridal chamber. It is also called cross-cup wine.

After drinking the wine, Zhou Yu looked at Bai Min'er with a meaningful look...

Bai Min'er didn't know if she was really shy or intentional, she put her arms around her chest, and asked with a mixture of joy and anger, "What do you want to do?"

"miss you!"

"Hey... you rascal..."

"Hahaha, it's too late to regret it now, just accept your fate..."


This night was of great significance to Zhou Yulai.

A good life has just begun.

Afterwards, Zhou Yu was busy for a few more days, seeing off the guests who came to congratulate him one after another.

When I was free, I discussed with Bai Min'er for a while, and decided to go out for a walk, which is nicknamed "Honeymoon".

Touring mountains and rivers all the way, the husband and wife enjoyed the joy of newly-married to the fullest.

On this day, I came to a small county called Liuhe.

Although the county seat is not big, it looks very lively.

After wandering in the street for a while, Zhou Yu heard that there was a time-honored restaurant in the city, and its eight-treasure duck was a must, so he decided to take Bai Min'er to taste it.

"Second guest officers, please come inside!"

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, a waiter warmly welcomed the two of them in.

Zhou Yu chose an inconspicuous corner and sat down, and ordered the waiter to serve some signature dishes and a jug of wine.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

At this time, almost half of the customers were seated in the store, and almost every table ordered eight-treasure duck. Judging by the appearance, the smell should be very good.

After waiting for a cup of tea, the waiter began to serve the dishes.

"Min'er, come on, you have a taste first."

As soon as the dishes were served, Zhou Yu thoughtfully brought a piece of duck meat to his wife's mouth.

"Well, delicious..."

Bai Min'er tasted it, and then said something.

"Then eat more, let's order more if it's not enough."

In fact, with the cultivation of the husband and wife, it doesn't matter if they don't eat or drink for a few days.Therefore, eating is no longer for the purpose of filling the stomach, but purely for the taste.

While the husband and wife were eating and drinking happily, something happened suddenly in the store...

From nowhere, a few gangster-looking men came in, and as soon as they came in, they occupied a table for each person, and without ordering food, they took off their shoes and buckled their feet in front of everyone.

A guy bravely stepped forward and smiled at one of the gangsters, "That... guest officer, can you put on your shoes..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words came out, that bastard jumped up and slapped him across the face: "Bastard, you care about the world and whether I wear shoes or not?"

The guy was knocked to the ground by this slap...

"Ah San..."

The shopkeeper of the restaurant rushed up and helped the guy up.

Then he said with a sullen face: "What exactly do you want to do? Is there any Wang Fa?"

"Hahaha, shopkeeper Wang, are you out of your mind? Where did I violate the law of the king? It was you who thought he didn't have eyes, and he accidentally fell down, right?"

"That's right, he fell down by himself!"

The other gangsters followed suit.

None of the other diners in the store dared to help, and they got up one after another to check out and leave.

Can't be provoked, can't you hide?
Bai Min'er frowned, subconsciously glanced at Zhou Yu.

As a result, Zhou Yu shook his head.

It's not that he's afraid of causing trouble, it's just that he doesn't want to be troubled. After all, there are too many such disputes among the people, and he doesn't want to affect his mood because of these trivial matters.

Shopkeeper Wang said angrily, "You were sent by Young Master Qin, right?"

Young Master Qin, named Qin Shou, is the youngest son of Qin Dafu, a well-known wealthy businessman in Liuhe County.

At the same time, he is also the brother-in-law of the county magistrate.

This kid himself is an ignorant dude, and now that he is in the relationship with the magistrate of the county, he is even more arrogant and domineering. Eight streets are not enough for him to walk sideways...

(End of this chapter)

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